Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Mommy Dearest (6x19)

• Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 19

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Mommy Dearest.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: Berly and LA discuss various Supernatural episodes, analyzing plot twists and mysteries. They also discuss Eve's plan to create more Jefferson Starships, Sam and Dean's strategies to capture her, and the recent loss of powers by Castiel. Additionally, they investigate a doctor's disappearance and discover a dead body, while discussing the misuse of Eve's name in literature and pop culture. Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the need to find a solution to the zombie virus outbreak and uncover the truth behind the mysterious circumstances.


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy. Hello, la Hello Burly. On the last episode, it was titled frontier land. And we liked it. Yeah, it's very cute. While searching for a way to defeat Yves Dame stumbles upon Samuel colts journal in the Campbell library. Realizing Samuel might have the answer to their problems Sam and Dean asked cast Yael to send them back in time so they can meet the man himself. While Sam is a bit reluctant to time travel Dean is beside himself with excitement to return to the wild wild west.


It was very cute. Today's episode is Mommy dearest. It's the 19th episode of season six. And it aired on April 29 2011. I've been like bitching on social media and pitching in our episodes that I'm confused and a lot of people have been telling us Oh, you'll get more answers. And it'll be an episode that you'll get more answers. And a lot of people have been telling us it's the 20 are telling me it's the 20th episode. I feel like we got quite a few answers today. True. I wouldn't say all was revealed. But I mean, we we learned a lot. Yeah, for sure.


The curtain has been pulled back a little. Not all the way. But we see some huh.


The episode starts out at a sports bar. There's two men walking out and they see Eve walking up. She has on no shoes, a white sundress with a giant blood stain on it. So of course, they naturally decide to just hit on her. Yeah, it's like heaven must be missing an angel. If it's just like, oh, you dumb fuck. And brushes our hand along his side turns him into a monster. He doesn't know that's what happened. He thinks she was hitting on him. He was like, I think she likes me and his buddies like No, dumbass. Let's get you home. So they stumble away. Eve goes into this bar. She turns around, locks the door and rips off the brass handles to the door. Yeah, nobody's getting now nobody cheap bucket around that place up, huh? She goes walking in. And finally a guy is like, Oh, holy shit. Are you okay? Is that blood? And she's like, Yeah, I suppose it is. And then she leans over and kisses him. And we see like, the fame. And her friend is like, oh my god, PDA. What is that thing or his friend? That Eve is just like, Yeah, I'm here for more children or I don't remember what she said. But she's just she's walking around just touching people. Men, women. She don't care. Yeah, just whoever is within reach and convenient for her. And you see their veins every time. Yeah. And they like all start freaking out behind her, like attacking other people like brawl. But I love how Eve just still calm is could be just kind of sauntering almost ethereal and her bare feet with the white dress and everything. And she goes back by the pool tables and finds an abandoned daiquiri purchase on a stool, takes it all together, a little beverage is taking in the scene around her. And we thought, okay, they're vampires, because we saw a bunch of people biting it next. But we find out more about this little scene later, but it was quite the introduction to the code, then we get supernatural. Next, we cut to Bobby's basement, Dean is loaded up shotgun shells with the Phoenix ash, and things are moving pretty slow. I'm not sure why I guess they're having to treat the ash for some reason. I don't know, Bobby and Sam come down are like how are we doing? How are things going? Which would lead one to believe it's been quite some time. Right? Right. Like you wouldn't ask somebody to go do something and then five minutes later come down and be like, how's it going? What's the progress? And he's only loaded five. So for some reason, this is quite the time consuming process. I myself have never loaded a shotgun shell. So I don't know maybe that's typical. But I was kind of like, I wonder why it's taking so long. It's not important. That was just a ponder that I had Dean is irritated. Not because this is taking some time, but because he had a little accident where he got the ash on him. And so he shows Bobby and Sam look like smears it on his forearm. He's not happy because the Phoenix ash doesn't do shit to him. It's like what this is supposed to burn up Eve and does nothing to me. But here's my point like silver doesn't do anything to you. Right? Holy water doesn't do anything. Do Calm down, Dean, right.


That's a drama queen.


But they're a little concerned. You know what, what if this means it's not going to work? Huh, and we don't even know where she is. And one of them suggests, I think it was Sam. You said we need an inside man. A monster with empathy.


Yeah, suddenly monster Yeah, who's


gonna care about what's happened? We need help locating them. We need help getting them here. So we think you better make a call Dean. Dean does not like this. He's like, Why do I always have to be the one to make the call? Do you know what he says? Cast is not like Casio lives in my ass. And then when your flip flop, and Sam and Bobby both look over Dean shoulder, and sure enough, Castile has appeared. Dean didn't even have to call him he just had to mention his ass Yep. Dean is surprised and turns around was like gasket out of my ass. And then cast says I was never in your and they share a weird exchange of looks. And then we just move on. Yeah. Quite the see. They ended up going all the way back to Season Two to the vegan vampires who we met, one of which was played by Amber Benson. She is who was captured by Gordon and tortured by the excellent Mr. Sterling K. Brown. Kastler. Eleanor. Isn't that Bo? Oh, isn't there something Lenore with bow?


