Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Join SPN family newcomers, Berly and LA, as they explore the TV series, Supernatural, episode by episode. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.
As a way to keep in touch during the 2020 pandemic, Berly and LA started podcasting with their debut, anything-goes talk show, The Tipsy Exchange. During those discussions, Berly and LA realized that they most enjoy talking humorously about TV/Film, mythology, suspense, and hot guys. Supernatural seemed a natural fit. It's a match made in heaven... or hell... you decide!
Now, let's get tipsy! CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! (7x8)
Berly and LA recap the season seven Supernatural episode, Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy! CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
Summary: In the episode "Season Seven Time for a Wedding," Sam and Dean investigate a series of gruesome murders in Lilydale, only to discover an angry spirit is behind the killings. Meanwhile, Dean is distraught when Sam goes to the desert alone while hallucinating Lucifer. Upon arriving in Vegas, Dean meets Becky Rosen, who is revealed to be Sam's new wife. Becky, under the influence of a love potion, manipulates Sam, leading to a dangerous situation. The episode features a climactic confrontation at a high school reunion, where Becky's actions are exposed, and Sam is saved by Dean and Garth. The episode ends with Becky's annulment and a reflection on the dynamics of love and obsession.
- https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Season_Seven,_Time_for_a_Wedding!
- https://www.oprahdaily.com/entertainment/books/a45304062/history-of-love-potions/
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Automated transcription and summary via Otter.ai.
Ella, welcome to denim wrapped nightmares, Tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series, episode by episode,
LA:over drinks, we'll discuss the lore the gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.
Berly:I'm Burleigh, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm
LA:LA, and I'm here. Long for the ride. Now, let's get
Berly:tipsy. Hello, LA, hey Burly. We've been asked to start saying what we're drinking. The beginning of the episodes again, we've, we've really dropped the ball on that one. We, we are both having black cherry, white claws, yes, at the moment, maybe going to rip into that Elmar after this, there's a bottle in there,
LA:uniquely cold wave filtered.
Unknown:What is that?
LA:Well, the difference is clear.
Unknown:Tell me more, our unique cold
LA:wave filtration and iconic flavors that taste like freshly picked fruit. That's That's why white claw tastes and refreshes like no other I should be I should do commercials.
Berly:We should nutrition facts, one serving per container. Serving size one can. What do you think of my can? La, it's wet. I've had it. It's been out of the fridge. It's condensation.
LA:Like, we're like, inspecting our cans. Here we
Berly:are checking our cans. It's like, I've never really looked at it before, you know? So that's what we're drinking, guys. So what happened on our last episode? La, well, it
LA:was called the mentalists and Sam and Dean were investigating some gruesome murders of resident mediums in a place called Lilydale. They said it was the most psychic town in America. They discovered that an angry spirit was killing off psychics one by one
Berly:an angry, horny spirit, true, who is getting some with her bones?
LA:Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah. But in a town full of people who claim to be so many spirits, they had a little trouble identifying the exact medium, controlling the ghost, but they did finally succeed and saved the day.
Berly:Today's episode is titled season seven time for a wedding. Oh, wait, there's an explanation of point at the end. Let me start that over. Season seven time for a wedding, yay. Ah, it's the eighth episode of season seven. If you didn't know season seven time for a wedding, it's in season seven.
Unknown:Mm, just
Berly:in case you missed it. Thank you for clearing that up. You're welcome. It originally aired on November 11, 2011
LA:1111, 11.
Berly:Oh, I didn't even notice that. Well, that's funny, because I
LA:think a lot of people did choose that wedding date to, like, get married that year really was like a thing. Oh,
Berly:okay, how clever, then, that's cute. We start out in Vegas. We're at a titty bar. Well, there's an adorable waitress. She's a grad student. She's there earning money for college, but she's off her shift, and she has chosen to stay at the bar and talk with Mr. Dean Winchester, who is in a little bit of a solemn mood, because apparently, every year, even though this is the first I remember hearing about it, but every year, he and Sam go on an annual pilgrimage to Las Vegas. But this year, because Sam has been hallucinating Lucifer, he decided to go out in the middle of the desert by himself. Samuel to go camping. So I was like, What? What, what, why would you Why when you're hallucinating Lucifer, when you're brushing your teeth and like, it was just brought up again that you're still hallucinating Lucifer last episode, why would you go off into the desert by yourself? I
LA:mean, I guess he's not gonna hurt anybody out there. Why would Dean let him just go hallucinate in the desert, I guess, just go
Berly:hang out with Mark Pellegrino in the desert. Yeah, by yourself.
Unknown:Okay, get those demons out.
Berly:I just thought that was, I just thought that was a little odd. It like kind of made me think of like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and how she had to go on her little thing. And there was that random guy with the cheese. It's like, what? No. But anyway, that's the story. We'll we'll just go with it. Yeah, Dean's crappy about it. No, he's not. He's very sad about it, because he wants to be needed by his brother, and he's concerned. He's like, you know, I keep waiting for him to go batshit. I do love he said guano instead of batshit. And because of Jim Carrey, I know what that means. Oh, okay, right?
LA:Shout out, Jim Carrey,
Berly:wasn't it Ace Ventura, where they had to go get the guano from the bat and that's when we found out guano was bat shit, at least that's how I know guano is bat shit. Is because of Ace Ventura, pet detective. Okay,
LA:then they, like, used to say that bat shit was in mascara, I don't know, something.
Berly:Anyway, batshit is in mascara. I'm putting feces near my eyes.
LA:Yeah, that doesn't sound right now that I'm thinking about it anyway. But
Berly:anyway, yeah, I like that. He was like, Yeah, I keep waiting for him to go guano. And I was like, it was, like, a clever way for them to say batshit without saying batshit. Really cute, really cute. And he was like, but that's the thing. He's not. He's not. He's and then, you know, the insightful waitress, even though he was saying that this was his friend and his friend's brother, she was very smart, because she's a graduate student, right? She totally figured out that he was talking about himself. He was talking in code. So when he suddenly gets a text message from Sam telling him to come meet him somewhere and to wear a suit, she like, taps his shoulders like Steve baby bro needs you have to roll no and she walks off. So Dean puts on his suit and goes to the Little White Chapel. He's walking down the hallway, and the light flickers. He pauses. He pulls out his handgun. He's ready to go. He's walking toward these double doors slowly, ready to pounce. And then Sam opens both doors, and he's like, you don't need that put that away. He's getting married, and he wants Dean to be happy for him. And then the bride comes walking in and looks creepy as hell. Yeah. It looked creepy like already. I was like, Oh my gosh. I was I wasn't expecting a human under the veil. I thought it was going to be a monster, and it was all going to be all going to be a dream or something. That's where I thought it was going. Or it was going to be Mark Pellegrino and it was going to be, I'll be a dream, yeah, yeah. That's where I thought we were heading. That is not the direction we went. Nope, at all. It's Becky Rosen, the super fan from Gosh, when's the last time we saw her? I want to say season five.
