Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

DwN's Finale: A Hunter's Guide to Season 6

• Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 24

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Berly and LA recap and discuss the season six Supernatural Blu Ray Exclusive Feature, A Hunter's Guide to Season 6. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: Berly and LA discuss Supernatural, focusing on various aspects such as character development, editing techniques, and costume design. They share their enthusiasm for behind-the-scenes content and analyze how it enhances their understanding of the series. They also discuss new writers and their fresh ideas, while honoring the show's formula. The speakers emphasize the importance of balancing tradition and innovation in the show. They share their experiences and perspectives on the creative process, highlighting the importance of trust in VFX and props teams, location scouting, and costume design.


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series.


I'm LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy.


Lm LA.


Hello Burley.


So we have split the season six special features into multiple episodes this season. We already covered the gag reel supernatural in the quest for the soul and Jensen Ackles that directors journey. The anime was also special features for this season. There's two episodes of that, but we decided to skip that because we already covered that way back in season two. Today we are moving on to a hunters guide to season six. It includes a bunch of two three minute little special feature clips. It was reminiscent of the road trip map thing that we had a while back. It's just some extra little behind the scenes clips.


It's cute the way they did it with the journal. It flips the pages and it has the symbols all everywhere.


I like it a lot. Some of the symbols I'm like what the fuck is that? There's one symbol it literally looks like this weird cartoon Homer Simpson blob thing fucking a skull. I'm like, What is that supposed to be? Is that a sigil? Like what happens if I slap that with a bloody hand but I agree the layout of visit a really cute and it has its own little trailer introductory video where Sarah gamble explains everything to you. And they do they have a page in the journal for every single episode. So we might skip over some things here and there. We're just going to share what has jumped out to us so far. Right away in the special feature for episode one. This is the only one so far that had its own title. Yeah, I noticed. Yeah. It was titled breaking the season. Nothing else has had its own title so far. I really appreciate it in this one that they stated from the beginning. They wanted a season long mystery. I was like check y'all do. Lord knows I was bitching about what is happening. Like I kind of wish I had known that, like part of me wishes I had known that going into this season that it was going to be a season long mystery. And part of me is glad that I didn't know. And I liked that Robert singer said they were really going for that film noir detective kind of vibe to kick off the season. Yeah. And then in the second one, I got both excited and then was let down. Because in the second episode, it didn't really focus so much on the episode itself. But it talks more general about different sets. Yeah, that we saw it did focus in on a set that was important to the second episode. But they talked about in Live Free twi hard that the vampire, what was his name? It doesn't matter. The vampire who was kidnapping teenagers and turning them into that it was supposed to be an old bank. Yeah. And I liked that. Because I was like, That's why there were those cages along the sides, because that's where there were the security boxes or whatever that you go. That makes sense. I did not realize that was supposed to be an old bank when we watched the episode The first time I didn't either. But now that I know that that's so fucking cool, right? It was perfect.


I know, they still they fill in like an ambient, like it was just an empty building. And so they built everything in there. They did a good job I love when they talk about the sets and how they come up with them.


I hope that they have another set talk because I mean, fuck, we got a lot a lot of things to go through. And we're taking them piece by piece at this time, guys. But I hope they do another one about sets as we work our way through this today. Me too. The letdown that I had in the Season Two One is that they talked about the set from family matters where I was annoying you so much during that episode, because I was like where are they supposed to be? Like I kept asking you like 500 times. And I was like, What is this room with this giant cage in the middle? And so they started talking about the cage and all the detail and they showed us pictures with better wasn't so dark and it was lit up really well. It really was a fucking bad asset. It looked so cool. And I thought because they explained Oh, it was like supposed to be a bank. I was waiting for them to explain what this was supposed to be as to why this cage wasn't didn't happen. They never they never thought they never explained what this abandoned factory warehouse thing with this giant cage in the middle of it what what But it was supposed to be. And I really thought it was coming because they explained it so well with the bank. Yeah. Oh, well. The third one, they talked more about props. I like that one, too. That was cool. Yeah, I


think he said 100 and something episodes worth of props and the room was full of what are those bins? Like storage bins? I keep wanting to say Tupperware but it's not. But yeah, they were talking about the deaths ring and how they had that made from scratch. Yeah, that was cool. And then I didn't notice that on the pistol on Samuel colts Journal, the star that he had on there, and it was it's on the gun to


Yeah, match. Yeah. And I like I appreciated how much detail they went into with making the journals and the books. They addressed the skin mag book from the dragons, and he said it was pig skin. Yeah. Like, silicone could have done just fine. Like I was like, why? Right. Pigs kin.