Oh, no, no,


I think so. Edgar Allan Poe. Anyway, Cassio goes and picks up Lenore and brings her back and she doesn't not look good. Yeah, she's in rough shape, rough. I mean, she's beautiful. But she just clearly is having a rough rough go. Yeah. Turns out all the monsters constantly hear Eve's voice in their head. And it's encouraging them to attack people and feed and change people and all of this like telling them go turn as many people as you possibly can. And all of her Nast couldn't resist, they all took off, left her and are turning people feeding on people left and right. Sam and Dean convinced Lenore to tell them where Eve is. She lets them know. I mean, the second I tell you, she's gonna know you know, like we're psychically connected. And Bobby said, Okay, so we're not going to have the element of surprise. But we still have to start somewhere. So we still want you to tell us. She does. But she tells them it's not out of the goodness of her heart. That She Wants a favor. She says kill me, please. I beg gas. I mean, she's miserable, though. Girl. You could see she's miserable. She's guilty. More than anything. She's scared because she knows she's going to do it again. Yeah. And she starts telling Sam and Dean about the last victim she had. I think she said that. It was a kid who couldn't have been older than 16. And, you know, she's just I know, I'm gonna do it again. Please put me out of my misery. And you know what? She's a vampire. Who knows how old she was? Maybe she had a really good life. True. You know, Sam and Dean aren't the one who do it. They're


very reluctant. Like you can tell they don't want to do it. They


don't want to do it. Especially Sam. You can see it in his eyes. He doesn't want to do it. He doesn't want to hurt her. But Cassiel steps up to the plate and has no problem smites her from behind. Especially effects on that. We're pretty damn good. Yeah.


I like that. He, his reasoning for doing it like that was they needed to get things moving along? Yeah, you know, it's taken up too much time you and Sam


and Dean are both just like, What the fuck just standing there with like, their hands out. Like I was like, shocked. And then I was like, that was really good special effects then. And then I was laughing though it Sam and Dean's reaction as they were just standing there overland or his body. So sure enough, Casio does move things along. He immediately transports Sam Dean, Bobby and himself to the location.


I think was it Grants Pass Oregon.


I didn't write it down. I think that's what it was. You are correct. Grants Pass. They're looking around. And it just seems like a town. That's happy as could fucking be.


Yeah. A little quaint town.


Yeah. I think Dean said I was expecting more zombie land. Not so much Pleasantville. Yeah. I thought that was cute. Kids ride around a bicycle like nothing. Everything's fine. They're gonna have to start from scratch. So Bobby says I need me a computer. They get him an iPad. I don't know if that was product placement or what I'm sure Bobby got really familiar with the iPad very quickly. He was very handy on the iPad. He wasn't happy about it. No, he was not. But he made it work. Yes. So he's going through databases, not really finding anything, not really finding anything. They're sitting at a table in a diner. And Castiel says, Okay, I'm going to search the whole town and see if I can find something that's going on. But then he's still sitting there. And it turns out that Eve has blocked him somehow. Dean was like what you're saying mom's making you limp. I was like, oh, new dean. And I love how Cassiel felt the need to clarify. I mean, figuratively. Yes. In other words, I could still get it up if you know what I mean. Just FYI. Just figuratively. Yeah, I just don't have my powers. Bobby hacks into a federal system somehow, and finds out that a doctor in the neighborhood had called the CDC, so they're going okay, it's pretty serious. It's pretty let's go check. is out. They split up. Bobby And Sam go to the doctor's home. Cassiel and Dean go to the doctor's office. We are working with the unit Casio first so they get to the office and they see a woman leaving and she's walking up. And she lets them know he didn't show up for work today. I have no idea what's going on. He didn't call in. He's not here. So Dean and Castiel decided do a good ol b&e. They go around the backside because she she was course they do. Of course they do. She was leaving out the front. So they go around the back and they're trying to break in. As they do Dean spot some blood on the floor. So of course he goes and sticks his fingers in it grows. No gloves. I thought I thought we had come further than this. They hadn't done the no gloves thing in a while, but not today. Today, we're gonna stick our fingers in the blood outside of the doctor's office who had called the CD right? Yeah, because that's smart. He follows this little blood trail to a little storage shed kind of thing. It was a cute little storage area, actually. Yeah, I thought that was cute. kicks in the door, and they find the body of the guy who got hit on leaving the bar at the beginning of the episode. It looks awful. Looks real rough. Yeah, I thought Lenore looks rough. No, no, this guy like his looks like his skin has been falling off or something. I mean, look real bad. Good makeup. Real good makeup. But damn.


