Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

The French Mistake (6x15)

• Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 15

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, The French Mistake.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: Berly, LA, and Unknown Speaker discuss their experiences with reality slippage, including strange occurrences and alterations in their surroundings. They analyze various Supernatural episodes, expressing admiration for Balthazar's performance. LA praises Jared's acting skills, while Berly finds the sound effects for kisses to be weird. They also speculate about Jensen's potential role similar to Thor and discuss the surge of sweetness on the set.


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy.


Hello LA.


Hey Burley. Last episode was called mannequin three. The Reckoning you loved


that anatomy dummy.


I just really impressed with him. I looked amazing. But however we digress. On the last episode, Ben calls Dean and tells him Lisa is in trouble. Dean leave Sam to investigate a case alone and rushes home to Lisa. However, he's not prepared for what he meets at the door. No. Meanwhile, Sam discovered the men that were murdered. Were all a part of a cruel practical joke played on a female coworker who went missing bastards.


Well today's episode is titled The French mistake. It's the 15th episode of season six and originally aired on February 25 2011. The episode opens up with Dean bitching that there's no more alcohol in the house telling Sam that fortunately, even though it's crazy weather outside Bobby went on a supply run.


I like he said there's no more hunters as he was like showing him the bottles


empty. Hunters helper Yeah. Just like in this weather and he's just like, Yeah, I mean, he's a trooper.


You really good.


Good All right, was suddenly Balthasar appears it is deep Bina and it's deep V and I told you I was like, Okay, I love Sebastian rochet but I was not on board with this Balthasar guy at first. I was surprised when he told me this. Yeah, I just wasn't he seemed like a substitution. And so that made me just kind of like,


rubbed you the wrong way.


Yeah, you can show off your DP all you want. You're not gay. I'm not gonna make up for Richard, but I don't know. He's just he's growing on me. I tried to resume what?


When? What is it? What the Jensen? We're not to Jensen yet. No, Dean. What is it the Dean says he


was like I said, Hey, about this. I was like you did? Twice. Good for you for you. I can't help it. I fallen for the deep fee. He got my GED. I mean, he's not number one. Oh, of course. But I love him and I love how he's like Cassie and Rafi and drama. Oh my like, there's so much stuff going on. This whole time. He's just fluttering around collecting these ingredients and explaining the plot of the godfather to Sam and Dean. Like,


this is what's happening. We're in The Godfather.


And Sam and Dean are just like, What the fuck are you talking about? Balthazar was like keep up you fucking idiots. Okay, Raphael is the core loanees And he is taking out everybody. And that includes you. Here's this key to the magic room where I've hidden all the weapons, hold tight to it. And then before he can help them run away because he's painted a sigil on the window. Everything. There's a lot that happens in those episodes, guys, very fast, very fast pace. Keep up.


Good luck.


He goes flying back across the room. He's like, Oh God, it's Virgil Virgil's here in Burj. Yeah, he was so flattered. He was like I was flattered really that they sent virtual after me. He took out one of my lungs. And he like showed off his middies and as deep fee whenever his jacket was open. He's an angel, and he's like, huh, and then he flew across the room. It was special. I said, Ron, and he pushed out his hand. Sam Dean went flying through the window. The transition was perfect. Like, yeah, cut was fucking good. But Sam and Dean suddenly live on a crash mat on the other side of the window, and they're actually on a set.


You said live? Did you mean land? Probably.


They lived though. They were living there. True. They were living and the directors yelling cut and she's like, What the fuck just happened? So they are now in an alternate reality where their lives are the plot of the television show. Supernatural. Dean Winchester, is Jensen Ackles and Sam Winchester, is Jared paddle lackey. Their stunt coordinator Lou bolo comes running over like smacks Jensen on the ass and it's like Great job. Good job, buddy. And before they can even talk to each other, they're split up. Somebody is taking Jensen over to a makeup chair to get his makeup off of him and he's very upset to find out. He has makeup on. Yeah, I


love he was like I'm a painter. The whole was


very dramatic. Oh awful. Jared is dragged over to do an interview where he finds out that their shows not that popular apparently. I'm looking at all this and I'm going so is this the actual set is this the actual soundstage that the sets are built on which, if you're a Patreon member, you're going to get to hear a little bit more about that. And our bonus that's coming out. Tempting little tease there for those of you who are not Patreon members, Dean and Sam reconnected they are talking about this bizarro world that they're in where they are these actors, Jensen Ackles, and Jared battle lackey. I loved how Jensen was like, What's your polish now? And I was like, I'm really impressed that Dean knew that good for him. I wouldn't have known that at the time either. I didn't know that. Congratulations, Mr. Winchester. He's not just looks right. He's got a brain in there. They're realizing now what has happened that Balthazar used this spell on the window using these ingredients from Bobby's house, and has sent them to another reality in order to keep them safe because this key is locked up all the weapons and Raphael is trying to get the weapons so he can take out Castile and all of his helpers and whatever. So they know all this drama is revolving around Cassiel. So of course, the next logical thing to do is to pray to cast yell and ask him to come help them well,


and I thought it was weird that they're they discovered this like he's sitting there praying to casts and then it pans over and there's just like a sliver of like, between two walls or something. And cast is just there like staring at them for some reason.


