Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

DwN's Finale: Season 6

• Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 23

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Berly and LA recap and discuss the season six Supernatural special features; then share their favorite season six episodes. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: Berly and LA discuss Supernatural, covering various aspects such as the latest episode, reality and consciousness, the soul, directors, unresolved questions, and recurring characters. They also share their thoughts on the Season 6 DVD/Blu-ray release, including their favorite moments from the blooper reel and special features. Later, they discuss Jensen Ackles' directorial debut on Supernatural and their favorite episodes of Season 15, with Berly praising 'Clap Your Hands If You Believe' and LA agreeing with her on this episode and 'French Mistake' and 'Frontierland.'


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series.


I'm LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get to LA. Hey Burley. On the last episode. It was titled The Man Who Knew Too Much the wall came down in Sam's head and all hell broke loose. Dean and Bobby are were for once a total loss of how to help him and they were forced to standby and do nothing while Sam broke and then the battle for Heaven came to a head


did it or did Raphael just get exploded? Yeah.


That's a very like, trait. What am I trying to say? Description?


Yeah, yeah, like the battle to Heaven came to a head because Raphael's head blew up, you know?


Quite a bit happened.


They were trying to be succinct, I guess. All right. Well, today is our season finale, where we're going to be reviewing some of the special features talking about our favorite episodes, overall thoughts from the season. But before we get to that, we have some new reviews I'm going to read to you LA. Okay. First we have from Mick cream sweetheart, is how I'm gonna choose to pronounce that. It's titled longtime fan. Glad I found a new podcast. As a longtime fan. been watching since 2005. When it first aired. I'm enjoying this podcast so much. It's inspiring me in a fanfiction that I've been working on for a long time. I also enjoy I know, I've got definitely going to add at the end, like send us the link when you're done. I was gonna say like,


I need to read this.


I want to see how we've inspired. They said I also enjoy hearing new fans get as obsessed as I am. I find myself dying, laughing at some of the comments and agreeing with a lot of the points. And I'm also thinking about some of the scenes differently than I did 15 plus years ago. I enjoy learning about the lore and glad the girls did the work for me because I'm very lazy. Keep up the great work ladies.


Nice. Yeah, I definitely want to read that fanfic


yes and just the link when you're done. And then we have wonderful and fun. This is from some green rock. She's She or he they said I discovered these lovely ladies on Tik Tok about a month ago and have enjoyed their podcast ever since it's been really fun to rewatch supernatural alongside these two. I'm about mid season four. Oh, she Benjin nice. And get a short review and Laurel lesson my favorite. It really reminds me of when my friends and I would watch shows apart and discuss our opinions and discoveries the next day. My only warning to those who decide to not read the label. This gift is 18 plus, and how many thirsty moments. They call this a gift. I find them pretty funny and relatable, but it may not be your cup of tea. However, please take a listen as you might end up liking what these two have to offer. Thank you. And next we have a bale 1993 Or a ball a ball. 1993 They said hilarious. I love this podcast. These ladies are so entertaining and have me cracking up while I'm at work. I catch myself snorting most of the time, their comments. This podcast is all I listen to right now because I'm trying to catch up. No rush. We're not going anywhere. Right? We're gonna wait just to go. We have a lot of reviews to get through by the way. Now we have. I know a lot. Now we have a loving a woman's point of view. Yes, this is from a hill 1981. They said I absolutely love Robin Rich's podcast, but it's so refreshing to have a woman's point of view about the show and the boys and their characters and how they react or not react to things differently. Keep up the fun times. And please make sure y'all are watching the blooper reels. Oh, yeah, we do. And so that was it. That was it for today. So thank you guys so much. We definitely appreciate your reviews, not only to LA and I enjoy reading them and getting your feedback but they also help other listeners find the podcast. Speaking of finding the podcast if you don't already please follow us on Insta To gram or Twitter, we appreciate any kind of engagement you'd be willing to give us there by liking, commenting, or sharing posts as much as possible. This is going to help us spread the word because trust me, all of us all the hashtags there are to us and supernatural fandom. So we're relying on you guys more than ever to help us grow. And we really appreciate you. Now today, we are talking about a few of the special features. There is a special feature that we are going to do a separate episode on. It's a Blu ray exclusive, and it's called a hunters guide to season six. The LA and I watched the little trailer it has its own trailer, y'all. So it's a beast. What did they say? 4545 special little videos?


