Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Let It Bleed (6x21)

• Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 21

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Let It Bleed.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: Berly and LA discuss HP Lovecraft's works and their influence on the horror genre, as well as various supernatural mysteries they've encountered. They debate the effectiveness of erasing memories to protect people from the supernatural, and the importance of trust and loyalty in their mission to save Ben and Lisa from Mr. Crowley's clutches. They also touch on the process of summoning angels and their own priorities.


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy.


I love LA, neighborly.


The last episode was titled The Man Who Would Be King. And it was basically Castile telling Sam, Dean and Bobby all about the war in heaven and how he and Rafael became enemies. Bobby believes Castile is hiding something but Dean refuses to believe it. Not his Cass.


That's a weird summary. Because I don't I don't feel like he was telling SAM D and Bobby I feel like he was telling us the audience. Yeah, you know, I mean, it's pretty.


It's pretty concise of what the episode consisted of though. Um, yeah.


Well, today's episode is titled let it bleed. It's the first part of the season finale of season six, and it's the 21st episode. It originally aired on May 20 2011. So the episode opens up, it's a dark and stormy night on March 15. In 1937. in Providence, Rhode Island, we're in a pretty nice little home. See the thunder and lightning going on outside and we hear click clack in a way on a typewriter pans over and it shows the gentleman behind the desk. As he types out the end. His door starts to creak open, the power is flashing off and on. And he seems paranoid. He opens a drawer and pulls out a gun. I thought it was the cult at first, but we decided it's not because we end up finding out who this person is. And how would that how would he have gotten the call? He's creeping around, trying to see if someone's coming through the door and oh, they come bursting through the window instead. And it was really cool the way they did it. He looks up and is just like, terrified and like No, please don't.


Doesn't he say we didn't know. Yeah, we


didn't know we didn't know we were doing we're sorry. And we get our 46 The blood splooge of the supernatural series as this entity slaughters one Mr. H. P Lovecraft bloodspot Blue Jays onto his own damn pages. Just finished typing out to that we get supernatural. We cut to Bobby's house. And this is after Cassie L and Dean have had their little late night chat. recasts tell Andy in the plan like this, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna go through with that Dean being like, No, bro. You're my bro. Bro. Please don't do it, bro. cascode Sorry, bro. I'm gonna do it anyway, and leaving. And I did think it was odd that Castile came to Bobby's to just be like, Hey, sorry, but I'm gonna do it by but I just figured it was just like for development and emphasizing the they still love each other. But they're just not in agreeance or whatever. But no, no, we find out. Casio was there for a very specific reason. And it was not necessarily to talk to D and he just went ahead and did that while he was there.


Just a little sidebar.


He was there for a specific reason, saw a cute little Dean sleeping under the window and decided I can't leave without saying something like, let me just go talk to him for a second. No Castillo broke into Bobby's and steal the Journal of Mr. Moshe Campbell. They're finding out this out just now because Bobby, Sam and Dean are all going through all the journals, all of Bobby's inventory, trying to find more information on purgatory so that they can try to stop cast because they're thinking this is going to be a huge mistake. And they don't even really have all the information Balthazar does, though. We find out more from him later. Because Bobby is a paranoid old bastard. He has a copy that he's made of Moshe Campbell's journal. I love it. We're in luck. Yeah. They are going through moyses journal and discover that he had gone and met with HP Lovecraft, an author who was fascinated with the concepts of doors to other dimensions, while they are going through this little transcript copy thing, trying to figure out you know about these ancient creatures called the old ones and this and that and who science fiction, dense phone rings, and we already know why because we've seen the cutaway back at Lisa's house. She is just enjoying her new relationship with Dr. Matt. They're having a beer and watching a game together. Ben is upstairs reading Cthulhu tales, which I thought was a nice little touch and say that right kung fu tails. When these two guys just kick in the door combusting in slit mats throat I was like, Oh they did? I thought they they break his neck. I just saw the hand move and I heard a weird noise. So I thought it was a throat slit, but there wasn't any blood. So you're probably right. It was probably a neck snap. Either way by Dr. Matt. Yeah. Unfortunate for him. She seemed so happy. Yeah.


And they didn't have to kill them. Yeah, just tie them up.


