Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

My Heart Will Go On (6x17)

• Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 17

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, My Heart Will Go On.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: Berly and LA analyze the latest Supernatural episode, discussing themes of grief and denial. They later investigate a series of mysterious deaths in a small town, speculating on a possible connection to alternate dimensions. Berly reveals an angel saved the Titanic, but the reason remains unclear. LA expresses confusion, while Berly remains nonchalant. They later encounter Mr. Lawyer Russo and analyze the latest episode, questioning Castiel's motives and frustrated with Fate for creating problems.


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy. Hello, la. Hey, Burley on the last episode, titled, and then there were none. Sam Deena Bobby set out in search of the mother of all latest monster. While investigating they run into Samuel and Gwen, who are also hunting the creature. Samuel, Samuel and Bobby get into a heated fight about how to handle the case. It's a very condensed version of that episode.


Samuel dies. Glenda Yeah. Rufus dies.


A lot of some new thing out there. Yeah, swarming around.


Eve is out there making monsters and plans to kill off all the humans. Well, today's episode is titled My Heart Will Go On. It's the 17th episode of season six and originally aired on April 15 2011. We open up the episode with some final destination shit in a garage. A man's garage door opener is busted so he like props his garage door opener with a giant plank of wood and is drinking alcohol to go do something my


mom's garage doors like that?


Well hey,


I'm gonna after seeing this episode and be like you really need to get that fixed. Yeah,


I thought I saw like at some point some wires coming out of the ceiling. I was like, Oh, his garage doors busted because the first I was really confused like why can you not open that right all the way Why are you just opening it partially like that and then I saw the wires I was like Well anyways, while he's you know, drinking and looking at a power tool, like he's about to do something with it, which already not safe. Scotch is not safe. You can do that. But the way he stores his rake and like garden shears or whatever they were pointing and out like,


not safe,


not just there's a skateboard, there's marbles. There's golf balls, all kinds of shit happens where you think he's gonna die this way. And he doesn't think he's gonna die that way and he doesn't Oh, and by the way, this whole thing got kicked off because his beer mysteriously got moved from one point to another. That'll be important later, Wingo Bango, he loses his head garage door falls into capitate some and we get our why does it 43/43 Blood splooge of the supernatural series


Am I don't even keep up with it. And I knew that I


look at you. squirts, and then we get supernatural next we cut to Bobby's he's in mourning.


Is it in the bottles?


Not doing too horrible? Yeah, not doing good. Well, that's what he did when Dean died do you know he's consistent are babo coping mechanism. He's in denial. He's insisting This has nothing to do with Rufus hasn't slept like it's fine. Make me a coffee. Make it Irish. Sam and Dean are just like, This is not good. It's not good. What are we gonna do?


It was cute. Like before Bobby even said anything. He's just sitting there finishing one bottle opening the other. And the boys are just standing there staring at him and they're very quiet. But then they're like whispering to each other like kids. I thought that was adorable. It


was cute. And you were complaining in the last episode? Give me some brotherly moments. I


need some cute stuff.


You got it


every once in a while.


So they're like, Okay, we need to get a case. This weird shit is going on in this town where all these people are dying. Due to these weird accidents and they're all related. This shit seems weird. This is definitely a case. That's what we'll do. We'll distract Bobby. And Bobby kind of hears them talking and comes in and just like get the fuck out of my house. Get out of here. You're annoying me.


I like the dean called him grumpy.


He's like, get So Sam and Dean's like Okay, fine. We're gonna go work this case by ourselves. Then they go out and get in a Mustang.


It's nice.


It was a nice Mustang. But it's just inexplicably there.


I was confused.


