Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Like a Virgin (6x12)

• Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 12

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Like a Virgin.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: Berly and LA delved into their shared interests, including Supernatural, medieval studies, and dragon lore. They discussed the TV show 'Dragon's Den,' expressing disappointment in the lack of gore but praising the lead actress's acting. They also explored the origins of dragons, drawing on historical records and mythological accounts. Later, they discussed the aftermath of a plane crash that resulted in Penny's disappearance, their investigation into paranormal activity in a small town, and their hunt for the demon's lair. Throughout, they analyzed characters' emotions and actions, provided insights into clues gathered, and discussed the significance of various objects and events.


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series.


I'm LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now, let's get tipsy. Hello, la. Hey Burley.


It's our mid season premiere, and we have a couple of reviews to celebrate today. First, we have cheers to burly and LA. Who is Jelka said Burley and La are wonderful and hilarious. When I listen to their podcast. I feel like I'm watching supernatural for the first time. I just can't listen to them in public because I always laugh out loud like crazy. It's a common. Yeah, it's a common criticism. Really


common theme. Yeah.


I hope that one day I will be able to buy them a drink at the supernatural convention. Oh,


you don't need to buy us a drink but just come say hi.


Say hello to us.


But we'll take the drink too. Right. Okay, another one we have from purple ice 90 titled Hey asked but right, which I don't think I've ever been called that before. But all right. Okay.


I'll take it


and they say this podcast is easily my second favorite supernatural podcast. Sorry, ladies. Robin rich can't be beat. We understand.


Yeah, I'll be topped by Robin rich any day. Oh, ooh.


They say I love the blood. splooge count. Of course, the thirsty commentary as you say what all of us think anyway, this podcast gets me through my workday. Thank you for being awesome, funny and caring about our boys and their lives the way you do. Oh, you sweet thing.


Thank you. Well, let's roll it back to our midseason finale, which was titled appointment in Samara. And that episode, Dean sought out death guest star Julian richings to help get Sam's soul back. Death told Dean that he would help if Dean agreed to act as death for 24 hours. Meanwhile, Sam decided he don't want us all back and he asked Balthus our guest star Sebastian rochet. For a protective spell to keep his soul out his body. He didn't want it shoved in there. Well, Balthazar told Sam that he needed the blood of his father for the spell the work. And since John Winchester was dead, Sam went after Bobby. But unfortunately for Sam, he didn't finish that spell. I mean, fortunately, he didn't because Bobby lived but he got that soul shoved back on. And that brought us to today's episode.


Today's episode is titled like a virgin. And it is the 12th episode of season six. It aired on February 4 2011. And it opens up in a plane a small plane. I think it's like a Cessna. I really don't know what they are. But whatever.


I don't know planes. It was tiny. Yeah, it


was a small plane going through the storm over Oregon. There's a couple in there. The guys flying the plane. I was gonna say driving. That's not right. The woman is very scarify Yeah, she is scared, which I would be to in that tiny plane through that storm. It was a pretty good looking storm.


Yeah, there's a lot of lightning everywhere. And that plane looks like it was made out of aluminum. Yeah, I wouldn't want to be up there. And


she glances out the window and there's this just like, weird splash of green freaks her out. And he's trying to calm her down. He's like, you know, just just close your eyes. Think of some more now. Nice. We're gonna get through this. It's gonna be okay. So she does this. And he's like, I think he's like, think of a beach or something. I think of a nice play. Yeah. And then there's this like, crashing sound and glass has shattered through the front window. She looks over and Stan, who I guess she is her boyfriend is gone. Yep. And Windows gone, too. Oh, was the whole window gone? Yeah.


Broken. I


thought it was okay. Well, that makes sense. And then so the lady we learn is Penny. And she's going down in the plane. Poor thing was terrified this whole time and then even more so. Yeah, nightmare. Then we're back at Bobby's and Cass comes out from doing his angel cavity search on Sam. And he tells Dean that Sam school school so seems like it was skinned alive when he touched it.


It's in place though.


Yeah, it's well yeah, it's


like it's where it's supposed to be right? Yeah.


Death did a good job. Put it right back where it needed to be. Cass and Dean exchange this little heated short combo that cast is not too thrilled about this happening. Dean's like Well, alright, bro. Yeah, happened. And he goes to me Bobby, I think Bobby's desk or somewhere in Bobby's house and by Bobby immediately sees them and just pours them a drink. Yeah, put the glass down for them a drink. And Bobby shows him the plane wreckage from Penny and Stan's plane, which I like that they're always like, shown something. They're like, Oh, well, what's this? How does this correlate with what we're doing? This doesn't seem like anything to do with us. Yeah. Every time. Bobby explains that the girl is gone. Nobody she's just missing and that the guy was found miles away. And he was basically filmed aid. Yeah. Hello. Sam walks in from he's I guess he's been unconscious this whole time since he got us all back. So he apparently woke up walks in. And it's just Sammy Sammy back to Sammy himself, puppy eyes. And yes, and he's like, Dean walks over, gives him a big ol hug. Gives Bobby a hug that Bobby's very clearly uncomfortable with.


