Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Join SPN family newcomers, Berly and LA, as they explore the TV series, Supernatural, episode by episode. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.
As a way to keep in touch during the 2020 pandemic, Berly and LA started podcasting with their debut, anything-goes talk show, The Tipsy Exchange. During those discussions, Berly and LA realized that they most enjoy talking humorously about TV/Film, mythology, suspense, and hot guys. Supernatural seemed a natural fit. It's a match made in heaven... or hell... you decide!
Now, let's get tipsy! CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Survival of the Fittest (7x23)
Berly and LA recap the season seven Supernatural episode, Survival of the Fittest. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy! CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
Summary: In the final episode of Supernatural Season 7, titled "Survival of the Fittest," the Winchesters face their toughest challenges yet. They must gather three items to defeat Dick Roman, with Castiel's blood being one. Meanwhile, Bobby is possessed by a ghost, and Crowley negotiates a treacherous deal with Dick. The episode features a tense confrontation where Dean kills Dick with a bone, causing him to explode. However, Crowley and Meg are taken captive, leaving Sam alone. The episode ends with Dean and Castiel mysteriously disappearing, hinting at a new adventure in Purgatory.
- https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Survival_of_the_Fittest
- https://www.americanhauntingsink.com/watseka
- https://astonishinglegends.com/al-podcasts/2021/8/29/ep-215-the-watseka-wonder-part-1?rq=Watseka
- https://astonishinglegends.com/al-podcasts/2021/9/11/ep-216-the-watseka-wonder-part-2?rq=Watseka
- https://www.readingeagle.com/obituaries/mary-constant/
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Automated transcription and summary via Otter.ai.
Ellie, welcome to denim wrapped nightmares, Tipsy Exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series, episode by episode,
LA:over drinks, we'll discuss the lore the gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.
Berly:I'm Burleigh, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm
LA:LA, and I'm here. Long for the ride. Now let's get Tipsy.
Unknown:Hello, LA, hey, Burley.
Berly:It's the last episode. It is Supernatural Season Seven. I wonder why they had 23 if anybody knows, I didn't Google it, but I'm curious why they did 23 episodes.
Unknown:We had a lot to wrap up, I guess. Yeah, Dick, there
Berly:was a lot going on in quite a few episodes. Yeah? Well, before we get into this week's episode, let's remind our listeners where we were last week.
LA:Last week, the episode was titled, there will be blood and in order, oh,
Berly:I forgot to share. I'm drinking. Oh, yep, yep, yep. Well, you do yours first, because it's boring.
LA:Yeah, mine's boring. I'm just drinking a Moscow Mule right now, but I
Berly:am drinking a new concoction, whoop concoction, that we came up with tonight, cock, which is vodka, the x, x x, triple X vitamin water and a splash of pure cranberry juice and water, a splash of water water in there to dilute it all down. And we've decided to call this concoction, because we both like it a lot, the blood splooge. So I am drinking a blood splooge today.
LA:Yeah, it's tasty. Try it. Okay. Well, last week's episode was titled, there will be blood in order to defeat dick, Roman Sam and Dean had to locate three items. Castiel helped with one of them, which was his blood of a fallen angel. And then the Winchesters had to face two of their strongest opponents, an alpha to get their blood, and Crowley to get his blood. Meanwhile, Bobby tries out a new Ghost Trick that ends up being very dangerous.
Berly:Today's episode is titled survival of the fittest. It's the 23rd episode of season seven, and it's the season finale. It originally aired on May 18, 2012 we got the the road so far, montage and, oh, I can't remember. Oh, it was to carry on, wayward son. Listen here. Be like, what was the song? Duh, for the season finale. There's no doubt about what the song is. It was carry on, wavered son, and it was catching us all up. A lot, a lot has happened this season been busy, busy, which I'm
LA:kind of glad it was a longer one, and I needed
Berly:it. We pick up where the last episode ended up, Crowley at sucro with Dick Roman, and Dick is offering him a drink and asks Crowley how he takes it. And Crowley says, alcoholic. They're just chatting back and forth. Dick Roman pointed out you're just flirting with me now. Oh, that's Crowley's thing. That's his gig. He likes to flirt with some dick. Who doesn't? They are going over a contract. They've decided to work together, and let me tell you, they redlined the fuck out of this contract. Crowley, like, rolls out his standard contract, and it, like, goes rolling out. It was, what, like, six feet, like it was, it was long. It was really long. And then they're sitting there going through the whole thing, making amendments, yeah, redlining it, yeah, like crazy. They're being super detailed too,
LA:which I'm, like, because, because, what, it's Dick knows that they that the boys need Crowley's blood, but he wants it, yeah? No. He wants him to. He wants him
Berly:to trick the boys into thinking that he's giving them the last ingredient they need. But he's not, right, like, sabotaging their whole thing, right? So that's what the contract's all over. So I'm like, well, then doing a partnership too, like, he's saying, like, in return for you helping me, like, secure, oh, yeah, they're gonna get Canada. Yeah, you get Canada, but they can't have America. No, no. Dick wants us. But, yeah, I loved it when they were redlining and how they were, like, moving around the room and stuff. Dick just like, sat back there with his long legs crossed. I was like, it's
Unknown:a little little boy chat.