We were very I was like, we must be in an alternate world again, alternate time. Like I said ultimate dimension. I thought we were in an ultimate dimension like we were with French mistake again, but that's not what happened. But I did notice they had the original license plate but que ese is on investing. This is weird. And also when they get in the car, Sam was saying like, Are you sure we should wait for her to get back? And he's like, no, like, let's just go ahead and go. So I was like, What the fuck is that about? We end up finding out and it was adorable. And it breaks my heart. But that's just not the storyline going forward. We couldn't have kept that right. I loved it. We then see Ellen gets home to Bobby's, and she's unpacking groceries to make dinner and talking about how she had been out hunting with Joe for a week. So Ellen and Joe are both alive and She's letting Bobby know that she knows that he's grieving. And that he's sad in reverse meant a lot to her to right there as they're talking back and forth. Ellen teases Bobby that, you know, yeah, that's why you married me and we were like, Oh my God. Yeah. So then we both were like, Oh yeah, ultimate dimension alternate dimension. Again, not the case here. Sam and Dean are checking out the deaths of all these family members. And they're not really finding anything but they do find in the garage, a gold thread that upon further inspection is like pure gold. weird shit. Something weird defined in this garage. Oh, chaos, this pure gold threat. So then they split up and Sam says, I'm gonna go check out like genealogy records. And Dean's like, Okay, I'm gonna go interview one of the interviews who's nope, one of the relatives who's still living that is this Shawn Russo. Boy, your guy and let me tell you guys, Dean blows the interview.


It does not like oh, well.


Dude is asking the most random like, at first it starts out okay. He's like acting. He's like he's from genealogy and he just wants to learn more about the family. And it just takes a real hard turn like not smooth at all. Like, are there any Nazis in your ties


to Nazis?


Yeah, I just did you own people like, just terrible. Just real, real hard turn. Yeah, so the lawyer guys, like get the fuck out of here. I am talking to you. And he's just like, Alright. Oh,


no, but the deeds like no, you're in danger. And he's like, Are you threatening me? And Dean's like, No, but you're probably going to dice or he says something that is absolutely a threat. Even though he's not mean if you


don't watch your back, you're gonna die soon. Yeah, there you go. Well, he did get out of him that his family is from Italy. And they all came over on a boat trip. So we did get that I think he said 1912. In the meantime, we go and see a young lady who's working at a travel agency and she's trying really hard to sell certain destinations. But this person is apparently going with something boring because they were talking about William Shatner, I assume Vegas. Hmm. I don't know. She seemed bored by all this. Then it like freezes. And this blonde woman carrying a ledger comes walking on the scene, digs her car keys out of her purse and tosses them over by the coffee machine. prances out, and then we come back, like the freeze frame ends after she's off the screen. So the woman immediately goes to her purse, starts digging for keys, can't find them. turns around, sees them over by the copier. I was like that's weird, gets up to go over to do it. And then knocks over a vase of flowers. The copier starts going crazy. It's like sparking. She's like pushing buttons and reaching around the copier. Ellie and I are both like what are you doing? Get away from that do not touch something that's sparking. Why would you I mean, I do. Well, yeah, we will. We learned that in the last episode. But I don't recommend it. Yeah, I learned my lesson the hard way. I wouldn't do it now. Right? You know, I've gotten zoomed enough. So we're trying to figure out okay, she's about to get electrocuted. What's going to happen? No, the copy machine gets a hold of her beautiful little scarf that's around her neck, and starts feeding it through the machine. And she is slowly choked to death. The actress did good. I was like she died real good. I thought it was believable. I applaud her performance, I thought she did really well. Then the woman from earlier pops back up on the screen and just marks her off. And we see the gold thread fall from her bookmark on her ledger, this woman's who's behind all of it, but we don't know who she is yet. Dean is on the phone with Elon talking about what they found, which isn't a whole fucking lot. And Elon is saying listen, this shifts happening nationally, Joe is in California dealing with the exact same thing as you guys. So I don't know what this is. But it's bigger than where you're at. This surely is connected.


It was a little nostalgic than being on the phone with Ellen.