I didn't do a very good job hiding that body. No, just put a little plastic wrap on him. Yeah,


just wrapped up like some site or something like just throw it in the shed. And Dean asked the question, what kind of doctor calls the CDC and then stores the dead patients body in a in a shed outside, right? And like to get gooey and gross and start decomposing out here. This is fucking weird. That so they're just like, Okay, we just need some kerosene, we need to just burn this. Let's just take care of it. Sam and Bobby are leaving the doctor's home. And they've come to the conclusion that he is missing his cars outside. But there's nobody in the house. No bags have been packed. He's just straight up vanished. And after they've made this assessment, and they're leaving, to go meet back up with Dean and Cass cop comes pulling up. This is my friend. I heard he didn't show up to work. And so I'm here to make sure he's okay. Who were you?




I mean, they looked like they were going on a fishing trip. Right? And that they're whipping out their FBI badges. Yeah. You know, we were working a case and we were told to come here instead. But this is just how we wear our clothes. This is just what we're doing. But yeah, Bobby handled that real quick. He was like, it's a really long story. Why don't you put out an APB. I'll meet you at the station and fill you in on all the details. Like you didn't miss a beat, huh? Sam was like, congratulations, you win the gold medal for talking out of your ass. Bobby's just like I've been at this a long time. Okay, I'm a proud. That didn't really happen. But that's what happened in my head. Yeah. But Bobby really says is we're on a ticking clock now. Like, we've been spotted. People are suspicious of us. We gotta get get it going. We got to get the move on on this before of the meetup and they are outside of Ed bright. That's the dude from the bar that they just burned his body. Oh, that's right. That's his name. Yeah. So they're outside of his house. And they're trying to figure out what the fuck is going on? This is weird. This doctor is gone. We found this body. weird shit going on. And Casio was like, I'm just Ed have brothers. They're like, No. So Cassie, I was like, okay, so this is really weird. That's not his twin then, and they look over and the dude is like in the window like coughing away. It's him. It's him. Yeah. Sam and Dean gets worse. It gets way worse. Sam and Dean go and kick in the front door guns a blazing. Like what the fuck because they're thinking it's a shifter or something because they just found this dude's body. What's going on here? Walk in. There's five other bodies strewn about the same money. Yeah, it's all Edie. They're all Ed still in the bruisers. I think that was the name of the team. The bruisers, jersey from the night before. They are all strewn about in different positions. None of them are in good condition. They're all looking worse for the wear, just like the body they found weren't like all of them dead. But one. Yeah, all of them are dead, but one and the only reason they know this one is not dead is because he finally starts coughing and moving. So they're like, oh, god, okay. And Dean's like don't touch anything. But you don't have masks on or anything and you're gonna go get into the personal space of this coughing again, CDC, you have no idea what's going on. And they're trying to tell the head like, No, it's okay. In fact, they find out it's not Ed. The guy is like, they come up and they say, Ed, and he's like, What? No, I'm not ID Sam digs through his pockets or something and finds his ID and this is actually Marshall. This is the guy who was walking with Edie when they were leaving the bar at the very beginning. So they start referring to him as Marshall. And he asks but do I look like Edie? And they're like, no,




you look Fine, and he's like, I think I'm dying. And they're like, No, you're good. You're okay. We just need to tell you, like, tell us exactly what happened. Like, essentially, they're just trying to get as much make it quick. Right? We're here gone. They're trying to get as much information out of him as they can before he dies. And they're trying to keep him calm and not be aware of Yeah, like you're about to be gone. He's coughing spewing fluids everywhere. And they're still just like, trying tell us. So they end up getting the story for him that they were leaving this bar and they ran into this chick, so they know that's what they need to do. And luckily, they get it right before he goes limp, and dice. So they're like job was done. Let's go. Let's go fill in Bobby and Cass. And while they're talking to Bobby and CASS I think it was Cassie L who said, this seems more like an infection. And that's when Dean was like shit, like, where's the Purell? Yeah, I need help.


Now you're concerned.