I think so yeah,


something like that. It's going to be a beast. So that's going to be its own thing. But we'll come back to that. Today, we are looking at a couple of featurettes that are separate things on the DVDs. But first up, let's talk about that blooper reel that we were told to please watch. Alright, I have to go ahead and point out my favorite moment. And the gag reel was Robert singer. He was in a doctor's coat for some reason. They didn't explain it. Did you say? Yeah. He like pretended to walk into the door and was like laughing and all of that. And there was that voice over talking about like, who names a character after themselves? I think that was from fridge mistake. Yeah, yeah. So I got a good chuckle out of that. Did you have a favorite moment?


Oh, I did. Like when Jim Beaver was I think he's at the desk and I forget what episode it is. But he's talking saying his lines. I mean, he screws up. And then he like, Tell somebody he's like, I'm gonna need a What did he say? Oh, I'm gonna need the papers coming up. Yeah. Like he was like actually drinking it. I mean, I know he was that he was just kidding, but


I thought it was it was cute though. I thought that was funny. That made me laugh out loud. And then


I liked when they were daring. Nisha to eat the worm but he decided to use it as a moustache instead.


Oh my gosh, I love that whole conversation because he was like, No, that's disgusting. I'm gonna wear it as a worm stache is so fun. Yeah, I had a good chuckle at the little frolicking in the field that Jared Jensen and Misha were all three doing as well. I'm guessing they were just they had some downtime, and we're just bored or something like they were doing leaps. Jared was doing like, weird jumping, Jack jumps things up. That was cute. That was cute. And then another little thing that just kind of was shown no explanation was like Misha bent over and Jensen had like a red handkerchief and was like whipping like popping it at him like that. And then he did like this little jump where he kicked his feet behind him. It happened very quickly. It was when they were in the basement in the scene where they were like get out of my ass. Vicious bit over and just it's just like he was like what the fuck was it was really honestly just a hodgepodge of these inexplicable moments with a bunch of silly faces and things where they were clearly trying to make each other laugh Jared still doing the Blue Steel. Yeah. Another one of my favorites was when they made fun of Mitch Peggy's run. That was cute. So it's it's cute. It's definitely a cute little blooper reel for this season. I found myself chuckling more than once.


Did you see Jared licking that knife? No. But


what about I liked it? I didn't see him like, I liked whenever he like stepped into the doorway all dramatically and the wind was blowing his shirt. Oh, yeah. I like I was like, that's very days of our lives. I enjoyed that.


What about their cat walking in that? Was it the dragons? Oh,


yeah. That was cute. That was cute. And just like I think it was last season. I really appreciated the tail end of the gag reel was a bunch of footage and pictures of the crew from behind the scenes. Yeah, you know, we got to see Brad crease or a lot. And they were making some jokes about Brad greaser to just, I appreciate that they do that. So you're ready to move on to the features. My last show up. All right, so first up for these two special features that we're going to talk about. We've got supernatural, and the quest for the soul. Do you have any just overall thoughts about this little segment before I dig into it a lay? Well,


at first when it started, I was like, oh, it's gonna be like those other specialties. Like, it's almost like a documentary just about the topics of the season. Not really about the show. But no, I was pleasantly surprised. It was pretty interesting. I mean, I liked that they actually talked about the show plus, you know, the soul theories and all that. Yeah, I


agree. I agree. It was it was it was really interesting and I liked that they tied into the themes of the of the season and kind have brought us into the writers room at smitch. Yeah. And let us know what their thought process was where the idea of the season came from and souls being powerful. And so in the beginning before the title card, there's a variety of just kind of one liners coming from various guests who are in this segment. We've got Sarah gamble in the segment, Phyllis Grecia, Robert singer, Eric crypkey, then Edlund and then a few guest guest speakers. I didn't write down everybody's names, theology, people who aren't religious, some theology people who are yada, yada, yada. But my favorite quote before the title card was from Richard Bueller, who's a broadcaster for talk from the heart. And he actually was quoting somebody else, Mr. CS Lewis, and he said,