It was and I liked seeing the whole network. Right. Like we didn't actually see the network. But hearing that Joe is with a team in this location doing their case. And they've discovered clues and have reported in and now Dean and Sam are doing the same. And they're connecting this. That was cool. That was cool, because we don't get to see that very


often. And Ellen and Joe. Nope. Ellen and Bobby are both doing tons of research, trying to help them out


working the phones and collecting all the information doing all the research and everything. It was really cool. I liked it. It's


always good to see Ellen or Joe. It is actually after the way they went. I


know, based off of the research that Ellen and Bobby had been doing. Ellen brings up that a common factor they have been able to find from all the victims is that all of their families have come over immigrated into the states on the same boat. Dan is saying like okay, like what boat and island goes the Titanic. Does that mean anything to you? And everybody's like no, never heard of it. So now Ali and I again and are just like, Okay, this is definitely an alternate universe. Because no one knows anything about the Titanic, right? Sam starts typing away on his laptop he looking up the Titanic trying to figure out what's going on there. And he finds out that the first mate was named IP freely. That's suspicious. So they start digging into IP freely. And it turns out there's a picture of the whole crew and they get a nice look at Mr. IP freely. Who is of course the angel Balthus are deep V neck himself. Mr. Deep Bay, the brothers then summoned Balthus czar to be like, Why the fuck were you on this boat? What do you have to do with this? You clearly have something to do with it. And Balthazar is like, okay, yes, I did. The ship was supposed to sink. But I saved it. I saved people. You guys love that kind of thing. Why are you not proud of me? And then dean and Sam are both very confused, because they say you can't change history. That was something that was established back in season four, you can't change history. But apparently the rules have changed. There are no rules anymore. You can do whatever the fuck you want now. So I was like, okay, that's new. I don't know how I feel about that. But whatever. Anyway, so this is the same timeline is just completely different. Because both is are saved to the ship. And it turns out the reason he says he did it is because he hated the movie. The song was terrible. And he just wanted that gone. And because he saved that ship and the passengers on it. They're rough estimating. There's about 50,000 people who were alive who were born and shouldn't have been all because about this. And now they're saying okay, well now something's going and killing all these people who were so proud of saving others. I was just like so. And, and and like he doesn't care. As dean is kind of egging him. No, like, you need to help us out this just blatantly blurts out. Oh, you must have me mistaken for that other angel. You know, the one who's in love with you. No one reacts to this. LA and I certainly did. Oh, but yeah, I was like,


what just happened? I


was uh, he just thought it. He just said well, bound


to see Dean's reaction. Nothing. Not a reaction. Not surprised.


I was like, I guess this timeline is Dean is perfectly aware of it. Or maybe in this timeline. They've had a discussion or something who knows? But like no reaction. We're hilarious. Yeah. Isabel bizarre is just like, yeah, I really, I really don't care. Like I don't have time to help you guys. I'm out. And he just flutters away flip flop. Oh, the other thing I do, this is important. The other thing, Bobby, no. The other thing valve is our tells them is that Ellen and Joe would be dead. If he hadn't unsynched the Titanic that they would own an Impala. It's not important to worry about it. Oh, and Elon and Joe, they'd be dead by the way, they would have gone out in a blaze of glory, a giant explosion if I hadn't done this. So now the guys are really torn because originally they're thinking okay, so easy fix would be to sink the boat. But now, if we sink the boat, we lose Ellen and Joe. Again. Well, not again for them, but not so. Well, it does end up being again for them because Casio makes them remember in the end. That's right. Yeah. They call Bobby. And Bobby says the same thing. Oh, well make him go unsynched the boat problem solved. They're quiet and they're being weird. So Bobby's like what's what's the problem? They're just like nothing. Low. Bobby went. You want to try that again? He knew right away, something's off. So they tell Bobby and of course same as them. You whatever happens don't sink the boat. don't sink the boat because he can't picture his life without his Alan now, just Oh. Are they trying to think of next steps? What can they do? We don't know where to start. And Dean kind of brings up? Well, we know who one of them are, who one of the people that's going to get targeted is let's go talk to him. The next day they go talk to Mr. Lawyer Russo. And he's on his phone. Sam and Dean are trying to get his attention. He steps into an alleyway spins around a yellow thumb almost gets hit by a delivery driver who has spilled his coffee. But Sam and Dean pull him to safety. He flies on the sidewalk. He's pissed off. He's like, Get away from me you raise a man who was asking all the offensive questions in my office the other day? I don't I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to hear from you. And as he's saying this, he has stepped off the curb is walking out to the street. I'm surprised you didn't say it again. La that he did not look both


ways. True. Also, you don't just stop in the middle of the street to turn around and talk to somebody go to the other side before you do that.


