Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

There Will Be Blood (7x22)

• Berly, LA • Season 7 • Episode 22

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Berly and LA recap the season seven Supernatural episode, There Will Be Blood. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: In the "Denim Wrapped Nightmares" podcast episode, hosts Berly and LA discuss the Supernatural episode "There Will Be Blood" (Season 7, Episode 22). They recap the previous episode, "Reading is Fundamental," where Sam and Dean seek Kevin Tran, a reluctant prophet. The new episode features Richard Roman (Dick) and his takeover of Sucro Corp, emphasizing natural ingredients. The hosts critique the season's pacing and character development, particularly the Leviathans and Dick. They analyze the Winchesters' quest for ingredients, including Crowley's blood and the alpha vampire's blood, and discuss the strategic decisions made by the characters. The episode concludes with a cliffhanger involving Bobby's actions.


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Ellie, welcome to denim wrapped nightmares, Tipsy Exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series, episode by episode,


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore the gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm Burleigh, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get Tipsy. Hello,


LA, hey, Burley, I'm way behind on Supernatural then and now. And I was working at a coffee shop listening like binge listening during my work day, there was something that was said, and I went like that, and there is this guy sitting, like, sitting like, diagonally for me. And he just, like,


looked at me, oh, he's like, What shoes?


So after that happened, I was like, mental note, mental note, because he definitely was like, What the fuck was that? So I, whenever I got into my car, I went and found it again and I recorded it to play for you. Oh, okay. Ratings,


okay, yeah. Ratings, ratings, oh, was like, Oh my goodness. So I had to share it with you. I like it. You get it? Yeah,


like everybody probably did that. Thank


you. Thank you. Richard spay tune here. I love that radio voice.


Good one. Speaking of ratings, we haven't gotten a review in quite some time. Oh no, we would love for you to go and leave a review on our show, or, better yet, share episodes on your socials. We still have a lot of people who follow us on socials because they like our videos, I'm like, Hey, you're missing out on a whole conversation. Come join us over on the podcast. Nothing better than our listeners to get that message out there. So we would appreciate you guys sharing now, back to our regularly scheduled programming. LA, where were we on our last episode?


Well, the last episode was titled, Reading is Fundamental. Meg called Sam and Dean and told them that Castiel was awake and talking. There was also a teenager named Kevin who got hit by a bolt of lightning and was turned into a reluctant prophet for Kevin. Sam and Dean believe Kevin holds the key to defeating the leviathans, but they had to fight off two angels who wanted him for their own purposes. Today's


episode is titled, there will be blood. It's the 22nd episode of season seven, and it originally aired on May 11, 2012 we thought this would be the season finale, yes, but it is not. There is a 23rd episode in Season Seven. What would that? I don't know. They just thought we needed


more dick. Speaking of Dick and bride,


I rewound and watched this intro like three times. La was like, oh my god, stop. The episode begins with a reporter named Gloria, and she's interviewing Richard Roman, but he insists, please, Dick.


Dick, please, please, Dick, ratings.


They're talking about how Richard Dick Roman has taken over sucro Corp. We really timed watching this specific season really oddly. There's so much that keeps happening in the episodes that I'm like, Hmm, did I just see that on the news the other day? It's like, been surreal. So anyways, he's talking about taking food additives away and getting back to, like the natural ingredients. Corn syrup is going to make everybody healthier. It's going to make humans live longer, and he says it's going to have humans tasting better. Gloria said, um, Don't you mean that it's going to have food tasting better, not humans and Dick smiles? And was like, yeah, yeah, of course. Then James Patrick Stewart, I don't know if this was directed or if this was all him, but he, like, looks right at the camera with his creepy fake tooth smile. It was perfect. I died. And I was like supernatural, but then I rewound it because I insisted we had to watch it again. I thought it was so funny. I'm happy, like I was really sad we didn't get campy Cass Leviathan villain in the beginning part of this season. I still stand by that they should not have killed him so soon we should. Gotten at least one episode of that version of CASS Yeah, but I am happy that they kept the camp with the leviathans. Oh, yeah. I feel like they could have even taken it further, to be honest. Yeah, yeah. They could have, James Patrick Stewart, took it, though, and ran with it. Oh, my God. I love it. I love it. I gotta say, a lot of people say this is the worst season of the series. If this is the worst it gets, I'm not complaining. Hmm, right? I wonder why they say that. I don't know. I haven't read, like, the reasoning behind it's been bad. I've just normally seen people be like, Oh yeah, season seven, like, I haven't seen actual reasons behind it. Maybe it's because Cass isn't in it. Oh, maybe he's been in what, three episodes, I think. So maybe four. Who knows? It needed more Dick


ratings. Oh, my God.


Okay, so Dick looks right in the camera and like, Yeah, I wish he had winked. Yeah, that would have been perfect. Next we see Dick's Susan, his assistant, Susan, which we, I don't feel like we've seen her in a while. I


didn't remember when she she walked in. I was like, Who's this, right?