Oh, yes, yes. So


you don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body. I've never heard that quote before. And it really struck me. Neither. I liked it, too. You know, I understand. We're just electricity and whatever. I think Eric Kripke, you said later on in the segment about how we're AI who suddenly became self conscious or something like that. I don't remember. What's the word? Yeah. No. self aware, self aware. There you go. Yeah. And I'm like we are and I'm like, where does that consciousness come from? That's my whole thing. Where does the consciousness come from? The awareness of self, and I don't, so I just really liked that line. Yeah, me too. Now, a couple of theory points that jumped out to me, they talked about Plato's theory of forms. Plato's theory of forms is a foundational metaphysical concept, suggesting that true reality is comprised of abstract ideal entities or forms, which differ from how things appear. And one of the guests, I didn't jot down her name, so forgive me was talking about how the cave analogy is the most famous depiction of this. And what I've always heard that explained, as is when you are caveman. And you're sitting in the cave, and you're facing the wall. And there's this tiny bit of light coming through the cave, and you see shadows on the wall, from animals running by and whatnot, your perspective, because you're facing the wall, is that you're thinking the thing is the shadow, you don't realize the thing is actually the animal that just ran by or whatever, because you weren't seeing that. Does that make sense? Right, yeah. So that's the whole thing about the forms is that you're seeing this, but it's actually this other thing that you don't perceive because you're not able to. And so I've always known that theory. And I think that there is interesting, but Plato actually had a theory of soul. And maybe they're one in the same somehow, maybe they're connected somehow, and I just missed that or it goes over my head because I am not a philosopher, or anything like that. But I did think it was interesting that they talked about theory of forms, and not theory of soul. So I did go ahead and pull up the theory of soul. It says, the psyche was the essence of a person, that which decides how people behave. Plato considered this essence to be an incorporeal, eternal occupant of a person's being. Plato said that even after death, the soul exists and is able to think he believed that as bodies die, the soul is continually reborn in subsequent bodies. Plato divided the soul into three parts. Reason, spirit, or desire. Spirit is like anger and really spirited emotions. Desire is the desire for physical pleasures, you know, like. And I just kind of thought it was odd that they didn't mention this because to me, Sam was fractured like this into the three different parts, you know, not these three exact parts where it's region, spirit, and desire or whatever, but this was the three different parts. So that just kind of struck me. I was like, Huh, I wonder why they talked about the theory of forms instead of the theory of the soul.


Yeah, that's interesting.


I wanted to make sure that like, I wasn't missing something here, but they definitely didn't talk about theory of soul, right? No, not


really. I mean, they talked a lot about it, but not like


not Yes, theory. Right. When they were talking about Plato, they specifically were referring to theory of forms. Now, when Ben Edlund said Plato later, I think that maybe he didn't reference Plato. I don't remember. I just kind of thought that was odd. Right? And, and so I just thought I would bring that up. They also spoke briefly of Deckard, which I thought was funny because he theorized the soul was like in Your Brain, I think, because it was mind body. Oh, yeah, I think Descartes said it was in your brain, not your TomTom. So why is that? Why everybody reached it to your attempt, um, this season? If it's up here? It's good. Good question. That's just me trying to be funny. And then the last thing that I wrote down that I actually didn't know about, and I thought was interesting was the hypothesis concerning the validity of the hypothesis concerning soul substance together with experimental evidence of the existence of such substance by Dr. McDougal. They didn't name the name of the theory, but I googled that real quick. And he was the one who got consent from terminally ill patients to place them on his special table, whenever it was, like clearly about to be time and measured a difference of 21 grams after death, and theorize so the soul weighs 21 grams, right? I didn't know about that study. And so I just kind of thought that was a little interesting. There


was that movie 21 grams a while back. And they talked about that. I don't know if they mentioned him, but they talked about that theory kind of in it. I completely forgot about it until I was watching this. And I was like, oh, yeah,


what's the movie? 20. It's


called 21 grams.