LA:I think so,
Berly:yeah. Last we saw her, she was telling Sam that she really loved what they had, but she was going to start dating Chuck instead. And then we did find out before the end of season five, that Chuck dumped her and started calling Madame Magda and was telling all those women to come over. I remember, oh, Chuck Becky is just thrilled. This could be just telling Dean like we're actually in love. Why can't she be happy for us? They go through with it. They get married. We don't see the ceremony, but they do the damn thing, and Dean is still just going, what the hell is going on? Like? It's been four days since I saw you, which, by the way, don't you think it's a coincidence that superfan 99 who knows our life, knows us back and forth because they've read the books and everything. Just happened to be in Vegas during our annual pilgrimage. And here's my whole thing, like, Y'all go to Vegas once a year, okay? But it's during the same week every year. How is not every vampire monster whatever, coming to Vegas during that week too to take y'all out? Yeah, and Sam, he just was so taken aback, like, you think she, she came here on purpose. And Dean's like, yeah. And Sam's like, no, no, that's not what happened. Not his Becky, no, we're in love. We're in love. And I just, I want you to be happy for me. We're gonna go, gonna go to Delaware, her place in Delaware. Yeah, mole thing's over. And let me know whenever you decide to be happy for me. Bro, come support me. Can't be supportive. That would that's what it was I love,
LA:that the first, like, her first agenda after they're married is to go sign up for her high school reunion.
Berly:Oh, first she tweeted. Oh, well, yeah, first she tweet, it's like, she's still super fan. She's still super fanning her husband at this point. It's just like, oh, completely imagining who he is and placing all these expectations on him of what he's going to be. And it's this whole fantasy thing. Oh, yeah, so, but
LA:I mean, I don't, I don't blame her for just running to sign up and have that on her arm.
Berly:Oh, for sure. I actually loved the twist. Well, I guess I shouldn't say twist at the end, but at the end, whenever the Crossroads demon literally says that they came to this town because of the high school reunion, because they knew that there would be so many people so desperate to make a deal, to go and impress the nostalgic head cheerleader or bully or whoever it was, that he would make a killing like I loved that, because it's true. It's true. I didn't even go to my high school reunion. I didn't give a shit, no way. But I know there were a lot of people who did. I know there's a lot of people who do care about that. Literally, as soon as they get to her hometown, they're going to sign up for her high school reunion. And she was thrilled whenever Sam came in and she could be like, it's actually Becky plus one. Thanks, Becky.
LA:Rosen Winchester,
Berly:you bitch. Well, as they are leaving the hotel or wherever they were for the to sign up for the reunion, they run into guy, our handsome friend. Oh, he looked good. Yeah, I liked him. Played by Leslie Odom Jr. He's packing things up, I guess he's involved in the planning of the. Union or something. Yeah,
LA:he was in there. Remember at one point when she goes to meet him, he's decorating, he's up on a ladder. Yeah,
Berly:he must be on the committee or something like that. Did they go to high school together? I
LA:guess I got that impression. I guess because she thought they were besties, like she said at one point.
Berly:But she also thought Sam was in love with her too well. Who knows. But I guess that guy, whoever the vessel was, a guy went to high school with Becky and is on the committee, or whatever, is involved in the reunion. And as she comes walking up, and it's like, hey guy. And it's like talking to him, Sam comes walking up, and you can tell Leslie Odom Jr did really well with kind of being like, oh shit. Like, had a moment of and I went, Oh, he knows him. He knows who he is. So I knew he was something for him to know who Sam Winchester was, because it wasn't like, oh my gosh, who was this hot guy with you, like the other girl? No, it was clearly like a Oh fuck kind of moment. But it wasn't overdone. It was very subtle. Yeah, I really enjoyed Leslie Odom Junior's performance in this episode, me too nice to meet you, Sam, and Becky starts telling him they met in what is erotic romance novel section at the bookstore or something. Oh, so they didn't go to high school. Well, they must have gone to high school together, but just didn't meet yet. Because why else would he be there? Yeah, we're thinking too much about it. It doesn't matter. Anyway, he starts to walk off, and Becky tells Sam, hang on and goes running up to him. It's just like, hey. Like, I'm out. I need some more. And he slyly passes to her a little vial of something. And we were just like, Oh, fuck. And then she said something about how nice it was to have a Wiccan friend. Like, oh, okay, he's a witch. Well, while this is going on, Dean has called Bob and let him know, yeah, you need to call me back, because I need to talk to you. By the way, if you're curious where Sam is, he went to Delaware with his wife. We need to talk. I said
LA:that, right, yeah, his
Berly:wife. So Dean tails, Sam and Becky to Delaware. He pulls up to the high school reunion place just as they're getting in the car to leave, and he goes inside to do some investigating. He sits down at the hotel bar and he pulls out his journal. I don't know if it was his journal or John's journal, but he pulls out a journal and puts it on the bar and is about to start flipping through and trying to figure out what things are, when he happens to look over and see a newspaper just sitting out on the counter. It says there was some freak accidental death. Yeah, from and I was a lotto winner. It was a lotto winner. Okay, I was about to say I can't remember who it was, but I know that they like, had something special, yeah, just recently won the lottery. Got it. He had been hit by a truck. That's what it was. Lottery winner killed and hit by a truck in this freak accident. It did say freak accident, huh? That's interesting. That's noteworthy. I think, I think we have a case here. We cut to Becky's apartment. Sam is sitting at a cute little dinner table with candlelight and for dinner, and Becky comes walking around the corner. Was that supposed to be lingerie?
LA:I get her version of lingerie maybe, like, I couldn't figure
Berly:out if it was supposed to just be a really cute dress, and if so it wasn't that cute, or if it was supposed to be sexy lingerie that wasn't that sexy or revealing. I
LA:thought it was like she was trying to be sexy, which I was like, at dinner, yeah, after dinner,
Berly:that's what I was like. What is this supposed to be lingerie, or is it a dress?
LA:I also really liked that the table she had all set up for this romantic dinner, and then she had a rotisserie chicken still in the little plastic container on the table.
Unknown:It was fancy. It was like, Come on, put it on a flight girl.
Berly:So she comes around the corner, and Sam is just like, Oh, you look nice. And she was like, thanks. I've been saving it for you, or something like that. I was like, Oh, cren, in my mind, I
LA:was like, she's probably been saving something else. Oh, good. But we find out she did not,
Unknown:you know I was gonna say I felt like she gave that to chat. She did. She wanted to give it to Dean, not Dean Sam.