They go to the bar that Marshall looking like Ed told them about, and it's all locked up. But they of course, do what they do, and kick themselves inside. Because it's I guess it was still locked from when Eve was there, which I'm like, how did she get out? She's Eve. Oh, yeah. Hammonds gonna find a way. She gotta make it happen. They're looking at all these bodies. They're just strewn about all the bodies from the brawl that she had set off at the beginning. And at first dean pulls up the lip of one of them and sees the teeth and immediately is like, Yep, this is a vampire. Ellie and I were very proud of ourselves, like patting ourselves on the back like, yep, we called it. But then he lifts up their hand. We spoke too soon. Yeah. They also have the bone marrow. thing that can handle the wrist. Yeah, like a wraith. Mm hmm. Which we met in SAM interrupted in season four, five. Sure. So they're like, wait a minute, and Dean asks Bobby, what has things and poker, a Jabber. Robbie's like, oh, no, you discovered it. You name it. Dean decides to name them Jefferson starships. I know that was a band. I don't get the joke that they're like, hard to kill. They're awful. And they're hard to kill. I can't think of a Jefferson starships like a no, that's a band. I cannot think of a single song off the top of my head, ya know, so I don't get the joke. Somebody will have to let me know if that if that was a real, real Zinger that we missed out on. Please explain it. As they're talking about it and be like, right, we gotta burn all these bodies. The police show up. It's the same cop that they ran into at the doctor's house and he's brought backup. He's got a bunch of people with him. He's like FBI might ask because the FBI can't do this. We were like, What did he mean by this? Like the break and entering or? Or is it the multiple dead bodies that were strewn about? Probably that one. But they thought all these people were in this bar in the middle of the day. Like I just, I mean, we ended up finding out that it was all a ruse. They knew exactly who they were. But in the moment we were like when the cops take them all back to the station and they figure out their Jefferson starships.


Oh Dean hid at the bar when the cops came. That's right Dean


did hide at the bar. They didn't spot Dean. They didn't take him in. So they just took in Castile, Sam and Bobby. They're trying to fight them off. And luckily Dean does arrive, saves the day saves the day and they're just chopping heads left and right


cavity. The guy that has cast Yeah, the


cast is up against the wall about to get attacked by Jeff princes source but at least do the blood splooge all over him. Was that a splooge? It's kind of a wide spread. Switches are normally more concentrated. Anyway, caskets all over his face all over his shirt. Just like Ruda. And he like chopped the head. It wasn't even like completely decapitated. He like chopped the head like it and yeah, there were a couple of those that happened. So lots of gore, lots of head chop and lots of blood spread. They get all them Jefferson starships, but one Sam stops them from killing the last one because they got to torture them. Yeah, you know,


gotta get some answers.


We need some more information, man. As they're doing this, they hear a noise from the back and they go Sam and Dean go in the back and they discover there's two kiddos locked up in a cell, their heartstrings and I loved how they each went to like their counterpart. Like Dean went and squatted in front of the older brother and sandwich and squatted in front of the younger brother. Little boys were like we were the doctors, kids, and we're just food and that's what they told us. Just being sweetest could


be. The little one doesn't talk since it happened.


Yeah, the older brother said little he didn't my little brother doesn't talk. Not since it happened. I was like, Y'all are both gagged. So how do you know that? Maybe he just didn't want to talk with a gag in his mouth. It didn't end up being important. Sam and Dean buy it hook line and sinker 100% The new priority is getting these children's somewhere safe. And Cassiel tries to say Um, excuse me. We have a whole town of people who are in danger right now.


I'm is yes. Yes,


we gotta we gotta get a move on. We got to find Eve, we got to get this thing going. It's not just about two lives, we got to save everybody. That's the greater purpose. That's what he said that triggered gains. Yeah. Because Dean was just like a bucket stick of the greater purpose. All right, I'd like to just save these two kids, if you don't mind, Cass. So excuse me while we drive 15 miles out of town to take these kids to their uncle, Sam and Dean do that. They just drive to this uncle's house. And we're like, Hey, man, sorry. Your brother's dead. Here's your nephews by they turn around to drive back. We get another Cassiel and Bobby moment where Bobby's being daddy, daddy to Cassiel he's adopted another kid. I know. He's like telling Casio, like 17 are going to do with 17 You're gonna do like, you're gonna have to let that go. So what do you say? You and I go torture that guy together. You know, have a bonding moment of time. It'll be fine. It's fine. Come on. What are you going to do? CASS Are you going to stay here? And how are you going to come and hurt this guy with me? CASS was like, I guess I'll go hurt the guy with you. Sounds like a better time. Yeah. And then after he watches Bobby try to hurt the guy for a little bit. He was just like, just give me five minutes. And we don't see what Cass does. But we hear some screaming.


Right? Because he doesn't he doesn't have his power. So you're like, What is he gonna do in there? Yeah,


but whenever he came out, his hands were soaked. Bloody bloody. I guess he did an angel cavity search without his powers. Oh, oh, he he got the location of Eve. So they know exactly where they need to go.


I think Bobby was a little unsettled.


I would have been do. Don't you think you would be cool? Yeah. Because same thing. Like you said he doesn't have his angel powers. He didn't have a weapon with him. So whatever he did, he did it with his bare hands. Yeah. And when we do see the guy later, this year of guy, he has no head


will and it's like, it's not just like just head on the inside of his hands. Like the whole hand.