What's it about?


It's good question. I think all I remember in the like, I remember the trailer more than I remember the movie. And I want to say it's like Sean Penn talking about the 21 grams and how much his soul is weighed, and all that, but I could be totally wrong, because it's been a lot. It's been a while. So I'll


Google it. But it doesn't sound like it was a very memorable film. No, I


think I did like it. It's okay. Since I watched it. All right. I'll check. Also want to say Naomi Watts, isn't it too? I don't know. Hmm.


Hang on. Yeah. Let's see. I


think it's like a bunch of different stories, you know, like other different people's stories. I could be totally wrong, though.


I see. I see. Niomi Watts face in ESL. Benicio Del Toro?


Oh, maybe? Maybe it was him saying that and no,


Shawn pins in it, too. Okay, okay. I'm not that bad. The film's plot is about the consequences of a tragic hit and run accident.


Okay, okay.


I was about to say the film poster. I'm really proud of myself. I said, the film poster reminds me of traffic or something like that. So I'm imagining a very dramatic.


It gave me a bit of a traffic feel honestly, okay. itself. Yeah. All


right. I'll check that out. Yeah, I had never heard of that theory before. And I thought I thought it was interesting. The doctor, even at the time of his theory admitted, this isn't like fact, this is just a powder. And I noticed I'm aware more data would need need to be collected. But isn't this interesting? And then of course, crypkey had to be like, you know, there's fluids and excrement and error that leaves your body. I was like, Thanks, crypkey. I was sitting here being like, oh, and then you had to be.


It's gonna bring you back down. Yeah.


The last thing they talked about was the well to hell, I enjoyed them bringing that up. Yeah, it wasn't as relevant to the soul and everything else that they talked about in this segment. However, it was like they were revisiting their roots from season one, season two with the urban legends. Yeah, and I had never heard of this urban legend, either. So the urban legend is that, you know, depends on where you are, as to where this happened. It was Siberia are in the middle of this and whatnot. But the urban legend is that a crew drilled so deeply into the earth, that they could hear the screams of tortured souls from hell. I'd


heard about it but not like these specific ones. I just heard that that had happens at some point. But yeah, like the guy that he got a a typed written note from some one of the some guy in Oslo that said he had actually fabricated his story. He was only one of many who did it. But it's like, well, what can we think?


Yeah, it was really interesting. Like I said, not not as relevant to the conversation of soul. I feel like but at the same time, I didn't care because it was really interesting. And I appreciated them revisiting but urban legend, stuff of supernatural lore, you know, it was still really interesting. A couple of other key takeaways for me from this segment, was that Eric KRUPKE, said they wanted this season to be like Chinatown, and decided that the water that everyone would be fighting over was going to be human souls. And so this is where I'm talking about kind of more of a peek into the writers room, and I thought that was neat. And Ben Edlund tied it all back to season five. And so there's actually the deal between Crowley and Bobby Crowley says the power doesn't lie with him. Crowley Oh, yeah. The power comes from the soul. I liked hearing from those two about tying tying Get back cookies era that it is a continuation of that. Yeah, it is a really cute video with some insight and I enjoyed it.


Well then it all ties it up to at the end where they're talking about how CAS and Crowley are like take their gathering souls for more power for themselves. So,


it was cute. I agree with you though. Whenever it first started, I was like, Oh, no.


Oh god, I can't watch. Is it gonna?


Is it gonna be like is Michael Lucifer brothers, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, but we don't know. Like what's happening? Our right for the next special feature LA. Volunteered herself. I know, I know that this is going to be so hard for a year to talk about this. Yeah, it's not like it's something that was enjoyable or anything.


It was actually really cute.


