Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

The Man Who Knew Too Much (6x22)

• Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 22

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, The Man Who Knew Too Much.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: LA and Berly discuss the consequences of betrayal in the supernatural world and Castiel's transformation into a god. They also analyze the significance of Sam's memories from hell and a mysterious man who woke up at a park bench with no memory. Later, they delve into the cultural impact of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, exploring its origins, evolution, and enduring popularity across various forms of media.


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series.


I'm LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now, let's get tipsy.




hello Burley.


On our last episode. What it bullied. Demons kidnapped Ben and Lisa at Crowley's command in order to kind of neutralize Sam and Dean. Therefore, Sam and Dean are forced to join with an unlikely ally in order to find them and save them. They work with both Azhar and Castile also tried to use Ben and Lisa as a way to subdue Sam and Dean to by the way, no, and also Castile kidnapped Eleanor misiak, which isn't good, because she came from Purgatory. That's


what they're after. Well, today's episode is titled The Man Who Knew Too Much. And it is the second part of the season finale of season six, and the 22nd episode and it aired on May 20 2011.


Isn't that the same date of the first part? It was Ooh, so they had a they aired both episodes on the same day. Weird.


Well, it starts out with Sam being chased by some cops. He's running. There's a cop car Blaze, and it's lights and sirens coming after him. He darts into an alley and hides. And the cop car kind of slowly goes by. And he just slips himself through a door back door of a bar.


Easy peasy.


Yeah. And there's a bartender there. It's a woman. And she's like, Hey, what are you doing? We're closed. Who are you? What's your name? And Sam says, he doesn't know his name.


I came up with a theory of Oh, so now Castiel has wiped their memories to to subdue them this way. Because if they don't know who they are, and they don't know what's going on, then obviously they're not going to be able to stop them.


Right. I was wrong, which I mean, probably would have been a good better way to do it.


Right. A Kinder way to do it. Yeah. Because this is way worse. Yeah.


No. So yeah, Sam doesn't remember his name because he doesn't remember anything. And she asks him what, what is the last thing you remember? And he says he woke up at a park bench. And some cops were poking at him. I think she asked, Oh, did they take you in or something? He's like, No, I knocked them out.


Now she was like, Oh, so you slipped. I'm like, you ran Oh, okay. And then he said, Well, no, I knocked him both out cold.


He's like, who does? She keeps trying to tell him he needs to go to a hospital. And he says no, and that he feels like, there's not enough time. Like he doesn't have time. And it feels like there's something that he needs to stop something important, which he's right. Then for some reason, there's a bookshelf at the bar. And he casually walks over there and finds a an HP Lovecraft book, and he gets some flashes of memories of things that have happened. And he tells her that he needs a computer. And what did what did you find on the computer where he was staying?


Yeah, one of the flashes was a hotel. Okay. He googled the hotel name. Oh, it was probably a motel though. Because current the bartender girl does go like, Oh, maybe you're a hooker. Like a pay by the hour motel.


Well, she says that she feels like she needs to drive him, grabbed her coat and they leave. They do not drive anywhere. All I saw was him walking. I didn't see her car.


I never saw her car. She was very insistent on going with him. She was and you and I were joking. Ever. Sam was like, Why would you come with me? You would ever like, have you seen you? Yeah.


It's not every day that walks in the back of my bar. They find the room that he's staying and he asks her if she has a credit card. And she says why are we getting


here? Like she was like, finally. That's why I'm here. Yeah.


We're on the same page. Yeah. But we're not but no, he just takes the credit card and breaks into the room very easily. And he has every wall pretty much covered in research and then the strings come putting things together. And they're walking around and she finds she's she says Well at least we know your name and pulls up a an ID and I forget the name. Oh, is Jimmy Page. Yeah, I was going


to say I feel like they went through like she said I think she also said Angus Young like Yeah, yeah. And I also like whenever she was looking around the room, she said, Okay, I'm kind of getting creeped out like this is very beautiful mind meet Seven. Yeah. Sounds like good references. Good reference. Clearly


he's got a lot of ID identify. No. Yeah. A lot of identities. freaked out. Yeah. They're both kind of like what the hell? She he looks over and sees an article that has the picture a picture of Ellie on it. Dr. Vis Yeah, yes. Oh yeah, no, I keep I keep forgetting to say that well you're I just go by Bobby's


it's so cute. But he,


I think he gets another set of lashes and collapses to the ground. And then we get a flashback that Bobby, Sam and Dean are all walking down that down this road their way they were supposed to meet Ellie, Dr. misiak. And so she's not there. Bobby starts to call her and they hear her phone ringing. And so they walk around to the side of this dumpster and she is propped up on the ground sitting. But she's clearly not doing well. Yeah, clearly injured. She opens her jacket and she's just like her abdomen is covered in blood.