The whole hand was covered in blood. Yeah. drenched. I mean, he at least pushed his sleeves up because his trench coat wasn't soaked in it. Yeah, he does. He does some fun. So yeah, that's like disturbing. Like, what do you do? Yeah. Well, my God is really changing. Yeah. He's on a mission. We know that much. It's getting a little darker. He wasn't fucking around. Sam and Dean get back to the police station. That here okay, we know where we're going to get their shotgun shells. They've got two different buffalo buffalo duffel bags. Packed up. Ready to go. Let's go fuck Eve. They're outside the diner looking in. Eve knows they're coming. The sheriff told them. Same thing that Lenore did the second I give you the location like she's gonna know you're coming. No element of surprise here. What are you gonna fuckin do? Sam and Dean said, Okay, she knows who we are. I don't know how they knew that. But I guess it's because the canary incident. She knows Yeah, no kind of thing. But Sam and Dean say you to stay out here as backup. We're gonna go in your your plan B. They go in. And this is the same diner they were at when they first came to town by the way. Yeah, the exact same one where Bobby was clicking away on the iPad. So they're just like, really? You fucking kidding me? Like she's here. And she ends up being their waitress. And the whole restaurant is full of Jefferson starships.


I did like how Sam pulled out his phone to check everybody.


Yeah, camera. I missed it the first time I had to rewind it because I was like, What is he seeing? I totally missed it. But yeah, all of their eyes were glowing like the laser eyes. The man droids. So all of them were shifters slash, whatever. Her children, all of her babies, her new hybrids that she was making. She explains to the guys that she was perfectly content with the deal they had before that her children turned some of them and exchange. She lost her children every once in a while to people like Sam and Dean. She was like it was even it was balanced. I was fine. But then you start capturing my alphas, my firstborns and torturing them, and pulling them off one by one. Now I'm pissed. She also let Sam and Dean know is this still happening?


She really plays favorites.


She does, right? Clearly, like she doesn't care, whatever the newborns get killed, but like you can tell whatever that just happens. But then her firstborn start getting attacked. And she's like, Oh, hell no, hell no. 17 are confused or like, Okay, well, that's not happening anymore. And she's like, Yeah, it is. Yeah, it is. Crowley is still alive. And it's about the souls he's trying to come and get all these souls, and I'm not having it. So guess what? I'm going to take as many souls as I can. How's he gonna like it when he doesn't get any human souls at all? Because I've turned every human into a monster. A lot of work, a lot of work, which is why she's trying to make the Jefferson starships because they spread more quickly. They'll be more efficient. I respect you for that. Yeah. She's being strategic plan. Yeah. And then she lets them know that she had to do some trial and error. I think she said it was beta testing. Yeah. Oops. But she did perfect. Her new monster Her new Jefferson Starship, and Sam and Dean delivered them to a brand new town. In fact, I don't think she said them. I think she said him. Yeah, it was just the youngest, who hadn't been talking. I was like, why is it it was the baby bra? Like it was Salem and season one that got the demon blood and now she's doing the baby brother like he or two euros. Like that sucks. And we sure enough, say the two kids at their uncle's house and the baby brother attacks and kills the uncle. And then we see the baby brother attack the older brother. So she's like, Yeah, that little kid that you took to that town. That whole town is going to be Jefferson starships by the time by by this afternoon or something like that.


Thanks for the assist. Boy. Yeah.