I really liked it. No, I that's why I'm joking. It was freaking adorable. And you're always interested in those behind the scenes type stories. That's I'm totally fucking with you that I knew. I know. This is special feature is right up your alley plus, yeah, the features the hot guy, right? This special feature was called Jensen Ackles, a director's journey. And it


really kind of takes you through the whole because he he directed the first episode. And it was his first time directing. And I just thought it was kind of cute at times, like seeing that he was nervous and kind of unsure. But he was still going through it. And like you could tell he was nervous, but super excited at the same time. And he was just so gracious to with how many people gave him help. And then like the praise that everybody said about him to during it. I don't know, I just really loved it. So he started out like saying he thought it was gonna be easy. Just like he was like, Oh, I'm an after like, it's not gonna be that hard to just jump behind the hamrun. He said he totally it was like a totally different frame of mind once you have to switch back there. And so like that surprised him. And then I didn't realize that Robert singer was there kind of helping him along through it, which I thought was kind of nice.


That was one of my notes that I jotted down was it was very cute to see the mentor mentee relationship between Jensen and Robert singer. And


I liked like when they finally got started, how he introduced him. He's like, we got a brand new director today and by brand new, I mean really,


like giving him shit. Steven Williams, who plays Rufus Turner was sitting right there like eating cake or something. He was like laughing like,


I was like, Man, I like that. I like him even more now. He's just sitting there eating.


It was very cute.


Yeah, but it's worthwhile to watch because I mean, it really does. I liked that. He went to he had scouted locations and took the whole production team. They went and like looked at him and checked everything out.


I know, we've heard Richard talk before Richard Speight, Jr. talked before about prep time, and all of that I didn't realize how much prep time they needed. Like you mentioned that that he directed the first episode. It wasn't the first episode of the season. But this was the first episode they filmed right so that Jensen could do the prep time because quite literally, PrEP is so extensive, so involved, that if they didn't film his episode first, he wouldn't have been able to do it. Right, you know, so I thought that was interesting and courteous,


and didn't they pay they decided to pick an episode where it wasn't so Jared and Jensen heavy, so that he had a little more focus on that, which I mean, they're the crew and everybody, the way they all collaborate and work together seems really lovely. Yeah.


And I remember when we were watching this episode, you and I noticed it wasn't Sam and Dean centric, and and still at the end, we were like, oh, fuck, whenever we found out who the director was, out of all the episodes of the season, that would be the perfect season. The perfect one for him to direct. Yeah, especially for his first episode, because like you already said, you have to be able to switch your mindset from behind the camera in front of the camera. And I think he


said that, like the technical part of it was the most difficult for him to wrap his head around. So that was kind of the most challenging part for him. But did you notice the part where he was he was talking to Robert singer and everybody's like, tight on me. Right? Right title me on like on his face, he's like, you know, naturally and then he just keeps talking and then when he's done and Robert singers like, I wish I wish I could do that. You know, like just tight on me. Yeah, just on me guys. But I liked it. It seemed like Robert singer I mean, as he's mentoring him, he's still kind of give him a shit too. I liked that. You could tell


he enjoyed it. I actually am curious if Robert singer like how many people he has mentored or if he's actually gone and taught somewhere because he seemed to really enjoy it. Yeah,


I bet he was really proud of him too. And then I specially


you mentioned everything that goes into it and him being nervous and everything. I was surprised that the wood chipper scene was the most difficult to shoot.


Did you see it? Did you see how they they said he had nightmares about it? Yes. So nervous about that one scene? Yes. But


it was interesting to see everything that went into that. Because when we were watching that episode initially, it all happened so fast. And what you remember is when the wood chipper spits its payload Oh yeah, but once they were showing us everything that went into it, they really did have so many fucking setups within just that very brief period of time. It really was a lot and so I appreciated them breaking it down and really letting us see how many different angles and how many different because all admit I didn't I didn't notice it on first watch. But once they broke it down I was like holy fuck, that was a lot.


I think that scene and then I liked that they did with that scene plus the one with Bobby and the was it a vampire?


VO kami.