I was very unsafe, very unsafe. He gets plowed down by a bus so bad. It was good special effects though. Yeah, it was really good. It looked amazing. And the facial expressions that Sam and Dean made afterwards. were hilarious. Yeah, I particularly liked Sam's me too cheap grimace. Oh, I even show the back of the bus. And it's the lawyers ad on the back of the bus and Dean points at it to laugh with the ground is covered and his blood is all over the place. And Sam looks at him like he's crazy. And Dean says, too soon. The same goes yeah, yeah, I think six seconds is a little too soon, Dean. I thought it was hilarious. I had already seen the ad and was already laughing about it. So as they're looking at this carnage, Sam starts scanning their surroundings. And he spots fate, checking off her ledger and a little peekaboo window to a door in a like, rented out coming soon restaurant space across the street. Dean says let's go talk to her. And like shows his gun you know, talk to her. Yeah, cuz you're just gonna shoot bait, but they decided this is a good idea. Let's walk over there and try to have a conversation with fate and find out what's going on. They walk in there looking around, they have their flashlight, and it freezes again. I liked the shot of the clock. And the emphasis on the clock stopping time. Fate. She is pissed because she turns on every single gas stove in this place. And I want to say there were at least three. Yeah, and big ones. They were huge. Like we're talking lots of burners here. I want to say she was turning knobs for like a good Yeah, good. 30 seconds, letting in a lot of gas. And then time starts up again. Dean's flashlight starts to flicker out. So Sam says Don't you have a lighter? And as they pull out the lighter there? It's really suspenseful, because it's not lighting not lighting. And is it how to choose? No, it shouldn't be and then it finally sparks and we see the fire come up, and then both put their hands in front of their faces. And then all of a sudden they're in the middle of a field with trees all around them and Castillo's there.


He really does love them. Good. Oh, Cassie.


They're like where are we? And he says white Russia. He explains to them that this is fate. They've pissed her off. Because they thwarted the apocalypse and have essentially made her job useless. She has no purpose anymore. She is going and trying to rectify the fact that all these people exist now who shouldn't? But yeah, she's also going to take out Sam and Dean just because they pissed her off. She's just a vengeful little bit. She's just mad. So Cassio says so you know what we need to do to fix this is obviously kill fate. Let's go kill fate. Balthazar has a weapon because of course he does, always is always going to have a handy dandy weapon. Devi, he's gonna pull it out of his magical deep V Cassiel. recommends you need to tempt fate. Sam and Dean do this by going on a walk on the sidewalk. Oh, Mike, where there's bicycles and skateboards and dogs. And then there's these people putting out a little sidewalk show. And they just walk right through the middle of their show. Because there's axes and fire. They're playing one way or another, which was just an odd choice of song. No. But I guess it made sense. Because fates after them, and she's gonna get them. I don't know. It was fun. But I was also like, what is happening? At the same time, I didn't particularly like this scene. Out of all the dangerous things that we've seen them do like this is going to be the thing that's going to tempt fate. They're walking on a sidewalk. In the meantime, Bobby has filled Elon in on what's going on. She's snuffed out that he knows something. He is not telling her and she got him to tell her and they're sitting down and having a drink. And I loved the extreme close ups here. They were nice. Yeah, I really liked the use of them. Emphasizing the intimacy between these two characters I felt like and the seriousness of the conversation that they were having. Ellen basically tells Bobby that if what we need to do is unsynched the boat, how else I mean fate is gonna come for them. Anyway, she doesn't say that. But she will. Anyway, if this is what she's doing is she's going and taking people off the board who aren't supposed to be there. That's going to include Ellen and Joe at some point. But Elon just kind of tells Bobby like, if we need to go we need to go and Bobby's like but we need you. Especially me. She was like, I know when it was just so sweet. And they really did well with conveying that this was an intimate long term relationship in just a few scenes. Yeah. I I'll go ahead and say it I adored the Bobby and Ellen aspect of this episode. I wish we could have had more. Back to Sam and Dean on the sidewalk. Turns out there's like a giant it's not a piano. We aren't we aren't doing Mystery Spot here. It's not a piano. But it's something there's a giant something that somebody was trying to move up through a window on a higher up floor and they lose control of it and it's falling and it's about to smash Sam and Dean who I love that they just, oh yeah, they're just the not shocked faces or anything just little but Cassia I'll stop time this time and calls out fate and she comes out and she is bitching him out. And she tells him she fucking knows Balthus art and NSYNC that ship because of a stupid movie. She says that's 50,000 souls. And 50,000 strong. You're using them for your war machine. I was like, oh, fuck, I like started slapping LA's arm, because that's what death was talking about. So now I'm trying to think okay, death was saying you guys are onto something. You're on something detectives, like, keep digging. What does this have to do with Cassiel though?