I also liked when they were talking about the tongue. What episode was that? It


was the one with bear toss, because when they started talking about her, I was like, they're gonna explain the cat. They didn't explain that.


But I remember she was talking about how the tongue is the tastiest part, and they said that it was a they made it up tuna, tuna tongue to nuts.


That was cool now, and they were talking a lot about the different blades, Angel blades and the staff of Moses. They intended for it to look like a gun. I can't remember what Ben Edlund said about it like maybe even having a gun aspect to it or something but they just happened to find a good piece of wood for it and just like sawed it off and made it done. And then for the fourth one weekend at Bobby's I was surprised that this episode essentially occurred because Jensen Ackles wanted to direct and so they came up with a storyline for an episode. That wouldn't be Dean and Sam centric so that he could direct but I'm happy they did it because that episode revisited Bobby having sold his soul and tying up that loosened and everything. What did we learn to do word? Jim Beaver was talking about how he was nervous about doing the episode because he knew audiences tuned in to watch these hunky glutes. And LA was like, What did he say? And we we wound it turned on the closed captioning were like glutes, and we googled it instead. ofii are clumsy. Pherson


new word for me. Yeah.


Never heard it. Thanks. Jim gave us our Word of the day,


you'll learn something new every day. I did like I forgot how Crowley had Bobby soul how those like two things flashed on his arms.


I wonder if I'm surely there's gonna be one on special effects where we'll get to. I hope so. All right. I'm hitting, hitting pause. Let's go watch some more videos. So I did notice that every segment does have titles, they just don't all have the title card in the video. Right. So our next segment was focusing on the new writers. And I thought that was nice for them to highlight the new writers and Robert singer was talking about how we finished that really long arc. So they needed fresh blood and they brought in fresh ideas and honored the supernatural script that has been so I don't remember the word they use. The one writer was talking about how they had to get that jumpscare they had to get this and that there is a formula. That's the word I was looking for. So they honored the formula but still brought in fresh ideas. And you notice you told me pause it what did that say? So I rewound it because they were like showing actual pieces from the script. I like


oh, yeah, that was cool to see showed a lot of scenes. But then at the bottom it had a little script notes and things. Yeah, yeah.


You're telling me to go back. I


was like, Did I see that? Right?


What did it say? Did you write it down?


It did it said when they were walking into the room with all the Twilight stuff. It said pretty pissy modern boy vampires like Oh, looking at Dean. Sam when they walk in the room. It's like I don't remember that.


That was the highlight of that segment. All the new writers seemed like they had a lot of personality.


I did seem excited. Yeah. Part of it. Yeah.


I loved it. I liked whatever they were talking about how much fun they had going into the room to pitch ideas to Eric and Sarah Campbell and how they were encouraged to like crazy or weird or like really no limits here pitch whatever the fuck you want. Light and they seemed really excited talking about that too. It was cute. The next one was about spells, bringing spells into the world of supernatural.


I like how I think it was Ben Edlund said that the systems of magic were a big part of the show.


I actually jotted that down too. Oh, he said, I'd like to the systems of magic. I liked that. He said, he enjoys making the physics of magic, more than just words. You know, bringing in the Schuster devil shoe straight like those other little elements, where it's not just saying some incantation and that's it. He likes bringing in the other, the other pieces. Yeah. The other thing that Edlund said that I enjoyed was that he likes doing a little bit of research on something and then figuring out elements to make the spell together the physics of it, and making it seem like it could be real. Like there is no spell to summon Vera toss the goddess of truth. So What elements do we think would make it seem like this could be something that would be real, and I enjoyed that. He said, that's one of his favorite parts is making it seem real, grounding it in reality, even though it's completely made up and supernatural and all of those kinds of things. Yeah. The next segment was the Campbell's. I appreciated that Sarah gamble was saying that one of the lessons Sam and Dean have had to learn is that family is not automatic. It's earned. And yes, Bobby Singer has been trying to tell them you know, family don't end in blood. So you know, sometimes don't start there either. Like sometimes you have to learn the hard way. Like that's not something that's just gonna be the case because you happen to be related that bringing in the Campbell's, and what if they weren't such good people and having them kind of go through that rough patch and figuring that out? That that was that overarching thing for the season? So I did appreciate them talking about that. Yeah,


I like she said that each season they they look at different aspects of family for each season, to like, the aspects of it to put in the show when I was like, Oh, see that? Right.