Kami going through the shoot when she like threw him through the window. They like showed all that blocking and how they did it. And then Jensen talking about how it's really difficult to get your mind wrapped around the visual effects plus the special effects that are going to be happening in that scene. And then as well as the scene where Bobby Burns the demon because he said they had actual fire. But then they also had the special effects that were gonna happen later. But I liked that they they walked us through the filming of it. And then they showed us the actual scene to see, like how they did it, you


know? Exactly. Yeah, I really appreciated that meat. I love that they showed the Akami in the ceiling. See? Yeah, because I thought that shot was so fucking cool. So I liked that they showed that. And I liked that we got to see a little bit of Jensen directing the actor there, where it showed him demonstrating to her how he wanted her to start with her head down and like look up and all of that. So that was my favorite shot in the episode. So I was happy to get to see a little bit behind the scenes on that. I


also really liked that Jim Bieber, they were kind of interviewing him. And he said that after five seasons, seeing Jensen doing this, it was he seemed like the happiest he's ever been. So that was cute.


One of the things that I did spot that I just decided to jot down was that I saw multiple little things where he was doing this whole thing.


Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Like framing the scene for himself.


Yes. And I've seen pictures and whatever were directors are doing that like doing the picture frame hands in front of their face. And I thought that was just like a cliche thing that you did to be like, I'm a director, you know, just like whenever you're like, Oh, I'm thinking that you sit there with your finger. You know what I mean? That it wasn't something they actually did. So I didn't know that. But oh, they actually do that. I didn't. I didn't know. So I have a question now for the next director chat. Like what does that do? Like what are you doing?


Alright, I want you to ask it. I will. But then at the end, like I was saying that I think they talked to Robert Shepard and they they were asking everybody like cast and crew to name three was adjectives to describe his act or his acting, his directing. I think Mark Shepard said smart, efficient, generous, a punch. Some of the crew said super organized, gracious, grateful, respectful, precise, creative, well prepared. I was like, Man, these people really like him. Right? Must have done a real good job.


I jot it down. When I'm feeling down on myself. I'm just going to play in my head. Mark Shepard's voice going smart. Yeah, efficient, right? Generous. I know. I rewound it, I did. Very well didn't listen to it again. I was just like, Huh, okay,


I like that idea. I'm gonna do the same. Yeah.


Maybe we should get another cameo and just ask Mark Sheppard to just like list a bunch of tubes that we would like to think of ourselves. I think so. Yeah. That's like a ringtone or something. Yeah.


morale boost when you need it.


Oh, Jesus. Great ass. Real beautiful.


Oh, my God. But yeah, so and then that was cute. At the end. He like took his little the back of his chair that's had his name and the director under it. And then they gave him the slate for the show, which was cute. So it was I really liked it. It's worth it's worth. It's like, what almost a little under 30 minutes. Yeah,


each of them are roughly 30 minutes long. And I did happen to find both of these features on YouTube. So if you want to go check them out for yourself. Go check the show notes because the links are in there. But yeah, I thought it was really cute at the end his little souvenirs that he was so excited to take away with him. Yeah. All right. So let's talk about season six, LA, what was your two favorite episodes and why? I


will the French mistake.


I knew it. I knew you're gonna pick that one.


I mean, just, it was so different. And it was funny to see them kind of playing themselves too. I just, I loved it. I loved that episode. And Misha being weird, like a little bit of a weirdo,


and all the behind the scenes kind of nods to people who make the show that we don't typically see. I loved it. It was very cute.


My other one is frontier land, just because Dean was so excited and very excited for it. And it was just like a whole like the Western old school western feel and everything it was just I don't know, I feel like I always like the ones that are a little different from the norm.


And plus, you know that Phoenix he he'll do what you command. Right?


He was looking good. I didn't mind seeing a train in his little little get up.


I mean, my favorite quote unquote monster is still going to be trickster Loki Gabriel, obviously, of course, but I gotta say, you know number two, it's the Phoenix. Yeah, this thing


those those pants.