Deal. Breaker breaker. That was like the magic word. Like it worked. There he is. There's cast and so they go running over and they're just like, hey, cast, like what the fuck is going on whom they think is cast yell looks at them at first a little confused, but then he kind of like shakes it off. He says, Oh, I know what we're doing. Oh, I get it. Yeah. And he like squishes his face and gets into character. And he's like, Yeah, this is going on with about the Tsar and more where there's my Castillo voice. And he's going he's going through the plot with them like saying the lines he thinks that they're running the lines real quick. Sam and Dean are both like we understand about the weapons we understand about Raphael. We understand like all this other drama Balthazar filled us in very quickly, and very metaphorically, he was in The Godfather, but whatever. Like we know, we know Cass. But what's up with this bizarro stuff with the US being on the set of a TV show? Like what's happening with that? And at this point Casio well, using finger quotes, breaks character, and it's just like, What? What do you were there new pages? What are you guys talking about? Any stores flipping through these pieces of paper? Sam and Dean are both very confused at this point. So of course, this person who they think is caste the next thing they do is start undoing their clothing, because of course, that's what you would do. He undoes his tie on buttons his shirt to reveal a very bright blue t shirt underneath his very white button up shirt.


I mean, when would you not do the same if they're standing right in front of you?


I wish there just wasn't anything there at all. I mean, if we're just going to have him awkwardly start undressing for no reason whatsoever, just get rid of why was that T shirt there get right you got us excited for no reason, right? I was just he started pulling up pulling apart that tie and I was like, what is happening? Here we go. I'm doing that shirt and then it was like blue t shirt. I was like, okay, Dean looks at the pages and I was like this is a Casio this dude's name is Misha,


and then just like the way he they deem we're gonna fuck up well that well this episode is gonna really really mess with me. I don't know I loved it.


You were like his face. His face


was just just gusted so set damn


and Dean like shove the script back at Misha and take off. Ameesha is just like, Oh, you got me. Oh, you got me. And then he pulls out his phone and talks out loud as he types out a tweet to his Misha migos I love it.


He's like, hey, Misha, amigos.


J squared really got me. Next step, Sam and Dean stumble upon a big fancy trailer with a sign conveniently outside the door that says J Ackles. So Dean declares Oh, that's fake me. So this is fake mine. They go inside. Dean is very happy to see his accommodations. There's a giant toy helicopter in there a massive fish tank on the screen. They have scenes playing that we're pretty sure it was bloopers because they randomly showed at one point Jenson wink at the camera and then Jared like look over his shoulder and wink at the camera as well. We were like We don't remember that scene. Yeah, what was what episode was that brought? I wouldn't remember They're going through the trailer trying to figure out what they can about Dean's other reality, persona, whatever you want to call it, Jared pulls up goddamnit. Sam pulls up a laptop, and Google's him and he's like, oh used to be on a soap opera and they play an actual clip from when Jensen was on days of our lives. Dean is just not happy with this. He like slams the laptop like no, we don't need to look at that. We need to move on. While they're in here, Dean comes up with the brilliant idea of hey, during that whole chaotic intro to this episode, that sigil that bath is our drew on the window with the lambs blood and the Saints bone, and the sea brine and all that I memorize the ingredients. I memorize the symbol, and he like draws it on a piece of paper to prove it.


He was listening.


So it would be happy. He was observant, because both his art was like you said twice good for you. He was like, I'm gonna memorize everything.


All right, but yeah, I got your number.


So he draws a sigil. And he holds it up to Sam be like, see, we just need to do that exact same spell on the exact same window. And that's going to spit us back to where we were right. They go back to the set and are going through Bobby's pantry, right. But it's his fake pantry. It doesn't have real ingredients. They don't have an actual vertebrae of a saint up in there.


It's rubber. Everything's a prop. Like it's not real.


They're very disappointed. The knives are rubber. They're like stabbing each other fake Bob singer walks by and it's just like, What the fuck are they doing?


Also, like the big thing is throughout? Oh, well, at least they're talking. Yeah, at


least they're talking at least they're talking at least they're getting along. So they have a fake Bob singer. They have a fake search the sweetness. They have a fake Jim Michaels, tons of people who actually work on the show, but they have for almost all of them actors portraying their characters. I don't know much about Robert singer, but apparently, according to some supernatural fans, he can be a bit of a misogynist and what have you. I'm not saying they're wrong. I'm just saying I haven't seen the stuff that shows that they're right. What I have saying is that he's a little bit daddy.


Well, I will say from the pictures you showed me I was like, I get it. Yeah,


right. Like the actor they chose to have portray Robert singer, I wouldn't want him bending me over his knee. You know, right. But the real one, the real one. Let's talk


have I been? Nevermind. What were you gonna say other than not?