She said that she could have handled the demon but then the angel showed up. So I'm guessing she did get to have some badass moments. They just didn't let us see them for whatever reason. I would have loved to have seen her tussling with Crowley right. Something that would have been good. It would have been good. Can you imagine the back and forth the snappy one liners. Oh my God, give me that fucking scene. When we don't get that could be a self enclosed episode. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The interrogation of Dr. Phil Essiac. Well, she


is clearly dying. And she, I think Dean asks when it's gonna happen, and she says it's tomorrow night at the it's an eclipse, right?


Yes, yeah. And she lets them know that they have they literally have everything they need. And she just kept looking at Bobby and just going I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. It broke my heart.


But she does tell them that they what they need to perform this right Ritual Spell. They need virgin blood and blood of an original from Purgatory, which they got from her. Right. And so she dies pretty much looking at Bobby. I know. And just when this happens, cash shows up behind all of them. I can cast and he says he apologizes that bounces to her got a little too carried away with her. Apparently, Crowley


not Balthasar Balthazar had nothing to do with it. I don't know why I wrote that then. Because you just had deep V on the mind.


He tells them to go home, and that when it's all over, he'll save Sam. But they don't know. They don't know what he's talking about. And he comes up behind Sam taps his head and broke his wall. Sam does remember that situation in the alleyway? He doesn't know who Bobby or Dean Dean was. And doesn't he say that Dean looked like a male model type? Yeah, how do they find Bobby's address? I


think he just went and picked up like a little a little address book kind of thing that was sitting on a table or something and just flipped through it. He remembered Bobby's name from his flashback. So he found Bobby Singer in the address book.


Then Then he sees that he has car keys. So they go out and he actually has the Impala. I


love how he was like That one's mine. Definitely.


As they're standing by the car about to get in SAM, since it's something and they get shot at from a little ways away. Then he turns around and it's him. It's Sam himself shooting at himself. That was very confusing at first. Yeah, we realize that Sam has actually passed out in the bunker at Bobby's house, and Dean's looking over him. They don't have much to go on. So Dean tells Bobby to go find Cass and he'll stay with Sam. When Bobby leaves. Dean goes over and flashes a light in Sam's eye as he's unconscious. And then all the stuff that's been going on with this girl and the bartender in his mind. He's in the car with her driving and when he flashes the light in his eyes. It's nighttime when he's driving, but the light flashes and it's suddenly daytime in his mind with this bartender girl.


I love how he was like it was night. But now it's day. Like that doesn't happen every day.


What did we ever even get her name?


This this little recap says Robin but I don't remember ever hearing that. Yeah, she must have said it at some point. Yeah,


I just don't recall it. Well, they had hopped out of the car to have this this conversation and as they're there Sam here something so he tells her to get back in the car. He goes to the trunk and finds the Arsenal weapons and he takes one of the guns and goes out into the woods and it's basically the other Sam from before tracking this Sam so they do confront each other. This others others they I don't know how to do this other Sam tells Sam that Cass broke his wall and that he was real pathetic and fell to pieces about it. He the other Sam Is this the one that has no soul Yeah, so


he's like his mind has fractured so we've got soulless Sam confronting puppy Sam, right now. And puppy Sam ends up tricking solace, Sam and killing him. And then that somehow absorbs solace Sam into puppy Sam. So that's how puppy Sam is going to D fracture himself, I guess is that he has to go and kill all these fractured versions of himself. And that's when I was telling you like, I would have liked it so much better from a psychology standpoint, if he embraced the other versions of himself, ya know, to come back together to D fracture that he was embracing those versions of himself, but no, he's killing them. Murder time.


So did you say that he already killed him?


Oh, I might have jumped the gun. But yeah, I mean, yeah, he kills the soloist Sam guy,


right. Okay.


And then he gets all his memories back from that time when he was soloists, and we find out that this bartender chick was actually an innocent person who Solis Sam killed because she was in the way. That's why she's there is because he feels guilty about


it. So balance was what our shows up at Bobby's, right. Yes,


yes, Bobby and Dean are in the panic room. You know, Dean, like you said, was telling Bobby go get Castile, but Bobby convinces him. No, let's not. Let's sit here and drink some alcohol. Like we can't go running off half cocked. We got to think this through. And Balthazar finally shows up to help them. And


he tells them that they got their angel proofing. Right but that's about it. And he does end up giving them the address of where Cass yell and Crowley you're gonna be performing this ritual or spell whatever it is. Yeah. So Bobby and Dean decide that they're gonna go, they leave a note for sleeping. Sam passed out Sam as to where they're going to be. And they take off.