Berly:And I decided I don't like Sam's hair again. It's, yeah, it was like, Finally, kind of, it's back to that layered together Bob thing again, right? It
LA:was good when it was all kind of layered together. But now it's like, that layered Bob thing, yeah, I
Berly:was talking about almost, like the Rachel, yeah, almost, almost, that's what I was trying to I was trying to figure out how to describe it that last time I was like, like, the Bob thing, but not like the straight Bob, like the Bob thing with the flippy things, yeah? And it's back to doing that again, but not in every scene. They
LA:really need to get it together with his hair. I
Berly:feel like you and I were going, Oh, I don't like his hair, Oh, I like his hair. Oh, I don't like his hair. I feel like we were doing that almost every other scene in this episode.
LA:It was weird. Let's see what happens next episode. This is
Berly:gonna be the theme of season seven. This is just Sam's hair.
Unknown:This hair evolution.
Berly:The other thing was Sam, his poor head. Oh, I like the I mean, I'm sure he gives fine head, but I'm just saying his head. Oh. Yeah, before you get all dirty minded over there. La, okay, that's not what I was talking about. Talking about his actual physical head, right? Okay, that's what I knew you were talking about that. Oh, okay, but I feel bad for it. Why he gets knocked out twice in this episode alone, and he's been knocked out at least one other time this season, and we're only on the eighth episode, and she's fucking with his mind, and then she's fucking with his mind. Yeah,
LA:I did like that. The clink of their glasses when they cheered is what, like, struck him out of it, yeah?
Berly:So they go to cheers and, like, la just said they clinks. And he's like, oh, and he's putting his fingers on his head, and he's like, Oh, it's getting blurry. I was like, Oh, my God, he's gonna have another vision. The visions are back. I was wrong. I was wrong. It's way worse, way worse. Turns out, Becky has been roofing him with a love potion that completely changes who he is, which Dean has said he's like. You aren't even acting like yourself, and he's not. He's acting like again, this romanticized version of what Becky wants him to be. And it was sad. It was it made me really sad. I didn't like it. It was uncomfortable.
Unknown:Very disappointed in Becky, yeah, super
Berly:like she was endearingly crazy before, but in this one, it was just like, Oh, sweetie. And they tried to have her have a little redemption at the end, but I gotta say
Unknown:she went a little. She spiraled. Yeah, Big
Berly:time, big time. I wish they'd given us a little more background as to how she would have spiraled this badly. Give us a little bit more information about what's happened since the last time we saw her that she was this desperate.
LA:Yes, she's just been lonely since she said Chuck dumped her, you know, right? So pining after Sam. Obviously
Berly:the high school people were making fun of her. I get that, but, like, I just wish they would have given us a little bit more because I wanted to root for her. But no, just can't, can't, can't do it. It's not endearingly crazy and
LA:it was just disturbing. Now, it's like, it's like, oh, Becky was cute. And I was like, oh, Becky's got problems. Yeah, it was, yeah, she's got some serious issues.
Berly:I mean, thank God that she didn't take certain liberties. Oh, I
LA:know. Well, at one point I thought something might happen. We'll get to that when we get there, when
Berly:we get there. But anyway, Becky figures out what's happening. Because Sam starts going, where am I? What? What's what's happening? He's
Unknown:like, Becky, yeah. She
Berly:jumps up, leaps into his lap, kisses him. It's like, We're celebrating our wedding. Remember, as she doses his champagne and then shoves the champagne up to his face so that he drinks more, which, I mean, of course he's gonna drink some alcohol. You just press to his face. He's a Winchester, so he drinks it, and then he's like, Oh yeah, of course, we're celebrating. It's wonderful, and it's just like, oh shit. And that was really whenever LA and I are both like, Oh no, she's roofing him. Yeah, it's
LA:not a good look.
Berly:We cut to a baseball stadium, and there's, like, this baseball player. They could have put him in the tight baseball pants. Yeah, he was cute. Like, they could have dressed him up a little bit more. You know what I mean, hitting those balls, you know those tight, those tight, you know what you're talking about, yeah. Why didn't they have him in those Well, a lot of baseball players don't wear them now. They have, but they have the choice, but this is supernatural, but they're
LA:but they're not making the show for us like we want them to make the show,
Berly:but they should be.
LA:I know, Sarah
Berly:gamble, you were the showrunner right now. Why? Where were the tight pants? Where were the tight little baseball? I want the classic baseball costume on.
LA:I like the classic.
Unknown:I do too baseball. I
LA:wish I don't like them wearing the pants that they
Berly:wear. Now. I don't either. I'm like, who's designing this shit, right? You want more women to come to the ball game. Bring back the old
LA:pants. Yeah, I want them tight, and I want to see that. But this
Berly:guy had his big old bat swinging it around. Needed both hands. You know, he was good. They were just, he's just hitting him one after the other. Pow, pow, pow, pow. There was this guy in the stands just creepily watching, and he was like, this isn't entertaining anymore. He's not wearing the right pants, so let's wrap this up. He starts turning his hand like he's turning in an invisible knob. But it turns out he wasn't turning an invisible knob. He was using telekinesis to turn the knob on the machine all the way to full power. And so a ball gets shot at baseball man, and it shatters his bat and LA, and I both went, Oh, fuck yeah. Not good. It was not good. We were like, Get out of there. He didn't get
LA:another cutie.
Berly:He just stood there being like, Oh, my bat.
LA:What happened?
Berly:What happened? What's this? The man in the stands is telekinetically moving the machine so it starts just like, pounding, I'm like, in his chest and his stomach pomes. I know it does this really awkward thing where it like, zooms in on the machine and like, zooms in on his face as like, Oh, gee, I wonder where the next ball's gonna go. But what I didn't know is that we would get our 53rd Blood splooge of the supernatural series we did as a baseball slams into his face and blood sprays all over. They've done this, I want to say this is the third time that they've done this where they have blood like spray, as if it's on a glass window, like on the camera, yeah, like on the camera, and it takes me out of it. Oh, really, yeah, it didn't bother me so much whenever they did it in the Dead men don't wear plaid, because it was zombies. And the way the camera was moving around, it was like it was in in there. But for this one, like this whole season, to me, has just felt like just plain old shots, you know, just like any other sitcom, any other show. And so for this episode, it took me out of it, like it was super noticeable to me in this one, yeah, I can see that it didn't make sense. I remembered the second time we saw it. It was similar to Denman, don't wear plaid, but it was the hellhounds, the invisible hellhound fight, same thing. I feel like it was a standing, standing camera being operated by a person, like an in it, in the trenches. And so it kind of, it didn't take me out of it. I noticed it, so I guess in that sense, it took me out of it. But it didn't make me be like, why'd you do that with this one? I was like, why'd y'all? Why'd you do that? Anyway, 53rd blood splooge baseball man is dead, so now we never get to see him in the pants. Nope. Dean shows up at Becky's place with a waffle iron, yeah, with a present, I was gonna say with a present, but you're right, it was a waffle iron that, um, came in handy for Becky later. Because, yikes, yeah. And Sam is like, Sure, come in. And Dean explains, like, Okay, I'm hunting a case. And it turns out somebody else is on the case too. Becky has inserted herself to be Sam's new hunting partner, and they have, like, a board, and she's made a sign that's like, Becky and Sam's investigation, like,
LA:normally they have, you know, the pictures and, like, the string connecting things. Hers looks like a board at a school,
Berly:and it looked like it was about to say, it looks like a school bulletin board. Yeah, I mean, she's living her best life, oh, yeah, you know, without somebody else's consent. But you know what? We'll get to that in a little bit. Dean is pretty shocked to see that Sam and Becky are working as a team investigating the case, and Sam defends her, and she's like, No, like, we're happy.