Thanks, good job. You're really helping me out helping with the delivery and all of that kind of stuff. I really appreciate it. She also changes her appearance, by the way during this conversation when she's talking about being a mother yes to their own mother. So we get a nice little cameo from Samantha Smith. She looks fabulous. And I love that Eve just had to be dramatic and have wind blow through her hair when she made the change. Like she's caught up on some general hospital or some days of our lives or something while she's been topside. I was like That is fabulous. Whenever I make an entrance I'm going to have the drama. Right? Thank you Eve the athletic, beautiful blowing as she turned into Mary Winchester talking to them about all of this, taunting them as she's telling them the plan and that they fucked up and actually helped her out. And of course, they are just like, God, and you know, right thence Dean was just like, like, he did not want Castile to know. You like you gotta know, he was like, Oh, damn, It fucked up again. Yeah, we were trying to figure out like, I thought, originally that Crowley was trying to get to purgatory in order to release Eve, which we find out by the end of this episode, not the case. But now the question that I still have is why were the monsters building armies were the monsters building armies to try and protect the alphas from Crowley because he was apparently being so successful that he pissed off Eve. I don't know. That's the only thing I'm still trying to figure out. Why were the monsters making armies? Why were the alphas and the monsters making armies? Yeah, that's the only thing I can think is that they were trying to protect themselves from Crowley. Yeah. But it just seems like Crowley wasn't being that effective if she had to hire Sam and Dean to come help him Catch. Like, how many alphas Did he catch? Hmm. I mean, he did have a prison full of them. I don't know. Moving on. Eve has confiscated their fantasy book. What you heard me. I said fina SAS. Okay. Phoenix ash. She thought she was she was impressed though. She was like, That was clever. You had to go pretty far to get that, didn't you? And Dean was like, You have no idea. I bet she does. Like, the Phoenix is a monster to what she psychically connected to him. Well, no, because she wouldn't have been surprised by the Phoenix acid she. I cannot say Phoenix for the life of me. Eve tells Sam and Dean. So you worked for Crowley before? Why don't you work for me? I want Crowley and Dean says no, no. Like we worked for a demon. But I won't work for a demon bitch or whatever he said. Like we don't work for demons. We don't work for monsters. We're not gonna work for you. And it's like, but you were working for a demon for the vast majority of the season. I mean, come on. It was okay whenever Sam didn't have a soul, but now that Sam has a soul, you're gonna draw the line? No to high and mighty. And Dean is still thinking that he's got Plan B. Yeah. So he's really digging his heels in with Eve thinking that, you know, cowboys out. They still got their Phoenix ash we're good. But then sure enough, some Jefferson starships dragon Bobby and Castile and they've confiscated their shit too. So they're fucked they don't have anything so Eve slash Mary is right up on Dean's back. Oh, he did make the wire hanger like you can be this wire hangers and I was like oh yeah, there's the Mommy Dearest connection that was cute. I guess Eve loved that movie because that pissed her off that was over the line. And she gets right up on Dean's back and it's like or I'll just fucking turn you and then I'll be able to psych li control you and you'll do what I want anyway. And Dean eggs her on a little bit So sure enough she bites him and right away she's just like oh, oh, not right indigestion like a bitch. She starts she first she changes we get the nice wind again. Changes back into brunette Eve her normal form. And she's got Dean's blood all over her mouth. And there's like purple kind of flashing going on around her heart like what it kinda looks like whenever demons get stabbed with a Demon Blade. Yeah. And she's like, Oh, really struggling. And then like this black water stuff starts running from her hairline


like blood coming out of her mouth and nose and then yeah, in the flashes the way they did this was very horror movie. Yes. And it


went on for a little too long. And yeah, Can you just just a smidge too long? It was these intense close ups of Dean just kind of mean bugging her like gotcha bitch and her just being like Who? Who? Like just like slowly, slowly dying and it was just these extreme back and forth close ups.


Not a pretty,


it was not pretty. Which you know what? Good like she was she supposed to be the mother of all she should have been hard to kill and when she did finally get it should should have been like that if she just fallen over that would have been boring as hell. I'm just saying it just went on just a hair too long for me. Yeah, I could see that. The death was fantastic. It just Smidge too long, especially with the really close. Verbal close ups. Yeah. Was it coming from her head? I don't know what was oozing out of her head, seeping through her pores. Because I mean, remember that that was hymen. That was hymen was Eve's vessel. Yeah. Like whatever was in hymen was a so I don't know if that was supposed to be Eve oozing out of her. Or if it was like, I don't, I don't know. It was gross. It was rough. It was a rough way to go. But Eve's done for and I was just like, okay, like Suburgatory was not leading up to Eve because we got her in like three episodes. And she's done. Yeah, they're really zipping through these storylines pretty quickly, like the soulless Sam storyline got solved, you know, in the first half of the season. And then his wall already has been cracked, which I mean, that shit hasn't fallen down yet. Yeah. But that that still happened pretty fast. You know, Eve got released and now she's been killed pretty quickly, but I'm happy they're looping back around to Crowley now. Yeah, this season. Just really lots of twists and turns, twists and turns, twists and turns. I don't know if I like it or not yet. I haven't decided kept me guessing. Yeah, all season for sure. Turns out by the way, that Dean had put some whiskey ass what God dammit. Some Phoenix ash in his whiskey and did a shot before they went to the diner. So he had Phoenix ash in his blood. Smart. It was very smart. Really, really smart. So that's how they got the Phoenix ash into Eve. She did it herself. Yeah. Look at me victim blaming. I'm just kidding. She bet him I should probably cut he's hard to resist, huh? Here's the other thing that Jefferson starships everybody all just stood around and watched her die. I mean, what can they do? Well, once she was dead, then the Jefferson Starships were like oh fuck, and they all start attacking. And Cassiel because Mommy Dearest dead. Cassie, Allah says shut your eyes. And it goes really bright. And we see it from outside. I wish they had blown the windows. Yeah, but I'm sure there were circumstances that were still why they couldn't blow the windows on that set. I just wish they had. It was a nice touch to have the car alarms going off outside true. Yeah, but I do wish they had blown the windows whenever Cassiel did that he smites everybody in the whole joint. Boom done. Bobby's like we need to bring you on more monster fights. Oh my god. My new favorite son. That was really impressive. Then they tell Casio by the way, we gotta we gotta go find those kids. We fucked


