Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Join SPN family newcomers, Berly and LA, as they explore the TV series, Supernatural, episode by episode. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.
As a way to keep in touch during the 2020 pandemic, Berly and LA started podcasting with their debut, anything-goes talk show, The Tipsy Exchange. During those discussions, Berly and LA realized that they most enjoy talking humorously about TV/Film, mythology, suspense, and hot guys. Supernatural seemed a natural fit. It's a match made in heaven... or hell... you decide!
Now, let's get tipsy! CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Adventures in Babysitting (7x11)
Berly and LA recap the season seven Supernatural episode, Adventures in Babysitting. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy! CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
Summary: In the "Denim Wrapped Nightmares" podcast, hosts Berly and LA discuss the Supernatural series, focusing on episode 11 of season 7, "Adventures in Babysitting." They recap the previous episode, "Death's Door," and review listener feedback. The episode follows Sam and Dean on a mission, with Dean obsessed with finding Dick Roman. They encounter a hunter, Lee Chambers, who is tracking a creature called a Vitala. Chrissy, Lee's daughter, joins Dean to save her father. The Vitala, a ghoulish trickster, is revealed to be a demonic figure. The episode ends with Dean maintaining a fake smile, reflecting his internal struggle. The hosts also discuss the Vitala's mythology and its influence on Dracula.
- https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Adventures_in_Babysitting
- https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/monster-mythology-vetala
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Automated transcription and summary via Otter.ai.
Ella, welcome to denim wrapped nightmares, Tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series, episode by episode,
LA:over drinks, we'll discuss the lore the gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.
Berly:I'm Burleigh, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm
LA:LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get Tipsy. Hello, LA, hey, Burley,
Berly:it's our mid season premiere, and I have a review to read to you. Okay, it's actually from Facebook, and it was from all the way back in June, but I didn't see it until after our season premiere for season seven. So just now reading it. So this is from Amber Nicole Roberts. Her review says I found these girls on Tiktok and instantly fell in love with their podcast. Supernatural is my all time favorite show, and hearing these ladies watch the show for the first time is very entertaining. They don't have a filter most of the time, so earphones are recommended if in a crowded place or at work. They're so funny that I constantly catch myself letting out snorts from their antics. Burley and La do such a good job with their recaps and lore. Highly recommend this podcast to any supernatural fans. Oh, I love it. Me too. And I didn't know you could leave reviews on our Facebook page. So if you guys are not on apple or an app that lets you leave a review and you're wanting to leave a review about the podcast, you can do that on our Facebook page, all right. Well, before we get into today's episode, I am going to do a quick little reminder to where we were on our last episode, because LA is on recap this week. So our last episode was death's door. Sam and Dean raced the clock on a high stakes mission while Bobby was in a coma and sought the help of an unlikely old friend to solve one of the most personal cases of his life. And it was an endearing, heartwarming, very sad episode.
LA:Yeah, I still don't want to believe that he's gone. I
Berly:think this episode kind of answered that question, though. LA, I know
LA:I'm just saying I still don't want to accept it.
Berly:Hey, if we know anything about supernatural, it's that. That doesn't mean he's not coming back.
LA:I know that's why I'm like, I just he's coming back, right? He's not gone for good. The little
Berly:road so far. Reminder thing at the beginning, I was like, okay, so what do we have coming before the end of this season? We have Sam and his Lucifer hallucinations. They've been reminding us about that all season. Something's gonna happen with that. They reminded us of Castiel, and so I'm wondering, if he comes back this season, maybe they were just reminding us of everything, and it wasn't necessarily, hey, you need to remember this, the Lucifer thing, I definitely think is going to be revisited before the end of the season, because they've just brought it up way too many times. Well,
LA:it kind of needs to be Yeah, just like, here and there, yeah. Okay. But
Berly:speaking of today's episode, yes,
LA:all right. Well, today's episode is titled adventures and babysitting, and it is the 11th episode of season seven, and it aired on January 6, 2012, all through my notes this I've referred to this man as dad, and now I see
Berly:I didn't catch his name either, just FY.
LA:Okay, good. You usually do. So I was like, Man, I'm I just saw it in our notes, though. So his name is Lee chambers, dad.
Berly:I like dad.
LA:That's what he has in my notes. Okay, so Lee chambers guy sitting at a diner having some coffee, and he's kind of creepily watching this other lady that's outside talking to a trucker, truck driver. And I was like, Oh, who's this creep at first, and then the waitress comes over, pours him some coffee. They had some little interaction. I don't know it wasn't important, but he, like, paid her really fast and was following this girl in the trucker. And whenever they went around one of the big, like, 18 wheeler trucks and just disappeared, he pulls out a big old knife. And we're like, oh, he's a hunter, yeah, okay, I guess he's not a creep, after all.
Berly:I mean, who knows? Yeah, one does not necessarily preclude the other. That's true. Well, we
LA:find out what he was hunting later, but the sweet waitress from earlier comes around the corner. She turns into this really weird looking creature, I guess we find out, what are they? Vitala, I mean, they look like cat eyes, and then have like, little two pointy teeth in the front, and then some of the smaller ones toward the back. It was bizarre. I didn't like it. Oh, and she's like, What did she say? He started like, getting little doozy, doozy. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, woozy doozy, yeah. She told him that she put some special sauce in his coffee, so she drugged him, and then she just, like, throws him up against the 18 wheeler, and he's he's out. Then she
Berly:was like, that's for the shitty tip, asshole. Oh, yeah. So the moral of this whole story is tip. Tip your servers. Guys, yeah, tip your servers.