I was about I was about to say, I haven't picked up on that myself. But I can honestly see that in hindsight, for sure. The next seven I got very excited about it was cinematography. With serge the sweetness. Yes. Yeah. I like that. He said at the very beginning, I've done every episode, but not the pilot. So everything else is my fault. Oh, that was cute. Yeah,


I liked that. Everybody. Everybody seemed to really be impressed with him. And I liked that Robert singer said that every episode he does especially in like each episode, do you have like an oh wow moment and from him that he created.


I thought it was funny that Robert singer also pointed out that he'll surge will come up to me and ask, you know, are you going to have any? Oh wow moments in this episode, and Robert singer said he'll tell him no, no. And then search you'll go Yeah, you tell me no. And then you have a 360 shot in an elevator and to me that's an oh wow. Like special thing that's special. Yeah. That's special man I need to prep for that. I actually tweeted Ben Edlund and asked him why Serge could literally dodged bullets in the French mistake. What was the story behind that? And Ben Edlund said, Serge, the actual Director of Photography was sort of a wise and elevated presence amid the circus of production. Even though he shot all the episodes. He didn't shoot the pilot, that's okay. And didn't trade off with a second DP. He was in short, bulletproof. So I think that, you know, that has something to go with just the admiration and respect and reverence that everybody seems to speak about him with. Yeah, something that Phil Sugriva talked about in there was the lighting. How there was one episode that Serge only use just regular constructional lightbulbs. And that at first he was like, not sure about it. But then once he saw it, he thought, Holy shit, that looks amazing. I didn't realize that the DP had anything to do with actual lighting I thought they just had to do with, like the film, saturation of color and like stuff like that. So that was another new thing that I learned. And then I liked the little extra bonus where it was Jensen talking about how honored he was that he got to prep with Serge because apparently only the first director of the season or the first episode filmed of the season, gets to have Serge involved in prep, because for everything else he's having to do the episode that's filming, not the episode that's prepping. So I thought that was sweet for him to be like, excited about that. Yeah. Noticing that, as we're going through more of these they don't really have to do specific Basically with the episode per se, as much as the little title, titles of the videos that we've noticed, they're just kind of sticking them with the episode that it made the most sense. I almost wish they had organized it more by these overarching themes like writing production posts, rather than trying to stick them with specific episodes. Yeah, I feel like they kind of locked themselves into focusing in on a specific episode more so even though they don't. I don't know. You know what I'm getting at? Yeah. Okay, well, anyway, the next little special video clip was associated with clap your hands if you believe was the VFX. Yeah, little clip. I thought that was really interesting. Me to Evan, would you say is Ivan Hayden, Ivan Hayden talk to the most in this episode. And one of the things there's just so much going on and clap your hands if you believe he's the head


of the the extraordinary.


And but before that, we watched the little symbol video before we went into the VFX video, and it was the props guy again. Yeah. And he talked about how they made everything two and a half, three times bigger. And he had held up like the giant hammer and the giant screwdriver. I didn't even think about that. In the little workshop scene. I


didn't either, but I think that'd probably be a fun job. Like coming up with props. Yes,


I thought he learned he seemed so excited to show us each of the props and the I think it was the leprechauns came up. And it was really it was really cute. And I liked that even Ivan Hayden said, you know, they've become a or it wasn't Ivan Hayden. It was somebody else who said we've become pros at burning people up, catching people on fire and burning them up at Ivan said, we've done a lot of decapitation since season. And I was happy he pointed it out. Because I noticed that at some point this season, it was like there really are chopping off a lot of heads. But to me, it made sense storyline wise, because so many times they don't know how to kill this specific monster, but chopping its head off works. Now that always works every time.


I like that. He was talking about different different effects and the things they had done over the season. But it seems like they must have a lot of trust in him because he mentioned when the mother of all of all comes out of the pit or whatever, how they didn't ask for it. But they had her arms and legs glowing from coming out of the lava or whatever


the hell it was almost like it had been cold, like Yeah, cooling off or something.


And he said he he sent it to them. And they they were excited and loved it. So I'm like, so they must give him kind of free range to just like, go for whatever you think you didn't want to do and then turns it in. And I guess they say yea or nay. Yeah.


Good thing too, because that was fucking cool, right? The way it was like she was heating and like cooling off and all that was really fucking cool. And then this has nothing to do with what we've been watching great. It's something that I don't even remember how this somehow came up in either a Google rant that I was going on, you know how I just randomly will Google something and then that will make me Google something and that will go or it came up on a newsfeed I don't remember. Okay. But I did think this was interesting. And I do almost wish we had done this for our lore on Eve. Instead of doing more on Eve. Are you following me?


Got it. Okay.


It is a echidna. Echidna ACH ID in a Greek mythology. Okay. Are you following me so far? She was a monster, half woman and half snake who lived alone in a cave. She was the mate of the fearsome monster, monster. Typhon Typhon. I think you better call


tap. Calm.