Berly:Well, while this is going on, Dean had just made a joke. We don't ever find out what the joke was, but apparently he had made a joking recommendation that they go get a nun's bone. And so that's what they're doing. They don't they don't know how else they're going to find this most righteous person. While they're driving there, they're hearing more about Dick and that he's all holed up nice and snug, nice he's in as tight, tight little spot as Dick's like to be in Super Corp. He's not going anywhere. That's good. Yeah. Ah, I had to change it up, right? Couldn't, just, couldn't just go with the usual dick jokes. It's the finale. I'm having to jazz it up a little bit. Yeah, it's good. He's just snugged up in Super Corp, but he's not going anywhere. And they're like, good to know, good to know. They get to the monastery, I think, and they are going through this book of all the nuns who are in this tomb, not tomb. What do you call it? Like a mausoleum? Mausoleum? That's what it is they decide upon. Sister Mary, constant, a nun who devoted her whole life to the order Dean, makes a joke about, like, okay, let's bone this nun. Yeah, bad joke. And I love bad jokes. It was just a bad joke. I love that Sam didn't react whatsoever, and Dean appropriately went, sorry. The sorry apology was the funny part, you know, like him realizing, like, okay, yeah, that wasn't, that wasn't right, that wasn't a right thing to do. That poor maid, her name's Luis, is still possessed by Bobby, and he's forcing her to stand outside in the cold and watch TV through a window. Just rude. I'm like, what store is this that still does this in 2000 what was this? 2012 were there still stores that had windows filled with TVs? Hell. Final, where are they? Yeah, but he's just making her stand out there in the rainy weather. I do like how they use reflection, yeah, with Bobby for us to still kind of get a gage, because Louise herself wasn't emoting very much. Makes sense. She's just kind of possessed. She's not necessarily taking on his emotions or what have you. So it was nice whenever they would use those reflections for us to see like Bobby and that he's not doing well, right? Bobby accidentally touches some iron when he's, like, digging around the back of a truck. I never figured out, what was that big white thing he had? I
LA:don't know, because in my notes, I just put touched iron. It looked, I mean,
Berly:maybe she had the newspaper. Was it an umbrella? And she just wasn't using it for some reason? No, I think it had, like, chains on it, I don't know. Oh, the iron thing? Yeah, no, there was something white in her hand that she was carrying.
LA:Oh, that, I think that was the big blade she had. Oh, that was, like, a
Berly:machete. Where'd he get that? He took Louis shopping. She went into the store and bought some, bought some machetes. Go do some head chopping. Somebody's
Unknown:like, this little maid got some, some business to take care of.
Berly:Well, yeah, he, I don't know what that was in the back of that truck, or what he was looking for in the back of that truck, but accidentally touched something that was pure iron, and that shot him out of her. The special effects were with the ghosts this season. We've said it multiple times. They stepped him up. They looked really good this season. And so he's out of her, and it's like he had a moment where he was feeling guilty and was going to let her go, because she was saying, Please, let me go. I have a family. I need to go home. And you could see him contemplating, feeling apologetic, but then he looked over at that damn newspaper that she was carrying around, and there he was, right there, front and center, Dick making him angry. Mm, hmm, and he just couldn't take it. He's got to get his hands on that dick. So he told her, I'm sorry. I just need you just a little bit longer. And possessed her body again when she tried to run away. The boys are back at Rufus cabin. They've got all the ingredients they need, but one they need that demon blood from Mr. Crowley, so they try to summon him, but nothing happens. They're starting to think, like, is he standing us up? What the What's going on? Sam gives him the benefit of the doubt, and it's like, maybe he's in a position where he can't come, ding, ding, ding, he can't come. Oh yeah, he cannot come. Can't come. Nothing more frustrating than that. He's trapped. Mm, hmm, because that Dick, she's trapped by Dick, trapped by the deck. Where was it? Oh, yeah. Suddenly there is a knock at the door. And I was like, Who's this gonna be? Trying to think, who knows where they are, yeah. Well, it's Meg. She is
Unknown:a little pissed off. She is overcast. She Yeah, she's
Berly:like, I was halfway around the world laying low. Whenever he just popped up, grabbed me and brought me back here. Didn't she call him emo boy? Yeah. She's like, I cannot deal with him anymore. You go talk to him. And Dean was like, What the Why me and I loved it. She went, he was your boyfriend first. I love it. He was your comfort. You were his comfort person first. So you go, you go, handle this. He didn't deny it or fight it. No. Well, he knows it. He knows it. Cat that he's part of why Cass fell, and all that other kind of stuff. What are you going to say? How are you going to argue with her? On that Dean goes out to the car, and Cass is just sitting there very casually, minding his own business, listening to Vincent starry, Starry Night by Don McLean. Dean stood up, and we the camera panned up with him, and we saw that just like that, just, Oh, my God, okay, like, take a breath. We're gonna do this. What is it? What's the gentle parenting, you know, kind of thing, conversation, because he can't yell at him, because he knows that hasn't been working. That's just been scaring him away. So he's going to stay calm. And I loved it. Whenever Dan leaned over and was like, what's the word? CASS he starts talking about monkeys, and he doesn't understand why they're used for cosmetic testing. And is lipstick really that important? And Dane tells him, why don't we coincide? And like, let's talk. Let's figure this stuff out once inside, Castiel, very reluctantly, lets the guys know that Kevin's been taken. He was watching the bees. Something about the bees and the insects again, I think. And he's saying that he he couldn't hear them anymore. And they're like, What the are you talking about the bugs? And he's like, No, the garrison like the angels. I couldn't hear them anymore. And then I went to go find them. Leviathans can kill angels. And they just kind of are putting it all together for him, because he's not speaking directly here. Then they ask, Well, if the angels are dead, Where's Kevin? And they kind of put two and two together. That dick must have got him. Well, while this conversation is going on, Meg is kind of scouting out the place, and she happens to notice a very schmancy bowl, fancy schmancy bowl with ingredients in it that look very summon any. So she walks over and is poking around at it, and goes, Hey, what the fuck is this? And they said, Oh, we we summoned Crowley, but he stood us up. Well, then she's like, fuck me. Like, when you summon him, he can show up whenever. And so she tries to book it out of there, but it's too late. Yeah, Crowley is there, and he did not look shocked, even though he was clearly upset. Yeah, he didn't look shocked to see what was before him.