LA:After he Lee is knocked out. Daddy. Lee is knocked out. We see Sam and Dean. I don't know where they are. Somehow, I don't know they
Berly:were in the safe house. Okay, okay. I think, if I remember correctly, I think this is supposed to be Rufus safe house that they went to initially after the Leviathan were hunting them down and everything. Okay, I think it's the same place
LA:that makes sense. Well, they're there, and they're very solemn, very clearly. Morning, Bobby Dean's lost it yet again. He is obsessed with Dick. Roman.
Berly:He wants that dick. He wants that dick so bad clipping.
LA:Oh my god, he does. He wants it. He is after that dick on it. Dick's all over the place. There's
Berly:just dick everywhere, all over, yes, yeah, newspaper clippings. Like,
LA:you know, everything, just crazy person on the wall clippings,
Berly:and honestly, he's a lot more calm about the dick than I thought he was going to be once he snapped out of it. True. I feel like we haven't seen him really, like, lose his shit just yet. Yeah, it's
LA:all just been like, little bit, yeah, I feel like a little comment, nutty. Yeah, a little nutty. But the breakdown hasn't happened. I agree. Well, he's obsessed with that. And Sam is like, I mean, should we tell people what's happened to Bobby? No, probably tell some people he knows Dean's just he's like, No, whatever. I'm not calling anybody. And then he's got the numbers that Bobby gave them before he died on this piece of paper, and he mentions that he didn't give it to Frank weeks ago, and he hasn't heard anything back to from him. So he so I guess he was helping them investigate what these numbers were. Bobby's phone rings, and Sam picks it up, and it's a young girl asking for Bobby and saying that her dad told her to only call him if something happened, or to only talk to him. Sam's like, well, you know, I can help you or whatever, but she hangs up on him, and Sam's very concerned about her. He thinks that, you know, she sounded young, we should go help her. And I guess he had caller ID, and so he found the guy's name and Bobby's address book or whatever? We don't have those anymore. No,
Berly:I don't even like, I've heard, seen TV shows where, like, the person asks somebody on the street if they can borrow that person's phone, and then they use that person's phone to call their friend's phone number. I wouldn't be able to do that right people's numbers memorized anymore.
LA:I think it would be you and like, one other person that I would know because just but that's because we've had the same phone numbers since we were, like, when, since we met,
Berly:and my number is so easy, I've actually had people ask me if it's fake whenever I've given them my number.
LA:Yeah, yours is good. As dean is going off on a tie right? Tirade. I can't talk that about how Frank hasn't gotten back to him. They need to track this down. They need to get dick. Need that dick. And then he picks up his beers like they start drinking my whole beer. That was weird, yeah, seems like I didn't. Mine's over here, so Dean's just chugging his beer, not even realizing he's drinking. Yeah,
Berly:I guess I thought that was weird. Yeah, there were a couple of things that happened in this episode where I feel like I was supposed to pick up on something and I didn't. And that was one of them.
LA:I just took that as he's like, so focused. He's not even, like, recognizing things he's doing. Okay?
Berly:That makes sense. That makes sense. Yeah, he's so obsessed with Dick right now, right? He didn't even realize he had finished off his beer. Okay, exactly. Yeah, that's
LA:what I'm thinking. Anyway,
Berly:I can relate, oh my God, to the dick obsession. Not, not. Yeah. Okay. Happens,
LA:but thanks for the clarification. Sam goes to daddy Lee's place, and Chrissy, kind of like cracks open the door, you know, with the chain. And as he introduces himself, says, you know he he's a friend of Bobby's. He can help her. And I like her, because she opens the door for him, and she's like, I got 911, on speed dial, one, one button, buddy. And I was like, oh, good for her. I mean, I probably wouldn't let him in, but good for her to be ready on it.
Berly:Well, I mean, she did say it had been, it had been days she'd been home by herself. She kind of was in a position where she was going to have to. Trust somebody, right? And he was hot. He's big and hot. He's really big. He's really hot, those puppy eyes, maybe
LA:I would let him in. Yeah, yeah. She said that. He asked how long it had been, and she said, five days. And so he says, You know what? What was he after? Did he tell you anything? And she said that he had leads in Dodge City. So he goes into daddy Lee's office and rummages around, going in through doors because, oh, he has to make coffee, so he could sneak in there and do it without her knowing that he's poking around. I
Berly:was about to bring that up, because whenever Sam did that, whenever he sent her to go make coffee for him, I thought that was kind of odd. I did too, and so I was happy whenever it happened with Dean. And Dean just kind of explained it like there's stuff in here that I don't know, if your dad wants you to know, so I need you to leave the room. I was just like, oh, that's why Sam did it. He was just more sly about it. Sweet,
LA:Sam, I know. Well, he goes to the office, and we don't see it, but he opens like the closet door and pulls, pulls away like all the clothes, and he smiles, but we don't see whatever He it is he saw.