Have I been a bad girl, Mr. Singer. He was good in the role. Don't get me wrong, like, but I'm just saying Anywho. So the fake Robert singer in this episode is just baffled by what's going on with his two primary leads throughout the entire episode, but at least they're talking so he's just gonna let it let it play out. Sam and Dan can't find any of the ingredients on the set for this television show. Thanks, Shaka. So now they decide, okay, we have to look elsewhere, we need to go somewhere else. They leave the set and go outside to get in one of the mini impalas that they found on the set earlier which Dean almost vomited over. Yeah, whatever you


saw. Well, the one guy was like, just putting like dirt all over the windshield, making one of them real dirty. And then he he looks over and there's about four or five of them and different disarray, like different conditions. And yeah, he was like, I'm gonna be sick.


And I loved that. He was like, well, at least my baby made it. Does your baby crashed through the window with you and Sam, why did you really think that that was your baby? Yeah, true. Come on, Dean. Also,


like you saw multiple like, clearly, you know, and you already knew things were props on the set. You didn't think the cars


would be to note but he was like, let's go get and baby. We gotta go find these ingredients because we gotta go gotta go. Well as they're driving off, babies like a button, a button up who's not having it. Then Dean gets really pissed off. And it's like, of course, because it's a prop. Some poor guy is like chasing them down. Be like Mr. Ackles. Please, please stop. He gets out. And he's like, How the fuck do we get off this set? Where do we go? So they get in a car with a driver?


Cliff. Little clip? Yeah. Clint, Jared. Yeah.


So as they're driving, he's like, I'm okay. Like where am I taking each of you? And Dean says, Well, I'm just I'm just going with him to wherever he goes along. Yeah, the guys like same thing. Well, Lucia, we're talking like this is a big running thing that they apparently are not friends in this universe. And I was like, it's the Romy and Michele thing all over again. That was


good when you when you reference that I was like, Oh, she's good. She's good. It's


right back to what dreams or whatever that episode was, was the same thing. So they go to Jared paddle Lucky's house, and it is fabulous.


Yeah, it looks almost like an English Manor. It's here. Yeah.


I love that walk in And Sam goes I guess I'm the star of this thing.


will indeed says, Yeah, right. He's really


impressed with his fake self. And there's like a tanning bed in the middle of the living room for some reason and giant pictures of Jarrods face


I have to say I loved it when they did the shot of Jared and then Jen's face in the in the painting is like right behind him. I was like, Oh, we know it's coming down. She's gonna be coming out soon. Dean's real


like you got a camel out back and then we hear it's in a packet dumb ass and we pan up to Genevieve paddle Aki at the top of the stairs. Looking fabulous. Yes. And Dean, of course is just like, Ruby. Oh, my God is Ruby. And she's just like, Yes, super funny. And he No funny Jen's Yeah, that just kind of made me laugh. Like, does the Jensen in this world make that joke a lot? Like, what is that? Because she just seemed over it from the get go.


Well, I wonder Well, I was thinking because clearly, apparently they don't get along and doing the show. Right? She's probably like, What the hell is he doing in our house?


I think she even said, You've never even been in our house before. What the fuck are you doing here? And they're like, we're here to work. We're here to do actor stuff. She's just like, Okay, well, I have to go to my otter charity, my otter charity event. I love how serious she was. She was very serious. Otters


are adorable. And they built those dams. And they mate for life. And they sea otters are devils they hold each other's hands so that they're together and they don't drown. I don't know if that's right.


gentle reminder that in cell theaters. So they're part


of the in cell movement. Apparently cool. That's, that's cool. They pulled in the Otters too. I genuinely have never heard that. That's crazy.


I believe I believe that out guys, because it's disturbing.


I'm not happy, but I'm just gonna do it.


So Genevieve goes to her otter charity and Jensen and Jared goddamnit. Sam and Dean.


Can I just say that Jared in the scene playing Sam. Jared not knowing he's married to this woman. I mean, I think he might have had an inkling since she came up and just laid a kiss on


him. The sound effects for kisses were weird. Yeah, I didn't like it. Uh, he was just


so awkward. And then even just as a wife, like seeing my husband make those faces like after I kissed him and all that I would have been like, honey. Okay, what's weird here? Let's go on. But yeah, he did a good job. Yeah, like, just being almost struck by what was happening and confused. But trying to put a straight face on it was very good.


They're acting throughout this entire episode.


Well, I think Didn't I say at one point there, them being better. They played bad actors really? Well, yeah.


We aren't to that scene yet.


But yeah, okay. Okay. Yes. Remind me when it comes up? Well,


you because you loved that scene. I did. I did. Genevieve leaves. And so Sam and Dean get to work. So they go to this office where there's like this massive cowboy, portrait portrait of Jared, like a riding horse. They're working away on their laptops trying to find, find these ingredients that they need. They got to hunt them down. And at first dean is saying this is the travel plan that we could do to get there in time to get this upgraded. And then same goes over, we could just fucking buy it, bro. Like holds up a credit card.


I thought it was gonna be the AMEX black card. You know, that's not what it was. Maybe it was but it looked like it had some sort of weird riding on it. It was black. Oh, okay.


Maybe it was. I don't know. I noticed it was black. Whatever Jared held up was black.


