Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Join SPN family newcomers, Berly and LA, as they explore the TV series, Supernatural, episode by episode. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.
As a way to keep in touch during the 2020 pandemic, Berly and LA started podcasting with their debut, anything-goes talk show, The Tipsy Exchange. During those discussions, Berly and LA realized that they most enjoy talking humorously about TV/Film, mythology, suspense, and hot guys. Supernatural seemed a natural fit. It's a match made in heaven... or hell... you decide!
Now, let's get tipsy! CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Of Grave Importance (7x19)
Berly and LA recap the season seven Supernatural episode, Of Grave Importance. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy! CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
Summary: In the episode "Of Grave Importance," Sam and Dean investigate a haunted house where ghosts, including Annie, are trapped by Whitman Van Ness, who absorbs their energy. Bobby, who can see and interact with ghosts, tries to help from the afterlife. The brothers discover that Annie was killed by Whitman and that Dexter, a ghost, was framed. They burn Whitman's body, freeing the ghosts, and give Annie a hunter's funeral. The episode highlights Bobby's struggle to communicate with the living and the various ways ghosts can manifest, such as through touch, electricity, and speech.
- https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Of_Grave_Importance
- https://www.kxtickets.com/news-blog/8-ways-ghosts-communicate-with-the-living
- https://americanaristocracy.com/houses/van-ness-mansion
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Automated transcription and summary via Otter.ai.
Ellie, welcome to denim wrapped nightmares, Tipsy Exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series, episode by episode,
LA:over drinks, we'll discuss the lore the gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.
Berly:I'm Burleigh, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm
LA:LA, and I'm here. Long for the ride. Now let's get Tipsy. Hello, LA, hey, Burley,
Berly:we've been doing really bad about telling people what we're drinking, as
Unknown:you I think we did it maybe twice.
Berly:I think that whenever we were the most consistent with it is when we were having a Misha Collins, like almost every episode, yeah, yeah. Or the Elmar, or the Elmar, yeah, we have some of that in the fridge, but at the moment, I'm drinking a lime, sorry, natural lime. White claw,
Unknown:beautiful. I'm drinking a
Berly:ginger beer. Isn't that? What even let's
Unknown:look at that's an actual it's an actual drink, though, Cheetos and vodka. Yeah? Sorry, Cheetos vodka and ginger beer, a Moscow Mule. Yes, that's it. I thought that was,
Berly:I thought there was another ingredient. There's lime
Unknown:juice, but we're out of that. You should put some of my lime good. But I really like the ginger beer that said it's spicy and robust, and I can taste that little spice. You could smell it too. Whenever I did, whenever you opened the can, you were like, I can smell the spicy spikes to my night. Okay, that's what we're drinking. Well, on the last episode, it was titled, titled party on Garth, which he
Berly:said the name of the episode during the episode, right? I know. And
Unknown:side note, whatever year I was, who was I with? My cousin and I were Garth and Wayne for Halloween one year. That's one of my most favorite Halloween costumes I ever did. Yeah,
Berly:that year that you were Garth, I was a murder victim of Dexter because, remember, Matt was supposed to come out with us. So I had wrapped myself in saran wrap and had some stuff. I don't remember what I had on underneath.
Unknown:I think you had on, like, just bare colored shapewear,
Berly:yeah, I think so, yeah. And then I had the saran wrap all wrapped around, and then the fake blood. By the end of the night, the saran wrap was like, coming off of me, and I just ended up just like, ripping it all off. I was just like, hanging out in, like, shapewear with a big old blood stain on the front of
Unknown:it. It was a good COVID. It was very cleverly put together. Oh, goodness. Okay. Well, so the episode, oh yes. Enough about us. Dean was surprised when he got a call from Garth DJ Qualls adorable. He's so adorable in this part. He was asking for their help on a case he was working Sam and Dean discovered that they were battling a shojo shoujo shoujo? Sure, yeah, I don't remember. It's been a while, so Japanese creature sent to seek revenge on enemies. And the worst part about fighting the shojo shoujo, you can only see it when you're drunk. Uh oh, yikes. Is that
Berly:really all that bad, though? Right? They made for an entertaining episode. Today's episode is titled of grave importance. It's the 19th episode of season seven, and originally aired on April 20, 2012 420, oh yeah. The episode opens up with Sam and Dean parked on the side of the road munching some tacos. And no, that's not a euphemism. They were very happy, I
Unknown:know, right? Be like, whoa, what are we watching?
Berly:Dean was real happy, because apparently, they taste the same no matter where they are, and there's no way that's true. Like, right, even if it's a fast food joint, yeah, I doubt it anywho, he gets a call from Annie. Good old Annie.
Unknown:Yeah. Well, I thought he said, Eddie, you did. And then that's when we needed the subtitles. But the way he answered the phone, I was thinking, Are we supposed to know this person? He the way, he's just like, Hey, what's up?
Berly:Well, we're we're supposed to know that he knows this person. Well, yeah, but in your defense, it did sound like Eddie. Thank you, but it's Annie. She is on a case, but she's not asking them for help. No, she's apologizing for Bobby saying that. That fucking sucks. We lost a good one, but I have some of his books. I figured you guys would want them. So let's meet for lunch tomorrow. I'll see you there, one o'clock.
Unknown:Wasn't it just like a couple episodes ago, where they were like, needing more of Bobby's
Berly:books. I don't remember it. I swear I remember them
Unknown:being like, how does it not in Bobby's books? Probably because they were with Annie. Annie
Berly:had the books they needed. Yeah, there you go. Now it's kind of like, where else? How many other books are scattered among other hunters?
Unknown:I mean, he had that big library. I didn't know he was. He
Berly:also said he made copies. So, oh yeah, how many copies are out there anyway? That was just, I remember that. So, I mean, it sounds right, yeah, you know. But it's, it's not like the episode is particularly coming to mind or anything, yeah. Well, Annie is on a case. She's always working, and he's got it going on guys,
Unknown:she really does, like, I'm impressed by her. For her, I like the way it played out, too. That was it, Dean saying that they had a thing. Bobby And Annie had a thing back in the day. Sam, oh, Sam, yeah.