Berly:It made me think of that episode all the way back in I think it was Season Two with the demon children. Whenever there was that crazy guy that had the yellow eyes all over his closet, he pulled back the clothes, and I was like, it's gonna be yellow eyes everywhere. That's like a hunter trick, I guess, because Dean kind of knew to go straight to the closet after he like skimmed around the room and saw there wasn't anything out. Yeah, yeah. I guess that's how they keep it hidden. Keep it in the closet.
LA:I guess so
Berly:not Dean. Doe Dean's got that Dick all over the wall out in the living room. He's probably Sure yeah,
LA:he's not hiding anything. He's not keeping his stuff in the closet, not at all, so we don't see whatever it was. But Sam comes back into the kitchen where she's making coffee, and asks if he can take a picture of her and her dad. And she says, yeah. And so he goes off to see if he can find daddy. Lee,
Berly:I think it did show that there were a couple of newspaper clippings. They just didn't really show anything long enough for us to read them.
LA:Oh, okay, okay, that Okay. That makes sense because,
Berly:because I was like, Oh no, yellow eyes. That's the only reason why I remember Dean
LA:goes to see Frank, of course, in true Frank tradition, he's got a gun on him to say hello. He thinks that Dean Leviathan, and I mean, he just, like, doesn't trust anybody. So Dean is like, Okay, well, they bleed black, right? I'll bleed for you. Well, you know, bleed for you. Okay, so he cuts his wrist. Obviously, he does not bleed black blood. And so he tells Frank to do the same. Frank, does it surprise neither one of them or Leviathan. I did
Berly:think it was hilarious, because Frank has like, this massive gun. And so whenever Dean first said, like, okay, leviathans, they bleed black goo, right? So I'll bleed for you. And Frank immediately angled his gun down toward Dean's foot. Like, oh yeah, he was ready to go. He was ready. Yeah. No guns. No guns. We don't need guns.
LA:Frank's a lot.
Berly:I love Frank. Like, I didn't think I could love Frank Moore, and this episode made me love him so much more. I was excited we got more of them same. I was thrilled to see Frank. So
LA:now that they're buds again, he tells them to come on. They take the car and go into Is it a garage?
Berly:I don't know. It was obviously some sort of abandoned thing or whatever. And I also, like you was like, wait a minute, Didn't he have a house? Like, where are they? So I was happy when Frank mentioned, like, yeah, asshole, I started digging into the stuff you told me to, and then I had, you know, surveillance and whatever, put all over me. So he had to go even deeper underground than he
LA:already, right? And then he was in like, an RV, trailer home kind of thing inside, inside a place. Yeah, yeah, like you said, he mentions he went through like, all his IP addresses, and they were surveilling him, and I like, he was like, you know, it's, it's not easy to see this deep into what's real and also be bipolar and with delusional ideation. Oh, okay. Now we got our diagnosis for Frank. All right.
Berly:He said, There ain't no pill for what I've got.
LA:I love him. I know I loved them. Basically, since Dean asked sent him these numbers, he had to go underground, and that's why he's there. That's where he spends his time. He's like, you know, why are you all over my ass? It's only been four days. And Dean says, No, it's been four weeks. And Frank says, Huh? It's like, Oh, really. He's
Berly:like, days, weeks, it doesn't matter. Yeah.
LA:He tells Dean that. He tells him that Dean needs to calm down and take what a little LSD, a little shiatsu.
Berly:He needs to chill
LA:out. You know, Dean's like, okay, whatever, Looney Tunes. And he tells him that I. He did, he has been working on the numbers, and that he discovered that maybe they were missing a number, and so he ran what did he
Berly:say? He did? Well, he said probability. And there we go. Dean, at first, was really mad that he was insinuating he missed a number, and he's like, hello, the dude was on his deathbed, right? You don't think there's a chance that he didn't get that last number out before he passed away. So he said, like, it wasn't a license plate, it wasn't a date, it wasn't this, it wasn't that, so probability. And he said he was going to start with six, like he was given five numbers. He was like, so I was going to start with six, as to what six numbers could have possibly been, and then I was going to go on to seven, and yada yada. And he said, luckily he didn't have to go past six, because he figured out that they were coordinates. I'm so glad
LA:that you remember that, because I didn't take one note.
Berly:I mean, I don't understand how probably mouth works and how these machines run and everything, but I am just kind of like, okay, I could understand you landing on the probability that it was coordinates and that it was six numbers, Yeah, but how did you figure out what the missing number was?
LA:I'm sure there's some program where you can run it through every single possible combination, right?
Berly:But how would you know that that would be the right one? Oh, that,
LA:yeah, that I don't know, especially with it ending up being coordinates to a field in Wisconsin. Like, how did you just know? Oh, well, he said he knew, because that was what it was purchased by William. Oh, okay, so
Berly:he, that must have taken him so long, is that he actually looked at what each of the coordinate POS combinations could possibly be, and then looked at what it was, and it was like, not relevant. Not relevant, not right. Oh, what's this? Okay, so that would have taken way more than four weeks. Dean, right, he's right. You do need to calm down,
LA:but yeah, so William Inc owns this land, and it's a subsidiary subsidiary, subsidiary subsidiary. Thank you, subsidiary of rich Roman enterprises. Surprise, surprise.
Berly:Dean's just like Dick. Ship his face.
LA:I need to get it. Dick now. Now we're with Sam at a morgue, and he's looking at a man's dead body. Is it a coroner that works in the morgue?