He was out


quite a bit of car. Yeah. Throughout the Sam and Dean. Both were they were like going through these credit cards, buying all these ingredients, making plans to go pick everything up at the airport the next morning, which I like how


he said, Oh, it's gonna be at the airport tomorrow morning. Where are my packages at airport that I can pick up the next morning? They don't tell me that you don't have that block credit card, I guess. Oh, I guess you're right. Not that I'd want to drive to there. And he


called someone who spoke Spanish to them. Oh, god, that was so funny. Remember? Bleh? No, hey, he speaks better Spanish than I do. And I took several years of Spanish. I


took a couple of years of Spanish and then I worked with people in the kitchen. I can speak kitchen Spanish. That's about it. I can't even do that. And it's pretty, pretty pathetic. Anyhow,


they go get their box of organs and blood and bones and whatever it is that they need to do their spell. They go back to the set. It's bright and early first thing in the morning, right? So they're thinking that they're gonna have plenty of time to do what they need to for their set. But then Robert singer walks in, and he's just like, oh, wow, great. You guys are here for the first run. That's awesome way to go. And they're just like, we're kind of in the middle of doing something. I love how Dean. He totally thinks that they run the show. or something? Yeah, so he like goes up to like, can


we clear this?


Robert singers like, Um, how about this buddy? WILL FUCKING clear the set whenever we're done shooting the scenes that we need to shoot today. How about that? And he's just like, Yeah, okay,


I liked I was like you're gonna do the extra stuff. We're gonna do the camera stuff and then we'll glue this set. How about that buddy?


I think this is before casts saw the box it was like hey, what's in the box? And Sam goes, Oh, we just bought somebody's body parts. And I was like okay, cool. Nice. I can't remember if it's before or after but I want to do it right I think you're right. What did you address that that happened before I forgot because I thought that was hilarious. And Misha is outfit and that scene what was going on with that? Caller? It was so big. It just I didn't think I didn't see that. So big really like what is happening. Okay, so the fake acting, I will super I was gonna say I'm gonna turn it over to La because she adored the fake act.


It was okay, well, first of all before they even started acting. The lady is there like touching up? Me she has hair there ready to go? He just shakes his whole forearm and shoves her away. Well and I Jensen No, not just D Dean went over to Sam before this and said hey, I think we're gonna have to actually act like to get through this to get everything cleared out. Their terrible acting was super shifts in his chin


closer to the chest.


And eyes up just look real weird. going toward cats


is a serious face. He was serious.


It was a weird, serious. It was disturbing, like, and then he looks down and he didn't make his mark. So he he shuffled over and got his mark. Real proud of him. So it was very proud of Yeah. And so they're going take after take because the directors sitting back there going, what? Cut what is happening? And then they keep doing it. Jared continues to keep looking bizarre. Did I say Jared? Jensen Dean as Jensen continues to look bizarre. Yeah, I feel like he even got worse.


And then Sam as Jared in the background just kept like changing his nose. He's like,


just awkwardly like moving in different positions. Like, I like that we're both sitting here doing this like people could see he didn't


know what to do with his hands. Like body drive, put them in my pocket. Do I pretend like I'm thinking like, to


the best part was when Sam who's playing Jared says he comes up closer to Misha, and he pulls out what he puts one hand out in front and then he says there's a key so if there's a key and he puts the other hand out in front of them, there must be a lock and I told Burley I said I feel like he's trying to be like Shakespeare esque and his is acting and he commits


to this because I'm really good every time Robert singer is like caught do it again. He does the exact same thing again and again and again like he really committed to this is what I should be doing to act out these lines Yeah, and then I love how at one point he like stops and starts explaining to Dean because if there's a lot of walks gonna do it's not clear clearly adding his own dialogue to this like explaining things out clearly it was just it was so funny. Few things have gotten me more excited to hopefully see cheered battle lucky in the boys than this episode. Like I was. I'm in the boys so bad. Yeah, I


want to see it. I'm excited. I hope is it yours? Okay, we don't know. Yeah. Oh, no. Yeah, I hope so. Cuz Jensen on the boys is like top tier. Epic. Iconic.


I want Jerry to play Victor who was like the boys answer to Thor. Oh,


well, you know, I


love my thought he was modeled after Hulk Hogan. So he has like the whole Cogan stash. Can you imagine?