LA:She's actually really good, yeah,
Berly:you just don't know her like I do. And you know what? Maybe the real reason you're upset is because I don't need you anymore, and I'm moving on with my life. And I was just like, where did that come from? Because Becky, honestly, whenever he said it, she looked like she felt bad for Dean. So I'm like, so was that part of her spell that Sam didn't need Dean anymore, he only needed Becky. Or was that something coming from Sam's what is it?
Berly:right? What's the word unconscious? Or, yeah, what is it? Is that unconscious desires or whatever, because we had, we've had these episodes where the one where they were in the afterlife, and, like, Sam's Greatest Hits were when he was away from his family. So I was like, maybe that's in the back of Sam's mind, maybe that he wants to strike out on his own, that he wants to not be codependent with Dean anymore.
LA:I thought it was more that this love potion just makes him all about Becky. Could
Berly:totally be old as Becky could have totally been that too. The only, like I said, the only reason why I kind of thought like, oh, maybe that's not her, is because she did seem like she felt bad for Dean whenever Dean left, right? Well, she didn't make the spell, though, that wasn't even really a spell. Was it
Berly:I wonder. Do you call them spells? Whenever demons make something happen, are they working a spell? Anyhow, Dean is not happy, no. So he calls daddy Bobby, and wants him to get here, you work this case with me. And Bobby says, no, no, no, I am ankle deep. I don't think he actually said that, but I'm going with it.
LA:I know. I think one of them said something like that.
Berly:I'm I'm ankle deep, I'm knee deep, I'm balls deep in an in a vampire nest. They never said vampire, but they did keep saying nest, yeah, yeah. And a nest in Oregon. I want to go to Oregon. It looks so pretty. But Bobby's like, Don't worry, I've got a buddy for you, sending you somebody. I'm setting you up, setting you up on a blind date. Dan was like, I don't want to work with somebody else. And Bobby's like, you're gonna like, you're gonna back in Becky's apartment. She has literally filled an entire page of Sam and Becky Sam and Becky Sam and Becky Sam and Becky Sam and Becky and is working on, like, a real big heart design with Sam and Becky. And I was just like, that's not healthy. That's not healthy. I'm
LA:sure there's more than just one page going on. It
Berly:looked like, whenever Sam got her diary and, like, flipped, it looked like it was at least front and back and maybe another page. Yeah. I was like, that's like, all work, no play. What is it? The Shining what is it? Oh, yeah, mixed jacket doll boy. Again, we're getting to the she was endearingly crazy. Before now you guys are making her just playing crazy. Sam walks in to give her a gift.
Unknown:This was cute, though.
Berly:It was cute. It was cute like I'm trying to think how they could have made this episode a little cuter and not so much creepy because it was. It was reminiscent of wishful thinking, right? And that episode was a little creepy too, like we were playing with the bounds of consent and all of that with that episode too. And so that episode was a little creepy for me. This one was worse than wishful thinking, as far as me feeling uncomfortable watching it, yeah, and it was. It wasn't that much worse, really, than wishful thinking was. So I don't know why it made me so much more uncomfortable. Like, how was this any worse than what the guy was doing with the girl? Yeah, in wishful thinking, it was the same thing, except he took liberties that Becky didn't. Now that I'm really thinking about it, but this episode made me more uncomfortable, I guess because it didn't feature a talking teddy bear. But anyway, so what we were saying was super cute is that Sam got the matching fake IDs that they're reporters for a newspaper, and Becky was thrilled. So while she was checking out her present, he picked up her journal and found it, and he was just like, What is this? And then she tried to explain, and was like, oh. And he was like, Oh, it's beautiful.
LA:Yeah. Well, I like how they made his he did his face. Like you're thinking, you're sitting there thinking he's gonna be like, Oh, she's
Unknown:fucking crazy, yeah. But
LA:no, instead he's, he loves it.
Berly:He goes to the puppy dog eyes, it's so beautiful. And, like, holds it to his chest, and like, the way he swung his legs over the foot of the bed. That was fucking cute, adorable. It was adorable. In the meantime, Dean is going to meet his new partner. It's a young man named Garth, which technically Garth was introduced last season. I think that was last season when was weekend at Bobby's, I don't know. Okay, well, it was during weekend at Bobby's. Whenever Bobby was manning the phones, he was yelling at somebody, Garth, Garth, Garth. I can only assume it's the same character, and based off of seeing the episode, I'm pretty convinced it is and it's played by DJ walls. He nails it. It's so he's so cute. He's so cute. His cracks me up. He tells Dean that Bobby told him to expect him to be Surly and premenstrual about having to work with somebody new, so he doesn't really know about the case. Dean slides over the newspaper so that he can read the details about the lotto winner who got hit by the truck, yada yada. And he's like, hang on, first things first. He flips through the newspaper and is like you Marva, too. He had to check out the comic books. The comic section first, Garth and Dean team up. They get dressed in their suits and they have their fake badges. Now they're sitting in the lobby waiting to speak to a gentleman, Mr. Craig burrows, who wondrously has been made CEO. He was like a sales dude, yeah, skipped several other positions, supervisors, other executives. What have you to be picked by the board to be CEO? Definitely seems fishy. Definitely in line with this lotto winner and all this other kind of stuff,
LA:I will say I really liked Dean changing up his suit look with the little sweater over his button up, yeah, and then the jacket, yeah, he
Berly:looked nice. Yeah. He looked nice more than once in this episode, while they're sitting there waiting, some woman comes running up and it's like, what the fuck you dumb bitch? It's Marsha with an S, H, A, not A, C, I, a, are you trying to humiliate me? Smoky, dramatic. So she walks off, but she ends up Marsha ends up being important later. Yeah, while they're waiting, Sam and Becky come walking out of the office, and there's just like, this really tits moment, even Garth was like, wait a minute, isn't that your Oh, fuck, this is all shit, awkward. Awkward. They don't interact with each other very much, you know, because they're both pretending to be reporters for different papers and all this other kind of stuff. So Sam and Becky go on their way, Dean and Garth go in to interview the gentleman, and they end up finding out from him that this was not his dream. He did not want this. He liked his job. It was his wife, bitch wife.