I love that. Like, that's, that's what they needed. They needed the location. They don't have any kind of plan as to how they're going to stop Castile. They just needed to know where he was gonna be. And that's it. Let's go.


Yeah, yes. So and then we see cast and Crowley, right?


Yes. We see Crowley. He's got the blood, the virgin blood and Dr. Vissi X blood all mixed up. I think he told Cassia like, I've got your blood smoothie or something like that. I know. I was really happy to see that he didn't drink it. I totally thought because they called it a smoothie that he was going to drink it. That's not what happened. But yeah, Crowley gives him that. And then Cassiel was like, Oh, thanks. That's really great. I've got everything I need. So now we're going to renegotiate the terms. I'm not going to give you anything and he like calls Crowley stupid insinuates that Crowley is stupid, basically, because he said you really think I would give that much power to the King of Hell. So I'm like, Holy fuck. Castile has been playing Crowley the whole time. I know. And Crowley said something along the lines of I'm not even I break contracts like this.


It's fucked up. Like he knows he's a scumbag. Yeah.


And Castile told Crowley? Yeah, no, it's really shitty. Right? So I'm gonna give you two options. Flee or die. Damn. Crowley was like, this fucked up, man. He goes away. And then we cut back to Sam streams, where


he's talking to other Sam or so. So no, Sam from


the cage is what he finds at Bobby's house hobbies.


Okay, yeah. So Sam, in his dream dream state. He's at Bobby's with that's covered in candles for some reason. Yeah. And he finds because


of the fire, fire from hell.


symbolism, because we we find Sam from hell that remembers everything that happened in hell sitting at a table, his face bloody. Yeah, just not in a great state. Sam from hell tries to convince Sam that he doesn't want to kill them and, you know, take his memories or whatever. He doesn't want to remember or have those memories from hell. But Sam says that he has to he's got to go to his brother. So he's just he has to put this last piece together to go go to Dane. So he stabbed them. The white light came from the Sam from hell.


It came from the soloist one two earlier. Yeah, it was like this white light. Oh, yeah. You're writing them? Remember? I did. That's where I told you that. Like, why does he have to kill them and have this dramatic white light? He could have just embraced him. Yeah. All right.


Yeah. Okay, so back at this place. It's the address that they got from


it's where Crowley has been the whole time where he's been like, Oh, okay. Well, I guess it's it's probably not the prison. Actually. It's their new it's their new HQ where Crowley has been torturing the monsters. Okay. Not the president. They had to find somewhere new. Right. But I don't know what it is just as big tiled room. Yeah.


Well, in case imbalances are there You're talking and Cass says he thinks that there's a Judas in the mix. Yeah, he


says that Dean is coming, which I thought that was interesting that he knew Dean was coming.


I think Castile always knows when teens come Castile and bounces or have a little spat, because Castiel the bolt is or that's the Judas. Well,


I wouldn't say it was a spat. It was awkward as hell where Castile is being vague about someone's deceiving us. And Balthazar is trying to pretend like he doesn't know what he's talking about. I think he even tried to say like, Oh, was it the cherub? Like trying to act like, Oh, is it this other angel? And then Cassiel took about this are from behind


with the angel blade. And Bobby and Deena have actually gotten to the location. Why are they outside of the car?


Well, they had just pulled over to the side. And we're like scouting the place. Like I told you, they didn't have a plan at all. They found out where they were going, and that was fucking it. Okay, so they were scouting the place and Bobby was counting. He was like, Oh, I think there's like a dozen. I don't remember what he called them. But Dean was like demons and Bobby went no angels. And they were like, yeah, so they.


Yeah, they still don't know what they're gonna do. But they hop in the car real fast. Oh, because they saw the demon smoke come in. Yeah, I saw the demon smoke flip the car, but I didn't see it coming. Okay,


so what actually they got in the car because they felt the ground shaking. And they showed the puddle where it was the water. And I totally thought like, Oh my God, because I looked at you. And I was like Jurassic Park. Oh, yeah. And then dean made the joke about is it a T Rex? And I was like, Yes. And then it showed the demon smoke coming across the moon. Bobby And Dean gotten back in the Impala just in time for the demons to come and flip it and fuck them up. Yeah, it was bad. Yeah,


it was a fast flip.