Well, at first, he was going oh my god, Bobby, like, I saw you get your next next snap like I felt Lucifer snap your neck. So he was totally caught off guard that Bobby was alive. And then was thrilled to hear that Cass was still alive too. And that's when you and I were looking at each other and going, Wait a minute. He doesn't remember anything.


Right? Yeah. So he's like, basically, coming right out of that situation. That was what the end of last season ended the


fifth season. Yeah.


Yep. One of them asks, like how he's doing, how he's feeling or, you know, what's whatever, and he says he's hungry. And then as I sit down and talk to him while he's eating, I think a sandwich. Dean asks him what he did remember, and he says that he remembers being in the field, and then he woke up in the panic room. They tell him that, or do you think it's Dean mentions that he spent a year and a half in hell? Yeah.


That's what we figured out like, holy shit. That's 180 years. Yeah. No wonder his soul is so messed up.


No wonder that wall was needed. And everybody was like, Don't put it back in. Dean tells Sam about the deal he made with death. And Bobby is not real happy with him. Tell him revealing this stuff to him. He doesn't think it's right. Honestly, like Bobby's reservations in this whole episode. I'm like, I get it.


See, I couldn't tell if Bobby was having reservations about Dean lying that Dean just tried to be like, yep, like, that year. You don't need to know. Just moving past it. Not so much about telling Sam about what happened with death.


Yeah, yeah. So Sam, I think Sam goes out of the room. And Bobby tells Dean that, you know, he's got it all together. Just happy go lucky with this situation that, you know, 10 days ago, Sam went Menendez on him trying to kill him, rightfully so I would feel the same way. Yeah. Then Bobby and Dean are leaving to go investigate this wreckage of the plane and they found out there were other missing girls and whatnot. But Sam shows a pattern over just like you did earlier. He's like, Alright, let's go. What are we doing? Where are we going? Bobby's like you know what, you boys go, go do your thing. I'm not gonna say I'm like, starting to notice Bobby's like distance from him here. And yeah, so then that's where I think we're where we learned that there were two other girls that went missing within the same area that Penny and Stan's situation happened. They're all young and female. And while they're in the car, Sam asks Dean if he really did give it a try to go live like a life outside of this. And Dean tells him he tried for a year. I mean, he did for longer than that. Because otherwise it would reveal like, You're the reason I didn't.


I stopped. He was just like, it didn't work out and turned up the music. And that was like end of the conversation.


Yeah, they go to talk to was it Penny sister or her roommate? I don't know. I can't remember. Well, anyways, someone that lived with Penny. They did live in the same way. Yes. And she reveals that Penny and Stan had just started getting serious and that she was terrified to go up in the plane but when any way to please stand and show him that she was interested in him and trusted.


Yeah, maybe that was their next big step. Oh,


that didn't go well. And then when they get back to the motel Sam discovers that the other girls that went missing were I can't remember did any say they were like baking cookies through the Lord or something like


that. He said they were good girl. Yeah, good girl. Good. Dean.


Somehow just hones in on like, Oh, yeah. Are they? Are they virgins? Because I still heard diary. Yeah. Oh, that's right. That's where it was. Yeah, that's where because I was gonna say that when they were talking to Penny's roommate, sister or whatever. But yeah, so he read that she was gonna give Stan her most precious, most precious gift. So then when he hears that these other good girls, he's like, Oh, they're virgins. Yeah. Then we see a group of three school girls of course and little plaid. Private School skirts and knee high socks, not shoes.


That'd be uninteresting school uniform.


And they're they're walking along at night. I don't know why they're walking away from school at night. That must have been a really long study session. To have a and go off one of them goes off on her own. And there's a whooshing, which we know is never good.


I was like bath bizarre. Yeah.


Something comes and gets her, which we thought, Oh, she's another one that's going missing. But then in the next scene, she's in the hospital bed. Yeah. So that was surprising. She's clearly been a little beat up. Sam and Dean are they're checking with her talking to her and she says that, you know, obviously she thinks she's gonna sound crazy. But what what attacked her look like a giant bat. And she turns she took her little hospital Janna off the back of her and she had two long cuts down on one shoulder that they did not stitch up. They just butterflied didn't stapled they weren't that deep. She was that scar will be fine. It'll be sexy later.


We had to check her in. She's inpatient, but she's fine.