Yay, ha. What about you? So my favorite episode of the season is clap your hands if you believe directed by John F show Walter and written by Ben Edlund. I think if I remember correctly, Hang on.


Let me Google that. And look those up for mine. Whoopsie. Well, I


just remember it being show Walter because I liked this episode that much. That I was like, Okay, I want to start like I did with Robert singer, like I did with Ken manners. I just was like, Okay, I want to make sure that I'm keeping my eyes out for him. Yeah, it was Ben Edlund. I shouldn't have needed to check fucking aliens. Come on. No, I should have known. But I really loved the writing in this. It just flowed so well. With the whimsy and everything in it was soulless Sam. Finally, like unmasking and being his real self. Yeah, you know, in this episode, and Jensen having to deal with the repercussions of that like the he had told him quit pretending and now he's being his real self and just like that to him, you know. And then the aliens the fairies. It was just it was written so beautifully. I thoroughly enjoyed the comedy throughout the entire episode. And the twist with the fairies and the twist with the leprechaun. There were so many shots throughout the entire episode that I just have seared in my brain the abduction scene with all the different camera shots, but cutting to Sam just sitting there at the table talking on his phone just completely relaxed ordering a beer and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, I have that in my brain. I can watch that episode anytime I want. I know one of your favorites was when Jensen was walking and thinking he was being followed and the camera was kind of moving with him as he was walking. Oh, yeah. Surge the sweetness what he did with the saturation of color. Whenever Sam was in the magic watch workshop with all the fairies in the leprechaun. It was just such a nice touch.


It's a good one. Yeah,


I just I thoroughly enjoyed the choices here. Not just not only because it was funny, like yes, okay, it was funny, but it was just overall an amazing episode of television. I really enjoyed it. So that was my number one. I do love French mistake and frontier land as well, by the way, right, right. I 100% agree with you on those. You know, I


agree with you, too.


I loved those two. For my second favorite episode of the season, though I did decide to veer away from those two. I chose The Man Who Would Be King, which was written and directed by Ben Edlund. And it was a difficult episode for us to recap, because it was so dialogue heavy. But just looking back on that, again, just the flow throughout the episode, and how it just went back and tied up practically all of the loose ends. Yeah, giving us this empathetic look at who's essentially the villain of the season and letting us understand how he got to this point. And I thought Ben Edlund made some really interesting choices with visualization of the shots having a it wasn't ever like oh, he's the bad guy.


He's like a sneaky bad guy. Right?


And he was he was empathetic to like he the way he was explaining how he's been put in this position. And he doesn't want to do these things. He feels like he has to make these choices and just the doubting of himself. There were just so many shots where Ben Edlund was really humanizing Castile, you know, it wasn't great, powerful, going crazy, unless he was smiting people in doing things. But the shot of him on that bench with that, in that garden or wherever he was, and oh, yeah, the panning over to the storm and showing us history. And the shots were cast was invisible and spying on them and it really tied things up in a very Nice way before the end of the season, and like I said at the end of the episode, like they didn't have to do that for us, we got most of the information we needed with episode 19 Mommy dearest. But this was a nice little gift for us to go, Oh my gosh, and really put it all together. And so I enjoyed that episode.


I liked the way they did that one and I wish they would do one from like everyone's point of view at some point that would be cool just for them to narrate their own episode.