LA:I did like that Cass before Crowley showed up, and he was talking his scattered nonsense, yeah, he was saying that he likes insects over angels now,
Berly:talking about the bees. Well, Crowley, after he does his whole speech about, like, Oh, you've got these people in here that betrayed me and yada yada ya, when he figures out, cast yells off his rocker, so to speak, because he's like, What the fuck Cass like so you're not dead. Why are you not dead? And Cass is like, I don't know, but bugs, cool bees, look, I collected this honey by hand. Here, we gave him that little zip lock baggie of honey. He's like, I collected it myself. Yeah, Crowley is just like, what the is going on?
Unknown:I would have taken CAS honey.
Berly:He was, it was a, it was a gesture, you know, yeah, sorry, I tried to, like, kill you and everything. I'm sorry, but he's not too happy with these Winchesters. And so he pulled out the vial of blood, and Sam kind of called him on it, like, Oh, yeah. Like, you just have that ready to go. Suspicious. And Crowley tells them the plan. He straight up tells them, well, I didn't come because I was with Dick Roman in a devil's trap and I couldn't he didn't come when he was with Dick. It's not going to happen every time. You know, Yeah, true. He literally just tells them the whole plan. I
LA:was surprised by that. I didn't think he was saying to so when he just like, right off the bat, was like, Okay, here's, here's how I was gonna betray you.
Berly:Okay, so he's double he's double crossing dick. I don't know. He did kind of leave it up in the air of like, or am I, you know, there's no way for you to really know, like, this is demon blood. It's not my, it's but Is it mine? And then he was like, it is mine. And Dean said, Why should we trust you? And he was like, Oh, God, don't. Don't. Never trust anybody. Then he said he learned that lesson the hard way, and kind of looked at CASL. He's still upset about that better Betty. This was a very cute scene. I liked the interactions here. I liked that for once, Meg isn't saying anything because she's hoping to go unnoticed, right? Like she doesn't want Crowley to Oh, she he noticed. And he also noticed whenever he kind of, I don't think he like, lurched toward her, but he did something toward her, directing toward her, speaking toward her, and Cass kind of reflexively moved like he was going to try and stop it. And so Crowley noticed that too. He's an observant little shit, isn't he? Because he said something along the lines of, like, I'm gonna leave you alone for now, because it seems that Castiel would be upset if something were to happen to you. And we don't want to upset Castiel, because you're gonna have to use him to beat dick, but he'll be back for her. Yeah, we do find that out. That's the there were so many cliffhangers at the end of this episode. It's insane. It's. Yeah, that's that's gonna be important threat, that he's kind of throwing it out there. Well, not that part, the part where he just told the boys, like, you're going to need Cass. Oh, yeah, because they weren't really thinking that at all. They're just thinking about this weapon, getting this weapon together. And it took them a while to figure out how they why they were going to need Cass. And I'm curious, how did Crowley know they were going to need Cass because Dick hadn't told him, Hey, if you betray me, I'm going to have multiple dicks running around this place. There's going to be dicks everywhere, and no one's going to know which dick is the real one. Crowley wouldn't have known that. So how would he have known that they need to cast is he just psychic like that?