And she was the mother of many famous monsters in Greek myth. She was a I'm not gonna read all this, but she was the mother of monsters in Greek. So we really


blew that one.


The other thing they talked about, it wasn't Ivan and I didn't jot down everybody's names. These video clips are like two minutes long. It was a guy talking about the head saw scenes. Oh yeah. I remember when we watched that scene and how it was classic horror with Mitch pluggy opening his eyes as his head was gonna dissolve into it. We were thinking like, How'd They Do That? Just out of curiosity. Obviously they're not really sawing and it was head how they do that. They held a tool that just had a wire to help guide where it where it would be and they just moved the tool along his head as if they were cutting into the wire just kind of ran a line along his head. And then they CGI CGI it in the saw so that was really cool to see that broken down what it looked like when they were filming. And then him CG eyeing in the saw Yeah. The next segment was Misha Collins Casta yell. It wasn't, it was fun. I thought it was nice that they gave him kind of his own segment.


Yeah. I like that Sergey was saying that they sat down with him and told him how his character was gonna go through the season. And she said, I can't remember if she said he said it, or she did, but they were they were like, promising him that he wasn't gonna be a mustache twirling villain. She said that he said it. Okay. Okay. Yeah, she


was the one telling the story, but he was the one who apparently told her like, I don't want to be like just some mustache twirling villain. I liked that.


I thought that was funny.


I jotted that one down, too. I also liked that he pointed out, you know, him taking it too far, really, and kind of becoming a villain. And that kind of aligned with what angels do in the Bible. It reminded me of the story that you told in one of our lore where Gabriel struck someone new. Because they asked a question. Yeah, it was just like taking out a little too far. You know? I was like, Okay, I like that. He's pointing that out that okay, this actually makes sense that the more Castile is doing stuff with humans and all that, that he just his rationality doesn't quite go the right way. And he ends up doing something a little dramatic. You know? We just We humans just really do something those Angel Oh, we haven't called them dramatic shit starters. And so long, but holy fuck Cassie. Hell just ate a whole bunch of souls to make himself the new guide. That was like the ultimate dramatic shift starter. Yeah. The other thing I jotted down was Sarah gambrel talking about how fun it was to have a character Oh, no, it wasn't him. It wasn't Sarah. It was Misha that Misha Collins said it was really fun to play a character who discovers porn. Yeah. And I appreciate that. They pointed out that that was a very serious episode with this just like random comedic relief in the middle of it because I remember you and I talking about that during the episode.


Didn't Sarah. Sarah was like it was just low hanging fruit. Yeah.


And then I was so happy when they brought it up. Because you were obsessed with this. Whenever we watched it, the finger quote scene and Misha talking about how much work it took to get the finger quotes, right? It was so good. I was happy whenever he was saying, getting the aggressive fingerprints. I'm getting the timing right. And that took a lot of work. Because like, I know, because I tried to recreate it to make you smile. And I couldn't do it. So kudos, kudos on that.


I also liked that he was saying people always ask him how he keeps a straight face. Oh, yeah. And he said that normally doesn't because Jared always after I'm like trying to make him break the scene and laugh. And he said, he said he gets he gets me all the time. And I said, what she got me


You can pay me a full time salary. Break me,


bring me a


break. And then there was the little soundbite after that, where he talked about pranking. Oh, yeah, he always seems to be the butt of the joke. I thought that was kind of fun. The next segment was creating a SAM without a soul. And I thought this was interesting because it was Robert singers Sarah gamble. And Jared paddled lucky all talking about how it was a balancing act and how they had had hours long debate about what is a soul? What would it mean for you to not have a soul and Jared talking about how it was important to him to not just come across as like just some psycho or some crazy person or something. And he decided to say, well, this just means that reason and logic is it I'm not taking empathy. I'm not taking in other people's feelings. Like it's literally just reason and logic is what's going to be his motivator here. And so it was interesting to hear how much thought went into creating the soloists, Sam. And then I think we talked about it already on some previous episode, but it was nice seeing Jensen of the day, right? I've heard Jensen say this at Panels more recently, but this was Jensen of the day, whenever he was talking in the interview about how his partner this character who he had become so accustomed to acting, acting opposite to all these years was gone. And that it was a testament to Jarrods acting ability, but it also bumped Jensen out because he had to adjust completely. And then the next segment is I need to come up with another segue other than and then the next segment. We talked about post production. So when I saw that I knew that there was probably going to be a lot of filosa Grecia. I didn't realize that Phil's a Grecia took a look at every single episode. I knew he had to be heavily involved in editing, particularly with episodes that he directed, but I think they said that Phil gets a look at everything. He's an executive producer, right. So yeah, I guess that makes sense. And this particular segment did focus in on some tricks that they've had to do particularly in the Unforgiven episode with the flashbacks, because they were so frequently occurring in this exact same location. How are we going to be cautious about distinguishing between? This is happening right now, this was something that happened in the past and how they did the black and white cutaways, which I did think was useful in that episode, because it was flashing back in sports so much,