It's been a long time, and this is, this is probably my biggest complaint with this season. I made a similar complaint with Season Two and season what was it? Four or five with the archangels and the horsemen. Five, yeah, I want to say five. I feel like they could have been dispersed a little bit more evenly throughout the season, like in season five, whenever we got war, I remember it was very early on, like, I want to say it was like the second episode we got war, and then there was nothing until like, the tail end of the season, same thing with the Archangels. We got, like, Raphael. Think that was season four, because I remember us waiting Season Four being like, oh, when's, when's he gonna come back? We're gonna see him again. Surely he's gonna get out of that circle. And it was nothing. We didn't get another Archangel until season five. You know, it's just that. And then the demon children, it was the same thing we got Andy. Sweet Andy. We got him very early on in season two, and then nothing, actually, no, I scratched that. There was Max. He just didn't survive his episode. And they did the same thing here. Even once we got dick, it was like, just the tip, and then he went away. And then just every once in a while it'd be just, just the tip again, just the tip. Yeah, and now we're getting all this dick, and it's great. I just feel like it could have been dispersed with leviathans. Could have been dispersed a little bit more, yeah, I guess I see what you're saying. Like the Susan character, they could have done more with her. I feel like she's pretty fabulous. She, yeah, I agree. I feel, like she could have been a more intimidating factor. I'm rambling. No, Susan is ordered to make gloria a leviathan. He commissions that. We needed a representative in the media, right? How does that


work? I like that one. How do they make them Levi


they won't make gloria a leviathan like a vampire makes a human. A vampire, he has a leviathan, possessed human that drank the sloppy water. In the beginning, you remember? No, this is what I'm talking about, as to how they needed to more evenly pace out the leviathans. Like, how are you supposed to remember, by the time we get to this point, how they even become, become a leviathans? I do not. I'm slurring. I'm slurring. So in the beginning we had campy Leviathan Cass who became Leviathan because he absorbed all the souls from Purgatory, remember? And then he was leaking, and was like, yeah, and then he went in the water and exploded in the water, and he tainted the water supply, right? And then all these random people that we saw in the montage who were drinking water or washing their hands or whatever, got absorbed Leviathan goo and became leviathans. Okay, yeah. And so all the people who became leviathans through that source, they're leviathans. They can't infect other people to become leviathans for whatever reason, I guess. I guess that's an upgrade that Eve made when she started having babies. So what they do is they are able to shape shift by touching somebody. Yeah, they shift into that person, and then they just eat the OG person. So the body's not there anymore. So


it's not like they're actually turning them. They're becoming them, right?


Unless you're those real estate agents who, for some reason, were staging those fake crime scenes, like having that Mom Get in the car accident, or that guy catching his house on fire? They based they liked their realtor characters. They didn't want to have to turn into these other people. Got it? Do you remember now? Yeah, I do. Anyhow, Dick commissions a Gloria exchange. He's like, we need, we need somebody representing us in the in the media. And I, like, Susan was like, What do you want me to do with the


body? Oh, yeah, didn't he say barbecue? Sounds good? Fiery, what do you say? Fiery, yeah, I want some barbecue. Like, barbecue, yeah.


Then Dick goes and. To a conference room where he's got his latest captive, Kevin. Tran, he's an advanced placement. If you didn't know I heard Yeah or prophet. He talks to Kevin about the Word of God tablet. He's like, keeper of the word a college applicant, a plus student. You've got a lot going on. Kev, so I just need you to translate this for us. First they try some honey with their bribery Dick says, I hear that you're trying to apply to Princeton. And he hands him a recommendation letter and says, a letter like that from a man like me, you're in. So what do you say? Kev, how about you get to translating. And he like slides a laptop to him, and Kevin says, No, not gonna do it. I have morals. All right, yeah. And Dick says, Okay, well, Plan B, Edgar, do you have that live footage set up? Edgar says, Yes, of course, of course. Dick, he turns on the TV, and poor Mrs. Tran I know, tied up and gagged with a knife to her neck. Well, unfortunately, that was the motivation that did the trick. Kevin agrees to translating the tablet and gets to work back at the cabin, the Winchesters are looking at Kevin's previous translation and trying to put all the pieces together. They know they have to go get this bone. They've got the three Bloods. They have these somewhat vague descriptions, but Bobby has been eavesdropping, and he's like, okay, hey, dumbass in the bathroom to Dean, which I did notice, like it did the ice thing. It got cold, and Dean had the cold breath when he was washing his hands. I was like, Uh oh, that's what the bad ghosts do when they go places like that hasn't happened before with Bobby, right? So that's new. That can't be good. And Dean even comments when he's talking to Bobby about how you're not looking so good. Yeah. He said, I'm in the veil. I'm hanging out in the veil. My Brad Pitt days are over. But yeah, Bobby points out, yeah, the blood of Yoda yada yada, that's obviously Crowley, the blood of Yida yada. That's obviously an alpha like, get to work. Go get this shit. We gotta go bring down some dick. Dean goes walking out and let Sam know. Hey, by the way, Bobby's office hours are in the bathroom. Now, I thought was funny. Just FYI. Heads up, Sam starts talking to him about what's going on with the sucro Corp thing. So they're formulaizing the theory that, okay, what we saw in bigger sins with the turducken. They've refined it, they've mastered the formula, and now they're taking it mainstream, like it's going to be everywhere, because corn syrup is in fucking everything. And while they're talking about this, all of a sudden the laptop slams shut, and then dean is like, Oh, yeah. So, like I was saying earlier, Bobby has some ideas about what these other bloods are that we might need. So we'll start with Crowley. You know, we've got the Crowley summoning spell. I got the impression when Crowley was summoned and he got there immediately. He was very fast and just the way he said, Hello boys. I was under the impression that he was happy to see them. Yeah, I could see I thought he seemed pleased to be there. Just my two cents. Well, Crowley tells them that he'll help them, but he wants to go last. He's like, there are too many spells that you can do with my blood. My enemy happens to get a hold of that from you. No, thank you. So I will give it to you last. Go get all of the other ingredients first, and I'll play along. And then he started fishing. I felt like, I don't, yeah, don't you think it seemed like it? I think he was fishing. He was saying, you know, obviously the most difficult ingredient to get is going to be the blood of a fallen angel after what happened with the apocalypse. I can't imagine that team angel is going to want to play along with your plan. And then he said, unless you have an angel in your back pocket. And Dean said, I don't have an angel in my nature's pocket. Sure don't, not today,