Berly:Sam said it first. He said they had a fox a foxhole romance. And then dean was just like, really, me and Annie kind of had a foxhole too. And then Sam was like, uh, when I was Solis, yeah, me and Annie got it on too. So in my mind, Annie had a foxhole with Gordon. Annie had a foxhole with John. Really good John. I mean, she went for brothers. That's true. What's wrong with throwing dad in there? Yeah, that's what's wrong with throwing dad in the mix.
Unknown:Oh, okay, who else, Rufus, did you say Ruth? Ooh, Rufus, yeah, well, I mean, she's on the road doing maybe herself, maybe
Berly:she's real open, and we throw some Ellen in there too. Hey, hey, get it, Annie. Yeah, she
Unknown:was, Annie was getting
Berly:she's like, I had a good life. We were like, Yeah, you did. Yeah, you did, Annie, you made the most of it. Good for you. Well done. Speaking of Annie, she is investigating this house, and when she's pulling up to this house, there happens to be two teenagers inside who are having this romantic squat date. You know, what's that? A make out? Sesh, are we squatting in the house? Are we making out? Is it a date? Is it romantic? Look at all the candles. Hard to tell. He reached over, and I think he was trying to take off her jacket, but in the moment, I thought he was just rubbing her clavicle, and I was like, Oh, we're taking it back to hook.
Unknown:Man, that's her spot.
Berly:They hear Annie pulling up, and think it's the cops that they're busted and they're about to get arrested. So they go running through the house. Their flashlights stop working, and then they see this big man, big burly man, standing in the doorway, and he goes, You shouldn't have come here. And then just rushes toward them. He was pretty quick for being such a big guy. Yeah, we cut to Annie coming in the house, and she sees them laid out on the floor. And I thought their throats were slit at first, but then when we saw Annie later, it was like the blood was coming out of her nose. It was on their mouths. Yeah, so I think, oh, so, I think it just kind of bled out of their face that the ghost that we see him do this stuff later that just makes you have an aneurysm or something, I don't know. Anyway they did, that's the important thing. Annie looks down. It's just like you too, dumb fucks. What were y'all doing in here? She looks over, and the linebacker guy comes charging toward her too. And we cut away to Sam and Dean. They're where they've said they would rendezvous with Annie, and she's late. They're, like, getting really irritated, and they're talking about Dick Roman doing another archeological dig. And so LA and I are both like, um, have y'all even tried to look for Frank? Where's Frank? Yeah, you brought up a really good point. Haven't, like, Y'all just showed up in his trailer and like, oh, well, that sucks. Let's go. Let's go. About our time. I'll be fine. Nobody has even so much as mentioned Frank or Frank, poor Frank, poor Adam still down in the cage with Lucifer and Michael. I forgot about that too. Oh, these Winchesters, they'll leave you hanging.
Unknown:Yeah, don't count on
Berly:them. Support break. And this is when Sam and Dean kind of figure out that Annie has hit it and quit it with all of them, with the whole crew. I mean, good again. Good on you. Yeah, good job Annie that hunting. It's
Unknown:a lonely life. Uh, yeah, that's what I'm saying. She's on the road all by yourself. Do I get the most of it? Yeah. So finally, somebody's there, and hey, hey, take it.
Berly:I can't believe it, if they're willing to give it, and they were, apparently she
Unknown:had great hair. She did look very luscious and healthy. I'm jealous. They are worried about Annie. What did Dean say? She's he was
Berly:insinuating like she's not a flake, like it's not like her to leave that suit, yeah, to leave somebody hanging like this, right? She may not be punctual, but this is a little worrisome, out of character. So then they try calling her, and she doesn't answer the phone. So of course, Dean pulls out his flask and makes his coffee Irish, right? And I thought it was a practice, and I was like, okay, yeah. But then I pointed out to you, it's lunch. They said they were gonna meet at one, and she's fine. She's exceptionally late at this point, so maybe it's even closer to two at this point. Like, come on, yeah, kind of some slack. Totally fine with that. He's worried about his one night stand from a while ago. Let me
Unknown:think. Really excited to see her.
Berly:They talk a little bit about Bobby and saying how it's probably better that he's not back as a ghost. And we don't see Bobby sitting there, but we see the flask kind of start to wobble, and I'm like, was that Bobby's way of being like, Can y'all not talk about me when I'm standing right here? Because or are sex lives. Words can hurt. And I now I know that all three of us have banged Annie, and you're talking about how, Oh, we're so happy Bobby's not here. Like, oh yeah, rude.
Unknown:And then right after that, Sam's like, maybe we put that flask away. Let's get rid of Bobby altogether, you know. Let's pack it up. Yeah. And then we get to see, we get to see Bobby, kind of being like guys, isn't he in the back seat.