almost there's there's that other episode that I didn't even catch on that they were going back and forth. And I'm like, I wish they had done that in that episode. Yeah, would have been a little more clear to me. And I usually catch stuff like that. So I was like, I was kind of surprised by myself that I did not realize that when I was watching,


there was an episode recently. I think it was the season finale, where it was cutting back and forth from being in Sam's dreamstate. Mind to Sam being unconscious outside. And I remember you did get a little confused on that. Like, wait a minute, how did he get here? And I was like, No, that's in his head. And you're like, what? Yeah. So it was nice to have kind of that sometimes we're lazy. Sometimes we checked our phone real quick. And we don't know, you know how to take notes. So it was a nice touch that I thought worked really well in that particular episode. It also gave it kind of the film noir vibe that Robert singer was saying he wanted the whole season to kind of have it contributed to that. I felt like Yeah, so I appreciated them kind of pointing that out. But that was something they kind of decided in editing. I thought that was cool. I


like the editor. I didn't write down his name, but I liked that he was saying, you know, which this is like in life advice. I think. He said he was saying when he gets he gets frustrated, or it gets to a place where he's not sure how to make it work, right? That he says he'll go home sleep come back the next morning, he knows exactly what to do. Yeah, that he just has to step away from it sometimes, and then come back, and he can put it all together again. And I'm like, Man,


I should do that. Yeah, I do that. I definitely do that. I'll get so overwhelmed and so frustrated with something where I literally will have to do that, because I'm not going to get anywhere if I don't. So I definitely agree with that. All right, Sam and Dean's Bond was up next. And I the only note I jotted down was It was cute. Hearing Jensen talk about how he was equally happy to get his Sammy back. As we were happy to get our cme back true.


I forget who was saying it. But you know, they people will be like, I'll go to hell and back for you. But they like literally did.


True true. Sarah gamble talked a lot about how they have to have them pulled together. But they always have to have them come back together relatively quickly. Because that's the whole premise of the show and how they always try to make that seem real and meaningful and everything. We know how important Sam and Dean's bond is to the to the plot. And then the next segment was Lisa and Ben. Adam last really pissed me off. And they were talking about how Sarah Campbell was saying that she thought that there were going to be a lot of people angry because historically, they haven't liked it when Dean has had a love interest. But a lot of people like to Lisa. And then Adam Glass starts talking about how it was really important that they make Lisa super cool. She had to be really cool. You just made her complacent. She was just there just along for the ride, while Dean did whatever he wanted, and lied to her and did this and it was supposedly the greatest year of her life. And but that means she's cool. Right? It just that that kind of irritated me. I feel like based off of what some of the writers were saying. In my opinion, it sounds like they thought they fleshed out the character a lot more than they did. But I also think that was standard writing back then. Yeah, for a lot of female characters. True. So maybe back then that was super well developed in a really great female character. Yeah, I like I'm trying to think what other shows like we had Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other shows that had strong female characters. So I don't know. I kind of that irked me that oh, that meant she was so cool. I understand that. She was empathetic and she understood Dean's background and she was patient with all of that I got all of that. But I didn't I didn't agree with some of the things that were said in this segment. No. Creating the episode for the French mistake was next. And I really enjoyed hearing Sarah gamble say because we've heard Misha say this or I've I've heard Misha say this in interviews about his character that he wanted the douchey as person version possible, but I liked that Sarah Campbell said everyone kind of agreed to do a self deprecating and kind of version of themselves, and Ben Edlund talking about how they wanted to be respectful, but also landed the joke with kind of doing parodies of each of these people and how that was a bit of a balance to do.


I liked that it was Eric Kripke keys idea. And I liked that he was very happy about how his death scene went.