I agree, especially with this one where everybody was on kind of their own page like to get to get a little bit more of Sam's point of view, right. would be interesting to you know, what was the internal dialogue like with him? Whenever he knew something was off whenever he knew something was different. You know, what, what was his perspective? Like? Okay, now, I bitched about this season quite a bit as we were going through it not. Now that I've had time to process it, I actually really enjoyed this season. It kept me on my toes, you know, all of my important questions were answered except for one. There's one question that's been left unanswered. I don't think I'm gonna get it answered. And you know what, that's okay. But I do wish because they tied everything else up so nicely. I'm like, why couldn't you have done this one more thing? What is it? So we know Cassiel pulled Sam from the cage. Right? Right. And we know Crowley pulled Samuel Campbell from the pit because whenever he was giving Castile the tour of how and they were talking, he was like, Oh, I know a bald guy that'll, that'll help us with our purgatory plan. Yada, yada. So we know Crowley pulled him from the pit. So where did the other Campbells come from? And how did they all meet up with Sam? And not think, Wow, this is fucking weird. How did they all meet up together and just fall into this plan? Yeah. Did Sam ever explain why he was helping Samuel capture these alphas? Because Samuel Campbell knew the plan the whole time, but Sam claims he didn't and was like really pissed and gonna kill Samuel Campbell and all that. Did he ever explain why so that's why I'm saying like coming from Sam's perspective, how did you meet Sam? Well, cambial How did you rationalize that? Okay, this is normal for me to go help my grandpa with this plan, even though I don't know why he's doing it. Yeah, that's the only thing that I'm like that was left open. So you gave us the cast yell viewpoint. I would have liked to Sam viewpoint from the beginning of the season on episode. But yeah, that's that's my only complaint is that. We need that Sam perspective of season six. How the fuck did y'all all meet together? And how did you like be like, okay, yeah, let's go do this. Let's go capture alphas. Have no idea why we're doing it, why we aren't killing them. But let's go catch them. Let's go to like, what another thought I had for this season was that I like that Sarah gamble explicitly established that there's a new showrunner, not only with her parody in French mistake, but also in Oh, God, what was it My Heart Will Go On when Balthazar explicitly said, rules have changed. But it's a whole new game. Now, I'm still not sure how I feel about the changing of the rules, because we spent five seasons, like we spent five seasons learning this lore of you know, and they're just kind of like, okay, whatever. But I do respect the reason for her establishing that it's a new show runner, new game, you know? Yeah, if that makes sense. Oh, it Yeah, definitely. What about you? Do you have any thoughts overall, regarding season six?


No, I mean, I agree with your point about Sam, or I mean, even if not, from his point of view, just some sort of explanation. Right? In some way.


Just give me the scene where they meet. You know, right. How did Samuel Campbell be like, Yo, bro, I'm your I'm your grandpa from the grave. And we gotta go catch alphas.


That's a lot of trust there.


Sam just was like, family family business. Let's go do it. Like is that was it that cut and dry because he didn't have a soul? And he didn't have anything better to do? So he was just like, why not? Like, I just I don't know if that's the that's the only thing that's kind of left hanging from season. Yeah, for me. Again, we don't need it. But it was so nice for those to get the gift of Castillo's point of view that tied up those loose ends. I would have. I would have liked to have that for Sam to. Yeah. Well, that's it. We are done with season six. We are going to be doing the hunters guide to season six. So look out for that episode. We have a couple of bonuses coming. All right. Well, to close it out. We're going to toast to those recurring characters who we lost in season six. So first up, rip Christian Campbell, played by Koren Mnemic.


Glen Campbell, played by Jessica Heafy Rufus


Turner, played by Steven Williams.


That was a tough one. Yeah. Samuel Campbell played by Mitch bellaghy


Eve played by Julia Maxwell. This


one's done for you. Oh yeah. Dr. Eleanor misiak. Played by Kim Johnston. alrik. Raphael.


This one's done for me as well. Yes. Played by demore Barnes and Lynette were


both fabulous.


Oh, yeah. Mm hmm.


And last but not least, good ol V neck belt Azhar played by Sebastian rochet.


You know, I was on the verge of making Dt V, my stand and boyfriend. Because you still have two. Yeah. And I've just had the one who was now a villain, by the way, right? So I don't know what his longevity is going to be like, but just something told me. I was like, I just feel like Balthazar is going to be gone by the end of the season, so let's not do that. Okay. We already have one boyfriend who is dead right now. Oh, god. Yeah, you gotta be careful. We don't need to add to it. All right. I have I have one, one angelic boyfriend that we're waiting for the resurrection of we don't need to. But I love Subash and Russia and me too. It was fabulous. Rip DP Yes, you will be missed. All right. Until next time. Cheers. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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