Berly:But luckily, Dean says he's not ready. Yeah, he's not ready to pack it up just yet. Sammy, they go to Annie's hotel room to figure out what this case is, that she was working on. Maybe she's in trouble. Maybe something's going on. They find out that Annie is investigating the Van Ness house. She has clippings and her strings and all kinds of stuff all over
Unknown:it. Every time they kept bringing up that name, all I could think of was Jonathan Van Ness
Berly:from Queer Eye. Maybe there's a relation who knows. They found out that it was on America's most haunted houses list. There were disappearances for years, and they only stopped recently. Did they though? Did they I
Unknown:thought it was that they started picking they started recently when that was, ah,
Berly:that's what that sentence says, yeah, they stopped until recently, they picked back up again. So what was the gap in the timeline? He had enough dead people in the house. I don't know. I don't know what the gap in time there? Yeah, he just needed a break for a little bit, little vacay. Yeah, maybe the house was unavailable to people for a little bit, and so they weren't going there because there was, like, a fence around it. Who knows? It's not addressed while they're talking, Bobby's trying to move something else. In fact, I think he was like, Look, I just, I just made the curtain move. Can y'all, Can y'all look like, look at the places that I want you to look when I'm doing stuff. Or were you being like, move those papers around. We know you can move
Unknown:papers like they're both holding papers. Why did you go with the curtain, Bobby? Come on. But you just hear I said that. Yeah. Sorry, but
Berly:Bobby gets worn out. Man. It takes a lot of energy to do this shit. Yeah, they're like, let's go check out more on this house. Let's go do some more research on the house. And so they take the flask, which means Bobby goes with them at the Van Ness house. The brothers are looking around, and Bobby, whenever he walks in, he's just like, oh, fuck, there's just a whole bunch of ghosts just standing around. It was
Unknown:so odd, because they're standing in all these different places. But all like looking in different directions too, not not that any of them turn to see him and watch him enter, or what these other guys were doing.
Berly:It was really weird. They were just frozen. So that's where I was kind of asking you later on, when we were talking about the villain of the episode, if he was maybe siphoning from people little bit, little bit, little bit at a time, rather than just siphoning all of them, like we saw him do a couple of times. Maybe he was just taking little bits from people, probably. And then this some fresh blood was and then fresh blood coming in, yeah? And that's why they were just standing there, like catatonic, yeah? But you're right, you know, we don't see that, but it's just like they never really explain why so many of these ghosts are just standing around, not interacting with each other, not moving whatsoever, and not acknowledging Bobby whenever he's trying to be like, Hey, Hi, I'm Bobby. Yeah, none of them want to be friends, so that's my theory. I like it. They're almost gone, you know, until we see what happens to them whenever they get to where they're so depleted that they start to decompose, even though they don't have flesh.
Unknown:Yeah, that's still I don't understand that part, but yeah, whatever I could
Berly:have, I could have done without that part. Now, the one ghost that like went and came rushing toward them. That was cool. I liked that special effect, but you could have just explained that like once Whitman siphons enough off of you, you go crazy, and that happens, right? You just go away. That would have been a better explanation than, I think, than the time. Oh, time affects each of us differently, and you decompose even though you don't have a body, right? That's my only complaint. Yeah, I'm with you. Logic wise here, it's not important to the overall plot. We just
Unknown:go deep. You know, we need things explained
Berly:while Bobby Sam and Dean are all walking around the house
Unknown:and Dean and. Dead, the
Berly:ghost owner of the house, Whitman Van Ness, tells the one that attacked the teenagers. Dexter O'Connell, big guy. Big guy. Linebacker, linebacker. Dexter Whitman Van Ness, they're chatting. They're having a chat. They're good names. Whitman was handsome. I really liked how His face looked whenever he was, like, smiling, and whenever he was absorbing people, yeah, that looked so cool. He looked like a demonic, evil Gomez Adams. I was like, Oh, my God, I love it. I
Unknown:could have done without the mustache. I liked it, but he was handsome. I like a
Berly:good stash, I bet you do. Yeah, I do. Oh, speaking of a good stash, whenever they go to the Historical Library, oh my god, that man's beard. Christine, I just wanted to take my fingers in it and just sit on his face. I don't care, white beard. I'll take it. I'll take it. That was a sexy old man. That was a fucking sexy old man that they were talking to in that library. You know what? Annie hit that too. I bet she did. Annie hit that too. She like, he warned her, like, don't go there. And she was like, okay, but where can I go? He was like, my place. And Annie was like, Damn right. She took that mustache ride. That was her last one. Oh, my God, Annie last What a way to go out, right? He was fucking high, I will
Unknown:say the mustache. I don't like it usually when the curls up, or it's like longer on the ends or anything. But his was, it was perfect, perfect.
Berly:Yeah, oh, I loved that.
Unknown:Very knowledgeable, a distinguished older gentleman, yeah.
Berly:Okay, so we gotta stop museum guy or Whitman Van Ness, pending that he wouldn't kill you, Whitman, really,
Unknown:he's just so handsome. Oh, I take library
Berly:the suit. The suit was nice works. See, the problem with me, with Whitman is when I found him the most attractive was when he was killing somebody, right? Whenever he was, like, absorbing the energy and had that evil smile and was all lit up. I was like, Oh, who's this?
Unknown:Well, I like him, dark haired and pretty eyed, and that
Berly:was him. So he was, he was, yeah, he was handsome, a good villain too. I mean, I wouldn't turn down museum guy. Me neither. Annie got it. Got to hit it both good for her. I know that there's no way in the story plot whatsoever, where there could have been a time that she got to hit it with Whitman, but I'm still going to say she did it.
Unknown:She would have, if she could have, she would have, if she could have, she probably thought about it when she saw him as a ghost, when she was a ghost. Finally, she
Berly:had my thoughts whenever she saw him all lit up. She was like, Oh my God. Like, I'm so scared. But at the same time
Unknown:I'd be like, Okay, well, this is where I have to stay. This. This looks like it's not going to be that bad. You
Berly:said that's the owner of the house, right? Oh, my God, I could fix him. That's what Annie said.
Unknown:She's like, I got skills. He doesn't even know that. He doesn't even
Berly:know yet. Oh my anyway. So back to Sam Dean and Bobby, all in the house,
Unknown:like we're not even talking about the show very much.