but he does. Dean didn't fall


I think he has some suspicions that Cass isn't actually dead, but they don't let him know, like you said, they don't fall for it. They say, Oh yeah, we're gonna make it happen. But yeah, you're right. It's gonna be so hard. Crowley does give them some information, though. He lets them know that one of the alphas survived toward the end of season six, Crowley's prison, oh, alphas that he had, where Cass went through and got rid of everybody, one of them had apparently already escaped and is just living his best life, right? Mr. Alpha vampire, played by Mr. Rick worthy, probably assured them, while he's got multiple safe houses, he tends to move around quite a bit, but I happen to know where he is, and they were like, okay, where he just is gone, vanished there. I think it's. Fuck me. Like, why are you gonna tell us that this ingredient exists and we can get it, but you aren't gonna tell us where? And he does this dramatic thing where the table catches on fire. It was reminiscent of When Ruby did that spell back in season four with the map, but it etched into the table. I thought it was fabulous. Yeah, it was good. It's like, that was drama. Dean was like, pencil and paper would have been no, no, it would not have sufficed. This dramatic presentation was all for you. Yes, appreciate it. It was fantastic. So anyway, our boys are off to Hoople, North Dakota. They stop off at a gas station on their way there. Can you imagine eating that hot dog?


I mean, I like, some mustard, but no, like, I love me


some mustard, but that much, yeah, I feel like every muscle in my jaw would have frozen like, the second that hit my mouth. Yeah, it was so much mustard. I, like, kept waiting, being like, are they gonna show him eat it? And they didn't. Yeah, and I gotta say, I was a little let down. I wanted to see him shove that hot dog in his face. It was so much mustard.


Well, he got the guy with a donut, and that's all over his face. You know, sad.


I've like, seen people like that. Oh, really, out in public. I probably looked like that. Just like eating and zoning out somewhere. Do you remember when you were eating that spaghetti whenever you were drunk, like shoveling it into your face? La had this had a crush on this boy, and this boy was sitting next to her on the couch, talking to her and just looking at her like she fucking hung the moon and stars, and she literally had a plate of spaghetti and meatballs under her chin like a trough, and was shoveling this stuff into her mouth, and I was just sitting there staring at them, because LA had told me that she didn't think this boy liked her, and I'm watching this boy look at her like that while she looks like that. And I never wished I'd had like, a video. Like, we didn't have cameras. Actually, we had cameras on our phone, but I don't think we had video. It wasn't like, part of our society that you whip out the camera and start recording something, you know, like that wasn't something that I thought to do and at the moment, but, man, I wish I had


I'm glad you didn't.


Anyway, that's what the donut guy looked like, and that's what all these people looked like. And they realized this. They were going, um, something strong. I thought was so funny. Dean picked up that pie and was like, Look, it says natural, yeah. Sam was just like, technically, corn syrup is natural. Sorry. Takes it away from him and puts it down. He just had water and bananas in his shopping basket. Whenever Dean was like, What are we supposed to eat? I need my road food. I mean that the purchase, the takeover, might have only officially been announced, but it's apparently been in the works, already, already moving on this not wasting any time. When they get to the alpha vamps layer, it's late at night. There aren't really any lights on inside, so they're having a really hard time scouting out the joint, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. Bobby offers to go inside. And so this is important, okay, because earlier at the gas station, Sam made like a hand signal at Dean. Basically, I want to talk about Bobby, so get rid of the flask. So Dean takes the flask out of his pocket, throws it in the back seat, and then they walk maybe 10 feet away from the car and start talking about Bobby and LA and I said at the time like, don't you think he can probably still hear you? Don't you think that if he wants to know what y'all are talking about, he's probably still standing right there. You're 10 feet away from the car. And then to our point in the very next scene, they're outside this house. I mean, they're pretty far away from the house. They aren't around the corner, but they aren't in the driveway either. And Bobby says, I'll go take out the joint. I'll go check it out. So he flickers away and goes and walks throughout this entire house. And I was like, point made. He definitely was eavesdropping on them earlier, and he's just being polite and not bringing it up. Yeah, excellent feedback there. No, you're fine. I know, I know you don't feel well. I'm just teasing you. I'm trying. Bobby flickers back into the car and he says, okay, technically, it's clear, but there's something fucked up going on, so let me show it to you as soon as we get in there, Sam and deem go walking into the house, and Bobby directs them to this giant dining room area where there's three bodies laid out on the table, and They aren't like dinner for the Alpha vampire. They're vampire bodies, and they had, like, the worst looking rug burn you've ever seen in your life, all over their faces, and their eyes were open and their teeth were out, and they were just like, dead. Yeah, it's kind of gross. Dean said, Can battery acid kill vampires like that's not something we knew. One, and that's a method that works. While they're looking at these bodies trying to figure out what the fuck could possibly be happening, Sam looks over at a wall and thinks that something looks off about it. So they start going and looking at the wall, trying to figure out if there's a hidden doorway somewhere. I love that they were like, look for a latch or a button. And they're looking through the bookshelves and checking behind the picture frames, and Bobby's like, I don't need one. So Bobby just walks through the wall, and suddenly he's in this very pink room, very bright and there's a young woman sitting on the floor on the opposite side of the bed in there. I didn't see a TV in there for her. I didn't really see if there were any books in there for her. It's pretty sparse. She just had like a stuffed animal. That's mean, you're not even I mean, it's mean to lock up a human being in a room anyway, to begin with number one. But I just felt like you can't give her at least some entertainment, some board games, something shit. Maybe she doesn't spend that long in there. Still, even if you're going to be in there 15 minutes, give me something to do. True, if anybody abducts me, I better have an activity. Be a hospitable host. What was that Bobby doesn't really interact with the girl? He just kind of is looking around, thinking, What the Did I just walk into Sam and Dean, find a button in the bookcase, push it, and they come in and they meet this young woman. Her name is Emily, and she says she was kidnapped by the Alpha vampire 12 years ago from a playground, and she's been kept pure for him this whole time. She doesn't eat, she she doesn't drink, all she gets is, like her daily IV bags, like every however many hours or whatever she's considered a delicacy, because she's a virgin. I forgot that part, yes, the important part, they ask her where all the vampires are, and she explains how most of them are dead, because they brought back people who they called an easy kill. Isn't that what they said, easy kill, easy hunt. Yes, something along those lines, and that only one of them survived because he hadn't bitten into anybody yet. He said, Fuck this. I'm not gonna be eating humans right now. So he's just been eating animals and left all his friends on the table, I guess to show the Alpha vampire whenever he showed up. Yeah, to be like, Look, man, look, what happened? What the fuck? What's going on? Don't understand Sam, our Smarty Sam, sassy pants. Sam realizes, well, those were probably humans who have had the corn syrup, just like what we saw at the gas and sip. They are asking Emily, where's the Alpha vampire? Like, that's who we need to talk to. Where is he? She says that he has a lot of other locations that he goes to, but typically, when he's not with her, he's at the retreat, and that she thinks she could help them get there, if she went with them, that she wouldn't be able to write down directions or give them an address. And she is playing so dumb, like she is going over the top with playing dumb. She did good,