Seems like he's being shady. I guess he's being real


shady. Because even though he never confessed this to anything, he's acting very shady in this episode, as she's saying all this stuff. And while she's calling him out, and telling him okay, you know what, I'm gonna I'm gonna kill Sam and Dean if you don't unsink the ship if you don't have Balthazar do it and he was like, Oh, I don't control about this orange. She's like, yes, you do. He's under your orders. Oh, it's all very shady about this are tries to come and stab her in the back with one of his little fancy weapons, but Castile stops them, because she essentially threatened if you kill me. My sisters will come after Sam and Dean. And they're bigger. They're bigger in every way. And it's not like you're in the middle of a war right now. Right? Like you could easily keep an eye on them every second of every day like she has a point.


Putting them in a corner. Mm hmm.


Castillo tells mouth his arm go resync the ship. Undo it all the Save Sam and Dean. Fate called them Castillo's favorite pets. But I'm just I'm still sitting here be like watch shady. What's he doing? Um, so he's collecting souls. What is I'm trying to what does this have to do with Eve? Because the Purgatory stuff was all leading to Eve right. And even though Crowley got killed they still I don't know. I'm so confused. I'm so confused. Anyway, Sam and Dean wake up and they're on the Impala. And they are realizing they've had the same very weird dream about Balthazar on sinking the Titanic because of sleep. Oh, and I loved that My Heart Will Go On was playing on the radio when they woke up. That was a nice touch. That made me chuckle Yeah. Castile added that there on purpose to help them with their with memories. When they wake up. Castile explains to them Oh, yeah, that all really happened. And you guys remember because I want you to wanting you to remember that fate is coming for you. Or I don't know. I don't really understand why he just wants him to remember. Okay. Oh, you know what? I know why he wanted them to remember why? Because the alphas are told Dean. That's what I thought that he loves him. I totally love it. And he wants to remember


just that one moment. Yeah.


But like I said, I do think it's cruel, because they remember how happy Bobby was with Oh, no. And that that's been taken to even reference it. Whenever they go back inside, they find Bobby on the couch. And they're like, that's probably the best use felt all week. Let's let them just sleep. And then they said something about he won't. Let's never tell him so he doesn't know what he lost. Yeah, I'm just like that. What a burden, you know, last them.