LA:Maybe he's got those Angel Eyes he can see more than they can. Demon, no, I meant Cass has the angel eyes that can see more than they can. Oh,
Berly:okay, okay, but I don't know. Well anyway, back at sucro Corp, this is where Kevin is being held captive. He's locked in this office, bless his heart, and while he's in there, this orderly guy, I don't know, scientist, he had on a white coat, who knows, randomly brings in this young girl named Polly who's chomping away on a red vine or a Twizzler. So I was like, oh, okay, so she's zombified because she's eating stuff with corn syrup, whatever. Kevin tries to have a conversation with her. Doesn't go very far before she just zones out and stops talking to him, and he's like, okay, so I'm on my own. I'm still on my own. Here we cut back to the cabin, and Sam and Dean are putting together the weapon. They're mixing together the little blood concoction with the three fallen bloods now the angel, the alpha. And now they have Crowley. They have the blood in a bowl, not really totally in the bowl, just most of it's in the bowl. But I thought it was odd that they didn't pour the blood on the pointy end of the bone. Yeah, you said that. I was like, Yeah, good point. They poured it on the other end. And so I was like, Huh? And while they're doing this, they were expecting some extravagant natural phenomenon to happen, just like when they cracked open the Leviathan tablet. They were thinking lightning, thunder or something, and nothing happens. They even didn't have a whole lot of lights on, and they're at the cabin still, so there's no reason for that. So I'm like wondering, like, were they thinking the lights were gonna flicker for them? Like, What? What? And they just kind of sat there going, fuck. Did it work? Yeah, how are we gonna know? Like, did we get the wrong bone? Is this? Did Crowley lie to us and it's not his blood? Like, they don't know. So I thought that was interesting, that they still went charging into that building without knowing for certain that this was going to work. Yeah, no dismay, though. Because luckily, while they're standing here looking at this bone, kind of getting concerned about whether or not it's going to work, cash shows up again and reminds them like he doesn't fight, he's not going to fight, but he's made them a sandwich and he went to a very specific farm to collect the bread, the wheat, the tomato, and he comforted the pig before he slaughtered it for the ham. He was like, this is a gesture the bacon. BLT, he said ham did. He gave him more than it was. BLT, anyway, it was very thoughtful of him to make these No, go all over to make these sandwiches. I'm not going to go into battle with you, but I want to make sure that you're well nourished before you go into the battle. And in that way, I'm doing my part. You know, I'm still being a team player here, guys. Yeah, please try and I love the please accept these sandwiches as a gesture of my solidarity. Sam and Dean are asking him, so Buddy, why was Crowley under the impression that we needed to bring you along? We need no here. And Castile is acting very oddly about all of this, saying that Crowley's wrong and that he doesn't he does not need to go into battle. Well, back at sucro Corp, Dick is talking to Susan. And I really wish they had utilized Susan more. I know you said that. I wished it even more after this episode. Yeah, I feel like she could have been like, quite a bit of a badass. It would have liked to have seen a fight scene with her or something. I don't know any who he's telling Susan that they need to be prepared because there's a chance that Crowley is going to double cross them. He doesn't trust anybody. He wants to be prepared for any possible outcome. All that time through that, Oh, my God, they spent so much time redlining that still not
Unknown:sure. Well, rightfully so, right?
Berly:He tells her to bring him the box. And it turns out, you know what it was, guys, you know what he had? He had that Dick in a Box. Dick in a Box. It was the forearm and hand. It was a nice hand of the real dick. Roman. He saved it and kept it on ice, just in case of emergencies. And then he tells her to gather all of his security detail. But we didn't figure it out. Yet. But what he had the security detail do, who were all leviathans, he had all of them come and touch the dick and turn into a whole bunch of Dick Romans and get nice suits. Oh, wait, I forgot that they can magically copy the clothes too, so he didn't need to have the clothes on hand. So it's just like, Damn, that was smart. Yeah. Kevin and Polly are still hanging out in this office where they're locked up, and some dude comes in, and apparently the outfit that Polly has on is not sufficient for this presentation that she's going to have in a little bit. So he brings her address and hair pins and tells her to change and leaves the room. Kevin, yet again, is trying to ask Polly, like, why are you having to change? What the fuck is going on as she just starts to strip right there in front of him. So he turns away, gentlemen, yeah, and notices the hair pins in the bag on the dress. He's like, uh, thank you. And he steals a couple of bobby pins, put some in his pocket, whatever Dick comes and gets Polly and brings her into the conference room. He just ends up telling her to take off her clothes anyways. Why did she need to change in the first place? He's
LA:just wearing two pieces of clothing, and he just needed it to fall off of her. And she
Berly:seemed very young to me. That scene made me very uncomfortable. Yeah, I didn't like it. I didn't either. Dick disappointed me. Doesn't happen like, why did it have to be a skinny young girl? Why did she have to get naked? Yeah, just to prove she is skinny. She had very she had very skin tone covered undergarments on. She was very short. I don't know if she was just a short, fully grown adult woman, but she didn't seem like a fully grown adult woman. She seemed like she was closer to Kevin's age, which means high school I didn't like. It was kind of necessary, yeah, and again, I'm getting ahead of myself. While this is going on, Dick is outside, and all these cars are pulling up and all these people are getting out of the cars. And Ellie and I were very confused. At first. We were like, who, who the are these people? What is going on here? Apparently, Dick has called together a meeting of all the prominent leaders in his Leviathan group. I was thinking it was the board of super Corp or something at first, but no, I mean, that's what it looked like. That's what it seemed like in the boardroom, you know. But then whenever he started being like, oh, please enjoy the sushi. It's made of orphan and all of that, that's when we kind of went, Oh, okay, these are all leviathans. And he was showing how they were going to split up the country for their What the hell, breeding program, processing plant, and what was the third one? I don't remember, I don't remember, and how they're all very excited about this, and they've already got the pilot running, and I think it was Ohio and Florida, and, you know, all of this and that, yeah, can we we're not touching Canada, but America is going to be ours, and this is what we're doing with it, and it's great. And he brings in Polly for the demonstration that I was just bitching about, saying that they need to get rid of the people who have, like, amazing genetics. He's like, this little hummingbird, like she can eat constantly, and is still like, all muscle, which I'm just like, Okay, y'all really like your fatty meat. I hate it whenever I get brisket or whatever, and there's a lot of fat. Ew me too. But apparently the Vitas are the opposite. They want fat. They want as much fat and just mass as possible. So their plan is to kill people with coffee creamer, which I just kind of was like, how are you gonna control that? Only, oh, wait, I think he said that they, like had refined it to road only have an effect on those kinds of people. That's what it was. This coffee creamer is going to be the first thing that they use this solution in. And he was saying, keep in mind, it's diluted, so it'll take longer. But here's a demonstration of what will happen to people. And again, after he's told her to drop her dress and jabs her with this pen, she like, foams at the mouth and just like, collapses and dies. Yeah, poor Polly again, that's my really, that would seem really bothered
LA:me. It was just unnecessary, like, just some of the aspects of it.