He was saying it was like a manly way to go that he wasn't urinating himself and bleeding for his life like he would have in real life. I agree. Music was featured in the next episode. And I liked Jake Rasca talking about just the piano swipe that they did in the mannequin episode. There's a scene where one of the characters is a security guard walking around in a warehouse. And it's quiet and he turns around and sees a mannequin standing there and they wanted to help with the shock. That character is feeling, but they didn't want to do too much music, and that it was just a finger swiping on a piano to make that noise. I thought that was really interesting. Now, I liked Phil Grecia talking about the Sword and the Stone music too, too. And it did totally added to the comedy of the scene and elevated it to another level Yeah, with Dean trying to get that sword out of the stone. Another creating the episode segment was done for my heart will go on. And you hit it on the head LA when we did that episode that it was final destination. They said that was what started the whole idea was Sarah gamble wanted to do a final destination episode. They did it. Well. They didn't do it very well. Something I did not pick up on. But the second she said it. I was like, yes. Was that Tracy Flick was from election was the inspiration for fate. 100% got that once she said it. Right. I've seen that movie. And I know. Locations was a fun segment that they did. I enjoyed that one.


I've always thought it would be a good an I don't know what I'm saying. Sure you do. A fun, I keep talking about fun jobs throughout this off


the Trump's got a lot of these would be fun to do. It's fun to be creative,


right. But I've always thought it'd be fun to be location scout to find locations for things. I mean, you get to travel, you know, that's


one of those jobs that I think would be so fucking fun. But I also don't know that I would be able to do it. Like, what was the border town thing that they were talking about for frontier land? Okay, that's an obvious location. You see that? And Okay, fuck yeah, we can make this like a wild west old west town. Because like he was saying, as he was taking us through and doing the tour, they didn't have to do anything to it. Yeah, you know, they just had to furnish it and film. But some of the sets that we've seen in some of these segments where they show like, oh, we went here, and oh, yeah, I turned this into an old fucking bank. I don't know if I would have been able to have the visualization that a lot of these guys do. Where they see this location go, oh, yeah, very easily. I could just do this, this and this, and it would be this. So it's one of those jobs that yeah, I would love to have it. But I don't know if I'd actually be capable of doing it.


Yeah, I bet it probably frustrating to getting permits and things to actually use locations to certain locations.


Oh, yeah. And then things I'm sure things fall through all the time. I


was watching some behind the scenes things for something one time, and they were looking for a very specific type of like, Mansion House. And they were like going all over LA and looking at all these different mansions and like different styles and from different years and stuff. But it took them forever to find the actual house that they like wanted and could actually use


right. So border town. I thought that was interesting that they're like, Okay, we're looking for this old west town and they just happen to have this border town thing and it had the cabin there for Samuel Holt's cabin and everything. The other location they talked about was Jarrett's mansion. And they just said, Yeah, we got this house. And so we wrote everything in the scene and planned everything in the scene around this mansion. So they kind of did the opposite of what you were just describing. They got the house and then planned everything around that. We only really saw that one room though. Well, there was the room, they walked into, Oh, I forgot about his office and the office. And then they showed the hallway and the stairway, whatnot. I mean, they didn't really tell us much about the house how they got the house. So I would have liked to hear a little bit more about that. Right. I would have liked to seen the exterior, same, especially once he was letting us know it was an actual house. That would have been nice. Give us the grand tour, man. Right. I was very excited for this next section. I know it's titled costume design. And I almost screamed whenever it started right away with Frontier land. Phoenix costume, it's like they do is like they knew it was literally it was literally the first thing they covered in the costume design was hey, that Phoenix, let's talk about it. And Diane whitest is that how they pronounce it her last name pronounce it. I'm doing Diane. Kudos. Kudos, Diane. She picked a great outfit to kick it off. Like she only picked three outfits really to go over. Yeah. And two of them are from front that I agreed. She made good calls for her little special segment. She didn't talk about the genes, which I did not like Actually, I wanted her to talk about the genes. She talked about Phoenix's big coat. She said it was originally a 46. But the actor was a 40. So they had to tailor it for him. Which I thought was interesting. You can't just go get a 40


I was thinking the same thing. I was like, Why are you just gonna? right size? Like is it


was there's something special about it that was more unique to like that time period maybe and it wasn't so easy to get the right size. I thought that wasn't interesting. Yeah. And then the vest. She was like, This is what it started out as this is what it ended up as that computers make us. I was like, okay, so you changed it. Why they didn't explain why the change? Yeah, she just said started this and then ended this. And then the boots, she said they were brand spankin new and then we destroyed them just like


we trashed. Yeah.


It was really cute. And then she talked about Dean's too.


Yeah. Like Robert singer said that. In the six years he's been doing this show. He's never seen Jensen so interested in his costume?


Didn't he say he asked about it like almost every day or something.


Jetsons boots were made for him for that episode.