Berly:They're all in the house and Bobby, Bobby's the only one who can see this, right, because he's the only one who's in Ghost Town, and he sees Whitman scolding Dexter being like, I told you not to do that. You shouldn't be doing that. There's consequences to your actions. Boy, are there? Oh, and Bobby's just like, Oh my God. What is going on here? These other ghosts are being total bitches and completely ignoring me. You're yelling at him, and I don't know, I don't know what's happening, and no one has a reaction to it. Bobby is very confused, as were we right? Sam and Dean are walking around with the EMF, and Sam is just like, shit is popping off all over this house. Then Dean tries to call Annie's phone and they hear it ringing. They're like, this is not good. So then they do the reasonable thing and start going through her voicemail messages, and they hear a voicemail message, or it's like, Annie
Unknown:come help us. Bitch, that's all she's we need them skills, bitch, come teach us. I'm a fancy lady. I'm a fancy lady. Come be fancy with me. Here's your one chance. Fancy. Don't let me down. Nice. All of that
Berly:was on the voicemail. It wasn't i i
Unknown:believe it went a little more like free me free.
Berly:Pretty simple message, okay, no, she's okay. She's a fancy lady, right? Yeah, right. And she was wanting help. And so it wasn't freeing me. She was saying Free B, free B, just
Unknown:Oh, one last time. Let's make it weird. Free. Oh, my God, I am so sorry. Everybody this episode's gonna be a. That's it. Oh, my god. That was good. That was good, though.
Berly:Bobby is looking around the house after he eavesdropped on Whitman and Dexter. He's wandering around, still trying to be
Unknown:like, Hi. Hi, anybody? Talk to me. Talk to me.
Berly:Yeah. Well, one of the ghosts does end up talking to him, but he wasn't necessarily happy to see them. I know it was Annie. She was happy to see Bobby. Well, yeah, but it didn't click for her right away, until Bobby told her, I have bad news for you. Girl, if you can see me, you dead, yeah. Annie can't remember shit. All she remembers is walking in, seeing the two dead kids looking up, seeing Dexter linebacker charging her. And that's it, like she had no idea that she was dead, which, how bad does that suck? All right? And she didn't have a Reaper come visit her, which does that means she's stuck there?
Unknown:I mean, she's a been a hunter, it seems like for a while, and you see dead Bobby, you'd think that would have clicked a little faster.
Berly:Well, I mean, I can understand that she was just so happy to see him that it didn't click right away. True, true. But I'm more sad that, like, a Reaper didn't come for her. And so that explains why all these ghosts are stuck here. And I'm just like, why are they letting this man do this?
Unknown:They're like, We're not touching that van. We're like, we're not going y'all
Berly:are on your own. Sorry. And Bobby tells her that he actually ran away from his Reaper. Yeah. She scolds him a little bit, but he's like, I gotta help. I got things to do. I need to. I need to help my boys. And Annie was like, I helped your boys.
Unknown:I helped out a lot. I helped them a lot. Bobby more with than one. But there must be some lag time, because remember the two kids walk by, Bobby and Annie when they're talking, they didn't even acknowledge them either, and they were speaking to them. So maybe there's just a period where they're tuned out.
Berly:I don't think the kids knew they were dead, just like Annie. No, she was dead. Maybe the reason Annie was able to see Bobby is because she knows Bobby. Maybe I don't know. I don't know what the supernatural rules are. I don't either. We'll just make them up. Okay, so that's what we'll say. Because Bobby penetrated Annie, she was able to see him in the Yeah, they were one at one time, exactly. They shared DNA, so obviously you're gonna be able to see each other when you're dead. It's just science. LA, I
Unknown:think I might be good not seeing anybody.
Berly:Oh, my God, there are people right that I would have liked them to have not seen me naked, much less so see me in the afterlife.
Unknown:Let's hope that's not true, right? The way it goes. Okay?
Berly:They liked each other and respected each other, and they shared DNA, so that's why they didn't see Yeah, they were friends. There we go. Well, Sam and Dean kind of figure out there must be some sort of Vengeful Spirit, if not multiple spirits in this house. But we're not seeing no bodies. We're not seeing crime scene. We don't know what to do here. Who the hell is it? One of the ghosts, Mr. Haskell crane comes walking in through the wall with his book, with his ghost book, right? Because this ghost book was able to travel through the wall. And then that got me thinking like, well, then there goes. Close. Their ghost clothes? Why do all these ghosts have clothes? I'm going to be a naked ghost. Whenever I decide to go haunt people, you're going to see it all. No, I bet. Why not? What if I got to lose at that point? That's true, you know. Anyway, so he comes through the wall with his ghost book and just picks up a chair and moves it. And Bobby is pissed because he was just, Oh, my God. He's so upset. He was just talking to Annie about how Sam and Dean have no clue that he's still around because he hasn't been able to consistently figure out how to do shit that he knocked off a book from the table one time, and he was blacked out for two weeks. He was like, this shit is hard. I don't understand. And then this guy just comes in is like, you know what? I bet you, Haskell was totally eavesdropping from the other room. He's a show off, yeah, and he heard Bobby saying this stuff, and was just like, okay, because why else did he just come through the wall with his book and just move that chair and go sit at the bar? Let me sit at the bar where these two conscious ghosts are having a conversation, and let me open my book and sit here and read and pretend like I don't see them like, What a bitch. I bet he does that to every new all the ghosts. Yeah, he was sassy. I was gonna
Unknown:say I got this little sassy attitude. And he probably does that to everybody. He's not really upset or, like, disgusted by you being around or anything. He just wants to, like, make you feel bad.