Berly:Well, Kevin has picked the lock and is hearing all of this and seeing what happens to poor poly and is horrified. Tries to get the fuck out of there. He sees the exit sign. I liked how the director kept cutting back and forth from Kevin and the exit sign. And you could see the anticipation in Kevin's face. And he was getting really worried, like, I'm gonna make it. I'm gonna make it that he gets cut off by Susan. Yep. She said, What are you doing out of your cage, little mouse? And again, that's where I was, like, I know Sam and Dean are parked outside of sucro Corp, and they hack into the cameras, and they gave Charlie a little shout out here. I thought that was cute, so I guess that they're still in touch with her, or maybe her trick that she showed them at, what was it, Dick Roman enterprises, that it worked here too, or something. They're looking through the security cameras, and they identify Dick Roman in the boardroom, and they're like, Okay, great. Let's look at the other floors and see what, what else we have going on here. So Sam checks Dick Roman's office, and Dick Roman's in the office too. He's like, Wait a minute. And then he checks a completely different floor, and we see Dick Roman walking by. There's a lot of dicks y'all Yeah, they all over the place. Sam is not happy about it. He. It's like, how the fuck are we supposed to know which dick is the right dick for us? It's a good question. It's a good I ask myself every day. Me too, while they're parked outside trying to figure out what the hell they're going to do about this, they look over and see this woman get out of a truck in her very pink made dress and go stomping across the sidewalk, and they're like, What the fuck is this? Well, Sam, fortunately, has a really good memory, and remembers bumping into this woman at the hotel in the previous episode. And because she's marching up there with a purpose, with a machete in her hand, he's he realizes very quickly that's Bobby. That's That's what happened to Bobby. Dean, doesn't quite pick up on what's going on yet. I think that Sam even told him, like, shut up. And just got out of the car. He did and took off. Sam runs over and stops Bobby and just trying to tell him, like, don't do it. You're going to get this woman killed. What's wrong with you? Like, stop and trying to talk some sense into him, Bobby is throwing Sam around like a rag doll, Bobby Louise, and ends up slamming him up against the side of a van and is choking him. Sam's about, I think he was about to lose consciousness, when Bobby finally catches the reflection of himself in the side of the van and sees what he's becoming. And he does not like it, and he like throws himself from Louise's body, and she just drops down completely unconscious. Sam catches his breath and just scooped her, like, scooped her up, completely dead weight, pulled her up. And I was like, that was hotter than Charlie. La, it was Charlie's was very cute and like savior, but like that dead weight, and just the way he scooped her and just, I was like, Damn, it was good. They retreat back to the cabin. Castiel and Meg are still there. Meg is asking, What the fuck? Why didn't y'all go through the plan? What's wrong? First of all, Dean just goes, shut up, Meg, I missed that, I caught it, and I almost started talking, but there was too much going on in the moment, and I didn't want us to and I didn't want us to miss something. But the reason I thought it was funny, I normally get mad when we're there. Just rude to Meg for no reason. But this, I thought was funny because it made me think of Family Guy, oh, like, shut up, Meg all the time. And Family Guy, Sam explains to Meg and Castiel that there were multiple dicks. Sam's never seen so many dicks, and he didn't know what to do. They were like, shit. They must have kept Dick in a Box and used that to make more dicks. That's exactly what they did. Yeah. Sammy smart. Well, Cass starts acting real shady. He's watching. I was like, Huh? He does, like, this weird little like, kind of
Unknown:well did, didn't Dean ask him, what's what's going on? Yeah, shifty,
Berly:yeah, he was acting real funky, and Dean called him on it exactly. He was like, he even made kind of a face whenever Cass was first, kind of, like, I was like, Gosh, what's going on, shifty? And, cast just declares that they should play Twister and disappears. And Meg is like good wine you scared away. Or she, it was a Star Wars reference. I'm trying to think of what the exact our only hope, or something, something about hope, I know it was a Star Wars reference, and I'm forgetting the exact verbiage now, shit. Oh, and he I forgot earlier whenever, uh Dick called salmon Dane freaking frack. Oh yeah. I actually Googled that. I left my phone downstairs. They were like, a Swedish ice skating duo. I didn't know that. Oh, I didn't either, but that very comedic act, but they, like, started just like ice skating or something. I thought that was fun, huh? Anyhow, Meg explains to them, y'all are dumb asses, like all of those leviathans were inside Castiel. He knows each of them. He's who you're going to have to use to find