It was cool, though. It looks really good. Yeah, I liked it a lot.


Then it cuts back into whatever this place is there. Yeah.


We didn't get to see Balthazar. With burned wings. Oh, that's true. We saw him get stabbed. And we saw him like they did the cool thing with his eyes. And we saw him fall and like the light blow up. But they didn't show him with his burnt cinched wings like that. What the hell? Imagine he would have been laying like fabulously to Oh, yeah. He would have been like,


like this. So yeah, back inside. We actually see Crowley come back into play. And he has a partner with him. And it's Rafael. They go to Cass right? Yeah,


cuz Crowley's real petty, he was like, fuck you, bro. I went over your head. I got me a new partner. So now your choices are to flee or die.


I mean, was that going to happen all along? Or was he just like, right when that happened? He's like, hey, no way.


I think I think that whenever Castile screwed him over that Crowley just had that backup plan, ready to go. And so that's why he was able to do it so quickly. He went and made the same deal with Raphael.


So he starts the chanting right. Casio


gives them the blood and leaves or so they think. Right? And then yeah, they paint whatever the giant portal door thing is on the wall was already there. Casio gives them the blood and it's the blood that they use to do everything on the wall. They don't show it. That's right.


Is it a ritual or a spell? No.


I mean, Potato Potato. Yeah. They're trying to open purgatory. Yeah.


He starts chanting in Latin. As this little set ceremony, whatever the bucket is, is going on. Dean and Bobby come in and see them. And Dean throws the angel blade, but Rafael catches it without even looking. It's pretty cool. Outside Sam shows up, he got to the address. He finds the Impala turned over, and he starts to head inside. Probably still in there chanting, but he finishes, nothing happens. And so he suggests that maybe he said it wrong. But Cass says no, that's not what it is. He shows up again. Yeah, it's really just popping up here and there. And he says, Nope, that's not what it was. It's that you needed this jar. And so he's holding another jar of blood that apparently has the proper blood they needed for the ritual. So he switched them out. Apparently, cast has gone off with the right jar blood somewhere in the building and done the ritual the right way. He stands there and they're all around him and he just turned on this ball of light. And he says that they have no idea what it feels like to have millions upon millions of souls in them


in him there in him. He had to show Raphael that his his dick is bigger now. Yeah, with big, big bright white light. Yeah, because Raphael hadn't quite gotten it. Whatever Castile came back. It was like this is what you needed. I love that Raphael was like, okay, Cassiel like, way to go. Good trick now give us the blood and Corralejo rafail Like what the fuck? It was like no dumbass, the jar is empty. He already did the ritual. I was like, Yay, even Archangels have their moments. Makes me feel better.


Crowley just books, it just disappears. And


Raphael is like, why did you let him slide? And that's when Castile said that he had plans for the demon, which I'm like, what does that mean?


Well, he snapped his fingers and rafail exploded. I was not expecting that. Yeah, same cast turns to Dean and Bobby and start saying how he's saved Dean. You know, he's obviously very powerful now. So almost in a threatening way, telling Dean that this like, I saved you. Yeah, you know, I've done all this for you.


I love how Dean was trying to appease him as well. Like, yeah, he


apologized. He's like, yes,


we're sorry. You did. You did. Thank you. CASS now, let you don't need this kind of ammo now. So let's go defuse you like he was really trying to talk him down. It was a really great display of the whole power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely right. Because we've seen the idea of power and knowing how to get this power has corrupted Castile throughout this whole season. It started with good intentions, trying to stop rafail and end so that he doesn't start the apocalypse again. Right but he's murdering angels left and right. He's double crossed Crowley blown up rafaelle Like I mean, and now with how the season ends. I mean, I'll let you keep going. But like fog, yeah, it really was a good demonstration of that, in my opinion.


Well cast as the reason he doesn't want to give up these souls is because there were many others that were working with Raphael and he wants to be sure that he can punish them as well as well. Right.


So is he gonna go murder more angels?


I guess he's gonna be snapping away snap, snappy. Dale. Dean tried to say something, tell them you know, their family again, like they they've talked before, but Cass is over it. And he says he has no family. An out of nowhere Sam's behind cast stabs him with the angel blade, and nothing happens. Shit. Cast simply pulls it back out and says that it was a nice try. But the angel blades not going to work on him anymore because he is no longer an angel. Then he reveals that he is now a god. They're new God. And that they will bow to him. Or he will destroy them. Yeah,


I did not see this coming. But then we're gonna set it up the cast. The cast spells the villain for next season, I guess?