yeah? And just like little innocent, yeah,


I remember you saying you didn't trust her, yeah, but I still thought she did. She did good. She did. She sure as fuck tricked those win testers. Sam pulled out his phone wanting to type an address into his GPS on his phone. She was like, what's that? But then we see later, she had her own little cell phone all along she did, Mm hmm. Later on, we see that lone vampire who was left that she told us about show up at the mansion. He sees that Emily is gone, and it's just like, oh, fuck, this isn't good. And then he turns around and sorry, my guy, things don't get better. Hector Edgar is there. I don't even know what he wanted. What did he want from him? Was he asking him where the Alpha was as well? Maybe I think he was. Yeah, he was, because he's trying to get to the alpha, because before Sam and Dean can, because the Kevin Tran finished the translation, they let his mom go, right? So they know now what the ingredients are, so they know where Sam and Dean are going Hector Edgar is not fucking around anymore. He doesn't. He doesn't feel the need to feign niceties here.


He barely even talks right? He's


just like, fuck you. You're dead. And he didn't try to eat this vampire. I don't know if you noticed that. He grabbed the vampires wrist, and then he turned into the vampire as he insulted him, and then he just ripped the vampires head off. We don't see it, but based off of the noise that happened, I assume that's what happened. And we know that decapitating a vampire is how you kill them, so that's what I assumed happened. There was no blood splooge or anything there, which I feel like we should have gotten, feel like there should have been a blood splooge, but that's okay, either way, we can assume that vampires dead, right? Hector Edgar was not liking the look, so he he shape shifted back Oh, to his, to his. Hector Edgar, what was the point? Just to be a dick, I guess. So we see Sam and Dean at another. Convenience store that must have been there, must have been like a farmer's market or something outside that convenience store. Did you see the variety of vegetables that Sam had in that bag? I saw radishes. I saw lettuce, like, the really curly, curly haired lettuce, you know, I'm talking about kale. No, it wasn't kale. Peppers. I sell peppers like there's no way he got that as a 711 Well, no, I also had a grocery store that didn't look like a grocery store parking lot to me, but maybe it was a mom and pop shop grocery store. Yeah, while they're walking out of the grocery store, Dean is bitching about how he cannot survive on rabbit food, and Sam is assuring him that he will be fine. Quit bitching. And they talk about, okay, we're going to this alpha vamps house. We have our machetes, but we don't want to just rely on decapitating people. We got to go get some dead man's blood. And then they realize, well, I guess we don't need dead man's blood per se. We don't have to go to a morgue. We can just get some of this blood from these people who are obviously intoxicated by the corn syrup. We know that they're poison. And Dean said they're walking Vamp tonight. No. And I love it whenever Dean comes up with a name for something and Sam buys in. I love it like I remember when he's like, Jefferson starships. And then there's a scene where, like, later on where Sam went, they're all starships, like, they're all starships. And the same thing happened in this episode, like later on in the episode, Sam was like, the vamp tonight, worked. I love it that he buys in. It's cute. It's very cute. They happen to see a guy just slurping away on a big gulp on a park bench, and at first they're trying to have an act. Yeah, you know, Sam is saying, like, we're with Red Cross, and there's a shortage and there's an emergency, and he's trying to allude to what they're asking him to do. And then dean finally says, just stick out your arm. We need your blood. And the dude totally complies. Just gives out his arm. And I don't know how I felt about this scene, because it's like, on one hand, they got consent, but on the other hand, you can't give consent when they're trying to zombie. Like, yeah. I mean, I understand they're doing what they got to do, but I don't know how I feel about Yeah, and I love that they sit on either side of him and they start talking about Emily and Bobby and more about how they're worried about Bobby and the guy I don't know again. I don't know if this was his choice or if this was a director call, because he could have just sat there slurping on his drink more, just kind of being zoned out. But he didn't. He like, looked back and forth between Sam and Dean while they were talking like he was trying to follow their conversation. I thought it was hilarious. Yeah, whoever that actor was, I loved it. Yeah, I loved it. And I love that whenever Sam, like, stuck the needle in, and he's like, Oh, that hurts. Yeah, it was funny. That could have been a throwaway scene, but I feel like that extra kind of made it like, yeah, with him adding to it. Thought it was funny, I agree. And Emily just looking creepy, just sit in the back seat. The back seat of the car, staring off into space. But now I'm realizing she's used to doing that. She's used to just sitting with absolutely nothing to do other than staring off into space. Yeah. She didn't look like she was people watching or anything. She just looked creepy just sitting there. But now it makes sense, true. Yeah. Emily continues to play dumb while she leads them to the retreat like she did, she did good. Oh yeah, she played just dumb enough. They decided to drop her off at a motel before they go on to the retreat on their own. They give her a piece of paper with Jody Mills phone number on it and tell her that if they aren't backed by dawn for her to call that number to get some help. And she was like, What's a Kardashian? Like she's watching TV for the first time in her life. She has no idea what's going on. Before Sam and Dean leave, they decide they need to leave Bobby behind that he he could be a liability with how angry and out of control he's getting. I don't understand why they didn't take the opportunity to tell Bobby, we want you to stay here to keep an eye on the girl.