Berly:Yes, a coroner or a mortician. I think it's mortician. I think a mortician is who prepares the body for a funeral. So this was a coroner, yeah,
LA:okay, yeah. He was not ready coroner's report and everything. Okay, yeah, coroner. So the coroner, he thinks he's got jokes. He's like, he says, whoever the guy is, Matt used something he was found in a ditch off the interstate. He's got punctual runes and the femoral artery the Carter can never say this,
Berly:carteroid corduroy.
LA:Carter corduroy. Okay, man, I
Berly:haven't even been drinking one of those big arteries. Oh, shut up. I just saw you sipping on your mimosa. Oh, I
LA:know. But I mean, like you would think I had had more than just sips, gotcha. But anyway, so yeah, cart
Berly:Carter Carter Carter Carter, Roy Carter, one of them big arteries. Yeah, the big one, the big one
LA:and, and he lost, uh oh, that's when, uh, Sam asks what the cause of death was. And the guy's like, Well, I would think losing Five pints of blood would do it. And Sam doesn't think it's
Berly:funny. Sam's not laughing,
LA:he's not even smiling. And so Sam's like, Well, I mean, what, what could that be? Just, you know, I forget what he listed out, but the coroner's like, well, you know, or maybe a vampire and it's silent that's like, oh, that usually gets at least a chuckle, or something that sounds like, no,
Berly:not funny, not funny, buddy.
LA:We switch back to Dean and Frank. And I like this duo together. By the way I do too. I like, how Frank pops his head out just like, get your costume on. Not, you know, like they're, they're, uh, disguises, this costume, and it shows them dressed up as a work, like power line workers. When
Berly:Frank popped out and said costume, and he was like, get your we didn't get your costume on. And he was like, what? I was like, Yeah, I like, clapped because I think it was recently that I was telling you, we don't see as many costumes anymore, like they're just in certain time most of the time now. So I was thrilled to have costumes and Frank's insistence on them playing the correct roles whenever they were out in the field. Yeah, I'll let you get
LA:like, he's like, you're getting that cherry picker. And Dean says, like, I don't know how to operate that. And he's like, Well, you better do it, because you're a technician, yeah. And my badge says manager, yeah. And I like that. Dean goes up in the cherry picker, and just as soon as he's up there, is when Frank catches, like, in the binoculars that they have surveillance cameras all over the place. He's like, all right. You're up there. Get down. Good job. Get back down. Dean points out, well, if they asked for surveillance everywhere, how are we going to surveil them? Frank says, Well, we're going to tap into their surveillance. So they go back to the RV trailer home. Frank gets into their system and says that he'll, he'll take the first watch. And he looks over and Dean's already asleep, which he had been saying, Dean looked like shit, yeah, because he's just been on that dick and not sleeping. What
Berly:a dream.
LA:This is too much. No, it's too easy. So easy. So yeah, Dean falls asleep, and Frank's like, well, typical. Knew that was gonna happen. Then we're with Sam, and he calls Dean while Dean's asleep and leaves him a message saying that he found out that this daddy Lee was a hunter, and he was hunting the batalla and dad had caught one years back, and he wrote about it in his, you know, his novel diary, not a novel journal, journal, oh, it's a diary journal, whatever. And it's he noted that it took a silver knife to the heart and twist twisted, and that's what kills them, and that they are loners. They like to knock out their prey, take them home and then feed on them slowly and, you know, give them a nice, slow death. How did he know that where to go to the diner?
Berly:I assume it was something from daddy, Daddy's notes, because daddy went to the diner, right? So something in Daddy's notes led him to the diner. So he's just following all the stuff that Daddy left behind. Yeah,
LA:Daddy's trail, yeah. So see, yeah. So Sam goes to the diner, which I feel like when we first looked at it, it looked like a diner, but then in the picture, like, where she's standing at when they're there, it's, I'm like, is it a bar?
Berly:I feel like it's one of those restaurant, gas station bar places that are typically kind of in the middle of nowhere. Oh, that truckers go to I guess so.
LA:Not that that's important. I was just that kind of confused me. He shows the picture and asks if she had seen that guy, and she's like, Oh, maybe I waited on him a couple weeks ago, I don't know. And she tells him, maybe you should go talk to that girl outside. And it's the girl from the beginning that I thought he was creeping on. So same girl, same waitress. He goes outside, we see her name is Sally from her necklace. When he asks about Lee, she's like, it's not safe. Let's go somewhere private. So she takes him over to the 18 wheelers in between some 18 wheelers, and she's acting all scared, like something's just going on here. And she's so scared about it. But then waitress comes around the corner again, which, by the way, I don't, I don't know if she had a name either. I just kept calling her waitress in my notes, she starts attacking Sam. And sweet Sam, he's like, run Sally. And it's like, you
Berly:didn't see this. You didn't see your own immediately. This was a trap effort area,
LA:and so Sally clearly does not go running, and they both just bite into SAM and, like, knock him out. She,
Berly:like, hits his kneecap first with her hooker heel.