And Dean goes and put some blanket on him. And


I know, this was written by Eric char mellow and Nicole Snyder, and it was directed by Mike roll. Two in a row from Mike. All right, Gore. Other than the intro, I don't think there was very much gore. I mean, the woman the fact that we were staring into her eyes as she died when she was choked


to death. Yeah, well, pretty horrific. And the bus hit. Oh, I


forgot about the bus hit. Yeah, but I would say the intro and the bus hit. Were the two Koreas. Yeah, both done well, yes. I liked the special effects in this episode. use sparingly but used well. It was nice. Some good fun gore. Did you adore anything about this episode? Well, I


know we already said we both adored the Ellen Bobby relationship. But I also liked the confession that


confirmation. fellas are telling that passes. I know. Bobby And Ellen, that's I adored Bobby and Ellen. Yeah, the confession was fun to you. And I both screeched at that. That's why That's why Cass wants them to remember. He says it's he totally said made some speech about them remembering fate or whatever. But I'm just like, No, that's not my. He's like you remember. You remember everything.


But what about done the back of your mind?


I did this for you. They were like you basically killed 50,000 people for us. And Cass was like, Yeah, I did. And he's like, no. You know why?


What about lore for lore we have. We're talking about fate and we learned her name and the show was Atropos Atropos. It's titled Atropos the inexorable fate who severs life's thread Probably didn't say that right. And the vast and intricate tapestry of Greek mythology Atropos stands as a figure of finality and embodiment of an inevitable fate. She is one of the three more more i Moya I Moy Ray, or fates often depicted with her sisters, Klotho and laccases, who together weave, measure and cut the thread of life that binds mortals and Gods alike. Atropos whose name means inevitable or an alterable is the sister who cuts the thread of life signifying the end of a beings existence in the Mortal Realm. It's kind of like death. Yeah, she is often portrayed as an elderly woman holding a pair of shears poised to cut the threat of life. This year, sharp and decisive are a symbol of her unyielding nature. Her actions are final her decisions irreversible, marking the inexorable, or boundary between life and death.


So I guess that was a trope house. I guess she like sets up the circumstances that are going to kill you and then death actually comes in, touches you so you die. Yeah, in the realm of supernatural, right.


Her attire is usually modest and unadorned, reflecting her serious demeanor and the gravity of her responsibilities. Unlike other goddesses, there's no allure to her appearance. Her image is a stark reminder of moralities inevitable and her personality as gleaned from the myths is stern and unyielding. There's a cold inevitability into her actions devoid of emotion or hesitation. She doesn't revel in her duty, but she performs it with a stoic resolve that commands respect and fear.


I feel like she rambled on a little bit in supernatural. Yeah, yeah, she seemed real upset about not having her job anymore, that her


interactions with other deities and mortals are minimal limited to her function as a harbinger of death. There's a certain detachment in her demeanor, a lack of personal involvement that underscores her role as an impartial executor of fate. Atropos like her sisters are devoid of romantic and entanglements or familial disputes that often characterize other deities. Her essence is singularly focused on her duty, making her devoid of the usual tales of love and loss. The origins of adipose and her sisters are rooted in the primordial essence of the Greek, sorry, the ancient Greek cosmos. They are primarily considered the daughters of nix the goddess of Knight, who was believed to have birthed them into existence to govern over the fate of gods and mortals. This lineage underscores the fundamental and ancient nature of the fates, linking them to the very fabric of existence. The birth of Atropos wasn't surrounded by fanciful tales or or extraordinary events. It was a divine ordinance meant to uphold the laws of existence regardless of her parentage. Her childhood if one could term it so was devoid of the whimsy or adventure that characterize the youthful days of many other deities. From the onset. Her purpose was clear, and her demeanor was seen as serious as the role she was destined to play. I feel kind of bad. Kind of sucks. That job? Yeah, just like her life, too. Yeah,


no love. No. Yeah. That is kind of sad. She seemed real hung up on keeping it though.


I mean, she's good at her job,


I guess, serious about it, but I like the actress and her portrayal of the character as well, especially after hearing more. She was very much about it. Like I gotta just keep to it. Yep. All right. Well, quote, close it out from Dean when he tells Sam, accidents don't just happen accidentally.




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