up cast his face is like


just like I don't want to hear it. I don't want to. So they go to the uncle's house and they find the uncle's dead body and they are just like, Oh, shit. This who knows where these kids are? They are probably they probably turned the whole town by now. Oh, my gosh, this is the worst. And then Bobby opens one door and the little kids bodies are right there. Bobby's like no problem. Got a couple of dead kids over here. Problem solved. We're good. And they find some sulfur in the doorway. So they're like okay, so why would demons gank baby monsters? Why would they care? Why would demons give a shit? Right? Sam and Dean kind of look at each other. And Dean says, By the way, you've told us Crowley is still alive. And Cass acts very confused by this because he burned his bones. How is that possible? I had everybody saw, you know, how did that happen? I don't I don't get it. You know what I will. I will rectify this immediately. I'm gonna go find out what's going on and cast just ditches. They're just left in the middle of this town. So like, again, call Uber. I don't Bobby and Sam Dean. Get your bus pass. Get back home safe. After your whole ordeal. Sorry about that. Cast goes back to the restaurant. And we see the jukebox play a song. I didn't recognize the song, but the subtitles did tell us it was Jefferson starts Yes. True.


I liked it before Cass was at the diner that Bobby after cast took off was like I mean Oh yeah, I


forgot about that. Is it?


Is it like cast to really mess things up?


After cast took off Bobby and Sam both kind of gave each other a knowing look and Dean just looked so confused. Like What are y'all talking about? Um, there's just like something's not adding up. Yeah. Do you just like no, no, like Have you don't believe this is no no cast doesn't make mistakes. That's what Bobby said. Bobby just like Massey want. I thought I had a new favorite but now he had to turn around.


Yeah, it's not good.


So Sam and Bobby are like, But Dean still keeping the faith. We're back at the restaurant. I do wish they had put on another soul song soul soul music since seems to be Crowley's jam, but it was a nice touch with the Jefferson starships but just saying that's not Crowley's music. Crowley's music is soul music.


Everybody plays


that would have been a good song to play. Yeah, that was his intro song. And everybody in the episode has been played full Yeah, by these Terrell Crowley comes walking in, just


like asked him well,


how many times am I going to have to clean up your messes? And we just both are screaming to cast


his face. He's he looks so pissed.


He looks so irritated. Yeah, the whole thing. Cast and Crowley have been in cahoots the whole time. It's all about the souls death told us what was up back at the midseason finale. It's all about this. But here's my whole thing. Why is Crowley helping Castile get sold for this war machine that he and Balthazar are making? What's in it for Crowley? Because we know damn, well, something's gotta be in it for Crowley. Well,


he already has purgatory right or is he still wanting? Yeah, he wants purgatory. That's what it is.


Maybe whenever he told them, that's why he was doing maybe there's some truth to that. Maybe like he's gonna get purgatory once they find it. Maybe that was the deal. Yeah, Castile gets the souls. But Crowley gets the real estate. So Crowley told us the truth back then, too. He just didn't say he had an accomplice. What's the kind of be the big revelation in Episode 20? Everybody was saying episode 20. I feel like we got it. And this one, maybe it goes deeper. This was written by Adam Glass and directed by John F. Show Walter. Alright, so show Walter. I think he does those close ups and stuff. But I think that that's something that we could expect from him and more episodes. I feel like he did some of those and clap your hands. Did you adore anything about this episode?


I thought it was cute when the boys were taking the boys like how protective and how much they wanted to get the little kids home to their will not home to their uncles. And just like you could tell they saw themselves in them. Yeah, that was cute. Especially


in the Impala. Yeah, there were like hardly any lines in that scene. And I 100% picked up on that. Yeah.


What about you?


I mean, I like that. Things have finally connected for me. It's been driving me crazy all season. And now here we are. Debts dots connected. I'm thrilled. Hi, I'm thrilled. And as and as much as I was bitching about that death scene and that it was just a hair too long for me. It was still good. Yeah, it was it was still quite the death scene for Eve. I don't know that. I'd say I adored it. But yeah, it was it was cool to see something different. Yeah. Gore. I mean, I would say the gore. There was a lot of gore, particularly in the sheriff station whenever they were taken out the Jefferson starships but I mean, even at the beginning, I mean, I guess it wasn't so much gory as it was just violent, but gory, glorious thing. Oh, we did get a blood splurge when the baby starship murdered the uncle. When we did get a splooge on the frame on the mantel, that tense that's happened before where we've had the quintessential family picture on a mantel get blood splooge on it. So I guess that's going to be an ongoing thing that we'll see every once in a while. What about the lore for


the lore? Okay, well, this comes from the it's titled Eve's evil legacies from Gresham College. There are other wayward women in the Bible, including Mary Magdalene, Delilah, Sallie Mae, and Lot's wife, but none competes with the myth of Eve. Her curiosity and just disobedience to God's command loosened evil into the world. She's not a phoenix.




she doesn't follow commands.