Why is he so fancy? You got a tailor


made, like literally made for him for that episode. And then he didn't get to take them home. They were still there. Right. I would have been like, we literally made them for me. I mean, I'll be taking taking these. Yeah, I was kind of sad to see that. Matt. Matt didn't get to take those jeans home. But the jeans were still there in the costume locker room. He deserved to take to take those jeans. And then they talked about the gown that Vera toss wore. And what did she say? Oh by actress


she wants to relish this actress. She said she was just an absolutely gorgeous woman with a drop dead body or something like that. I was like, Gee,


you were like, nobody's ever said that about me. I wish. Like, I want to walk into a room be like, you get to dress this. Somebody just think oh my god, it's so I understand that I have your costume needs to hide these squibs and penetration spots and all of that. But you have a drop dead gorgeous body. So


it's hard to hide that. Yeah. Which I never I mean, I guess I never put a lot of thought into it. But that would be kind of difficult for stuff like that. I mean, because that's like a like a silk dress. And you can't hide much and silk.


That's what I'm saying. I feel like she she designed the dress for the body. And then was like, Well, I'm just going to make it work because I'll be damned if I hide that body. She liked that body she liked. I mean, it was beautiful. She had it. She was fit. Gorgeous, gorgeous actress. So I get it. But I don't I just think I was a costume designer. I wouldn't have made my job harder in order to show off that woman's body. Right. I mean, you made a good call this beautiful, but


well on like the little plate that they had to put under her for the they said the Meat Hook that came


out from the fret. Well, that was for the double penetration. Yeah.


I was like, Well, you didn't see it. She did a good job.


Yeah. All right. What was next? Oh, next up, we got to hear Ben Edlund talk about his time directing. And he did say he's directed. One other time before this. He directed an episode on ANGEL. But that it was still kind of a shock for him doing this directing because everybody cast and crew like they do this all the time. It's just like this machine. What did he say? It's like jumping onto a dragon and just holding on for dear life.


I didn't know that he was the creator and animator of the tick. Oh, I did. I didn't know that. Mm hmm.


He's been involved in all of the adaptations of the tick. He created the comic book, and then went and did the animated series that was on TV when you and I were kids. And then all the live adaptations. He's been involved in all of it. Oh, that's


awesome. Yeah, I didn't know when they said that. I wrote it down because I didn't know it. But I also really liked that he had an in his hair when he always has a back and a little polo pony tail. And it was like a turquoise blue and then like a hot pink scrunchie together in his and his ponytail. I made note of it.


But he has fabulous hair. There was that picture where it was out and I was like, Oh my God. Yeah, I should wear it down more. Yeah, I liked that. But


he seems like such a nice, cute guy.


So humble, so intelligent. Like I said multiple times during all of these segments like he he chooses some of the most Delicious adjectives to describe things I just I love how his mind works. Yeah. Sara gamble got her own little segment as well. She was talking about taking over a show runner. And she was actually asked to do it by your crypkey. And I thought it was really humble and cool of her to say that she was honored to be asked to do that. One of her quotes that I wrote down that I really enjoyed. She said, when people asked me what was shocking about becoming a showrunner, I feel like it's like asking parents what's shocking about having kids? Like everything, everything shocking, there's nothing you can do to fully prepare yourself for taking on the job.


Well, she said that, you know, just going from being a writer to going to being a showrunner. She was excited about it. But she said, her workload with like, 10,000 times more responsibilities.


She gave herself more responsibilities, and Eric crypkey gave himself Yeah, he said that any of the rewrites and stuff like that she did it on he was like, not even I did, um, and


Robert singer said she was wonderful, great hard worker clearly. So good for her. I can't remember


who said it. But somebody said there was no change in like quality or anything from show runner to show runner in the transition. And apparently that does not happen. Typically, there's like some speed bumps and some obstacles and some definite changes that you can see. And they're right. I mean, it was really seamless. Like I said they they took us for a loop with the whole Chinatown film noir mystery thing, but otherwise, it was just another season of supernatural. The last little segment in this part, I guess I shouldn't call it the last segment was wrapping season six. One of the notes that I jotted down. This is something that Rob Benedict has stated on an episode of Supernatural that uh, no, I can't remember. But he pointed out I can't remember the episode, but he pointed out that in one of the scenes in an episode, Sam pronounces Castillo's name Castile, like kind of runs it together rather than Castile. It's Castile. And I've noticed throughout all the segments that all the writers were doing it to even crypkey Yeah,


I somebody I caught somebody saying and I was like, Man, I just heard that.