So they've got Lisa and Ben has kind of come and poked his head around the corner to see what's going on and locked himself in his room and it's called Dean is telling Dean what's happening. Bobby And Sam their faces while they're hearing Dean talk, it was just like they were just waiting for the command like just waiting for what to do what to do. I loved the back and forth here between the two different scenes. Dean tells Bob tells Ben not Bobby Dean tells Ben jump out the window. I know you're on the second floor. I know that you're scared you might break something but a broken bone is going to be better than what these guys are going to do to you get Get out Get the fuck out of the house. Would you said that like right before? He did whatever. He wouldn't put the chair up against the door and went picked up the phone and then walked away from the window. I was like, why don't you jump out the window? Like why are you walking away from the only exit in your room? like great, great job barricading the door but get the fuck out. Ben finally gets up the courage throw stuff off his desks and climbs over and opens the window and then dramatically freezes and looks back over his shoulder after the door has been kicked in. Hidden make that jump. No, the phone has fallen to the ground too slow. And we see Dean on the other line being like Ben hoping that he's going to hear Ben be like, oof, or something. I don't know. Waiting for the signal that he's jumped out the window. That's not what he gets. Said he gets Hello Diem. As Mr. Crowley has picked up the phone. And he's told Dean to back off. sit this one out. I'm gonna hold on to them. For now. Nothing. No harm is gonna come to them or whatever. You'll get them back when we're all done. But I need you. Step set back. Well,


Jenny wasn't healing. I'm keeping them until you I'm satisfied to know that you are backing off. But guess what? Dean doesn't back. No.


No, no. You've just pissed him off. Crowley like good plan in theory, but wait a way to piss off a Winchester. poke the bear. Oh, Dean hangs up the phone. Bobby and Sam are both thinking, Okay, well, like we'll call Cass and Dean's like No, no, we have to assume that he knows we know they're working together can't be trusted. Can't trust them. We got to figure this shit out. So Dean says you to stay on Lovecraft. I'm gonna go finally Sam Bennett. Sam says no, I'm coming with you. You're on not leaving me behind. And I love Bobby tried to be like me too. Right? Like, no, no, Bobby, you've got to work the case. You've got to find out what's going on with Lovecraft. And while we've reluctantly agreed he did. He did and thank goodness. Yeah. Because he did good work. He did. He always does. He did good. Fast work. And I loved the scene that we got later on. It could have been cute with Sam in that role instead, but I'm happy it was Bobby. Bobby's like alright, fine. I'm gonna work the case. But if I'm working this who's gonna find Lisa and Ben? Who's gonna track them down? Like how are you guys gonna do that? And we already said no Cass even though Sam was kind of insistent like why don't we just try and he's like, no, no, he said sorry, bro to me in the middle of the night and flatter to lapped away fluttered away.


laddered away. Flattering son of a bitch. Still upset.


But you know what? We'll we'll call that other sweet Assa feather. Huh we'll get his help deeply in the deep vein we can all take they so they do their big little ritual that we saw Sam do a while back which I was kind of shocked they did it on


the hood of baby right like with the fire and everything. I'm surprised Dean was okay with that. And then my other


thing is why do they have to summon Balthus are like this. I mean, I guess because I've always been like, whenever they need caste. They're just like, Hey, girls, like girls. Always has an ear out. Yeah, but then I was like, I guess that's why because they know well, caste is our friend. They don't necessarily feel like they're friends with Balthasar right and I don't think he would just come come up on a call you know so here's my other question though. So just every angel just have like this summoning spell.


I guess so.


Where's the book?


I'm gonna need it


I got got some summon a plan. Well, D keep the shows up. He's just like, Oh my God.


What do you like when he brought his drink with? It was like


I was just sipping what was it a 75 something out of the navel of a soprano and that was more important than whatever the fuck you assholes want. He was busy.


I know. He's living his angel life.


Sam and Dean explain the situation him sort of like why do I care? Yeah,


I don't understand again. Why


am I care about these innocent people? I really don't. and they happen to kind of lay it out like Oh, so you knew that cast is trying to get all these souls and Balthazar is like yeah, of course I did Damascus and they're like, Oh, okay. So you know he's working with Crowley, he's like in cahoots with Crowley, about this are very, very, very brief pause, but enough that it was a tell. And he's like, Yeah, of course I do. And Sam's like, Yeah, okay. Yeah, sure you do, sweetheart. It's written all over your face. You know, Sam, he can't resist the sassy the sassy of the sassiest angels, you know. And so about the tsar's just like, Fuck you, and he goes away. Because he does not care to help them at this point in time. He comes around. Yeah, yeah, he comes around, but not at this point in time at this point in time. He's pissed. And he needs to go and just actually soprano confronting Oh, he probably did go do that first. Then he went and had his confrontation


priorities. Mm hmm. I call him belty. In my notes, the healthy ba LTI. Oh, ft. Lt.