I guess. So. Certainly,


some of it real interesting. Yeah. real interesting. So this was written by Eric Kripke key. And it was directed by Robert singer. No gore. Really? Did you adore anything of this episode that you remember?


I guess it was kind of cool to see the different Sam's show up?


Yes. Like I do. I do wish just from a psychological standpoint that he was embracing the different versions of himself rather than killing the different versions of himself. I mean, I guess it was pretty cool special effects to see the white light come out and all of that, but I did love the idea of the fractured mind and him having to gather himself and it being visualized in this way. I liked that too. Yeah, I liked particularly that panning shot where it was puppy Sam going through the forest trying to figure out who was after them. And then we saw solace Sam hiding behind the tree. Yeah, that was really cool. I enjoyed that. I know they had to have done special effects on that. So I do wonder how they did that. And the demons flipping the Impala was a bad ash shot. That was awesome. I want to know what special effects went behind that was it all CGI? Did they actually flip the Impala they flipped it so many it looked like it was real. Yeah, it really looks real. But we you couldn't see it very well because of the smoke. Yeah, but that was fucking cool. I liked that. Yeah, I liked Robert singer used not as many different angles as I liked like in the with lovey breaks and stuff like that, and Lynn switches and all of that. But he did use a variety of angles to kind of get across the whole paranoia and the double cross, you know, the bath Azhar and Castile seeing there were a lot of different angles through that. I wonder how many different times they had to reset to do the different camera angles in that. I do wish we had gotten a cinched wing. I know. And I do wish that he was like doing some sort of, yeah, fabulous pose. It was good. It was a lot of cutting back and forth. So you have to really pay attention in this episode to be able to follow everything. There was a lot of twists and turns but fuck that was the whole season really. But yeah, I enjoyed it. Yeah, it was it wasn't it wasn't a season finale where we were jumping up and yelling like sees like the first season finale whenever they get the car wreck and all of that, but we were definitely going whoa. I'm about season seven. Alright, so for lore. Since this was a two parter on the season finale, I just decided to continue your lore from our last episode. So today we're talking about Cthulhu. According to pretend Cthulhu is a fictional entity created by fantasy horror writer HP Lovecraft, and introduced in his story called, and was introduced in his story, the Call of Cthulhu, which was first published in the magazine weird tales in 1928. The creature is described as a monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus like head, whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery looking body, prodigious claws on hind and four feet, and long, narrow wings behind. It is said to be so terrible to behold, that it destroys the sanity of those who see it. Is that what Eleanor Vissi was in her vessel. Oh, it was it her vessel if she could. Cthulhu is characterized as the priest or leader of the old ones. Okay, so they were talking about like the old ones, that that's what Cass has absorbed as all the old ones. So I guess it's actually cast who has like all the Cthulhu send them scale on him a lot in a species that came to Earth from the stars before human life arose. The old ones went dormant, and their city slipped under Earth's crust beneath the Pacific Ocean. They communicated with humans by telepathy and in hidden corners of the world. uncivilized people remembered and worshipped Cthulhu and rites described as loathsome. These groups had statues of Cthulhu that seemed to be made of materials not found on Earth, and chanted the phrase, I'm not going to do that. So we're just going to skip that chant.


Read what it means. Oh,


in House of relay dead Cthulhu waits dreaming. When conditions are right, the city will rise and with the help of the eternal Cthulhu cult Cthulhu will awaken and again rule the world. Maybe could Lulu is in cast, maybe that's why he's like I'm your new God now. So I got a little bit more according to fictional characters dictionary on August der Leth, one of love crafts admirers, and a fellow writer, later expanded love crafts literary universe, working along with other writers who sought to develop the original works character and continuity. This expanded literary canon became known as Cthulhu mythos, due to its in depth development of Cthulhu history. Cthulhu gains popularity in the years after love crops death, and ultimately became his most widely known creation. Cthulhu has been featured in movies like 2000, fives Call of Cthulhu video games like Call of Cthulhu, the official video game and tabletop role playing games. The characters also made appearances on the TV show Southpark Hey, and many bands, including heavy metal group, Metallica have produced songs that either mentioned Cthulhu or were inspired by him. And that's all I got on Cthulhu today,


a quote to close it out from Castile and Crowley.


It's after Castile has gone and done the ritual. He says, you can imagine what it's like. They are all inside me. Millions upon millions of souls. And


Crowley says sound sexy. Exit stage Crowley


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