LA:Oh, damn,
Berly:I missed that. That's how she got him down to her level, to where she could bite his neck. She like hooker healed his knee, and then he was Oh yeah. And she was
LA:like, Nah, not nice, no. Well, then we're back with Dean and Frank. Dean has woken up, and Frank is showing him the surveillance footage of this woman, which, when they show it on the camera, I thought it was cast yellow, and I got really excited. She's in like,
Berly:I could see that, I could see
LA:that. I was like, oh shit. And I was like, Dean's gonna be so happy. But no, it wasn't Sarah Palin, yes, he overstayed. That was funny, yeah. But it turns out she's Amanda Willer, and she's out there surveying the field for Dick because they are apparently planning to build something they don't know what, but that's what she's doing out
Berly:there. I like to survey the field for Dick as well in my spare time, I did think it was interesting. Whenever Dean woke up, Frank said he had been out for 36 hours.
LA:Oh, my God, I didn't catch that. Yeah? Well, good. He needed it, yeah.
Berly:I was like, Holy shit, wow.
LA:How did the conversation go? Where it turned into, what? Frank? What happened to Frank when he was younger? He was telling Dean to stop,
Berly:or, well, yeah, he was telling Dean that maybe he needed to quit. Though that's what it was, yeah, yeah. Because Dean was getting pissy with him about, like, what? Why'd you let me sleep so long? And I can't remember, what did Frank say? I'm not sure. I'm not your coach or something like that. I don't remember, yeah. And so that's kind of how it segued into that is that Frank. Was basically just commenting on how, like, you're full of rage, you're angry, you're not taking care of yourself, like, I think you just need to quit. Yeah, you're like, running yourself into the ground, exactly. And that's whenever Dean was trying to make it seem, I don't remember what Dean said, but he was kind of being condescending, like, Frank wouldn't get it right. That's when, that's why Frank was like, oh, yeah, okay, I fucking get it. Like, yeah, I've dealt with loss too. Oh, my God,
LA:it's horrible. So his story, he reveals that when he was 26 years old, he came home from hunting to find his wife and two kids gutted on the floor. I was like, Oh, poor Frank. So
Berly:Frank's backstory is definitely something I want to see in our spin off idea. I want Frank's backstory. I want to see Frank and Bobby me. I want Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, yeah, I
LA:agree. Give me, but yeah, he's like, so then after that, you just, you get up, you're fine, you tell yourself to smile, and you get just do it all over every day. And Dean's like, oh, so just fake it. Forget what Frank said to that. Frank said,
Berly:I like to call it being professional. That's right.
LA:Okay. We jump back to Chrissy, and she is calling Dean now. Dean's like, what the hell? Why are you calling me? And she tells him that Sam told her to call if she didn't hear anything back from him. So he realizes Sam's missing, and, you know, he tried to call him and he didn't answer. Then we switched to Sam tied up. Shocking, shocker.
Berly:Never seen it before. I know this was a new thing.
LA:Daddy leaves there and he tells him he's like, Oh, you're something's up with his ears. And he tells him that's the venom from the lady Vitalis, and tells him that the girls tag team to get their prey. He's not looking too good. So Sam asks him how many times they've fed on him, and he says, three times. So not good,
Berly:no. And he also said that after being fed on three or four times, you're likely a goner, right? And so that's why, whenever Sam asked him, how long, how many times have you been fed on? And he said three, that it's like, oh shit, we're not doing good here. He's on his last legs here.
LA:So then we switched to Dean, and he goes to see Chrissy to try to find Sam. And same, like you said earlier, he he doesn't bother telling her to get coffee. He's just like, hey, I'm gonna go in here. And you're not you might see some things you don't want to see, which also you guys really think she didn't go in there and look around. Snoop while her dad was gone,
Berly:she was playing that, I'm a little innocent. I liked Chrissy. Oh, I did. You played Madison McLaughlin. She was good. Was really good.
LA:You're right. She was playing it like Miss little helpless.
Berly:Yeah, you know, I don't know anything. I just know. This is what my dad told me to do. So I understand why both of them. It's not that they assumed she didn't know anything. It's that she wasn't giving it away that she did know, right? So they that's why I think they were playing. It's kind of cool, yeah, but I loved her, her engines and Ackles had some great like, big brother little sister, chemistry going on it, oh yeah. Really good.
LA:So she watches him go through he and they like almost the same view of like Sam parting the clothes in the closet, smiling. But we do see this time that it's just a corner of a map that's been ripped off the wall. Yeah. And so he turns around and she's standing there, and he's like, where is it? Give it to me. That's when she turns on him a little bit. She's like, Yeah, she pulls a gun on him. And she's like, I'm going with you. And he said, I don't think so. You're, you know, like a little kid. No,
Berly:I love it when he just slapped the gun out of her hand. And she was like, Ow, damn, yeah.
LA:But she was good, though.
Berly:I enjoyed her. Yeah, she had it. She
LA:had him there for a minute, but she tells him that, sorry, buddy. She burned the map, but looking for him, She memorized it. Smart girl, yep. So now he has to take her with him
Berly:well, and I love that she was whenever he was like, I'll be back. Like, I'm just gonna be gone for a couple days. I'll be right back. And she's like, Yeah, my dad said he would be gone. He didn't come back. Sam said he would be gone, he didn't come back. So you're taking me with you. That's it.