Unknown:She like, sorry.
Berly:She was so rude. She was so rude. She was a bitch, you know. And he said she's the happiest she's ever been. I don't know what's gonna happen when she finds out that I'm going to resign. You know this, it's not good. She comes in, what did she say?
LA:Oh, they she wanted to go to dinner, and he needed to get his girl to make a reservation.
Berly:Oh, yeah, and you better tell her to mention that you're the CEO and get us good seats, or she's fired something ridiculous. So Dean and Garth realize, okay, this isn't the wish maker. This isn't who we need to be talking to. We need to go talk to her. Go chase her down. What did Dean. Say something about trying to
LA:not get her heard or something. It did sound like a threat.
Berly:You better tell me what's going on. Lady, yeah, something like that. She's like, Are you threatening me? And do you said, Why does everybody always think I'm threatening them? And Garth looked at him and went, because it sounds like you're threatening them.
LA:I also like that Garth was a little too direct when they were questioning the CEO. Oh
Berly:my gosh, I forgot about that. He straight up said, you know, we're wondering if there wasn't something, you know, dark behind you being promoted. And Dean tried to cover with for him. And Garth was like, yeah, no, I'm not. I'm not talking about, like, nefarious means. I mean, like, black magic, hoodoo. You know Dean's
LA:like, the fuck.
Berly:That was funny. Yeah, it was funny. Let me see an episode where just work Garth is working a case. Yeah. I want to see how he Yeah. How does he solve a case? Or who does he normally work with? Does he normally work solo? Does he normally have a team? Like, I want to see it. I want to see more of Garth. Yeah. Sam is going through the case files back at Becky's apartment, and is talking about how something's not adding up here with the CEO. So they haven't made the wife connection yet, that it wasn't the CEO's wish. But then he starts to get another headache. Becky runs to her purse to get more of her roofy tonic, but sees that it's spilt in her bag, bummer. So she just grabs that waffle iron that Dean brought and just whack Sam upside the back of the head, knocks him out. And that was just like, How many times is our boy gonna get knocked out and again? This was only the first time of this episode. It happens again. I know it gets knocked out again. Back at the office, Marsha is walking around making a phone call, probably saying something else bitchy. And we see, oh boy from the ball stadium. From the baseball stadium up in the rafters. He had longer hair his we could see his long hair now. His hoodie was down. I kind of liked it. Yeah, it looked like he had a good head of hair. Just grab that ponytail, use it as a steering wheel. Oh, anyway, he starts using his hand, his telekinesis, to make the giant chandelier in the lobby fall. But luckily, Dean and Garth hung out to keep an eye on the wife, and Dean tackles her out of the way so she doesn't end up getting hurt. That's a big ass, like chandelier thing too. That would hurt, yeah? I mean, I know the idea would have been to kill her. That was, that was the goal. So I'm guessing that that would have succeeded had Dean and Garth not been there. Yeah, they get her to stand, and that's when Garth is like, All right, now, do you want to tell us what's going on? She ends up telling them that she made a demon deal. She didn't know. That's what she did. She didn't know she was talking to a crossroads demon. She was out at dinner with some girlfriends just bitching, surprise, yeah. And a gentleman approached her and promised her to, you know, make her dream come true for in exchange for 10 years for her soul. And she was just like, you know, what do I have to use lose? And Garth was like, your soul, yeah. And then Garth pointed out, what the fuck is going on? Like? That's a 10 year deal. Why are they collecting so? Soon something's not adding up. So we still have this mystery going on here. So then they say we're going to take you somewhere safe. Garth tells her, you're gonna go stay with my tri racial paraplegic sniper cousin. He's going to keep you safe. He'll protect you from anything that might try to come and hurt you. Until we get this figured out, I bet they got along. Great done deal, right? They fell in love. Yeah, that would be another episode. Let us, let us see Garth and Dean. Go drop her off with this character, and let us see what the rest of her day was like. She's gonna fall in love, she's gonna leave her CEO husband, and she's gonna live happily ever after. She's not gonna be such a bitch anymore. Yeah, let's hope not. Back to Sam and Becky. Sam wakes up. Becky has somehow miraculously transported Sam fucking Winchester, the old Sam, big old Sam, from her apartment to this cabin out by a lake. How did Becky do that?
LA:She also removed his pants, yes,
Berly:she did, and tied him up to the bed. Yeah. Sam has come too and is just like trying to get free of his bonds. He hasn't he isn't yelling out or anything. Yet, he overhears Becky talking, and she's doing like a zoom call with guy, yeah, Leslie Odom Jr, still looking fabulous and letting him know that she's run out of her supply, that she needs more stuff, her Elixir. And Sam is hearing everything, yeah, and he's just getting more and more pissed. Rightfully so. Uh huh, she did tell guy that they hadn't consummated their marriage yet. I'm glad they stuck that in there. Yeah, me too. Like it wasn't necessarily important to the plot, but I needed to know that, that especially since they made the joke about Sam not having pants on, I needed to know that she didn't do that.
LA:I needed some peace of mind there exactly.
Berly:Exactly. Guy tells Becky to come meet him in an hour, and when she goes back into the room, Sam is again, pissed. He's heard everything, so he's like, you've been roofing me? And she's like, No, of course not. I wouldn't do that. What does she think she's been doing?
LA:She's been, she says she was, she was, oh, using a social lubricant,
Berly:social lubricant. Oh, yeah. And she said, guy said, if you didn't really love me, that it wouldn't work, that it only works because you actually do love me. It's down, yeah, it's releasing how you feel about me, deep, deep down. Yeah. And then Sam said, Oh, so you think I love you, well, then untie me. She said, nope, nope. Hello. That should have set off alarms in your head that you need to just let him go like, my god. If you really hadn't seen the red flags yet, that should have been a huge stop sign. I don't think there's any stopping her. Oh, my God, no, she she gags them.
Unknown:I know I was like, okay, yeah, it's just getting worse and worse. But
Berly:she leaves because she's she's got to go get a meeting as as Sam told her like, it's not your friend, that's your dealer. And she was just like, No, no, no, no, no, you're wrong. We're besties.
LA:Yeah, well,
Berly:when she meets up with Guy, she finds out pretty fucking quickly that Sam was right.
Unknown:They are not besties.
Berly:Guy tells her she's like, pathetic. Like, Oh, my God, you're so Becky. Like, just, oh.