we digress


we do we do. So after they finished their terrible acting scene where Misha is just like what the fuck is going on and everybody is very confused. Serge is saying it's a complete and utter disaster because yes, there is a surge the sweetness on the set I don't know if I said that earlier but I'm pretty sure I did. It's very important that we know there's a surge the sweetness on the set because something happens later in the episode that I need explained. I need I need details and it surrounds the fake surge this weakness. They try they finally get the set cleared. Everybody's trying to freak like is freaking out all the all the set people in this room. reality we're all freaking out going with a fluke is going on with Jensen and Jared dropping a lot of F bombs. I'm sorry, but they're trying to figure out what's going on, which isn't a Jared, something's weird for those F bombs on something. Are they eating body parts? We don't know. It's a mystery Misha tweeted something and people are talking about it. So all this is going on. Sam and Dean have gotten the set cleared because they finished doing their acting duties and have performed the spell and jumped through the window, but nothing happened. They're just adding to the drama at this point where people are talking about them because they just jumped through a random window for no reason as far as everybody else is concerned. They go back to the trailer, the J Ackles. Trailer Dean says, I know that spelt was right. I know we did the exact right ingredients. I know we did the exact right sigil so why didn't it work? What's going on? What's the problem here? And Sam brings up Hey, I was talking with Genevieve Ruby before I slept with her under false pretenses that I was her husband. Gross, Sam. Gross. But anyways, I was talking with her. And nothing that happened in our world has happened here. None of the earthquakes none of the apocalypse stuff. demons, angels, all of it. It doesn't exist. There is no heaven. There is no hell there is no God. No magic, nothing. There's so there's no magic. And so there, it's not going to work. Maybe it's just not going to work here. It's the land of TV magic. But not magic magic. Dean says, I don't like that. Anyhow, we're back on set. And they're showing a motel room that we spent way too much time looking at and talking about? Well,


I think but I think we did that because every other hotel motel room has been so cohesive. So perfectly like that. Yeah, theme of whatever it was. This one was weird. It


was weird. There was like this iron and ceramic artwork on the wall. They looked like they were dancing. I like got up and did the poses for each of the art pieces. Wonderful.


I couldn't see it until burly demonstrators.


Yeah, I had to demonstrate. But then it pans over and there's like a very, I want to say like 50s 60s 70s table, two chairs, table pans over more to the room. And that was like very 60s. PAISLEY design. Something just,


I'm so used to the theme going throughout from the little


partition walls throughout. Yeah. This one just threw us. Yeah, it was like it was what is this wire mismatch? Yeah, it very much. We looked at this room, like three times. I didn't


need to catch it. You were you rounded. I meant when you said I got it. I got it. It wasn't important guys. This This was not a good motel room.


Here's the set designer guys favorite.


Didn't How dare you. So then


we see like, then we see what we're supposed to see which is the glowing sigil on the window to the motel room on the set. It's glowing and pulsating and throbbing. And then Virgil who we heard Balthazar talk about in his little chaotic speech at the very beginning, when he showed up at the beginning and jumping. Oh, that's right. He kicked off the Czar's asked before about this. I was like, run deep V and tity. Well, we


don't know what happened after that. Well,


it doesn't matter. Virgil is here now.


Right? He's back.


He come to town. He landed on the side of his foot and I was like, oh my god, are you okay?


I said, did he spring?


Are you okay? Because he does not have His angel power here. But Virgil don't give a fuck yeah. And you know what? It turns out that Virgil was the one who was supposed to be protecting the weapons. So honestly, verge I am surprised that you are still out walking around and that Raphael didn't already take care of you. Failure. Sam and Dean are there. The Bobby's room set? I don't remember what they were trying to accomplish here. But Mr. Robert singer is there to confront them. He's just like, Guys, you can't do poppers on set. I'm like, What are poppers?


I have no idea.


Let's google it. poppers or Amyl nitrite are a liquid drug that can give an instant high when inhaled. They are typically considered unsafe for people to take poppers have widespread recreational use the drug can cause euphoric effects and act as a sex enhancer by relaxing the anal muscles. But Robert was like no you can't do poppers on set. Why did he automatically assume that they were trying to relax they're assholes.


mean there's some good looking guys on that said don't blame them.


You too can do whatever terrible you realize what I said oh my here to do whatever you want to in your in your spare time, but you cannot be please. poppers and relaxing your muscles on set. Okay, Jared and Jensen.


Oh my god.


I was so happy you two were talking to each other again. That's amazing. That's one you're full. You gotta get it in check. So it's at this point. Oh god, I'm so out of order. Because this is whenever Sam realizes he doesn't have the key. So earlier whenever they were unset, they ran into Virgil, and he actually comes walking up to them right after he lands in the thing. So they're in the set. They just finished doing the spell. It didn't work, yada, yada yada and they run into Virgil. And Virgil like tries to smite them. He tries to put his hand on Dean's forehead, and it doesn't work and he's really confused. So Sam and Dean then kick, Virgil's ass, Lou bolo. And the stunt, the two stunt guys come running over and interfere. But Virgil grabs Sam's jacket and stretches it so that he can switch his sneakers hand in there and take the key. I don't know why he reached over in front of Sam's jacket and pulled it nice and tight so he could reach in and take the key, but he did. They zoomed in on it. So we got a really good clear shot.


I feel like maybe because it was away from his body. So he didn't feel that hand going in. Oh, you know, but


he was on the popper. So he was all relaxed.


I can't.


So Virgil gets the key. And he runs away like a computer game character or something.


He was running on a metal great, but just it


was the set from the Dragons. It was the Dragon Lair.


And you called it I did. Oh, good. Notice we


just watched that episode recently. So people are looking at Jared and Jensen thing in their psychos because they been hanging out together. They're buying people's body parts. They just tried to beat up this person who they think was a random extra onset. And they call Sarah gamble, the showrunner to complain. And they're saying like, we don't know what's going on. But we really think that you need to get Eric crypkey to come yell at them and scold them in order for it to be effective. And the Sarah gamble character is just like, Okay, fine. I will try and didn't


want to get it first.