the real dick. So now it makes sense. And then Castiel reappears with Twister by himself, playing by himself. Hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. All right, don't judge him. Later on, Sam and Dean are going over everything that they have on dick. When Bobby shows up, he is embarrassed, he's sad, he's scared, and he just tells the guys, I'm done. That's it for me. I thought I could outsmart it because I knew what was coming, and that clearly didn't happen. Yeah, he's struggling. So he tells the boys, you know you've got the flask, right? Like, let's do this. And I'm so happy they didn't show it. I don't know that I could have handled it. I don't know that I could have handled actually seeing Bobby, even though I love that special effect I've I've liked the way they did it, that we just saw the light shining on Sam and Dean's faces, yeah, as he left this world to move on. And I loved his little speech there. Yeah, it was, it was a nice exit for Bobby, although I was very sad to see him go. You know. And I liked that it panned over at the end and showed that Castiel was just sitting there watching over them. Yeah, like he likes to do. Speaking of Castiel, he's got more games. And Ellie and I decided that he's just going to the little day room at the psych ward and just stealing games from there, because where else is he getting these games? Yeah, I can't imagine that Rufus had these games on stock. You know, I like the idea of him just popping over to that day room. Because Can you imagine, like people are in the day room and he just shows up, takes a game and leaves. It's an S psych word, so they're just like, oh, yeah, whatever. Let it happen. Who cares? We aren't going to say anything about the man who just appeared here and disappeared. Dean tries to talk to Cass, and Cass is insisting, again, I don't fight, I don't fight, I don't fight. And Dean says, that's cool. I'm not asking you to fight, buddy. But how about we run an errand, and they teleport to, it looked like a barn or something, yeah, and I saw the tarp, and I immediately was like, Oh, this baby. Yeah, they're they're pulling baby out of retirement while they're sitting there looking on, they kind of have a little heart to heart talk about forgiveness. Dean told Cass, you know, broken, broken or not, I'll have you, I'll I'll take you. We're going to be okay. It was, it was a sweet little scene, and it was obviously what Cass needed to hear. Yeah, because at that point, Cass agrees that he's gonna go into battle with them. He's gonna help them find some dick. Find the right dick. Yeah, the right one. I was surprised that Dean let Meg drive, baby. Yeah. And I wish they had done a little bit better at camouflaging the stunt driver. I didn't notice what you pointed I did because I was trying to see like I it looked like there was only one person in the car at one point. And then I thought maybe there were two, but it was definitely a man who was driving that car. It was just the outline of the man. I couldn't see him clearly enough to, like, identify that. Oh, that's Dean. Oh, that's this. But it was definitely not Meg. That was some stunt driving. They had to use a stunt driver. I get it. Just wish they had blurred him a little more. I was, I was shocked whenever a whenever they crashed into the sucro Corp sign. I'm like, again, unnecessary, yeah? I'm like, okay, I get it, making an entrance, letting them know that it's you using the Impala. On board, on board, on board, crashing into the sign. I was like, Hey, you just got her out. Yeah? I mean, luckily it didn't look like she was all that damaged. True, there were probably some scratches, maybe a few dings, but nothing that Dean wouldn't be able to rub out. You know, turns out Meg is the diversion. She gets out of the car with borax and is ready to go splashing it on leviathans. She's got a machete. She's chopping off their heads. Meg's doing work out front Sam, Dean and Cassie l have all three snuck in to sucro Corp. Sam is on a mission to go find Kevin, because they know that he's got to be locked up in there somewhere. Dean and Cassie L are looking for dick. I liked it. Whenever they were peeking around the corner, Dean was peeking around the corner, saw, saw a dick, and then they switched places and Castile peaks around the corner. He just would look at Dean like, just shake his head slowly, nope. Not the right dick. Nope. It was like goalie locks in the three bears. Oh yeah. Look, that one's too short, that one's too skinny, this one's just right. They find the right perfect dick in the lab testing the creamer. I guess he just likes how it tastes.
Unknown:Yeah, I don't know that's weird,
Berly:telling the laboratory scientist. Man in there, like I smell a promotion for you, huh? As he's drinking on some of his poisoned creamer, Sam also finds Kevin and is trying to get Kevin the fuck out of there, but Kevin insists, no, we have to go blow up the lab. Like the creamer is going out for shipment tomorrow. We have to go blow up the lab. It's going to kill people, Sam, all the skinny people.
Unknown:It's gonna kill all the skinny people.