LA:I was like, he's totally right in this scenario of what she's doing with Sam. But at same time, I was kind of like, that's a little harsh, yeah. I felt a little sorry for her in that moment. This
Unknown:is your client, yeah, and Leslie Odom, just, and also you're about to make a deal with her. Like, maybe butter up first. Don't put her down. I
Berly:don't know I liked his performance. Oh, I
LA:do too. I liked it. I'm just saying it's harsh.
Berly:It was very harsh. It was very harsh. But you know what? Again, coming back to what he says later, is that he's playing on the desperation of people, so maybe trying to make her feel shittier about herself was his way of sealing the deal, making sure that she did feel like a loser, that she did feel so pathetic that this was her only route to being happy. No, I had a wrong Yeah, don't let her no, you want her to feel like this is literally the only way that she could have her happy ending, that she's in visualizing and visualizing. Also,
LA:you really want to spend your life, like dosing this guy over and over again. I wouldn't
Berly:want to spend a day doing right? She was like, it's not lasting as long. And he's like, yeah, the freebie, the freebie time is over. Now I want your soul, and I'm just gonna snap my fingers. And then he also told her that she's special, that if she keeps Sam Winchester off the board away from him and his demon friends, that she could have 25 years instead of 10. He was like, No no accidents, no mysterious things like you would get your 25 years of wedded bliss.
LA:He's like, win win. For me,
Berly:he's like, at first, I was not happy to see that your new hubby was Sam fucking Winchester, but now I'm gonna use this to my advantage. Smart guy, yeah, and she needs some time to think about it. Okay, Becky, Yeah, take that time. You need it. This is the thing that you're gonna take a step and go. Wait a minute. Let me really think about this before I take action here.
LA:Not basically hijacking somebody's brain, right?
Berly:We see Garth and Dean breaking into Becky's apartment.
Unknown:He's just so gung ho. This is another scene where
Berly:it's just like, I want to see him work a case by himself. I want to see just Garth work a case like he comes in, Dean opens the door and is trying to be all sneaky, and Garth just like, books in, like, right into the room, just
Unknown:like Gene's like, like, looking around before he steps in, Garth
Berly:just goes right into the door. He books it straight to the bedroom. And we just see him walking around. And they're, like, looking at things, looking at this. He finds Becky's Twitter and sees that she and Sam have gone for a romantic ticket away, and he was like, three exclamation points. I guess she was excited. She was she was very well. She was probably excited and also exhausted, because she somehow moved like, what six foot five. How much you want to think he weighs? How did she move him? I do not know. I mean, I hope she was on the first floor,
LA:and especially, like, dead weight too, right? Man, good for her. I mean, not good for her. Like, obviously, she's very strong. That's good for her Dean, but not good for her. Taking a captor. No,
Berly:no. Dean finds a picture of a cabin, shows it to Garth, and it's like, does this look romantic to you? And it shows it's like a little kid holding a fish. Oh, I guess it was Becky holding a fish in front of the cabin.
LA:I was like, without her the picture, yeah, it's adorable.
Berly:I loved that cabin. It was so fucking cute. I'd go to honeymoon internally, internally. It was just all right. But. From outside. Oh, my God. It was so cute. Super cute. So cute. The landscaping at every Yeah, like that. Garth was like, No, that does not look romantic to me. It's the fish. He was like, they got dead eyes. It's like, what they decide. This is where Becky has most likely taken Sam. This is where we need to go next. We see Becky has returned to the cabin, and she is talking to Sam. It's just like, you know, Sam is still gagged, by the way, you know, so he's, he's saying things, but we don't really know what he's saying. I tried to kind of figure it out, what it was, just context wise, but couldn't, couldn't really make it out. She's really bummed. You know,
LA:she was lays on his chest,
Berly:yeah? Oh my god, yes. I was just like, what the like? How are you this delusional that you are still in this the man is tied up to the bed with a gag in his throat, and you're still acting like he really cares about you and is really going to be empathetic to your situation, like I wanted to take you to my reunion and show you off, like I get wanting to do that, but damn Becky, right? You've gone a little too far, way too far. And she even says, Whenever he's like, you know you shouldn't have to drug someone for them to love you. And she strip was like, but I want you. And gagged him again. I was like, jeez,
LA:but to your point earlier, he did beat her down because she's sitting there talking about how she's a loser, right? And all, she's always been a loser in life and love. I
Berly:mean, she did explain everything, right? So they're trying to make us a little bit more sympathetic to the character, but it's just you're still consciously taking, like, kidnapping someone against their will, and have the intention, or at least considering mind controlling a person for 25 years because you have a crush on who you think they are, not even who they actually are, because you've read these books, right? I love escapism. I'm all about the Duluth, but you've got to be grounded in reality. Yeah. So we see her about to dose him again,
Unknown:and he like, You're better than this. Yeah, yeah. He
Berly:tries to tell her, You're better than this, and her trying to think about it. We cut to the hotel, and the high school reunion is over. Guy comes walking around the corner and sees Becky sitting at a table, and she's like, you missed the party. Like, where were you? What's up? Becky tells guy that she's in she wants to take the deal. She's leading him to a certain spot. We don't know this at the time, but she's leading him to a certain spot. I thought it was really happening and that Dean and Garth were going to get to the cabin and save Sam and yada yada yada. That's what I where I thought this was going. But luckily, Becky did come to her senses and led guy into a devil's trap that they had drawn with blueberry vodka. She dropped her lighter to kind of activate the devil's trap. It was pretty cool. Yeah, I liked it. Garth, Dean and Sam are all there.
Unknown:I love it.
Berly:I'm kind of thinking, was there a scene that was cut for time where Dean and Garth do show up at the cabin and kind of help convince Becky don't do this. Maybe because, how did they all meet up together? When did they make this plan? Right? Guy ends up explaining the plan that, yeah, like, I've been using a loophole. I don't get my hands dirty. I feel the deals. And I have an apprentice. I
LA:got a guy, yeah, guy's got a guy.