I thought it was just DP that


two? Well, that's two words. Two words. But no, I like bowtie yesterday. But then when we talk about him.


He doesn't tell them no, necessarily. But he also doesn't tell them. Yes. He's like, why should I care? And they're like, this is why and then he's like, bye. So we kind of just leave them hanging doesn't really, he didn't reject them. Right, you know, per se, not not outright. Anywho. So Bobby is deep on the case. It does not make sense undercover. Yeah. Wait, wait undercover. He looks so nice in his jacket and his hair is fixed. And he is pretending to be a journalist for a paper. He's in someone's basement talking to this nerdy guy who has a bunch of letters from HP Lovecraft that specifically talk about a dinner party that he threw on March 10 1957. He's


like a mega fan. He's got posters all over his room. Yeah, I mean, he's into it.


I bet you there were so many other little details that we didn't even get to see in the room. I know now that I'm thinking about it, because there was shit everywhere. And I can't imagine they just took a bunch of random stuff. I bet you a lot of that was specific to Lovecraft there was probably like Cthulhu action.


When he first walked in. I saw something of that. And then there was a huge poster of him. And it looked like it had different little quotes or something on it. I saw


at least two HP Lovecraft posters. One of them he straight up pointed out, but there was at least one other one that was like more color. Maybe it's the same one.


Yeah. Yeah, but this dude has clearly spent a lot of money on these personal letters. Oh, yeah, HP. He's a collector.


So Bobby already knew about the dinner party on March 10. And so whenever the dude was like, oh, yeah, I have these letters about the dinner party. Bobby's like Ah, yes. Score, love to see them. And then he said something about the other guy.


Yeah. Are you working with him? Yeah.


I was like, why? Who? And he's like, you know, he looks like Colombo talks like Rain Man. Bobby says we're competitors. And we're gonna we're working on competing pieces. And the guy is like, Okay, well, I'll give you the same information I gave you that other guy. Let me just go get the letters out of my little secret stash over here. So he goes to his like giant manila folder onto his bookshelf. And he's looking in there and he's like, What the fuck? swear they were here. And while he was digging around, trying to find them, he says, you know, essentially, there was no consequence of the dinner party. Nothing happened. It didn't work when they tried to open a magic portal. And the worst thing that came out of it was a hangover doing black magic. No, that was it. But nothing happened. Bobby says well, it's okay. I mean, it's not like an invisible man showed up in here and stole your shit.


Gas is becoming quite a feat.


He's on a mission. Well, cat burglar. Dean and Sam have taught him even more than he realized. It's not just about free will and making choices. They showed him how to do a good b&e. And how have you need to go get something you just go get cast? You just go? Yeah. Bobby gives up on this guy because he doesn't have what he needs. And he takes off. He does, however, find out that people who were invited to the dinner party, very specific, very specific, yes. Invited, mysteriously disappeared or died within a year after the dinner parties date. But there was an uninvited guest who happened to be present, whose little nine year old boy who was there the son of one of the guests, one of the maids, so she wasn't invited either. She just was there. So Bobby is like I found Track, track them down, track down little boy. His name's Westboro and he is in a mental institution, the same place he's been since the night of the party since like things went down. That's like jail. That's so sad. He's


lived there his whole life. He's an old man in a Wheelchair now,


right? And


he was adorable. I really liked him.


I liked it whenever he. Well, first of all, he asked Bobby, are you are you working with that other guy in the trench coat? He's a liar. That one. I was like, Oh,


he knows that he's not. He's not crazy. And there's


a thing or two. And then I liked when he asked Bobby, do you believe in monsters? And Bobby said, yep. And he said, Oh, you better be careful. Or they'll put you in somewhere like this.