Yeah. I mean, your point was valid. It would have been a lot better,


right, gone down your way. You know how pissy he is, you know how upset he is? You know that the whole reason he didn't move on is because he wants to help. So I felt like Dean did the worst thing he could have done in telling Bobby that we just want you to sit this one out. Yeah. Now again, it's possible that Bobby's been eavesdropping this entire time and knew what was happening in get go, but I still thought it was a dumb move to be honest there, yeah, yeah, you had a perfect excuse sitting on the bed watching TV. You literally could have just told him, we need you to stay behind and keep an eye on the girl. Yeah. Bobby's obviously not happy with this, and slams the door as Sam and Dean tried to leave, and the girl, like, looked over kind of startled and scared, and they were like. When they say it's just the wind inside the motel, oh, that was funny. They leave and they have the flask in a safe that Bobby can't just easily pick it up and get out of there. He's got to figure out the code to get in there. Sam and Dean arrive at the retreat, and while they're in the car, Sam brings up the point of, rather than us going in there guns blazing and trying to take blood from the Alpha Vamp forcefully, what if we just talk to him and explain to him what we're doing? For all we know, it's going to be like Crowley, and he's going to want to get rid of them.


What a logical level.


Well, Dean's not really on board at first, right? But he does go with it, because he realizes they're out manned. Actually, they don't even know. I don't think they even knew how many vampires they were walking into. How do you strategize whenever you don't even know what the situation is? So he goes along with it. They've got their Vamp tonight, hidden away, and they've got their machetes just in case. But they approached the door empty handed, technically, as in, there wasn't anything literally in their hands. They walk up to the door and it's already propped open, which they thought was weird. Well, yeah, so they slowly start to walk inside, and they both get snatched right away. They knew they were coming, and that's because Emily back in the hotel room whipped out her cell phone the second they were out the door, and called the Alpha vampire and excitedly told them where Sam and Dean were, that they were on their way and that she was close by and coming right over to see them. She called him daddy. Yeah. She was like, Daddy, I'm close by, daddy. Hey, daddy. How


old was she supposed to be


I was under the impression that she was late teens.


That's what. Okay, so kind of acted younger than that.


Well, you have to remember what she said was that she got kidnapped. I think she was telling the truth when she said she got kidnapped from a playground 12 years ago. So if they snatched her when she was five or six years old, and the Alpha vampire treated her like this, five or six year old her entire life, it makes sense that even though she's gotten older, she hasn't matured really past that age, right? Yeah, after she leaves the room while she's talking to her daddy and letting her daddy know that she's on her way over the TV does like a promo, I think where it's like, oh, coming up next kind of thing. More dick. We got some more dick. Bobby is livid and decides that, fuck this jazz, I'm ready to go. He starts messing with the safe. He tries Dean's birthday. He tries Sam's birthday. I don't even know what else he tried, because it was failed, failed, failed, failed. So he tried a lot of different things before it finally dawns on him that it must be his birthday. Well, right as that realization hits him, a maid who was out in the hallway and happened to hear that that hotel room was getting trashed, pokes her head in to be like, is everything okay in here, what the fuck she walks in, looks around, sees everything, and then turns around, and Bobby makes himself appear to her. So of course, she's terrified. And then Bobby, what did he say? I just need you for a little bit or something.


Yeah, well, I don't know. I don't know if he said it before, he said that at some point before or after he took her,


yeah, he like, took over her. That was really cool, the way they did it with the special effects and everything. Jim Bieber, like rushes toward her. And at first I wasn't sure if he, like, just pushed her or just like, phased through her. But then the actress who played the mage, she did really well, also with clearly changing her personalities that after he possessed her, she was now, Bobby, I think you're right. I think that that's when she said


it Yeah, because didn't, didn't she open the safe. Then, Yep, yeah, yep.