Berly:He wants to show off. Yeah, and brag, right? But Haskell finally starts telling them, okay, there's two ways as a ghost that you can move shit, that you can do shit. We're energy, right? That's all we are. So you have to use your emotion to give you more power. Unbridled rage, or whatever he was like hot poker rage. You know, sure that you can do shit with that, but you also can't manufacture it. Something actually has to push you to that point, and that's why vengeful spirits and poltergeists, who are just like they're going crazy with rage, that's why they're able to do all the shit that you guys have been over here talking about, because I've been eavesdropping on your entire conversation. So yes, I know what you're talking about. The other way you can do it is just to get caught. Calm, just complete sense of calmness, focus your energy on the object and tell it what you want it to do. And Annie was like, I did that with Sam Dean and Bobby. Bobby And Annie are trying to do this stuff, and they're not really picking it up at first, but Bobby gets it eventually, and he never quite does. Yeah, we really
Unknown:don't see her do anything, moving an object or anything. I don't think
Berly:it's as important to her, right, right? Like she doesn't really let Bobby do all the work. Yeah. I mean, Bobby is the one who desperately wants Sam and Dean to know that he's here and that he wants to help, yeah, and he's just kind of like, solve the fucking case, guys. I mean, she even says, whenever her and Bobby are alone that like, I'm good, I'm ready, I'm ready to be put to rest. Sam and Dean go walking through. Annie and Bobby try to get their attention again. But, like, nothing not gonna happen. After they leave, Annie starts to wonder, like, Okay, so where the fuck is my ghost? And then Bobby's like, I think I'm getting checked out. Oh yeah, this girl's checking me out. And Annie was like, Um, no, I'm getting checked out. And I would know, because I don't miss or pass over a single opportunity. And she's like, I came here for a freebie. Oh, that's right, I'm ready to collect and that is the one that freebie. Yeah, she wanted her freebie from Victoria Dodd. Victoria asks them to figure out how to free her, but before anybody can answer, Bobby like disappears, and that's because Dean has the flask and he's left the house. Oh, this is when they go to the library, museum, places after all of this, right? This is when they want to go get history on the house. So it's the Bodega Bay Historical Society, and they talked to the manager. His name's Quinton. Oh, I didn't catch that Quinton. Quinton is the old man who can hit it guys. So the history of the house. Whitman Van Ness lost his fortune and then let the house become a bordello. And Dexter linebacker was a convict who Whitman employed as a groundskeeper at the house. Dexter was convicted of killing Whitman's fiance on the eve of their wedding, and then he left the house, the bordela house, and went to a brothel and killed a bunch of people, and then came back to the house. Allegedly, we were confused if it was like the same house or if it was a different brothel. We couldn't really understand from how Sam was talking about the history as to what happened there. But is what it is we find out later that it was Whitman who did all of this stuff right, and framed framed poor Dexter. And that's when Quentin also tells them that Annie was there earlier and got all the same information, and he told her, do not go. It's not safe. Sam and Dean check into a motel, and this is when they're going over everything, and Bobby is trying to figure out how to show himself. Dean goes to take a shower, and it's not the we don't see the shower. We just know he's in the shower. And then he, like, peeks out the curtain and grabs a towel off the wall and takes the longest time ever to dry off. Yeah, in the shower with the curtain closed. In the shower with the curtain closed while Bobby is staring at the steamed up mirror and being like, Okay, I'm going to make this happen. And Bobby manages to write in the steam Annie trapped in house Dean gets out of the shower and already has a shirt on. I'm just like, nice and tight too. And in the oh, it was a nicely fitted tee, it was. And in the reflection of the mirror, la could swear that he had the towel around his waist, yeah, with the t shirt. Who gets
Unknown:dressed like that? I'm
Berly:just saying missed opportunity here for sure. Well, then they get out or not. They it was just Dean. It's just Dean, guys. Dean gets out and sees the mirror, and it's like, Sam, did you do that? And Sam was, of course, saying, What the What are you talking about? No, I didn't do that. And then they ask Bobby, is that you? Well, Bobby decides, now's my chance, right? I've got the stage spotlights on me, because there's plenty of room and plenty of steam on the mirror for him to just write his name or just say yes. But he's like, No, let's get real dramatic. I've learned how to do this. I'm gonna, I'm gonna show off now, right? Yeah, I learned from a show off. And so now it's time for me to show off. So he takes a page from Haskell crane, and he turns on the hot water, which gets hot immediately, immediately, steaming hot, out of the sink, and it steams up the mirror even more. And then he takes the name to he writes out his name. He doesn't just, like, say, Yes, it's me. Like, he's like, No, Bobby, Bobby. It's Bobby. Sam and dangerous, like, holy shit, it's Bobby. We cut to two boys who are at the house, and they're talking about their good friends who have gone disappearing. That's not the way
Unknown:to say it. Gone disappeared.
Berly:They've gone missing. And they're talking about how they had like this immortal love, and their love was so strong and. So wonderful. And He caressed her clavicle tenderly. And it was just the things of romance here. And they go walking in, the door closes behind them, so we know what's going to happen there. In the meantime, Dean has realized that Bobby must be attached to the flask, and then Sam is going, Oh, that makes sense, because every time I tried to contact him, he said they used, he used the talking board. I guess they can't say Ouija board on the show. Oh, did he I didn't recognize, yeah, he called it the talking board. He used the talking board all the methods. It's like, every time I did it, I was by myself. You weren't with me, and you always have that flask on hand. So that's why I hadn't been able to contact him and Dean, for whatever reason, even though he had convinced himself that Bobby was around, he never actually tried to prove that Bobby was around, which I'm
Unknown:like, poor Sam probably is like, well, thank God I thought he didn't love me, right?