LA:So then they're in the car, and she's trying to talk to Dean, and Dean doesn't want to talk to her, and so she puts her earbuds in, but then she rips them out and and she says, You know what? How did this even happen? My dad's like, an excellent Hunter, and your brother's the size of a car, right, which I liked. And she's like, how did they get them? It doesn't make any sense. And that's when Dean reveals that he actually hunted a vital I guess, a while back, and he knew that they hunted in pairs. So if he hadn't slept 36 hours, he might have given that information to his brother. Right
Berly:that the incident in his father's journal, where it was a loner, was apparently an exception, not the rule. Thing, I just remembered something else that she said in the apartment that cracked me up when she was talking about why Dean had to take her with her. Take her with him. She. Said, you know, I saw your brother. He seemed competent, yeah, yeah. But the implication being, but you, sir, you do not seem
LA:so. So she, she keeps on talking, and I forget, I forget where the convert, how the conversation led to, but he's mentioned that Sam was at Stanford, and she's shocked Sam went to college because she's grown up like them, doing nothing but the hunting life. And she's like, What? How did he get to go to college?
Berly:Dean does tell her that she she could do that too, that she could walk away from the hunting life and that she could go to college, that she shouldn't limit herself.
LA:Look at him, such a good big brother. Well,
Berly:we know from this season how guilty he feels for going and getting Sam from Stanford in the first place. Now, right? He's
LA:like, I can save another one. Mm, hmm. Well, we switch back to the, I guess, the vital den, where they're just keeping all these guys tied up to feed on and Sally, it's sad. Did you
Berly:notice the bodies that were like, in the background. Yes, I
LA:did disturb it. I was
Berly:like, what the clean
LA:up your clean up after yourself, after your meals.
Berly:They haven't gone and dumped those bodies yet. Ladies get it together. That means daddy, Lee has been in there watching these men die. So that's how he knew. I'm just now realizing this. That's how he knew that it was three or four feedings before you died. Yeah, because he's watched these men die. Oh, poor daddy. Lee,
LA:yeah, he's probably like, Thank God this massive man is here now. Maybe he can.
Berly:I can relate. I would have been cute. Just keep piling them up,
LA:like I'm really setting them up, not even meaning to, okay, but yes, yeah, so Sally is there, and she goes to start to feed on Daddy Lee, but Sam, cunningly interrupts. Is like, hey, hey, Sally. Did you ever hear about, uh, how I killed some vitals in Utah a couple years back? And that catches her attention, so she stops. And I forget what she says, but he's like, Well, I just wanted you to know how, how much I enjoyed killing your sisters. And that does the trick. That pisses her off, so she goes to feed on him instead of daddy. Lee, so he kind of saved him there, saves his life. Yep, not even kind of
Berly:he saved him, saved his life. Yeah, we know that now,
LA:but she gets pissed with feeds on sale.
Berly:That's accurate. Yeah, right.
LA:Dean and Chrissy end up watching the ladies at the diner and the parking lot. And they kind of see the situation where Sally brings one guy over, and then the waitress gets into one of the 18 wheeler trucks and starts taking off with it. And so they're like, Oh, this is our this is our tag team we're looking for. So they follow them to with this layer, or wherever they're keeping everybody. Chris is like, Alright, let's go. Let's go in. Let's do this. And Dean, I think he like, asks her to fist bump or take a hand or something, and he cuffs her instead, and cuffs her to the steering wheel. Is like, I'm not letting a kid go in there. And she's like, you know, I'm not a kid. I can hold my own. Blah, blah, blah. And he's like, nope, not happening. And before he gets out, he makes sure to ask her for her lock her pick locks that she picks locks with. So she gives it to him, which I knew, I was like, she's got to have a backup, yeah, you know. And she, she's like, you know, I'm not a kid, like, I've seen some things, you know. And she's, she says that she saw her mom rip to shreds, right? Which, that's terrible. And she really wants to go with him, but he's not having it. He leaves her in the car. So he sneaks in and sees both the waitress and Sally are in there. Now he completely just knocks Sally, yeah, I don't know if he brought that pipe or crowbar or whatever he picks up, but he just like day up deep and deep. So no hesitation, right? It
Berly:was funny because he was being all sly and sneaky to get into the room. So I thought he was going to sit back and watch the situation a little bit or something, but it's like, nope, lead pipe. Here we go, barreling in.
LA:The wager comes after him, and they're fighting like out of nowhere, Chrissy busted is like daddy. She's come to help and get free him, but Sally, who miraculously, somehow has not had a brain fracture, head trauma, grabs her and uses her as like a shield and to, like, get Dean to let the waitress go. So they're kind of, like, at an impasse. Dean throws his knife on the ground. He's like, all right, you know, like, don't, don't hurt her. She's a kid. The waitress goes for her dad, and she's crying. And, you know, wanting somebody to help. I can't remember what Sally says to her that like. He's not gonna come help her.
Berly:Dean tries to say, just let the kid go. Like you can keep the three of us, just let the kid go. And Sally says, I don't think we're gonna be letting anybody go. That's right, which, of course, she's not, you know, like the kids gonna just run and go tell somebody. Tell on them.