I liked it when he was like, Do you want to see a picture? Oh,


yeah, I'm excited to show him we. So the way Bobby kind of gets a leg up on cast is actually because of this. The boy, now very much elderly man in the in the mental institution because he was nine in 1937. I'm not going to do the math here, but he's old, okay. And he's in a wheelchair. And he's talking about what happened the night of the party. And he says, No, it did fucking work. They did open a portal, something came through and it took my mom. He said it was invisible, and it went into her body. And after that she was different. He said, she even smelled different. She wasn't the same. And then she vanished. And Bobby told him I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. That happened to you and your mom, sorry about that devastating night. It was such a devastating night. And then what he said after he said, You're the first person to say something like that to me. Oh, I was like Bobby hug him.


He was probably just scared seeing that they were doing black magic in there. Right? And then it comes because of what they're doing comes and takes his mom a lot guys. And


then when he tries to tell you what happened that a monster invaded his mom and took it over, rather than just being like, okay, like, even if you don't believe the monster thing. He's why he's a kid. Why would you not just think that he's created a fantasy to justify this? Like, what was he? What was he doing that really qualified? The mental institution? Ridiculous, just so terrible. But yeah, Bobby shows him empathy. He


can tell you tell he likes Bobby. He clearly trusts him better than Cass rightfully so.


And so that's when Westboro asks him if he wants to see the picture of his mom.


It was so cute. He was so excited to pull it in. It was right in his little coat pocket. Like he keeps it there every day. It was very sweet.


And he pulls it out and he hands it to Bobby. And on the back. It said Eleanor 1935. And I went you knew what they showed her in the beginning. And that's right. Then now think so I knew she was going to come into it at some point. But I'll tell you this. I did not see it come in that she was the monster from Purgatory. Right like you and I suspected that she wasn't human because of the way she was talking about things from 700 years ago. She was talking about them like she was there. And I love how they threw the dragons back in because I love it was kind of something that I think we glossed over last last over glossed over last episode. Whenever cm and Dean were giving Eve shit being like, you know, you brought back like spider man and dragons like really dragons. And I was like, okay, that's fun that they're poking fun at but the dragons thing was kind of lame. Yeah, not the story, but just the way they executed it. They could have made it a little cooler. So I loved how she was like, Y'all were supposed to get rid of the rockets. Like, it was really fun. But anyways, yeah, it's Eleanor Vishniac. So I'm thrilled because I really was thinking that was going to be one of those characters we were just never going to see from the mystery was never going to be solved. But here we go. She's back. So I'm excited. And she's fabulous. Oh, she's still fabulous. So Bobby sees the picture. And it's just like, oh my god, I fucked your mom. He's got a lead. That cast did not get so he's got a leg up on this case. In the meantime, Sam and Dean have captured some demons and they are trying to torture them and find out where's Crowley? Dean wants Crowley and he is just murdering a murderer in a way just trying to figure out what's going on and stabbing him when they're not answering him. Sam has stepped outside, letting Dean kill kill and peace.


Will Sam tried to take over to give Dean a break and Dean was not having it. You're running on coffee and


whiskey. Jeans


like what happened to Lisa and Ben nuts on me on me.


Take care of it. So Sam steps outside and he decides to go rogue. You know, he calls for casts. He's just like Cass Dude, please help us. Please help us find Lisa and Ben Crowley kidnapped to them. You know, Sam is deciding to give the benefit of the doubt that Cassiel doesn't know anything. And Castile comes


some but something was said in the episode about I think him coming and I was like so shocked. You didn't say anything


really Cassiel combs but Sam doesn't see him come? Correct. Yeah, he visible keeps it invisible. He's just watching him. And listening. And CASAS like, that is fucked up. Let me go talk to my boyfriend. So he pops over to Crowley, who is still experimenting on monsters, I guess. Oh, they're still trying to find purgatory. So yeah, he's still doing all his little things that he's doing. And that's when Crowley explains to him. No, this is a loophole. Okay. You've met your limit on humans that you're allowed to state or out of bounds. I'm not touching Sam and Dean. I'm leaving Sam and Dean alone. But this way they're going to be chasing Sam and Lisa are not Sam, Ben and Lisa. And not you and me. So no, I'm not gonna go. I'm not going to tell you release it and Ben are you don't get that information?


It's pretty good plan.