Berly:We have to save the skinny people. Sam, and so Sam gives in. Is just like, okay, okay, let's, let's go find the lab. We'll blow it up. Well, while they're in there, Dick is still very confident, and he seems very entertained by Dean and Castiel being there. I think he was still under the impression that Crowley followed through and gave him the wrong blood. Oh yeah, even though he prepared for a worst case scenario and thinking that he was going to trick them, I think that he still was pretty confident he was going to be fine, because he didn't try to fight them. He didn't try to run away. He did nothing. Cassie L is behind, I don't know how did Cassiel get behind dick? Because he was in front of Dick with Dean at first, right? Yeah, maybe he teleported. I think so. Well, Dean pulls it out. Well, he stabbed him in the chest. Well, he pulled it out first. Oh, that's true. He pulled it out. Out slowly. And was like, Oh, look at this. Look at my bone. Look at I got a bone to pick with you. Oh,
Unknown:give it.
Berly:He's like, doing this with it. He was doing this with it, and then this. No, I don't, I don't think he was doing this with it. No, I don't remember that. And Dick was like, I want it in me. And Dean said, Oh yeah, this is not
Unknown:how I remember it.
Berly:And so Dean stuck it in him because he wanted it. And then he was like, Haha, you didn't hit the right spot. I take your bone, pulled it out, I pull it, pull it out, and I break it. And Castiel came up behind him and, like, grabbed his hair and pulled his hair. I was like, Oh my god. CASS remembered Raphael doing that to him last season and how much he liked it. He was like, I want to do that to someone. And Dean reaches into his other pocket and whips it out again. And this is the real bone right jammed it right in his throat, all the way in, no warning, just right down the throat. I mean, across the throat, into the throat. Dick's gag reflex is amazing. I mean, he was gagging a little bit. It was like, He's turning into the monster being like, yeah, it was weird. Well, you don't gag whenever it just goes right in your throat, like that.
LA:I meant because we were confused what was happening. Well,
Berly:then Dick starts throbbing, and he's like, leaking, you know how it does a little bit at first, and then there's throbbing more and more, and the throbbings were getting faster and bigger, and just throbbing, throbbing, throbbing, throbbing. And then Dick smiled before he released. All over the office and we got what was it? 59th 59th we decided to count it, even though it's black goo, because literally, his entire body exploded. 59th blood splooge of the supernatural series. As Dick exploded, as it tends to do. Well, Sam and Kevin come running in. They see it just in time, and then they're looking around, and they're like, What the fuck so Dick there's Dick goo everywhere, but Dean and Cassiel are just gone, nowhere to be seen, no trench coat, nothing from them. They're just literally gone. So Sam and Kevin are very confused. Kevin changes his mind and is like, let's go. Let's get out of here. I don't, I don't. I don't care about blowing up the lab anymore. Those skinny people, let's go. Let's go. Sam, they turn to try and leave, but, uh oh, Crowley pops up and he's like, good job. You know, cut the head and the other will flounder. These Leviathan you know, now that they don't have their dick, they're not going to have any purpose. They aren't going to have any organization. That's your job, Sam. Keep them from organizing, and they'll just be like any other monster. So we're happy that the leviathans are kind of done. Yeah, yeah. I was ready, yeah. And they pop up, like I said, if they pop up as a monster of the week here and there throughout the rest of the series, that's cool, just like any other monster, like any other vampire, Shape Shifter, whatever, I'm good with that, but I'm good with their their big arc here being done. If I, if I can't have Dick, I don't care. True, well, unfortunately, Crowley also tell Sam I'm taking the profit. Yeah, sorry. And he also took Meg, whenever Meg had was done, and was like, All right, I'm out. I've done my job. She got confronted by two demons who were like, the king will see you now. So Crowley is the big winner here. Of course. You know he played, he played the game in his favor, for somebody who hardly appeared in this season, for him to come out on top. I was not expecting that. Yeah, probably took Meg Crowley, took Kevin Dean and Cassie L we find out are in Purgatory. And so here's where I was confused, like, like I said, their bodies weren't left behind. So I feel like they got teleported to purgatory, not that they died? Yeah, right, I guess, because he was talking about whenever the monsters die, this is where their souls come. So that's, that's the only thing I was kind of confused on, like, are Castile and Dean dead and their souls are in Purgatory? Or did they not lose their bodies? I don't know. That's maybe they'll explain it next, next season. I'm gonna have to wait until next season. So that's, that's the biggest question that I'm left with. Is that I was kind of like, Huh? And then poor Sam, I know, I mean, Crowley was just like, you are well and truly on your own before he took off almost the entire series. That's been Sam, something that Sam has seemed to want, but now that he has it, he did not seem happy, yeah, no, he seemed terrified, yeah. Oh, and I totally forgot that Cassie l woke Dean up and told him, this is where we are. All the monsters are here. And then he left. Dean,
LA:yeah. He was like, we need to go. And Dean's asking him questions. And Dean turns around. He turns. That was gone. I was like, that's real nice. What
Berly:the fuck like? Did he forget? Dean can't help teleport too. Surely, not. I don't know. So Dean's just left there standing by himself, and that's the end of the episode, yeah?