LA:When Chrissy hears that, she's like, she pulls a knife from her under her sleeve and her her her jacket. She twists and just stabs Sally Right, right in the heart and twists just like, just like she knew what to do. Oh, by the way, when Sal, when these things die, they remind me of the Crypt Keeper from Tales from the Crypt. Yeah. They
Berly:almost look like mummy or something. Yeah, yeah. They like dehydrate immediately. What I thought, yeah, Crypt Keeper, I can see that. Yeah. So yeah. The
LA:waitress goes for Dean Chrissy goes, cuts Sam's ropes. Let him, lets him go, very slyly, slides like hands off the knife to Sam. I was like, Yeah, damn. And so he goes and stabs the waitress takes her out.
Berly:She crit keepers too.
LA:They both do? Yeah, they both didn't look good dying. They did not die gracefully. Job. Well done. The boys go to see the dad in the hospital where he's recovering, and Dean kind of kindly tells him, like, you know, for Chrissy sake, you could, you could get out, you could leave, walk away from the life, and she could still have a life as a normal kid and not have to go through all of this. I think the dad asks, you know, well, have you ever known anybody that you know walked away from the life? And Dean's like, Well, no, because they end up getting killed before they even have a chance to so that tells you something, right there, daddy, yep. And so they they leave, but Chrissy runs out after Dean. She wants to say goodbye. And she, I think she even calls it much like you weren't gonna say, Buy ass hat, yeah, like that. And she says, You know, I'm, I guess I'm retiring one and one, one and done. I can't remember if he asked her what she's gonna got. Oh,
Berly:I was gonna say she, she also said, who knows, maybe I'll be going to Stanford or something too. So yeah,
LA:that's, yeah, that's what I was gonna say, which I thought was really cute, yeah. And then she fist bump, it bumps. And even though she said she, like, made fun of them for it earlier, like, I think she was like, nobody does that anymore, flame, but yeah, so fist bump says goodbye to her. And then we're in the car with Sam and Dean. And I think Dean asked how Sam was doing, and Dean said, or Sam said, I'm definitely not okay, but, you know, I just think I should just work, keep working, work through it. And he's like, do I even need to ask about seeing if Dean's okay? And Dean's Dean, of course, he's fine, he's fine, he's fine,
Berly:he's fine. We just gotta go get that dick.
LA:Yeah, but he's like, You know what, Sam, you're right. We should just keep working, but we're also going to continue to keep going after that dick. Need that Dick, yeah? And then it like closes out on just a close up of Dean driving and just smiling, smirking to himself. Well,
Berly:I thought that was heartbreaking, because Jensen Ackles, I thought did phenomenally there with maintaining sadness in his eyes while yes, yeah. I was like, looking. I was like, Is he crying? Yeah, he was maintaining sadness in his eyes while also practicing his fake smile that Frank Devereaux told him to put on, yeah. So that's, that's what he was doing after Sam, yeah, went to sleep off. You know, getting fed on a few times. Dean was practicing being professional, as Frank put it, yeah, and I appreciated that they did that close up shot so that you could really see that detail of what Jensen was doing with his face there. Yeah, he did a good job. This was written by Adam Glass and directed by Oh god, genot swark, swarq, swark, yeah, yeah, Sark,
LA:swark. I don't know.
Berly:I don't know either. I'll try to get that name right before your next episode. Gen hot. All right, so gore. There wasn't a lot of Gore in this at all, not that I can think of. I mean, there was blood from the people getting fed on and the corpses, yeah, like they were bloody, but not Gore, yeah? I wouldn't say it was gorey, per se, yeah, the visual effect of what happened whenever they died, that was something new. So I appreciated that, that it was something new kind of going on there, but I could have taken or left that special effect to be honest. Yeah, did you adore anything about this episode? Well, of course,
LA:I think we're both gonna say Frank. Frank. Yes, we got more frank. Got
Berly:more frank. We got to know more about Frank. Learn more about who I would love to know what he did whenever he was like a professional, or whatever, you know was, did he start as a hunter, or did he become a hunter after what happened to his family? And I want, I want to know more about Frank. So definitely Frank, Chrissy. I really enjoyed Chrissy. Me too. Me too. Thought that was a great character. Some of these girls that come in here being. Like, too big for their britches can be annoying to me. You and I've had this conversation before, and we've said, like, we think maybe we're projecting a little bit because we know that we acted like we were too big for our britches whenever we were young. Oh yeah, but I don't know something about this character clicked with me. I liked her. Yeah, she's
LA:a good little actress.
Berly:I liked her, all right. So into the lore. Today I am reading an article by Emma stera Gross from Atlas Obscura. The article's name is one of Dracula's often overlooked inspirations is the Indian vitala.
LA:It's a real thing. It's over real lore.
Berly:It's real lore is as real as it, as real as anything else that we've researched.
LA:Yeah, gotcha.
Berly:So as legend goes, the vitala is a ghoulish trickster of varying description that haunts cemeteries and forests, hanging upside down from trees and waiting for humans to play pranks on. They are said to exist in a realm between life and death, and have the ability to see into the past, present and future. They didn't see those knives coming, though, not in today's episode. The Boundless knowledge makes them invaluable to sorcerers, who often seek to capture and enslave the vitala to use its powers for their bidding. Quote, growing up, my father taught me that the vitala could see everything. Recalls a priest at the Pasadena Hindu temple in Los Angeles who grew up in the Indian state of Gujarat and wished to remain anonymous, he said they could detect the good and the evil inside you. We were forever cautious around cemeteries, because you never knew what might be waiting for you. The vitala Legend dates back to the 11th century, when it was made popular through vital panch vimshotti, a collection of stories that children in India still read today, also known as betal paci. In this collection, originally written in San script, a tantric sorceress. Children are reading about a tantric sorceress.