No, she was very attentive. What


does that make me look like? Yeah,


she's like, I'm supposed to be in charge. And I'm supposed to do that. But whatever. Fine. Yeah, his Octo Cobra pilot isn't filming yet. Which we don't know what Octo Cobra was. Is it real? We don't know. Kind of interesting. I'm a little intrigued though. Like I'm not gonna lie. In the meantime, Virgil has gone and hidden away in May shows backseat and that is not a euphemism. He is literally unleashes backseat. So Misha comes out of his trailer. This guy is like goodnight, Mr. Collins, and he's like see a little fella little fall a little bit gets in his car. And he just sits there just like happy as could be for a moment and then pulls out his phone is like Do you ever get the feeling that somebody's in the backseat and then virtual like lunges forward and puts a knife in his throat. And Misha screams at his facial expression. I like Hit pause. I died laughing Oh my god.


It was a very high pitch scream. He's got a good high pitch.


Face. I love the facial expression. He made his


mouth wide open. Just terrified.


It was so exaggerated. And then I told la I can't remember if it was a Kings of Con episode. I think it was it might have been supernatural than now. But it was definitely rich. And Rob and Misha talking that Misha was talking about how he had done an episode of Supernatural where he was getting to kind of portray himself and that he had told them he wanted to be like the douchey aspersion of his himself possible. Oh,


he could have done better.


I feel after the episode aired his manager like call them and congratulated him on such an accurate portrayal of himself or something.


I mean, I would have said Are you fucking kidding me?


I gotta go find the king as a con episode and I'll send it to you but it's now I didn't have you know context whenever I listened to the episode still made me laugh but I didn't have like full context now that I have full contacts. fucking hilarious. So funny. So Virgil kidnaps Misha takes him to a dark corner




It was that Holly? It


wasn't your right there was a homeless person I


assume watching well in a dumpster? Yeah, like they are an on set anymore. Virtual is just like insulting Misha, but what do you say Puppet Strings something?


Yeah, it was basically what I got from it was we're just married. These humans are just Marionette strings, played by someone some higher power


and I was just like this Virgil is no Urial Yeah, no, he's not as poetic as put downs. Were not as good his insults were not as men I


will never forget


plumbing on two legs. Never miss Uriel though, but I mean Virgil tried he did try and he was very intense, but I'm not gonna remember I don't remember it now. Right? I


Got his point, but it didn't stick. It's not gonna stick with me


way Urial and Robert wisdoms delivery of those lines tear was just like seared in my brain so yeah, but yeah he murders but good


for you. Oh no no no no good for you murder.




Misha throat and like has a magic little cauldron like what Meg has had when she's done her calls in the past. And he calls up Raphael to beg for his help because he's he's got no powers here, right? He's got no angel Mojo here. He can't do shit.


And all the while there is a homeless guy around the corner watching all of this. Yes,


sneakily. He's hiding around the corner just being like rightful is going on. Oh my god. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Don't let him know. There's witnesses. So now is when Robert singer confronts Sam and Dean about no poppers. And that is when Sam realizes, Oh, fuck, I don't have the key. Key got snatched. We got to find Virgil. They go back to Jerry's house. And Genevieve comes around the corner and she's just distraught, crying. She's like, Oh, my God. Misha is dead. He got stabbed to death. Sam and Dean look at each other and then look at her and go where at the same time. She's like, What the fuck, but she apparently tells them because they are able to arrive on the scene while investigators are still there. And they hear one of the investigators interrogating the homeless man who saw everything as they walk by the dead body where blood has moved vertically through the sheet somehow, after the COP is done talking to the homeless man, they go talk to the homeless man because they heard him say ninja turtle so they're just like up. That's our guy. We gotta go talk to him. And he's like, he cut the crying attractive man's voice.


Not voice no the throat attractive crying man.


Yeah, the throat. And he used his blood to make a call. And the weird thing is I heard someone talking back. He told him to go to where he came through. And that he would use his magic powers to reach through and pull him through into the other world or whatever.


What's good for that guy. Good for him that sat there and watched the happen super observant. And he took diligent notes. Yeah. And then told the whole story to the cops. Good for you, guy.


You did? Well, I'm happy that Dean paid him. Because he earned it. Did he? Yeah, he gave him because we started talking about how we wish our money was color coded.


That's right.


Now we know Virgil has a way to get back. And they're just like, oh, shit, he's got that key. We gotta go get that key from him because Raphael cannot get that key. If Rafael gets the key, Game over, man. In the meantime, they do have a little bit of a sidebar. Or Jensen says, Sam, no, Dean, Dean, Dean says, I mean, it wouldn't be the end of the world if we got stuck here though, for you. Because your life is pretty great here. Like you've had it rough since you were fucking six months old. And here. You got the sweet life. And that's when mansion a wife. And that's whenever we have our Romeo and Romeo, Michelle, where Sam says, but we wouldn't be friends. That's my Sammy. Sammy. It is just like so I don't want to be here like our lives don't mean the same. I want to go back. We're


not us. We're not who we are here. The whole episode we we learn what Jarrods life is like,


Hey, we've learned a little bit about Jensen. He's got a helicopter and a fish aquarium. Yeah,


that's all he's got.