Yeah. He was like, You need to go fucking fine. Purgatory. That's what you're supposed to be doing. Quit being distracted. Okay. I've distracted Sam and Dean with this. I've done you a favor, bro. They aren't going to be trying to stop you right now. If they're distracted with this whole thing. I mean, he's got a point. He could have taken them somewhere nicer. Yeah. I mean, come on. Probably. You didn't have to take them to like the sleaze. Another abandoned factory thing or whatever. I mean, it looked like it was falling apart. It was It looked wet. Like just you could have taken them someone nicer is all I'm saying. But otherwise a good plan. Yeah. So Casio is not happy, but he reluctantly gets back to work.


He's a good soldier.


Oh, no, he doesn't get back to work just yet. He gets called away. He like holds his head like, oh, yeah, he gets that call on ANGEL radio. And he's like, I have to go. Okay, but this is fucked up. I'm upset with you. I don't like that you went behind my back.


We'll get back to this later.


We're gonna talk about this later. But I gotta run. Okay, I'm being summoned. He goes and meets balfa czar in the middle of a forest. I mean, that looked like what they were right. You made


him? No, it was I just thought it was very odd that that's where they met. And I thought there


was going to be something relevant to the location, because Cassia was like, Why did you summon me here? So I thought it was gonna be some but no. It's just nice scenery. Right? Just want to go on a hike. Yeah, so Balthazar confronts him. Just like your two little humans just told me that you're working with Crowley. Is it true? No. He asked him in a much fancier way. Of course, he used some words I've never heard before. And I didn't write them down. But he did ask Castile if he's working if he's in cahoots with Crowley, and at first Castile tries to lie about it. And then Balthazar says you always such a terrible liar. Why is everybody saying like he's a liar. He's a bad liar. He's been lying all season. And I. I don't think that I mean, I think we knew something was going on. But I mean, he kind of fooled. Yeah, we just did. It was regrettable things and having things that he didn't want to be doing. Like we didn't realize he was scheming and Platon. Of course, the scheming and plotting could have happened later in the season. I don't know. I don't know. Well, but others are. Here's Castillo's plan. And as they're talking because balances are kind of trying to clarify some things, right? We find out that all of the souls that Castile is planning to take from Purgatory, he's actually going to take into his vessel or into him either way about the Czar's like, you could fucking explode and take half the planet with you. As


he says that cat says that won't happen. Yeah, but what's your plan here? Like how was it not gonna happen? And I


think that's what that was our says like, okay, okay, bro. I'm using bro an awful lot in this recap today. But valve is our asks, How are you planning to not go nucular? Like, can you seriously look at me and tell me that there aren't any risks here? And Castiel just says, Get behind me. Like, are you with me or not?


He says that a lot in this episode.


Now the Tsar says, okay, yeah, I'm with you. You've still got my loyalty. But does he? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know remains


to be seen.


Does it seem like it? No, Bobby, has found Eleanor misiak. He knows her safe houses. He knows that he knows that. Because it turns out, they weren't just like a one night stand or a little fling. They have like a whole thing. They don't go into detail. But there's enough disclosed during their little conversation that we find out they were they were an item I think, well,


yeah, because he was mad. He that didn't he say? You didn't think to mention you're from Purgatory the whole time. We were sleeping


together. We're sleeping together. Yeah. So he was like, You lied about your age a little bit. And she's like, Oh, it was 900 years. It was so cute. I loved Eleanor and Bobby together. It was good chemistry. Good banter. Really cute. Eleanor essentially explains that she didn't try to come through she's just what fell through whenever they open the portal and that our planet is lucky. It was her and only her that there are some serious monsters on the other side. I mean, I kind of would have to agree with she really hasn't done much bad and this is when she's telling him about why do you think I gave you the sword like I wanted you guys to Stop Eve, I want you to stop whatever's happening. Like, trust me, whatever's on the other side of the portal. Y'all don't want it coming here, it's going to leave the planet bloody is going to be bad. Bobby explains that Cassiel is trying to find her because he's who's trying to do this whole thing. And that if Bobby found her, the Angeline far behind, so he asks Eleanor to let him protect her. Let him take her somewhere safe. And she's just like, no offense, but you're just a man. I'm gonna protect myself.


Like I'll be better off protecting myself, which I loved.


I loved but I thought we were gonna get to see her do something badass. Yeah, so maybe I don't know. Maybe Maybe because there is going to be this is literally described as the first half of the season finale, so maybe we'll get to see her do something badass. Next episode, but I was disappointed with how quickly Castile was able to just take her away.