Oh, yeah, I heard both crypkey and Sarah gamble pronounce it in both ways. Like say Castile in one segment. And then in the very next segment, be like cast yell. So I thought that was kind of funny. That apparently, I was just thinking like, you just do it either way. Another road note I wrote down was Al crypkey, was talking about how he think it was Ben Edlund, who was saying, oh, yeah, like we've we've defeated the apocalypse. We've stopped the apocalypse. Obviously, the next step is a deranged God, right? Where do you would go next? So how do we get there? You know, and I love it. I love all of that stuff. I thought that was really interesting that they were like, hey, yeah, trying to tell souls. All of this deranged God is where we need to end. That's where we got to end, guys. So let's get there. And damn, they did it. After going through all the segments that were aligned with episodes, but may or may not have even talked about the episode to which they were aligned, there was this skull thing that we clicked on. And it had three more little segments. The first one was creating supernatural souls. And one of the things I jotted down that I thought was interesting to the lore, right? They were talking about how souls are so powerful and so important, and there's monsters who want to get into our realm into the human earthly realm. And sometimes in order to do that, they have to take a vessel like a human like an angel has to do with the human and that the reason demons don't need to ask is because they were once human. And so they know all the backdoors Oh, and I was like, I was picturing in my head like, Wouldn't it have been funny that you know how we see the black smoke it normally goes through the person's mouth when they're getting possessed. But Ben Edlund said they know all the backdoors What if it went through the backdoor?


Oh, my God. Terrible.


What kind of facial expression would you make of a team? And did you have any notes on this one?


I just liked that. I think it was Sarah gamble. Because, you know, the souls are such a big part of this wealth of the whole series. But this one in particular, yeah. That she says this human souls are the money of this universe. And I was like, Oh, yeah.


I mean, it really was people were like trying to hoard souls. Even Balthazar, before he joined forces with Cass was trying to hoard souls with himself using all those weapons and everything. I mean, he wasn't he's trying to have them in him, like cast was cast one of them all in him. Balthazar was just like, tagging them collecting. Not even like he didn't take the boy's soul he just had acted as his own.


That's true. Yeah.


He called dibs. Yeah. And we had finding purgatory. I appreciate it in this one because it's something that's kind of been in the back of my head. I remember the Alpha vampire and soulless Sam having the conversation about purgatory. And the awful vampire saying, Where do monsters like us go? I thought he whenever he was saying monsters like us, he met himself and solace, Sam. But now I realized that was a misunderstanding on my part, he meant like monsters like us like vampires. Because I've been thinking all along well, if monsters don't have souls, because that's what I thought the vampire was getting at that we don't have souls. But that was never the point. So that was a misunderstanding on my part, monsters do have souls, and they all end up in Purgatory. The other note I jotted down that I thought was interesting was that HP Lovecraft was originally going to be the season story. The alternate dimension of these monsters trying to come in, which could could have been cool. I'm happy. They didn't abandon that completely. Yeah. Last section. The last section was called, cannot read my handwriting here. Oh, finding death?


Oh, it was Yeah, that sounds right. I think it was either ser Eric, I think said something about how they were trying to keep the Chinatown structure or at all.


I need to rewatch that movie.


I know. Because when they were saying that I keep referencing it. I kept trying to correlate. But I couldn't get there. I almost


wished we had watched that movie before we watch this season. But we didn't know. Yeah, we didn't know till now. Yeah. I would like to watch the movie now though. And kind of see where these little inspirations because they've brought up Chinatown multiple times in all of the special features. Yeah. The thing I jotted down that I thought was interesting was Ben Edlund was talking about how, as the series has progressed, that Sam and Dean have actually become almost demigods of sorts that they're kind of like Hercules now and they have these trials and tribulations that they're having to battle and you know, that they keep having favors shown to them by some gods or wrath shown to them by other gods and gods could be monsters, angels, demons or actual gods. I thought that was that's an interesting lens to look at the series through I really liked


Right, yeah, I meant to write that one down too. But I didn't. Yeah,


I really I really, really liked that. All right, we did it. We did. We made it through all 45 Plus clips of special features. That was fun. Yeah, I liked it mostly interesting. Before we close it out, we want to give a shout out to our Patreon supporters. You help cover our out of pocket expenses for this podcast and we really appreciate you and the feedback you provide us through the Patreon app. So we'll give you a quick shout out first off, thank you, Jordan. T. Good luck to you Leticia Pierce, cat. Puppy mom, oh six. Alicia Wooten Shannon Selden, Emily William, basket of daisies, Ellen McCarthy, Teresa Hampton, Patricia Hollen. And James to French. Thank you so much for your support. Thank you quote to close it out. Well,


when they were the new writers were discussing their experience. And they flashed up to the boys going into the girls room. That's the Twilight fan, flashed on the screen and said pretty pissy modern boy vampires looking at the boy. Cheers.


Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares. Follow


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