He figured out it was his birthday. He was like, I just need you for a little bit. And made her stand up and made her go push in his birthday for the code. And he got the flask and left pieced out. Now, Bobby did not go to the alpha vamps house to our knowledge. Yeah, no, I know. I was actually kind of like, where did he go? Where'd he go? That's what I don't know. Where did Bobby take? This poor woman. Find out next episode. Yeah, we're gonna find out in the next episode. So that's kind of a cliffhanger. There is like, where did Bobby go with his captive here. He must be trying to go get that Dick, aren't we


all ratings.


So back to the alpha vamps retreat. Sam and Dean are talking with the Alpha Vamp and they're explaining the situation. They're just like, listen, we actually weren't here to attack you. We actually just want to have a conversation with you. We need your help. We need your blood. The Alpha vampire was like, oh, yeah, sure, like now that you've been disarmed. And they said, Well, you know, we came prepared because we weren't sure how you would be feeling. We thought that maybe you might still be like, a little bitter, you know? And he said, Oh, what? Because you captured me and tortured me and. And Dean had to sass him back. Like, not the time. Dean, yeah, he's like, that's technically our grandpa. Well, the vampire behind him did not take kindly to that. He did not it was a little over. Oh, my God. Jensen hackles did really well with fake I think that was him that did it. I don't think that was a stunt man slamming his head down toward the table and having some blood come out of his mouth. I don't know if he split his lip or if or bit his tongue or what, but it wasn't like a whole lot of blood. But it wasn't just like a drop, a single drop, or something, either, like he got hurt. Yeah, he


was dripping on the table. Yeah.


Oh, I love Rick worthy's interpretation of this alpha vampire the way he chooses to enunciate his words, yeah. And I love that his hand with those fucking nails, his hand is almost always moving, just kind of giving that sense of he could strike at any moment, you know, like a snake, whenever it's coiled and it like it's just constantly, you know what? I mean, yeah. Well, after they tell him what's going on. And they tell him, Hey, these leviathans. They are not your friends. They don't give a fuck about you. They're poisoning your food supply. Are you? And he's like, no, no. Like, that was not mentioned whenever Dick and I had dinner in the fall, and they're like, Oh, I wouldn't trust him. Well, then a little boy comes running in the room and is like, Hey, Dad, Hector Edgar is here, and Emily's there too. She came in, and they were like, you little bitch. She was like, you were gonna hurt my daddy. You know how in Stargate, whenever the villain comes down and has all the children around him, that fabulous, raw villain, it kind of made me think of that, because those children, like, got in front of him to protect him from getting hurt and all that stuff you remember? Yeah, yeah. Anyhow, I thought it was an interesting little dynamic going on here. So the little boy, Allen, leaves the room because alpha vampire is like, Okay, that's great. Thank you for letting me know. Hector Eggers here, go tell him that I will see him now. And he tells the other vampires to lock Sam and Dean away. This was interesting to me. I feel like he he did believe them. Oh, I did. Yeah, you know, he was starting to think that they're right, that something's not adding up here, that it's not a coincidence that the Leviathan have shown up and all of a sudden humans are poisonous to his kind, right? Because the way he was talking. He wasn't the only other person in the room with him at that point was Emily. He's not really talking to Emily. He's talking to himself, where he's saying, like, there's no harm in getting the other side of the story first, like, let's not jump to conclusions. That's all him talking to himself. And I liked that. I liked that they kind of let us hear the Alpha Vamp thinking out loud, again, that's one of those things that it could have been taken out of the episode and wouldn't have mattered, but I'm happy they kept it in. Yeah, Sam and Dean are locked away in, what do you call it, the study? And there's like, blood bags all over the place in there, which was very interesting. I was like, What is that about? Like, are those the feeding bags, like the IV bags for his food supply, and they just happened to be red, because vampires drink the blood, right? So why would they need all those hanging IVs everywhere? They're gonna drink them. They drank them. There were needles on them. Remember Sam pulled off one of the needles to pick the look? I don't know. I was a little confused by that. Yeah, I can see that. Anyways, Sam and Dean are in that weird fucking room where they're like, these bags and all those other stuff. Hector Egger comes in and the Alpha vampire confronts him. Or no, at first, he tries to play it off, like, Oh, hey, it's nice to see you. Why are you here? How can I help you? And Hector Egger is like, um, I think you fucking know why I'm here. He noticed the blood on the table when he walked in, like they showed that. He clearly saw that. So he said, I smell salmondy In Winchester. So I'm pretty sure they've told you why I'm here. And alpha Vamp still tries to have a civilized conversation. And Hector Egger just as like, Well, yeah. The thing is, we don't give a fuck about you. We do want you to die. You are a competitor for the food supply, like anybody who feeds on humans. We want to get rid of you. What did he say? Werewolves, shape shifters, ghouls, all of you. Fuck you. Bye, yeah. Get out of here, you're nasty. And the Alpha vampire is like, oh my god, you're so rude. I am a son of Eve. And then Hector Edgar, of course, says Eve was whore. I was just like, What the fuck. I didn't see her get any Dick ever, not once. And I totally forgot Eve was a leviathan. Oh, yeah. Like, I didn't really, I didn't really connect those two things completely until just now, but they did. They pulled her from Purgatory, right? And so why couldn't they have just taken that skin mag that the dragons had and gotten all the Leviathan souls the same way they got Eve, was that was that cave only special for Eve for so. Reason, probably Hector Edgar did not expect, however, that the vampire Alpha had taken Sam and Dean's words to heart before this conversation happened. It was very subtle. Somebody just comes in and puts a silver container with champagne and ice and all that on the table right as Hector Edgar is walking in. And I loved it, because right before Sam and Dean got dragged off to the study, Dean said to the vampires, do you have cleaning supplies, any like soap, anything with borax in it? That's what we need to attack them. Yeah. Well, vampire Alpha heard that, and that's what was in the champagne bucket. I know I loved that, I loved that. And again, that feeds into that whole him kind of talking to himself, like, kind of kind of almost hyping himself up, like, Okay, I'm not gonna be stupid and ignore what Sam and Dean said, but at the same time, like, surely, that's not what's going on here. And it was so cute, because in the other room, Sam and Dean were totally underestimating him, to be true, to be honest, they were saying, okay, shit like this is somebody who's used to being top of the food chain, has been able to handle everything on his own his whole life, and he doesn't think we know what we're talking about. Like he's fucked Hector Eggers gonna fuck him up. But luckily, he did listen to them a little bit. Yeah, it's like y'all underestimated him just a smidge, I think so whenever Hector Edgar tries to attack vampire alpha, he grabs that champagne water, flings it all over Hector Edgar. And Hector Edgar was not expecting that. He got thrown completely off balance, but he does still overpower vampire alpha, but luckily, at that point, Sam and Dean, they've picked the lock with one of the IV bags in there, and managed to come in and save the day just in time. Yeah, I didn't see Sam going and slicing that head off. That was nice. I wonder how they did that, because their heads, those don't look like prosthetic heads. Yeah, they don't look like dummy heads. They show them for too long and too closely like that looked like his face. So that's CG somehow, yeah, I'll be curious how they did that. They did that with Chet too. I don't remember nacho cheese Leviathan. I know who he is, yeah, whenever they cut off his head, oh, but then, but then it, it grew. It's, we didn't get to see how it got back on. I still want to know. I want to see that whole scene, how does the head get up and walk over to the body to get put back on? I'm still very curious. Where's that scene? I want to see it. Let me creepy anyway, Hector Edgar's out, so the Alpha vampire agrees to help Sam and Dean, even though they're being little shits about it, yeah, like, they don't say thank you. Like, nothing. They were being very rude. And he even let them take Alan the little boy, oh yeah, Sam and Dean go back to their motel, and as they're walking in, their little conversation was kind of funny. They're talking about returning Alan the little boy, to his parents and having to dodge the cops because they the parents thought that Sam and Dean were who kidnapped the little boy to begin with. Yeah. I mean, they were like, Fuck, man, like we're trying to do a good deed. And, Jeez, you're gonna try and throw us in jail. They walk up to the hotel room door and see that it's open, so they go in guns, ready for there potentially be, I don't know, a vampire or a leviathan in there. Who knows there's nothing. They say the room is wrecked and that the safe is open. Bobby had a fit. Bobby had a fit. They're like, fuck. You know what? We'll figure it out. We don't have any allies right now. We're on our own. I think Dean said something along the lines of, well, I mean, but at least we've got Crowley,