Yeah, well, it's crazy because he had been a step up before Bobby along the whole way. And then now this one time, Bobby was ahead of him, but he still got there. Yeah, he probably followed Bobby.


Maybe. I was just disappointed with how quickly Casio just took her. I agree. That's whole you're just a man like I just I thought it was going to something. Something right?


You couldn't even open your car door. Caught


off that caught off guard that much when you literally got warned that this was coming. And you must know what angels are you knew what dragons or like I just I wish they made her a little more badass. Yeah,


well, we really don't know what happened though. Sure, sure. Pick up and something could happen. Well, maybe


maybe she maybe it's been a while and she turned around and she saw those blue eyes. And was just like, Ah, yes.


And she'd want to go back into that. Yeah,


she hadn't connected the dots that Oh, fuck. This is that angel that Bobbi was telling me around about? She just turned around. I was like, Oh, fuck. Hey, that's what happened. Yeah,


I think so. Mm hmm.


And you know what? I can't blame her. All right. I forgive you, Eleanor.


You better impress us.


You better be getting some ass, or we better see something really cool. In the season finale. None of this has happened yet. Castile hasn't kind of Castile didn't come right. No one's come yet. Well, bath is ours came with a anyway. Oh, man. Well, Bobby's talking with Eleanor. Dean is still murdering demons. And somehow, it's never explained. It's never addressed. But somehow one of these demons is either powerful enough, or maybe Dean accidentally smudged the devil's trap. I don't know. But one of the demons is able to break free from the devil's trap break free from the demon electric chair thing that they've gotten strapped in and almost kills Dean. But Castiel comes and saves him. And they have another conversation where Castiel tells Dean, I'm still gonna do what I'm gonna do. But I want you to trust me. I want you to get behind me. I want you to support me and what's a lot of people behind him? Yeah, he just wants support. But Dean says, No, what really did in was that he said, Okay, I will go find Lisa and Ben. As long as you just sit back and let me do what I'm trying to do. And that's when Dean gets pissed because he's like, that's basically the same ransom note your boyfriend gave me. Yeah, so fuck you. I'll find them myself.


Is this their first little spat?


I think so. Well, no. Castiel kicked Dean's ask that one time whatever Dean was gonna say yes to Michael. Remember he's the guy fell for Yeah. They have they have a tumultuous relationship. These two right? Well, Sam gets to have his own little kitchen meet cute with an angel speaking of Dean and Cass and their tumultuous little relationship. Sam is just hanging out in Bobby's house with no lights on and goes to the kitchen to get himself a glass of alcohol and Balthasar shows up. It's like drinking away your feelings. I thought that was Dean's thing. Sam says stressful times. Wink wink. And so about the sock gets right up in Sam's personal space. It's just like, I'm here to help. He's,


he's says doesn't he say something about being on the team?


He was like, spoiler alert. I bet for your team.


Get behind what he's done. He say he's there double agent. Yeah.