He was on soap operas and he's from Tech.


Mash. You know, if that's all he's gotten, he's happy. Good for him. Good for him. But yeah, I just thought it was weird that we learned about Jarrods life rather than Jetson it. We didn't know much about him. I thought that was a little odd.


We didn't get to delve into Jensen. Yeah, but I guess that's Do you want to delve into Jensen? Before this happens, we have Robert singer, mate and SUV out on the lot. And it's crypkey. And I have to say, guys, this was a missed opportunity. They should have had Eric crypkey portrayed by Rob Benedict. Chuck should have been Eric crypkey. In this universe. When


you explain that to me. I thought I thought that man, the actor


who portrayed Eric crypkey was very similar to crypkey. Physically, like they did good in that respect. Yeah, if it was Chuck who stepped out of that SUV and it would have been perfect. It would have been perfect. Surely that dawned on the riders? Yeah. So I just feel like Robin and it must have been busy doing something else and wasn't available, because why else would they have not had that be Chuck and imagine him doing that fake that death scene? Oh, yeah. It would have been so good. It was quite dramatic. It was so dramatic. So anyway, so Eric crypkey gets out in his Like, yeah, like I'm gonna go talk to them. I'll rile them up, Bunk it, I'll get stuff going. And then one of the PAs is like, Oh, wait, hang on. Isn't that that extra who they were beating the shit out of earlier. So Robert singer and Eric Kripke, you both look over and Virgil is just coming out them. And he's gone to a gun store and he's gotten locked and loaded. Like he is ready to go. He's ready to take out anybody who gets in his way. Just Strutton. It was very runway. I felt like his walk. Yeah, he was not in a hurry. He was not in a hurry. Oh, good with his jacket, and his shotgun that he was carrying. He looked good. Virgil, good. He's just pound in that runway. So Eric Kripke is like, I'll smooth it over. I'll go introduce myself. And then the PA is like, um, he's got a gun right as he pulls it up and pulls the trigger and shoots Eric crypkey. Does this stop Eric Kripke keys character from walking forward? No, no, he


keeps 10 news on Yeah,


he keeps trying to walk toward this extra to shake his hand or do whatever. I don't know what he gets shot again. And then he keeps going again after the second shot is still walking toward the extra the random extra with a gun. It takes the third shot to take out Eric crypkey


Which is I mean, if it was real life truly amazing because he's shooting him with a shot. Three times


Eric CryptoKeys fictional character is very resilient. Yeah, and determined for him. And then he pulls out a handgun Virgil pulls out a handgun and takes out Robert singer with one shot. Yeah,


he didn't need to do three he


does one. And then they did this dramatic shot of Eric Kripke ease body like just spread eagle on the concrete. His bullet wounded his gut smokin. But still, why was that not robbing addict? I gotta know. You're right. Yeah, that should have been robbed Benedict. guns blazing. So Virgil goes into the set. He's just bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. He takes out Kevin parks and Lou bolo, Sam and Dean kind of dodge out of the way and this is what I need explained to me. Okay, just randomly search the sweetness, his fictional characters on the set. Everyone else is dodging or getting shot, and he just stands there. But it does show whenever Virgil tries to shoot him. He just like leans back.


There's one shot that goes and then he leans back and another shot goes, yeah, he's


just literally dodging the bullet just dodging bullets. I need that explained. How is surge the sweetness?


Is that bad. I


guess he's just that bad house. He was not scared. Surge. The sweetness survives the wrath of Virgil. Sam and Dean attack Virgil as he's trying to get ready to get pulled through this portal by Raphael. They get the key from him. The sigil is pulsing and throbbing on the window again. I loved this, that Sam and Dean are in the wrong place at the right time that Raphael snatches them to pull them through the window and it freezes and cuts the black. And the reason that's so fucking hilarious is because when the episode started, and Sam and Dean crashed through a window, Robert singer, the director and Serge led the source search the sweetness, we're looking at the playback and right whenever they smashed through the window, it was going fuzzy for some reason, they were like we don't know what happened. It's like technical difficulties snuff film. It's not this and they were trying to figure out how to fix it. Kevin Parkes recommended to them just do freeze frame and cut to black. So I really loved that they ended up doing that later in the episode. That was hilarious. It was perfect. Yeah, it really was. It was so perfect. I loved it. Now we're back in our normal supernatural reality. This is Sam and Dean, not Jensen and Jared. And we have a new Raphael vessel which we figured was coming she didn't expect this though. Because she's only critique she didn't need all that makeup. Yeah,


too much blush. She didn't need it. Cuz she already had those amazing cheekbone.


cheekbones were fab. All I can think is that like the lighting must have been different in different places. Yeah, to where you could see it more in some lighting than in others, but she's stunning. Oh, gorgeous. Yeah,


I'm excited. Just the power. She exuded


scar pantsuit on, she's just like, Give me the key. Ooh. But then Balthazar shows up and it's just like, oh, yeah, that's a key like a locker at a bus station. It doesn't do shit because I'm gotcha. Gotcha. I already gave all the weapons to Cassiel we literally just use Sam and Dean to distract you. It was a decoy so that I could get everything over to him. And then Castile shows up and does his big dramatic wing and trance thing


I did like seeing the wings again. It's been a while. Yeah,


it was nice. Yes. It looked good. And Cassie, I was like, Yes. I have all the weapons. Like don't forget, I'm


a fucking Angel.