Berly:He takes care of everything for me. Like, he
LA:called him his intern. Oh, is
Berly:that what it was? I thought he said apprentice. No, that would have been kinder, right? And I'm just like, is there a rank in Demons here? Like, can you work your way up to being a crossroads demon? I guess, I guess. Like, was that his and his and his name was, his name is Jackson. Maybe that was his goal. He wanted to be a crossroads demon. Well, anyways, Jackson shows up demon, demon telekinesis is all of the hunters. And Sam gets knocked out again. And poor Garth gets knocked out, and he goes and scrapes his foot on the carpet and breaks the devil's trap so that guy gets out. Guy is choking. Dean has him up against the wall. Is saying some wonderful villainous stuff to Dean. Jackson is beating up Sam. Whenever he comes to Garth, tries to get up, but Jackson uses his telekinesis to slam his head against the table again, knock his ass out again. Oh, I did forget a cool thing. Whenever they all showed up. Guy was like, oh my god, Dean fucking Winchester, can I get your autograph? And Dean pulled out the demon knife, and was like, carve it on your spleen. Ooh, even though he had the demon knife, he did try to exercise guy. He splashed holy water on him and started the exorcism. But then guy started choking him. And I was thinking, like, oh my god, yeah. Like, are you all going to start exercising demons again instead of just murdering people because you used to try and save the victim? Yeah, that that hasn't. Been the MO for a while. Are we gonna go back? But then, no, like they don't, they don't go back. Dean lost the demon knife. Somehow. It got flung, flung aside, and Becky ends up picking it up and saving Sam. So Jackson goes bye, bye, the apprentice intern. He's he's gone. And then we see guy like freeze, like he is scared. Dean thinks it's because he's caught the knife like Sam. Sam pulled the knife out of Jackson and tossed it, and Dean caught it. It was kind of cool. And he's thinking it's because of him. It was not because of him. We then hear, hello boys. It's Crowley with a beard. Oh yeah. And the beard I wanted to and Crowley is pissed. He is like, this is not how we do business. And guy's just like, come on, like, just being innovative. I'm an innovator. Crowley's like, I don't fucking think so. And Dean has the demon knife at guy's throat, and it's just like, I'm just gonna slit his throat. You know, he'll just be done with it. And Crowley's like, I would rather make an example of him. Haven't you two fuckers noticed that you haven't been running into any demons? And they were like, well, yeah, we've been busy. And he was like, hunting Leviathan. I know you haven't been running into demons because I've straight up told my guys to leave you alone. I want you guys to go kill as many of those fuckers as you can. So you keep doing that, and in the meantime, give me guy. I'm going to make an example of him. And I looked at guy was like, no, no. Like he literally. He really did not want to go with Crowley, but they agree. They give, they give guy to Crowley, and they peace out. They just disappear, yep. And they're like, hey, because the job is done. And then Garth comes to and it's like, what'd I miss? I back at Becky's apartment, Sam and Becky are signing what I'm assuming are annulment papers. Yeah, Becky is being really apologetic. It wasn't all bad, so like he couldn't even remember anything. What do you want him to say? Anyway, he does thank her for saving his life, and Sam does try to tell her like You're not a loser, in my opinion, was more kindness than she deserved. After all. Yeah, yeah, it was. It was a little too far. But then again, like I said, it's just like wishful thinking. I don't think that guy was redeemed in the end either, even though he went and pulled the coin out of the thing, both of icky icky. I will say I did like it. I'm kind of, I'm kind of, I'm kind of being hypocritical with this, and I realize it just so, you know, but I did like it. Whenever Sam was like, one day, you're gonna find the right guy who's gonna like you for you, and Garth, like, just like, it's my window, and you can see him, like, primping himself, like getting ready to go in for the move. And Dean's just like, No, no. And you could see Becky, she was kind of into it. She was kind of into and then she saw Dean, and she's like, she was disappointed. And I was just like, Oh man, I
Unknown:don't want to do that.
Berly:The three hunters are downstairs. They're getting ready to take off. I did almost ask you during this episode, where's baby, and then I remember, like, oh yeah. Like, they're undercover, yeah. I thought, I
LA:thought that too at one point, yeah. Wait a minute, yeah. Where's
Berly:the Impala? Yeah. Like that. Dean told Garth, well, you don't suck. And Garth said, That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. See Garth endearing, right? Endearing. And Garth gives Dean a big old hug, and Dean kind of lets him do it, like, I mean, Dean's a big dude. He could have shoved Garth off of him, but he didn't. He was just like, all right, all right. All right. After Garth leaves, Sam does apologize to Dean for what he said about, you know, I don't need you. I've moved on all that kind of stuff, the mean stuff that he had said earlier, and Sam admits that he's still you messed up with the Lucifer stuff and all of that. But, you know, I don't need you to take care of me as much as you used to use some time to take care of yourself, and that could be good, that would be good thing, right? And Sam's kind of getting in the car, and you see Dean kind of making a face like he doesn't want to do that. Dean doesn't want to take care of himself. And so I'm thinking maybe that was the point of this episode. Is that, like I said, with Becky, focusing on Sam, obsessing over Sam when she needs to be taking care of herself, that that's actually a mirror of Dean. I think that might be what they were going for with this. Yeah, I can see it. So that's why, by the end of this episode, I was like, Okay, I have, I've conflicting feelings about this one. Gore for the gory. The only Gore in this episode, I think, was the baseball, yeah, baseball, man. And, like it was good except for just the splash on the on the screen. I didn't, I didn't care for that. That wasn't needed, in my opinion. What do you think about that? I don't mind. It doesn't
LA:bother me. It bothered me. I know it did.
Berly:Did you adore anything about this episode?
Unknown:I liked Garth.
Berly:I liked Garth too. DJ Qualls did wonderfully in the role. I actually learned just recently that whenever DJ Qualls was originally offered this role, he turned it down. Oh, he had just finished filming a movie, and they wanted him to turn around and come straight to Vancouver to film, and he was exhausted. It. But then they told him, Well, they wrote the role with you in mind, and so because it fed into his ego, he was like, oh shit. All right, fine. And so I think it's kind of cute that he's, like, all scruffy, he's got that beard, and he's all disheveled, and I'm just like, so yeah, he probably just was like, Oh fuck. And just showed up, picturing him just rolling out of bed to go film, yeah, but I liked Garth. I hope we get to see more of him. And I liked Leslie Odom Jr. Oh yeah, I forgot about he did the snake oil salesman role really well. He did the alternating between the, oh yeah, I'm your best friend to the All right, real talk, bitch. Like he played both sides of that coin, yeah, really well. And he the subtle changes he could do with his facial expressions sincerely impressed me, particularly whenever Sam Winchester first comes walking up in the parking lot and him kind of being like, oh shit without this overtly, oh shit, yeah. And then also the fear that he demonstrated when Crowley popped up, I loved Leslie Oden Jr,
Unknown:yes, he really great. Like guest stars, yeah, yeah.
Berly:Like you would think Becky would be the guest star that shined in this one, but to me, no, yeah, some of the things she did, I honestly felt were a little overacted, just too much. Could have pulled it back a little bit. Yeah, what they were having you do was already over the top, so you could have pulled back some of the other stuff. Yeah. And again, this isn't trying to criticize the actress, because she honestly wasn't doing stuff any differently from what we've seen her do in the other episodes. But again, it was just the actions that your character were taking right in conjunction with that over like the top, like it made it a little too much for me. Yeah. This was written by Andrew dabb and Daniel Laughlin, and it was directed by Tim Andrew. I don't remember seeing that name before. Hang on here. This is his first episode. Oh, wow. I didn't like the blood splooge.