yeah, well, about that


cut to Dick Roman's office, where he is performing the same summoning spell that we saw Sam and Dean perform earlier in the episode, and he calls on Crowley, and when Crowley appears in his office, he looks up to the ceiling, and the camera pans up to show a handy dandy Devil's trap that he's just got, like, on a switch. He just had to turn on a light switch, and it was there. It was, like, a high tech Devil's trap. It was nice. And he was like, I'm gonna be fancy. Let's do red like I don't want just the regular office lights in there. Give me some color. Splash of color. Let's do some prayer. Yeah, Crowley does not seem as happy to be summoned this time. No. It was written by Andrew dabb and Daniel Laughlin, and it was directed by Mr. Guy B, Guy B, Guy B, I can't think of any gore. I mean, I guess the decapitation of Edgar and the carpet burn vampires, yeah, but that's it, really, yeah. Oh, wait, the vampire alpha, whenever he gave them, whenever he gave them his blood, that cut, that he did with his fingernail, which I hope he washed his hands first, she's. True because, oh my God, but that cut he did to bleed into that cup. I thought that was done nicely. Yeah. Did you adore anything about this episode?


Um, I liked having the Alpha back.


I did too. It's good.


It was, it was nice to see Rick worthy, because I wasn't expecting that. I thought they had tied up that alpha thing. I thought they were all all gone. What did you like or what did you adore? I loved Rick worthy, having him back, like I said, I just love the way he it's the same thing with death. They could be yelling and going over the top to try and be quote, unquote intimidating, but they choose to take the more subtle. It makes it all the more powerful. Whenever he goes into that and I am thirsty, you know kind of thing, like, yeah, you know what I'm talking about, yeah. I thought Emily was pretty great. She Yeah, she was good. That was an interesting little character to see, like, for our side our side episode idea, I wouldn't mind to see a little bit more about Emily. I wouldn't mind to find out that maybe she's a little bit more conniving, and maybe she's actually in the long game, to try and make something happen for herself. Yeah, you know, like I could see that happening. I do wish that James Patrick Seward had just straight up winked at the camera in that opening. Just give it to me, baby. He could have given me just a little bit more. I love me some dick. I'm sorry. I know a lot of people were telling me, oh, there's a character this in the season, is Dick and you're gonna love the dick joke. So I'm like, what I'm gonna love the character? People are going, Oh God no. Oh god no. Y'all were wrong. I fucking love me some dick. What about lore?


Well, Sam and Dean were collecting blood to perform a spell. So we're gonna talk about a little blood magic. This article is titled, practicing witchcraft. What you should know about blood magic? By Mackenzie sage Wright, it's a good name blood magic. It conjures up all kinds of Gothic images, doesn't it? Early


you will be my bride come Julie. Yeah, it's pretty good. Dick loves a muffin, all right.