LA:I mean, hopefully they're not doing what we think they're doing.
Berly:Okay, maybe tantric doesn't mean what I'm thinking. It means.
LA:Okay, well, yeah, because isn't there, like Tantric Yoga?
Berly:Oh, okay, you're right. I'm just, I'm just a perv, okay, so I thought the same thing. Okay, good, good, good. All right, so a tantric sorceress asks King Vikrama to capture a vitala. Each time the king approaches the creature, however, it presents him with a riddle along with some unusual rules. If the king knows the answer, the vitala will go free, flying back to its upside down perch in the tree. If the king does not know the answer, then the vital agrees to be taken as his captive and to go with him to the sorceress. And if the king knows the answer, but does not speak it out loud in an attempt to outsmart the vitala, his head will explode into a million pieces.
LA:What? Goodness. Yeah, it's
Berly:like a really good bargain, right? Wow. Good deal. No risk. No risk. Yeah. Vitala, Panch, vim Shanti features 25 stories with the same concept, and in 24 of them, the king answers the riddle correctly. Thus, again and again the vitala escapes the sorceress. But the 25th time, the vitala asks the king the following, if a prince marries the Queen and a princess marries the king and Each couple has a baby, what is the relation between the two newborns? This weird incestuous question is what finally stumps the king, because he does not know the answer, the vitala is forced to go with him to the sorceress. But during the journey, the vitala reveals that the sorceress plans to use its powers to kill the king and take over the realm. The two then decide to team up and kill the sorceress together. After peace has been restored, the vitala offers to protect the kingdom and come to the king's aid whenever he needs it, while this popular story depicts the vitala as a trickster with the capacity for good. Today, the vitala is characterized as far more demonic in the mythical creatures Bible, the definitive guide to legendary beings by Brenda Rosen, the vitala is called a hostile spirit to cause madness, miscarriages and kill children. Jesus, big jump, big jump. Yeah, from the trickster, trickster in a tree to this, just a trick. Likewise, in Encyclopedia of demons in World War. Religions and cultures by Theresa Bain, the vitala is defined as a vampiric demon that possesses humans and causes their feet and hands to twist backwards, their skin to turn green and their fingernails to become long, poisonous white talons. These descriptions are far cries from the original Sanskrit text of vital Panch VIMS, in which the vital is depicted as more of a nuanced creature. And this transformation can be blamed at least in part, on one British explorer, writer and Gat about Sir Richard Burton, who was the first person to bring both the Kama Sutra and vitala. Panch vimshanti to Western audiences, not only did Burton choose the word vampire, a word with its roots in Eastern Europe, for his translation of the word vitala, as opposed to something more like spirit, but the illustrations that accompanied his text showed a talent creature with pointed ears, bulging eyes, leathery wings and a long tail, thus transforming the vitala into the malevolent monster it is depicted as today, further cementing this new depiction in His translated collection, which he called vitrum and the vampire, Burton chose to include only 11 of the 25 original stories, greatly diminishing the depth of the vital character. Scholars have rightly criticized vitrum and the vampire for these shortcomings in M pinzer, a British independent scholar and fellow of the Royal Geographical Society calls vitrum and the vampire not a translation, but an adaptation, and a very free adaptation too. Yikes, regardless of scholars critiques, the damage had been done. Vitram and the vampire was marketed as the English translation of vitala. Panch vimshotti and readers took the depiction of the vitala as authentic. One of those readers was Bram Stoker. The author greatly admired Burton and was fascinated of his writings about the Indiana cult and particularly vitala. Panch vimshatti Dracula's transformation into a bat that hangs upside down. For example, His reptilian like climbing ability, abilities, his powers and his centuries of wisdom, all may have been drawn from Burton's translation the modern vitala, then, is an amalgamation of cultures, stories and misinterpretations, adopted, adapted and then adopted again. And while the vitala of today's pop culture is a far cry from the original text, those stories remain in the hearts of Indian children and grown ups when asked whether he believes the vital exists in some form on Earth and whether it might have an influence on us. This priest at the Pasadena Hindu temple that I mentioned earlier leaves things open. He says, as with any myth, any frightening story or creature, some people believe, some don't. But I've found that when something goes amiss, when there's a sound in a cemetery, an unexplained shadow or disturbance, people change their minds.
LA:Who knew that's where Dracula came from? I
Berly:didn't, until I Googled vital, I sure didn't. And I love the Empire, or at least an inspiration for it, yeah, well, I mean the bat thing, once you read what the vital looked like and all that makes sense that this was probably something that at least had an influence on Dracula. Quote, to close it out, we have a conversation between Dean and Frank whenever they first run into each other again, when we first get our Frank back, Dean says, Frank, I'm not a leviathan. And Frank
LA:says, Oh, sure, you're not a leviathan. Dick. Roman is not a leviathan. Gwyneth Paltrow is not a leviathan. And Dean goes, yeah. And Frank says, Trust me.
Berly:Cheers, cheers. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.
LA:Follow us on Twitter or Instagram, leave a review and let us know how we can get involved in the fandom. This was fun, jerk, it always is, bitch. I.