Unknown:I did.
LA:I was about to say, Oh my goodness.
Berly:Take us into the lore.
LA:Okay, this is from the bizarre, true history of love potions by Charlie burluck. Now I'm probably gonna mispronounce a lot in this, yet again, I've
Berly:been slurring all over the place. I'm gonna have a real grand time editing this.
LA:The first one is titled Fatal Attraction, toxic bruise. In ancient ages, it says for as long as humans have experienced love, we've been trying to figure out how to hack it, concocting potions that promise to turn the mystery of love into a definitive science, these enhancement techniques were invariably disgusting. In medieval times, there were LOVE CAKES baked with a wooer sweat,
Berly:oh God,
LA:and often toxic. Lisa Perrin explains in her lavishly illustrated the League of Lady poisoners. The word Venom may have originally derived from Venus and referred specifically to a love potion. This meaning later evolved to include remedy potion and invariably poison. This evolution makes sense when you look at the early days of love potions, the ancient Roman philosopher and poet lucritus, ludicrous,
Berly:lucrative Lucretius.
LA:Lucretius is rumored to have been driven mad and eventually to death by a love potion administered by his own wife, Lucilia. Though it is not known precisely what ingredients Lucilia may have used the so called Spanish Fly, which is neither Spanish or a fly, was commonly used in ancient Greek love potions. Roman gladiators and empresses alike observed that when ingested the bug, or crushed beetle, produces a warm, fuzzy feeling throughout the body that they assumed to be the fiery burn of fresh passion, but in reality, the feeling was most likely caused by inflammation. Oh, the species contain a deadly toxin that can blister the skin on contact and kill when consumed in high enough quantities. Oh, damn, that could really backfire. Yeah. Next up, this one is titled, definitely not a girl's girl, a witchy seduction, seduction, seduction in 17th century, Versailles, one of the most infamous purveyors of low potion is the ravenously beautiful and venomously kind of Ooh,
Berly:ravenously beautiful and venomously cunning. I like that.
LA:Me too. Madam day montespan. Montespan, sure, yeah, who, according to Eleanor Herman's best selling history, sex with kings, nice.
Unknown:Sex with kings,
LA:spiked King Louie. What is that
Berly:spiked King Louie's meat?
LA:Oh, we're just gonna, I don't know what number that is. Oh,
Berly:I was looking at meat. Okay, we'll just say I just zoomed right in on. Meat XIV is what that is. There we go. Okay, I'm just gonna King Louis the XIV spiked King
LA:Louie's meat and wine with a disgusting concoction made of dead babies, blood, bones, intestines and along with parts of Toads and bats in order to win and keep His love. Guano. Now, she was born in one of the noble families in France, and was determined to woo this king. She was the reigning beauty of his court in a royal flirt. Despite her looks and the king's notorious flandering, she was unable to catch his eye. He told his brother, she tries hard, but I'm not interested. Oh, my God. Interested,
Unknown:but she was not deterred. Becky. What is this? Becky,
LA:right? I think so. So her plan, she cozied up to the Queen and managed to weasel her way into private dinners with the royal couple. And over the course of these meals, no, no, no, no, no, private dinners with the couple, just dinner, just dinner. Just wait. Over the course of these meals, the king seemed to magically change his mind about the lady, and so she became his official mistress and mother of seven of his kids.
Berly:Oh, my God, she was poisoning him during the dinners.
LA:So the secret to her seduction came out through the 1679 investigation of the famed sorcerer Catherine monvoisin, monvoy monvosan, I don't know who was arrested in connection to a slew of Parisian poisonings in 1679 during her trial, many whispered that she had one particularly high profile client, but she kept her lips sealed for the rest of her short life. When she was burned at the stake in 1680 it was allegedly her own daughter who revealed her connection to the king's most famous mistress. As Herman writes, Louis finally understood why. For 13 years he had awoken with a headache every morning. 13 years, you had me like somebody check me out. Oh, my God. 13 years, every morning woke up with a headache after he died with his beloved mistress. Montespan was permitted to stay in Versailles, but the king's visits to her became rare, and he never ate or drank anything she offered him. Again
Berly:they became rare. So he still went to go see her, just not as much. He would probably
LA:just want to go fuck her, but not eat or drink with her. Oh, my God. And then lastly, we have your love. Is my drug? Literally, in the late 70s. Is this about semen? No, oh. Psychopharmacologist Alexander Shulgin synthesized and personally sampled a drug that seemed to eliminate fear break through his habitual thinking patterns and allow him to see clearly into the world as it truly was, a quality for which he nicknamed the compound window. Today, that formula has earned a few more nicknames, including MDMA, Molly, ecstasy, and of course, the love drug side effects may include extreme cuddliness, enhanced empathy and zapped resentment. Get me some as the American divorce rate skyrocketed in the 80s, couples therapists began experimenting with what seemed at the time like a pharmacological love potion, while the then unregulated drug showed early promise in reigniting that finicky marital spark. It wasn't long before it spread from the therapist couch to the warehouse rave party. I
LA:in 1985 the DEA officially banned MDNA. MDMA listing it as a schedule one substance with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse in the decades since, you'd have a better shot of finding this alleged love potion in a Skrillex mosh pit than in a pharmacy. But all that may be changing soon. As psychedelics enter the mainstream, more and more experts are advocating for the therapeutic use of ecstasy, including in couples therapy, which are, aren't there like ketamine. They're like using ketamine like that too.
Berly:I was going to say, I know you can even get credentialed as a psychedelic therapist. There's like, well, um, is it Eliza Dushku, yeah. Is that her name? She's She's, like, on the cover of some magazine recently where she's talking about, that's what she's doing. Wow. But like, a psych, psychedelic therapy helped her deal with some of her trauma and issues, and now she's getting certified and credentialed to start offering the services. I need it. I remember raves. Was that therapy for me?
Unknown:I'm sure
Berly:I remember I was rolling once, and I was in a closet and just being ecstatic in there, just playing with somebody's shoes.
LA:I need it. No, I want
Unknown:to be happy with playing with playing with shoes. I
Berly:remember somebody opened the door and me being so upset. Yeah, I was so upset they ruined my little fantasy land that I was in. I was like, Oh, my God. Oh, that's funny. Oh, quote, to close it out, it's from Crowley, whenever he found out what. What guy was doing. He said, This isn't Wall Street. This is hell. We have a little something called integrity. Cheers. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.
LA:Follow us on Twitter or Instagram, leave a review and let us know how we can get involved in the fandom.
Berly:This was fun, jerk, it always
LA:is, bitch. I.