The very word blood is a real attention grabber. Oh yeah. Combine it with words like magic, ritual, spell or write, and the first thing that comes to mind is human sacrifices on a stone altar dripping with dark red and other images that look something straight out of a horror movie.


Jesus, not my mind shouldn't go there. But okay, no, it did now. Okay, Mackenzie


as usual, the fiction is much darker and more stirring than the reality of it. Yes, blood can be dangerous, both magically and mundanely, but fire can also be dangerous, and yet no one would think to tell you not to use it to cook your meals. Oh, you just have to learn how to use it safely and properly. The truth is that blood magic can be quite potent if you're inclined to do it, and if you know what you're doing, it should not be undertaken lightly or carelessly. But it doesn't deserve the taboo stamp that many are quick to give it. What kind of stuff some Kinsey doing? Okay? So the power of blood. This is something that is so embedded in us that we all understand it. Fear and awe of blood goes way back to the early human ancestors. The sight of that bright red fluid, whether it was coming from an enemy or friend, your prey or yourself, got immediate attention. Blood is associated with such powerful concepts that some people can't stay on the side of it and might faint away. Faint away. That's a weird way to put it. Yeah, if presented with too much, blood is also associated with death. The slain warriors on the field, the victim of violence, the hunters pray, all lay bloody in their final state. Blood is also associated with life. It's part of the cycle of fertility that perpetuates life. If you lost too much blood, you would grow weak and die. If your blood is tainted, you will wither, wither away. Blood is also associated with pain. You see it when you stumble and fall, have an accident or fight. It's associated with passion when you love something, love doing something, when you are good at it, it's in your blood. Someone you love, particularly family members, are your blood. Blood connects you to things or others. Even if you don't know someone, you can empathize with them. Your heart bleeds for them. Blood is passion. It's connection, it's raw emotion. Blood is life. It courses through our body, your body, our body. It courses through your body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to every part of you. Blood is energy. When you push yourself, your heart pounds and your pulse races as your blood flows even faster. A woman bleeds during her menstrual cycle. She bleeds when her hymen breaks, then there's blood at childbirth. I like that, like we're talking about, like the woman's period, and then childbirth. And then it says, If you donate blood, you might be saving someone's life, right? It's a little weird way it is in that,


yeah, it's all, it's all connected to life. It has a little oddly thrown it there, right? Blood, though,


whatever little microscopic bits are floating around in there contain the very essence of all that you are. A scientist can illegally clone you if they had just one drop of your blood, right? Your blood contains your DNA, a blueprint, not just for you, but for your complete ancestral line. So something that contains this much power is naturally powerful in magic. Perhaps some would say too powerful. This next session is pretty self explanatory, but I'm gonna run through it. Okay, practicing safe blood magic. Oh, okay, okay, so there's a few do's and don'ts, oh, don't ever take more than a few drops. Don't ever take blood from an unwilling participant. This includes animals, because they cannot give consent. Do not smear your blood on people. Let people smear blood on you or try to exchange blood in any way. Remember that many diseases can be transferred through blood. Sam,


season four. Sam, he didn't get this article. He didn't


do, not ever consume blood, either directly or by putting it in a drink. Sam, aside from the fact that you can catch diseases, blood itself is toxic to humans, more than a couple of teaspoons could cause hemochromatosis, okay, and potentially do some serious organ damage. Don't let others drink your blood, either directly, raw or by putting it into foods or drinks. This is essentially giving your power over to that person and Ruby, not in a good way. Now, the correct way to perform blood magic safely would be sanitize area of the skin with alcohol pad or sanitizing gel. Sanitize a small poking implement, such as a pin, poke only enough to break the skin, squeeze out a few drops to collect for your use, then clean that wound up immediately and get some antibiotic ointment on it. They did


not take care of that guy today. They did not wipe his hand first. They didn't clean him up after gross. He might get infection, yeah,


rude. Also,


if it's still bleeding, you need to put a bandage on it, yeah, handle and dispose of anything that has been touched with blood with extreme caution until the end of your ritual or spell. Disinfect your surfaces of your skin and your workspace and any other tools after performing blood magic, keep the wound as it heals, keep the wound clean as it heals.


They keep you safely, keep


you so now that we know the correct way and safe way to use blood and magic, we're going to talk about how to put it to use. There are countless ways actually limited only by your imagination. But here are a few ideas to get you started in candle magic. Mix blood drops with oil to dress and charge your candle. Use a small drop or two to anoint and charge any talisman or amulet in jar or container magic, add a few drops of blood to the container. The Container Store gotta go, Oh my God,


all those, all the spells to do. And petition


magic, smear some blood on the paper the petition is written on and place a drop of blood in a mojo bag before tying it up, though not entirely as powerful as blood. There are other things you can use to personalize a spell and lend it a boost. Yeah, here we go. Urine, saliva, semen, nail and hair clippings, for example. These are all effective options that will empower to minor workings or workings when blood magic wouldn't be appropriate or advised when you're first learning magic, it's advised that you work with these first before graduating onto blood. Take some time. Experiment with these things. You'll begin to get a sense of how much putting part of yourself into a spell affects your magic. Once again, nothing is inherently good or bad. It all depends on how you choose to utilize it. So practice safe magic and you'll be okay. I'm not going


to start collecting my urine anytime soon. Yeah, I don't think so. But interesting quote to close it out, whenever Gloria is giving her news report update, that angers Bobby so much. The last line she does that just really did Bobby over Gloria said, what makes dick so hard to beat?


Ratings, cheers.


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This was fun, jerk. It always is,


bitch, you.

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