Now the Tsar basically lets them know he's not happy with what Casio has said. I asked him some questions. I didn't fucking like his answers. So I'm gonna help you to out we're gonna go safely son Ben, so you too can get back to trying to stop Casio and probably Balthazar also lets them know. Bad news is I can't really help you like I know where they are. And I can get you close to where they are. But that's it. They've Angel proved the whole place. Then he said, Oh, I guess Crowley doesn't trust cast yell so that marriage is going really great. Good deal for them. Salazar we don't get to see him but I'm assuming he two fingered him Sam and Dean at the same time to the location where Lisa and dinar so they break in. Sam gets knocked out dragged away. It was so funny watching those like normal size men like drag, drag Jared paddle lucky into that room to go through all. I was like, Oh no, this is perfect baby. Dean, of course is motivated. So he is just beating people up left and right. We don't get to see this. But we get to hear it from Lisa and Ben's perspective in the room where they're tied up to a pillar. Dean gets into the room. He uses his demon knife to cut Lisa and Ben free. And then as they stand up, Lisa takes the demon knife away from Dean and holds Ben hostage like holding the knife to his throat. And she starts saying some terrible things or ice flash, right? Like she's possessed. And she is saying such awful things to Ben. Yeah, like, like, regretting having him and like calling Lisa slit which again, again, I'm like, this is like the third time she's been called a slut during this season. And this is just quite literally a normal self respecting woman who's just trying to have a relationship with leave her alone. Oh my god. Poor Ben. But Dean is just like, Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. He does really good. Keep trying to keep Ben's attention. He splashes some holy water in Lisa's face. So the demon like is of course like, ah, and let's bend go. And then dean tries to exercise Lisa. But the demon gets real smart finds like this pipe stabby thing and stabs herself in the abdomen and then throws it aside and it's just like exercise me now bitch. Because if you do that, it's just a dead meat suit. Like Good Luck saving Lisa. Well played. Yeah, it was smart. It was smart. But Dean reluctantly goes through with the exorcism, and immediately gets to Lisa side. And it's telling her to keep pressure on it. And he's like, I'm sorry. And poor Ben is getting serious wake up call. Yeah, he's kind of he's in shock glorified and fantasize, I think what Dean does, I think that Dean's kind of been his hero that he wanted to do what Dean did, but he's really getting like, yeah, a reality shock right now. And he's quite literally in shock, to the point that Dean smacks his face to kind of get his attention, which was sad. But he was he needed to stay needed to snap out of it. And they were short on time. So I understand that he felt the need to do it quickly. He tells Ben, get the knife, get the shot gun, give some like a crash course on how to use the gun, not even showing him just telling him what to do because he's carrying Lisa up the stairs. And Ben does take out a demon. And even after that he's in shock because he's just shot at me on and it broke my heart for him. Yeah, he probably would have been a good hunter. I'm happy he this fictional child ended up not having that be his life. But for that to be the first time he shot his shotgun and like he hit it right on and all that other stuff. So they go find Sam Dean breaks down the door that Sam is locked behind and tells Ben to give Sam everything Sam goes and gets a car. They all get in it and they head to the hospital. At the hospital. Ben's not really wanting to talk to Dean. He's mad. So he leaves the room. And Dean is just sitting there at least his bedside when Castile shows up. And Dean tells cast yell, she's probably going to be dead by midnight. So awesome way to go. You've like ruined the lives of two innocent people with your bullshit. And cast says I didn't come here for you. And he goes and he heals Lisa. No, doesn't fix everything. But he's trying to make it right. Yeah. And before he leaves, Dean tells him, you can do one more thing for me. And he has Cassiel wipe, Ben and Lisa has memory, not only of the incident with the demons, but wipe their memory of Dean. So here's my whole thing. Did they just lose a year of their lives? Or was Cassiel powerful enough that he was just able to rewrite that year? I would hope so. And not just a year because they would have to rewrite everything. But anyway, Lisa and Ben don't know monsters exist now? I guess. And so they are going to go back to having their normal happy lives as if Dean Winchester never existed to them. Yeah. So it's sad. Yeah. It's sad. I mean, I understand why dean would do that for them, so that they wouldn't be like traumatized and scared and all those other things, but at the same time, how does that help protect them? Yeah, if somebody wants to get to Dean, they're still going to be able to go kidnap them, and now they're just not even going to know why. Yeah.


Mm. Hmm. Sam didn't like it. Sam


didn't like it. Dean. Dean was happy with himself. Well, I guess I shouldn't say happy. Crying. He was he was crying. He was upset but whenever he went to say like, Hey, sorry, you know, I'm the reason you got in a car wreck. I just lost control. I'm sorry. Yeah, he seemed satisfied with the fact that they didn't know who he was, even though he was devastated if that makes sense. Yeah, it does. And then when they get in the car, and Sam is pretty much saying like, that was super shitty, like, without consent without anything, you just whitewash their memories. And Dean tells Sam, if you ever mentioned Lisa and Ben to me again, I'll break your nose. And Sam tries to start talking again. And Dean just looks at him as like, I'm serious. Like, you can still see the teary kind of eyes and whatever like that he's upset, but he means it. So Sam shuts up. And we think that that's going to be the end of the episode. But it's not. We flashed a doctor of sex cabin. And so she's walking up and leaving. And we see the sigil on her door, kind of glowing and whatever. And this is when like Castile comes up and she's like, Oh, my hot stuff and doesn't realize Oh, danger, and he takes her away. And that was that. Yeah. It was written by Sarah gamble and directed by John F show, Walter. I mean, very little gore. Yeah, I don't know that I would even describe any of the violent things that happened in the episode as gore. Like just that beginning scene. Yeah, that was the most horror Gore like scene was the murder of HP Lovecraft. It was done. Well, it was a little piqued interest. So I thought we were gonna be time traveling again or something. And then it was like HP Lovecraft. I was like, what? So that was kind of interesting. Did you adore anything about this episode?