Berly:It's Cassie l all over again. My God, y'all quit ignoring Sammy back in the Van Ness house. Dexter, the linebacker, tries to warn the two teenagers who were in there talking about their friends, and they're walking around with a video camera. I don't know if I said that already, but that's important, that they have that video camera. Well, he didn't. We
Unknown:didn't know. He tried to warn him. He just charged at them the same way he did the other teens. So we're thinking he's gonna kill them, yeah, but no, he was trying to warn him. He's a good guy. He's trying
Berly:to tell them to get the out of there. And when they turn to run, Whitman shows up, and it's just like, oh my god, Dexter, you're so annoying. Stop it. And the boys, like, or thanking Whitman, actually, whenever Whitman shows up, I forgot that because they think that Whitman's there to save him. But then Whitman reaches into their chest, and I don't know if he ripped their hearts out, or if he just, like, crushed their hearts, probably just stops it. I think he just stopped it. Yeah, they fall down dead. And then Whitman turns to Dexter, and that's whenever he scolds him, like, told you to Quit fucking warning people quit trying to get people away. And Dexter was like, you have enough people. My
Unknown:house is full of people. Yeah,
Berly:you don't need any more. That's when Whitman reaches into Dexter. And it was really cool. Special effects, the lights and everything, yeah. And like I said, I really liked how Whitman looked whenever he was doing he looked real good. And Annie's around the corner watching this whole thing. It's just horrified. After Whitman walks away, Annie goes up to the bodies, and she's trying to get the camera out of their hands, as we know, she hasn't mastered it, like Bobby has just yet. So she waves over her freebie and is like, hey, freebie, freebie, Victoria, please come over here and help me. And at first, Victoria is like, No, I can't help you, we don't mess with anything of wits, you know? No. I mean, there's some things with Whitman that I would like to mess with, but you know, that whole serial killer thing just kind of ruins it forever. She did. She was a fancy lady. She was a fancy lady. I loved how every time she said it, they're like a hooker. And she was just like,
Unknown:I know. I was like, Can we say sex worker, please, right? My God, although I like fancy I
Berly:like fancy lady. I like that. I want to use that that needs to make a comeback. Victoria explains, I really don't want to make myself stand out here, all right, like Whitman's already killed me once I was whenever I was working here, he freaking slit my throat. I'd really like to avoid being absorbed into his body or whatever, whatever it is that's going on there. But Annie is just like, if you fucking help us, then we can defeat him and set you free. So okay, you got to make a choice here. Yeah. Then Victoria is like, all right, I guess I will. So she grabs the camera. They hear Whitman coming back down, so then they duck out and hide, and Whitman just grabs one arm from each of the two boys. And these aren't like, eight year olds, right? Like these are teenage boys. They are full size. He just grabs one arm from each and just drags them. And he's not struggling at all. So I'm like, were those stuffed Or were those actually the the people? What do you mean? He just did not seem like he was dragging something heavy. To me, just the way he was walking. Is he just that strong?
Unknown:We don't know what's going on under that suit. Oh, my God. Makes me even more excited.
Berly:Anyway, he drags them off, takes them upstairs, and we see that he has a secret door that he pulls the sconce on the wall and drags the bodies into there. But like one of those bookcase walls or doors, right? I didn't, I didn't pay attention to that. I just saw the sconce, the thing open as I was
Unknown:writing that I was like, did I just imagine that bookcase being a bookcaser.
Berly:I mean, that is the cliche thing that would open, though, right? Whenever it's a hidden wall like that, it normally is like a bookcase. Sure, we'll say, Yeah, but I just don't remember if it actually was. I don't know. Outside, Sam and Dean are about to come in, and they're trying to think, why can't we see Aunt? Me what's keeping us from seeing Annie Bobby's following them in, and while he follows them in, he pick pocketstein, he takes the flask and he goes and stashes it away in a drawer. I still don't know why he did that. I was about to say, Yeah, I still don't understand the purpose of that. I mean, I guess he was just kind of worried about Annie, and he wanted to make sure he could try and help solve the case from the house with Annie. It's never explicitly said, and nothing ever really implies what his motivation was for doing that. That's just the only thing I can think of that would make sense. Yeah. Anyway, Bobby decides he wants to stay at the house. Sam goes upstairs. Dean is downstairs, and then the camera just like slides across the floor to Dean's feet, like that. Dean looked down. Was like, That's not weird.
Unknown:I thought that was funny. It was Dean
Berly:picks up the camera, and Sam comes downstairs. They're watching it, and Sam's like, Go back, go back. And so they go back and slow down the footage and kind of go frame by frame, and they can see, like, this outline of Annie's face. I thought it was pretty cool. I don't know how they did that, but I liked it. And they were like, Okay, well, she's here. We still can't see her, but at least we know she's here. Now, Bobby is talking with Annie and her freebie, and Annie asks her freebie to go tell the Winchesters that they're there because her and Bobby can't, like, Bobby can maybe move some stuff, but like, could you just go tell them what the fuck is going on? And again, Victoria is like, I don't know, it's really dangerous. And then Annie is just like, okay, freebie, I told you they're gonna be able to help us. They're gonna be able to set you free. So Victoria, the freebie, is like, Okay, fine. So she, like, just pops up in front of them, like, and she explains everything to them. She's like, Bobby and Andy are here. It's Whitman's doing it. He set up Dexter, this is a fucking mess. Like you guys need to figure this out and help us, help us, help us, help us. Before she can explain in more detail, like where the bodies are. All of a sudden, she like, bursts into flames, and it's because Whitman was being an eavesdroppy little fella up on the staircase, and he went and got her bones and burned them. So I'm thinking, How did Whitman know to do that? Was he a hunter, like, I don't understand. Did he just experiment with all the corpses around the house? I mean, they were stacking up, if somebody was really getting on his nerves, and he couldn't absorb their energy all at once, for some reason, did he just, like, figure it out that he could burn their body and they would disappear? Yeah, maybe because he moved fast. So this wasn't his first time. So she gone, and Sam and Dean, I know I felt so bad for freebie, and Sam and Dean are both just going, huh? Somebody torched her. So they know the bodies are laying around somewhere, because they picked this opportune time to do it. But they just