Oh, my goodness. It does what you say. Well, he's a daemon I don't care. About Ark Angel. Give me a favor.


All right. Well, the story is familiar. Its bare bones involve Eve being tempted by Satan who appears in the form of a serpent to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which Adam has been forbidden to touch. Eve's plucking, eating and sharing of the fruit was what created time and therefore history. Not only were the serpent and Adam cursed, I mean, come on. But special punishment was reserved for women as the descendants of the original Eve. And Genesis 316 tells us that God told Eve that I will greatly multiply the sorrow and the conception and sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and they shot thy shot. Nope. And thy desire shall be thy husband, and he shall rule over the fuck that, right subsequently, then the myth of E was a monstrous agency has been employed to justify patriarchal ideologies and practices. Since ancient times the story of Eve's curse has led to her and her female descendants to be reviled. And the book of fuck I always forget how to say this.


Why don't you go with what's in the parentheses there? Oh, and


the book of Ben Suraj almost looks like Siracha written in the early second century BCE, Suraj contends that sin began with a woman and because of her we all die. Oh, thanks. That's nice.


You remember that next time you cross me, right?


I mean, she just she was fucking hungry. God.


You know what? That giant phallic shape is what told us to do the bad thing. zactly fuck you


getting mad? Okay. The Christian Church Fathers complain that Eve beguiled her husband by pleasures. Yeah. Well, he wanted to do this. Thus proving to be an enemy rather than a helpmate. I'm


like watching La gets


bullshit, okay. In the call to feminine Areum whatever the hell that is. htert tullian insisted that the descent as descendants of IE women are the devil's gateway. Of course, he addressed women directly charging that you are the unsealing of that forbidden tree. You are the first deserter of the Divine Law. You are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack you destroyed so easily gods that you destroyed so easily God's image man, on account of your desert, that is death, even the Son of God had to die. It's all our fault. It's


all our fault. This is why they're taking all our rights back. Yeah, they're like, oh, fuck we forgot.


And do you think about adorning yourself over and above your tunics of skins? Similarly, another man, John Chrysostom. Maintain that the woman taught the man once and ruined all one star. It was a dumb. It needed to be taught.


We were like, Oh my God. You know, it'd be really good. If you knew the difference between good and evil. Yeah,


maybe helpful. Yeah. Sorry, help me. I was just trying to help you out. Okay. This was why he contended that women should be forbidden to teach Oh, for Jerome DragCon, Teus, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Heinrich Kramer and James Springer to list if you Eve story was proof of female inferior, even evil nature. In more recent centuries, Eve's Original Sin has been employed to justify violence against woman. She's getting better. An obvious example is during the trials of the witches in the the pre modern period when women were accused of being the instrument through which the devil have wrought havoc. Yeah, there's


like Daughters of Eve. Right, right. Yeah, of course.


Although boys and men were also accused of with witchcraft, most victims were the descendants of Eve it was the girls and women many menopausal what? Why is that necessary? Many menopausal ones important to know? Yeah. important to the plot, who were attacked, tortured, killed in the name of the Holy One. They were also trapped in an impossible tension. On the one hand witches were castigated, castigated for being female, weak and insane. While on the other hand, they were affirmatively powerful, with duplicitous intellects and sexualities that could deny access of entire communities to divine love. They were diabolical. Eve's what's


funny is like in science, they're tracking the Eve gene. Oh, yeah. Which is basically if you go far enough back in human history, human lineage. We're all related to some degree, right? If you go all the way back to the Eve Jean, what about the sons of Eve? They're not evil?


Of course not. They're men. I forgot. I'm a witch trials were an extreme use of the myth of evil but even mild rhetorical uses of Eve's name, have served to thwart female prospects and progress. In 19th century Britain, for example, Eve was an excuse to confine women to domestic spheres. A poem by Christina Rossetti portrays Eve musing about her sin a part of the poem reads as a tree my son stands to darken all lands. Death is the fruit at bore the Tree of Life was ours. Tree 12 fold fruited most lofty A tree that flowers most deeply rooted. I choose the tree of death, I Eve Sad mother of all who must live i Not another plucked bitterest fruit Mother, mother of all there. And this is actually from a full 30 minute lecture by Professor Joanna bork, bork. So check out the link in our show notes for more


nice quote, close it out when they were in the diner and discovered that Castiel didn't have his powers. Dean said, Well, that's great because without your power, you're basically just a baby in a trench coat. Cast made a face and looked out the window. And


Sam says, I think you heard us feeling Cheers.


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