Like, oh, what was the old man's name?


It was Westboro


Westboro. I liked. He was adorable.


I liked him as well. I like the Dr. misiak is back. Here. We're never gonna see her again. Yes, I'm interested to see what happens with her in the finale leading up to the finale. I like the dynamics that's going on with Crowley and Castile and balfa. Czar. Yeah, you know that Crowley definitely wants this plan to happen, but not for the same reason. Cassiel does. Castile is dead set on this planet happening so much so that he's not listening to his friends who are trying to warn him, you know, and they'll bow the bow bizarre, you know, he doesn't want the fun to end. So he's trying to get out. I like the little dynamics that's going on here. That's going to be interesting to see how that plays out in the finale. Yeah. And I like that things with Lisa and Ben got tied up. Yeah, it's it's nicely tied up and stored away. And I don't think we're gonna be hearing about Lisa and Ben again, anytime soon. Yeah, if ever Yeah. Mike does act like they never existed. So that was that. Alright, well, what about lore?


We'll be talking about Mr. HP Lovecraft. So from the HP Lovecraft was an American author of fantastic and McCobb short novels and stories one of the 20th century masters of the Gothic tale of terror. Lovecraft was interested in science from childhood but lifelong poor health prevented him from attending college. He made his living as a ghost writer and rewrite man, and spent most of his life in seclusion and poverty. His fame as a writer increased after his death. That's always sad.


Yeah, well, he wasn't a very nice for true very true. From 1923


on most of Lovecraft short stories appeared in the magazine weird tales. His Kulu Cthulhu Mythos series of tales describe ordinary New Englanders encounters with horrific beings of extraterrestrial origin. And the short stories love crafts intimate knowledge of New England's geography and culture is blended with an elaborate original mythology. His other short stories deal with simply terrifying phenomena in which horror and morbid fantasy acquire an unexpected verse similitude.


Good for you. What verse in


the case of Charles Dexter Ward was written in 1927 published posts humorously in 1941, at the mountains of madness was written in 1931, published in 1936. And the shadow over NS mouth was written in 1931 and published in 1936, as well, and these are considered his best short novels. Lovecraft was a master of poetic language and he attained unusually high literacy standards in his particular fiction genre. Okay, and then this is from He is a man of extremely controversial convictions, to say the least. And one of the most influential horror writers of all time, his novels have a tremendous impact on a huge chunk of the genre literature, as well as cinematography and video games. And it's not only the weird and disturbing monster designs designs, were Lovecraftian style truly shines. It's also the deeply psychological, even philosophical approach that makes his work so unique and appealing. Lovecraft is known as the father of cosmic horror, at that time, a new category in the horror genre. It emphasizes this insignificance of humankind in the cold and fundamentally Alien Universe. According to Lovecraft humanity is but a tiny ignorance of the substance and space, and there's a myriad of beings far more powerful. on ancient, some of these beings are so monumental and supreme that their existence goes far beyond our comprehension. By the way, to Zulu, then it Cthulhu by the way, Cthulhu undeniably the most popular Lovecraftian creatures is one of these godlike entities. Thankfully, the absolute majority of us and by us, I mean, people have no idea they even exist, because very few have ever had a chance to discover them. And these discoveries have always ended badly. Not because these great old ones hate humans and want to see them dead. No, in fact,


don't pay though. There's Viet well, they're friends with angels.


There's absolutely no indication that they even have feelings, desires, or motivations. And it might very well be that they actually transcend all that is relatable and natural to humankind.


Right over the South Park episode with Cartman summons could they live? Nah. Like keeps Cartman like a little pet. Because I think Cartman was a cat for some reason. Maybe I didn't see that was like getting on conciliar like, yeah. Well quote to close it out when they are in Bobby's office library, talking about HP Lovecraft. Dean says, am I supposed to know who that is?


Bobby says horror writer at the mountains of madness, the Call of Cthulhu


and Dean says yeah, no, no, I am. I was too busy having sex with women. Cheers. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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