kind of go, Okay, we have a name. We know he's dead. Let's go find his body, because we're thinking he's not in the house. He's just attached to the house and burned them bones. They go walking out, and Whitman takes a key, and I guess it was the key to the house. I don't know, but he figured out somehow that. Again, I'm guessing it's not his first rodeo, but he knows that if he puts that key in Sam's pocket that he can do a ride along with the Winchesters, which how much fun to do a ride along with the Winchesters. Bobby sees this happen, and it's just like, fuck me, because he took the flask off Dean so he's not with them to help protect them now, now him and Annie are just stuck in the house. Annie and Bobby figure out where the bodies are and I liked that scene, like they stretched it out just long enough, in my opinion, but not so long that we were just like, Okay. And I like that. Bobby was like, I still got it. Sam and Dean, find the body, find find Whitman's grave. And, oh no, first they're in the car. I forgot about this. They're in the car. And they're like, Okay, like Sam's doing his little research, and he's like, this is where we're going. They have a mausoleum. Let's go. So mausoleum. Let's go. And then the car starts speeding up. And Sam was like, Calm down, bro. Like, we'll get there. We don't need to punch the gas. And Dean said, That's not me. And then the steering wheel started moving, and then Whitman kind of flickered into frame, and they were just like, fuck. And that's why I said, Why don't they wear iron jewelry? Yeah, that was a good point. They should each have on an iron ring on each hand so that, like, you can just punch it And granted, I know that won't kill it and defeat it, but it makes it disappear for a second, right? I don't even remember how they got him to go away there for a second. Did they just pull over and stop right then and there? Yeah, they pulled over, okay, yeah, they pulled over, stopped. Oh, that's what happened. You're right, right, right? And then Sam figured out it was the key, and like takes the key out of his pocket and drops it. And then Whitman tries to take Sam from behind, but he does not succeed, because Dean pulls out his gun, I'm guessing it was this iron bullet in his gun, and shoots the key. And Whitman, like, goes. I liked that special effect. Whenever he like me too, moved away. That was really cool. There was some really cool special effects in this episode that we have not seen before, Annie and Bobby, bad timing. Oh, they've had a whole conversation, by the way, guys, so they this is when they have the whole conversation where Bobby's talking about how he's not done yet, and Annie's saying, I am
Unknown:right. She sees her, she sees her dead body too. Mm, hmm, which? Ah, which they were. I don't know if we mentioned but they're piled up in that secret room.
Berly:Yeah. A whole bunch, whole bunch of bodies. That's when Annie tells Bobbi that she's done that she she doesn't want to stick around. Obviously the Reaper isn't coming for her here that she wants her body taken care of. And she tells Bobby, I can't do it, so you have to do it for me. She wants a hunter's funeral, Hunter's burial. They are talking about getting the bodies together and burning them. So there's a fireplace that had been going because that's where freebie got burned. Yeah, they saw her bones. Yeah. They were like, oh, that's what happened to Victoria. Whoops. Sorry girl, but you know what? At least she's free. Now that's true. Well, she's not stuck in the house anymore. So Victoria got what she wanted in the long run. Yeah, he didn't absorb her. Good job. Freebie, you got out, but they stoke the fire and get the flames going nice and big again. And that's when Whitman gets snapped back to the house. So they have to run and go hide. Whitman's looking around in the room, and sees that the fire is much stronger than when he left it, so he knows something shady is going on. I don't know how Bobby and Annie knew that he was suddenly back, I guess, because, like, they wouldn't have heard him coming up the stairs, right? Because he's a ghost, right? He could feel him. That's, yeah, that's what we decided, I forgot. We decided that ghosts have a much stronger sixth sense, because they don't have any of the other senses. And so they felt him show back up at the house. So they were hiding, and they got out of there. They went through a wall or something to get out of there. But women's still onto them. He chases them down, and he actually grabs Bobby and he starts doing the energy drain thing that we saw him do to Dexter earlier. And it looks like it's going to be really bad news. And Annie, again, hasn't learned how to do anything as a ghost, so she can't help them. She's just standing there watching helplessly. But luckily, Sam and Dean have found his moans by that point, they've gotten his big concrete thing off the wall in the mausoleum, and they salt and burn his ass so he disappears, and Bobby just falls to the floor when he wakes up. We don't know how long it's been, but we know it's been a while, and it was like you were out for a while, boy, and my theory is that he actually ended up absorbing some of Whitman, because apparently he's gained enough energy to make himself visible to Sam and Dean. Yeah,
Unknown:I was gonna, I kind of was wondering how, what made that happen. So I guess that theory would work.
Berly:Yeah, I'm just, that's what I'm assuming. He just, he got a little boost, and so he was able to make himself visible to them. Sam and Dean show back up to the house anyways to check and make sure that they took care of everything and see if there's anything else they can do. And there's Bobby, and Bobby kind of explains to them why he's still around. He still wants to help, and he also tells them that they found the bodies and that they need to take care of everything. So they give Annie a hunter's funeral, and I'm guessing they gave a hunter's funeral to all of them.
Unknown:And then he gives the flask back to Dean too, so he can stay with Yes, yes.
Berly:They asked him how, how he was able to stay at the house. And Bobby was like, Yeah, about that. And then he goes against the flask. And that's whenever Sam was like, oh, okay, you don't hate me. You were just attached to that material object that I do not possess. Poor Sammy, as they're packing up, Dean is not pleased with Bobby. This was the first time that we got a really good shot of Dean, because I really liked his hair. He looked good. Yeah, yeah. Like the only other time that we got a really good shot of him was after the shower, right? And so it wasn't styled. It was just wet. But like this the way it was styled here at the end, I was like, Oh, I am liking that. I'm liking that a lot. Imagine Dean with the beard and the must we should be doing, like a hair watch, imagine her blood splash. Imagine a dairy day. Imagine Dean with that hair and like the beard and the handlebars, and then, like the white shirt with like, the the thing, the thing, like, you know, like the thing, and then like the fest, like, like, is it bartenders or barbers that have, like, the weird, the black
Unknown:shirt? Oh, the thing that holds up holds the Oh, I know what you're talking about. Yeah. Okay, yeah.