LA:With monsters slowly surrounding it, yeah. Okay,
Berly:this surprises me. This was written by Sarah gamble. What was up with that naked teenager, Sarah, and it was directed by Robert singer. I can't think of any shots or Zoom ins or tricks or anything that caught my eye. Yeah, I don't think so. I would not have guessed this was a gamble. Singer production here, that's interesting. I mean, it was a good finale, don't get me wrong. But that the naked teenager. I was totally expecting a male writer from that Gore dick. Dick white. I want to hear Hey, Blue. I want to hear me say it when I say blew up. That's the way we're going to choose to describe it. What did you want me to say? I thought you're going to come up with something funnier. Oh, no. Well, I was
Unknown:trying to think of what else besides that. Well, there
Berly:was a lot of head chops off. Oh, that's true. We saw a lot of leviathans getting decapitated like crazy. But I feel like we've seen that so much this season, I'm almost desensitized to it. Yeah. But yeah. I mean, other than that Dick, yeah, the dick with his leaking, his leaking out of his nose and mouth and smiling. I'm like, did that get in your mouth? James Patrick Stewart,
LA:probably who knows what it is. I mean, who knows what it was made of, though I know,
Berly:but still, did you adore anything about this episode?
LA:I mean, Cass being back and being his little quirky self is nice. What about you?
Berly:I was happy with the twists with Crowley. Yeah, they were like, I, if you had asked me before we sat down and watched this episode, what I thought was going to happen, I don't think I would have said a single thing that would have been correct. Yeah. Was this going to be a favorite episode whenever we do our big season finale? No, no, but it was a, it was a satisfying finale, yeah, so I'll say that. Well, what about the lore? Okay,
LA:well, the lore we saw Bobby possessing an innocent woman Louise. Most possession stories are those of demon possession, but there is an infamous ghost possession story called The Wat Sika wonder, according to American hauntings Inc, the story of the Wat Sika wonder officially began in 1877 when a young Illinois woman named lawrencey Venom, what a strange name. And
Berly:I think that's a cool name. I know I like it. That's like a superhero villain name. Yeah, that's crazy venom. Lincy
LA:Venom began to suffer strange seizures and spells that caused her to lose consciousness for hours and even days at a time. During these trances, she claimed to communicate with the spirit world. After being examined by a number of doctors, it was suggested that she be sent away to an insane asylum. There was nothing physically wrong with her, they said, so her symptoms could only be caused by insanity.
Berly:They used to say the same thing about horny women. I know, but before
LA:learn see could be locked away. Her family received a visitor, a man named ASA Roth, whose daughter Mary suffered from the same illness more than a decade before. Mary's life had been a chaotic one. Her spells and trances had started when she was an infant, and no doctor could ever find a reason for them. As she grew older, they allowed her to manifest clairvoyant abilities and speak to spirits, or so she believed her family and doctors weren't convinced, and so Mary was sent to an asylum, where she died in July of 1865 by the winter of 1878 also Roth had become a devout follower of spiritualism, and believed that Mary had not been insane. She had been a gifted but misunderstood spirit medium. He begged the venom family not to send learncy away. He believed that a spiritualist physician could alleviate her symptoms and save her from Mary Roth's grim fate. The venoms agreed to try and during a visit from de Winchester Stevens, learncy entered a trance and became possessed by the spirit of a dead young woman who professed to be able to help her. When learn C regreen were grind, yeah, when learn See, regained constant consciousness. She seemed different, unlike her former self. When Dr Stevens asked her to identify herself. She replied, My name is Mary Roth. Soon it becomes obvious to the Roth and Venom families as well as scores of local towns, people, neighbors, friends, relatives and more that learn see had somehow become a woman who died more than a dozen years earlier, she recognizes people that Mary knew, identifies things that belonged to the dead girl and knows intimate family secrets that there was no other way learn see could have known it seemed impossible, but it was happening for the next five months. Learn see lived as Mary Roth in the Roth family home possessed by her spirit. There was no local explanation for how this could be happening, and yet it was. Is learn, see who Dr Stevens would dub the Wat Sika wonder became the best documented paranormal event in American history.
Berly:If you want to know more about this story, the podcast astonishing legends did a episode on the Wat Sika wonder somewhat recently, and they do much more of a deep dive.
LA:Oh, nice. We'll also shout out the real sister, Mary constant of the Bernardine sisters, third order of the Saint Francis, who died of natural causes at the age of 91 on april 27 2007 she entered the Bernardine order on August 8, 1934 she earned a Bachelor of Science in Education from Villanova University in 1949 she was also a certified medical technologist, damn well accomplished lady. Yeah, Sister constant served her ministry as a teacher and medical technologist, notably in Hazleton and Chester Watertown and Newport News Virginia.
Berly:Well quote to close it out from Mr. San Winchester. He said Dick made more dicks. Sure did. Yeah, he did. Oh, rip dick, yeah. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped
LA:nightmares. Follow us on Twitter or Instagram, leave a review and let us know how we can get involved in the fandom. This
Berly:was fun,
Unknown:jerk, it always is, bitch. I.