So Raphael says, oh, fuck and pieces out. And then Sam and Dean are just like, seriously, Fuck you guys. You just used us for that and about the stars like Yeah, sorry. Bye like you're good. Thanks, guys. See you later. Bow. Those are pieces out. Casio is polite enough to teleport them back to Bobby's house. He doesn't always do that. Right? So, and they were just like, seriously cast What the fuck he's like, Can I remind you if Rafael wins like we're all fucked. So I'm sorry that we had to use you as a little bit of a diversion, thus the game by any pieces out. And that's the end of the episode. Sam and Dean are just kind of left there being like, what the hell? It was written by there's no surprises here. It was written by Ben Edlund and directed by Charles Besian. I would say the glorious stuff was the murder of Misha. Yeah,


well, I mean, well, it Eric crypkey. Like the gun.


Oh, yeah. Eric crypkey. Yeah, down nothing knows is no solution. Right? We're freaking hilarious. It was. I've never seen an episode of television. This meta before in my life. Yeah. Yeah. It was crazy. It was so good. Okay, so that kind of leads us just into the next phase. adore. What did you adore?


I mean, I loved the mixing of the worlds. Yeah, like, I mean, it's just, it's too fun. And I love that they went and did that. I don't know. I liked it


a lot. I adored it. It was so good. If you can't make fun of yourself, who can you make? Right? As and I love how much they leaned into making fun of themselves. Like I said, I know from that I kinda find that episode. I'm pretty sure it was a Nissan kings, a con episode where Misha said, like, I want to be the douchey as possible version of me like, and I feel like all of them leaned into that. Oh, yeah, even Genevieve Padalecki, who runs a sustainability company? Whatever. She was like, well, alpacas are the greenest animal. I was just like, okay, so even she leaned into let's totally pump poke fun. Yeah, so I loved it. Yeah, it was so good. And all the little things, just the freeze frame thing. And just, I'm not critiquing the cast of Robert singer. I'm just saying in my cast of Robert singer is. It's Richard Gere, right? Yeah. I wanted to Robert singer that I would have been like, give me a popper.


Oh my god, okay.


What about the lore?


I think I'm just gonna do the first one. To parallel universe story. Not to, we're talking about her Morel




Purell? Do


you know about Purell? Talking about Purell? Okay, okay. Okay, we're talking about parallel universe stories from unveiled on Watchmojo other dimensions and apparent glitches between here and there continually crop up in actual real life. So here is a parallel universe story that will make you question reality. There is the incredible story of Lorena Garcia from Spain and 2008 when Garcia was 41 years old, she posted onto a Spanish online forum asking for help as she'd come to believe that she may have jumped into a parallel universe. According to Garcia, the world around her had changed in subtle but definite ways leading her to think that one morning she had simply woken up in a different version of the reality she had lived in up until the night before. The first change was her bedsheets, which naturally, I wouldn't recognize as well, which literally, she did not recognize as belonging to her. At this point, confused, but still not suspecting what was to come. She got up went through her usual daily routine and went to work. But when she got there, she found a known people in her building, and then that her name had been replaced on her office door. After a little searching, she found that while she did work for the same company, she was apparently employed in a totally different position, which, hey, if it's a higher up position, good for you, girl. Right?


What's this position? Yeah. The


day before everything had been as it was normally. But today, everything was different. By now Lorina was beginning to get seriously worried. And so she visited her doctor to check for her physical abnormalities, including the possible presence of drugs or alcohol in her system, which I don't think she would know that unless she thought she was drugged, right. But she was given a clean bill of health. No substances were present, and she was sent on her way. What about psychological?


Right testing?


Like that's what I would? Yeah, good. Things quickly got even stranger though, however, when her own boyfriend was nowhere to be found. And when she then came to learn that she was in fact still with her ex boyfriend, who she'd broken up with a few months beforehand, her entire life. had seemingly rewritten itself. Other members of Garcia's family were at the least the same people but more inconsistencies kept coming, including that her sister had apparently no longer had soldier, Soldier shoulder surgery despite Garcia distinctly remembering that she just recently had been to the hospital for the procedure. And also that many of Garcia's messages and emails had apparently disappeared too. For the most part, the rest of the world had drastically changed but this one person's personal life had dramatically altered. And while it's difficult to verify the story, some believe that Garcia had fallen victim to a reality slipped, slipped. A reality slip, leaving her just a few timelines removed from her original life.


Quote, to close it out. Whenever Sam and Dean are realizing what's going on, Dean said, Why would anyone want to watch our lives?


And Sam says, according to the interviewer, not very many people do.




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