Berly:Anyway, Dean, with his gorgeous fucking hair, it's just like, Bobby, you shouldn't have done this. And then Bobby was like, fuck you and disappears. And so they throw the flask in the back and then get in the car and talk about him. And I was thinking, just because you can't see him, you haven't been able to see him this whole time, but you've known he's been around. Why are y'all not thinking that he's literally in the back seat listening to you? Number one. Number two, how about instead of scolding him, you say, Hey, by the way, we figured out what those numbers were that you gave us and that they were coordinates, but we have no idea what's happening. What what is, why did we need to know those numbers? Bobby. Oh, and also, can you help us find Frank? Yeah, because the leviathans took Frank, No, instead, they decide to scold Bobby, rather than figuring out why he felt the need to stick around and help them more. It's a real missed opportunity, right? And understandably, Bobby's just not saying anything in the backseat. He's just listening to them talk about him, and it's just pissed. This episode was written by Brad Buckner and Eugene Ross lemming and directed by Tim Andrew. There wasn't any Gore really,
Unknown:just there's bloody faces when they were dead. Yeah, that was it. I loved the special effects and. This one? Yeah, I really liked they were a little
Berly:different. Yeah. Did you adore anything else about this episode?
Unknown:The house was amazing. Those
Berly:front doors were gorgeous. I wish we could have gotten a better look at that well, and when they show
Unknown:the picture and it's glory days at the museum, it was beautiful,
Berly:huge. I wonder if that was on location or if that was a set build, because there's been things that I've seen before where I've been convinced that has to be on location, and then come to find out it was a set build. So I'm very curious. Now, you should look it up. It's beautiful.
Unknown:The story was good. I liked, uh, handsome Whitman. You liked the serial killer? Yeah. Typically, I
Berly:I liked this one. I'm happy they're addressing Bobby and that they're giving Bobby an episode and kind of explaining as to why we haven't been able to see him, and why the things that he's been doing to let us know that he's there have been so sporadic and inconsistent. I liked Annie. I liked having this character of this female Hunter, because there would be a female Hunter like that in this predominantly male field, like, hell yeah, she's gonna get hers. Oh yeah, I liked it. Well, what about lore?
Unknown:There is an actual Van Ness, historical Van Ness house, which is said to be haunted, but it didn't seem to have any connection to the episode. The story lines didn't add up, but there is going to be a link in the show notes if you're interested in looking into that. So instead, we're going to look at eight ways ghosts communicate with the living. Alright. Well, it says reading creepy novels are telling me knocking ghost stories around a burning fire can chill you to the boat. But what would you do if a spirit tried to reach out and talk to you in some way, ghost experiences can differ. But here are eight ways that spirits typically communicate with the living. Best not to read this in the dark. Best not to listen to this unless you're feeling particularly grave. They communicate through touch. Whitman, I've had this if you ever, if you, if you've ever been on a ghost hunt or watched a ghost stories play, you'll know that people often report paranormal activity in the form of touch, from a hand on the arm to a caress on the face. There are many ways ghosts can make their presence known. Some spirits can also be a bit more aggressive, getting attention by pinching, pushing or pulling hair. Naughty. Oh my, I swear sometimes, like, a little bit of hair pulling, though, you know, like, be nice. Sometimes there are times like, where I'm sleeping and I'm a side sleeper, and I swear I felt somebody put, like their hand on my hip, ooh. But then nothing's there, and I'm disappointed i Oh, I'm like, Hey, okay, I consent. What's going on? Get back here. Where'd you go, buddy? Number two, what a tease. I know, right. Okay. Number two, communicate by manipulating electricity. Spirits are thought to be able to manipulate electric objects, so if the light flashes on and off mysteriously at a certain time of the day, it might not be a coincidence. To give you a hint as to who the spirit might be, they might try and draw your attention to something specific, like turning up the radio volume when a specific song plays. Perhaps it was someone's favorite song when they were alive, and they know you will understand the message. Number three is communicating by moving or throwing objects, just like a child. Poltergeist are well known for throwing or moving objects and causing a general disturbance around the home. Ghosts of this kind are thought to be angry spirits and expressing some kind of frustration. Perhaps they don't want you living in their former home, or maybe they are annoyed that they're trapped in the spirit realm and can't rest. Yeah, frustrating. I get it. Number four is communicate through repetition. Do you wake up at the same time every night? Perhaps you hear the same old sounds in the early morning or before you go to sleep, whatever the case, a ghost could be trying to get your attention through repetition. Number five is communication through speech. Have you ever heard a whisper in your ear or a shout in the distance? Ghosts might be trying to communicate through speech, but as they're trying to cross into the world of the living, this might not be an easy task, meaning the sounds they make are faint. Number six is communicating through Ouija boards, or, as we learned today, talking boards, talking boards, yes, to make it easier for ghosts to communicate, many ghosts hunting groups set up a Ouija board in rooms and buildings suspected of being haunted. The Spirit can then spell out what they want to say by moving a planchette.
Berly:Yeah, we were, we were trying to think of that word on a episode recently. Oh, yeah, yeah, because it killed that woman.
Unknown:Oh, that's right, I forgot about that. Yeah. By moving a planchette to various letters and numbers, it can also answer yes and no to specific questions. Number seven is, communicate through smell. Hmm. If you get a whiff of your grandmother's perfume or your uncle's tobacco, they might want you to know they're still around and you're not alone. Smells Connect. Connected with loved ones can be quite reassuring to those who have lost someone close to them. Finally, number eight, they communicate via ghost hunting. Equipment, equipment, equipment. Ghost Hunters often take a variety of tools, toys and equipment, to encourage spirit interaction. Ghosts can move a light up ball when it when they touch it. For instance, during a ghost hunt, the hunters can explain that the ball is for and how what the ball is for and how they can make their presence known, in case they don't understand
Berly:quote, close it out. It's from Bobby. He said, All right, now I can kill werewolves, fix a Pinto and bake cornbread. I will be damned if I can't get Zen.
Unknown:It's good fun. Cheers, cheers. I liked it when he flipped it. I did too.
Berly:Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.
LA:Follow us on Twitter or Instagram, leave a review and let us know how we can get involved in the fandom. This was fun, jerk. It always is, bitch. You.