She's gonna be fine. Walk it off there like is anything what else anything else you remember? And she mentioned that her ring is gone. She's guessing she miss like it came off in the fight whatever it was. And she mentioned that was gold. And I don't know how Dean picked up on it. But he's like, should you? What was this ring? What did it mean? And she says it was a promise ring. And he's like, should you really have been wearing that ring? It's a purity ring. Hmm. And I was like, How the fuck did he know that? Like, what did she say? Oh, she said I'm not bar didn't cat. And I'm like, Dude, how


the fuck did you know that? Because the dragon through her bow. That's


right. Yeah. Well, anyway, Judge Judge Judy Dean. Like you are one to be judging. Hey, they


said no judgment. I mean, Dean straight up says in the episode, he prefers experienced women so he did.


We know. Oh, my God, and then they make the comment that you really liked where they're walking out and I think it's Sam is like, Okay, well, who what likes virgins and gold? And Dean says, P Diddy.


Joke. I'm like, I don't know if that joke aged amazingly well, or if that joke aged poorly, at this point. I'm not


gonna say oh, like Dalma. Well, they go back to the motel and Sam has Googled up all these leads, like gold, virgins wings, like all these little things to get to the bottom things. And everything led to one website and it was lo and behold, World of Warcraft, the dragons. So we're after dragons, it seems. Dean calls Bobby and asks him what he knows about dragons, which, obviously, really, I don't think Bobby had much information at the time is that when he told him to go see doctor? No


at first Bobby was like, it's not like the Loch Ness Monster. And Dean's like, well, we call somebody about it. Bobby said, Who am I gonna call Hogwarts?


Oh, my god. That was


good. Bobby has a good line. So this, there were some great lines. But then some of them were like cringy. It was like there were some great lines. And then there was some stuff that fell flat. And just overall, I am now just as confused as I was at the beginning of this season. Right when I felt like I was starting to get into it. Yeah, yeah. We'll get there that we'll get right. But Bobby calls back later. And it's like, I don't know why I didn't think of her right away and said Dr. misiak, medieval studies, bombshell Dean was like, Yes, right. I want it before


Dean takes off to San Francisco to go meet with the doctor. Sam is asking if they went to hunt a skinwalker lately. Oh, yeah. So we see that he's scratched little kitty scratching at that wall.


He's flipping through their journal, looking at old stuff. I'm surprised he didn't go and snatch that journal straight away from him on right.


Yeah. So clearly, Sam's going down a path to try to remember what really went on this past year and a half. And he's like, you know, don't worry about that. I'm gonna go to San Francisco figure out what's going on. I'll be back and then we see this like, I guess it's like this big sewer situation area with crates and things crates crates. And there's three girls sitting there I think caged and he grabs one of them and then there's another cage with other other girls down below and he throws her in there shuts the top and his hand burns to I guess welded shut yeah whatever he


will he flew in he flew in with the girl yeah


Miss kidnapped I didn't see you I


think you were writing because you could see because the shot was through the grate like we're looking from the girls who are captured perspective and so that was the only time other than at the very very beginning like when they were in the plane when that green light happened there was like a black something so I'm guessing that was supposed to be their wing. And so here we saw like through the great like part of the wing. Okay, but it just it wasn't visible enough I'm almost like Why Why bother like you couldn't even really see it


when like we talked about him like why even bother being dragons like there was nothing Literally nothing nothing dragon like about them except that I guess you randomly saw wing and that their hands burn. Yeah, like give me some scales or something. Yeah, like if you could turn


Vera toss randomly into a cat. We could have seen some more Dragon


like to me these could just be angels,


right with anyone with hot hands. Yeah, hands.


Well Dan goes to Dr. Bassick Vizio this year, and she's fabulous.


I want Yeah, we were like, spin off. We want to spin off on her. She just kept saying these things that we were like, How old is she? Yeah. And then la pointed out, I think the question is, what is she right? If she's lived this long, like, she's talking about like her 700 years, 700 years ago and her lover and you know, this was her favorite lover and talking about like medieval men and Eastern Europe. And I'm like, What the fuck? Oh,


and her and Bobby clearly have a history because Dean asked like how they know each other. And she's like, why don't you ask him idiot? Yes. And Bobby clearly fuck that up. So yeah, ask


all those questions about who is this? What? What?


And she he's like, he tells her about the dragons. She's like, that's impossible. It's been like 700 years. Why would they show up now. And she tells him that you're going to need a blade forged with dragon's blood to take them out. And she's like, I just so happen to have a dragon in my basement, randomly. And then she takes him to this room and she says there's a big huge rock stone with a sword in it. Allah King Arthur Excalibur. But she says no, this is an Excalibur. It's the love of her life. It's the Sword of Brunswick. Brunswick. Brunswick Brunswick. Yeah,


he apparently made quite the impression on her.


Yeah, so we that's all we get from? Yeah, we like the story. Let's clearly old. So how was this little of her life? What is she how she lived this long? How


does she Why did he leave her his sword? Yes, stone. Who's the who's the Eastern guy that she was talking about to the who was that? Yeah, I want more of that story. Me too.


I feel like her story could be real good. Oh, well, no. Yeah. A lot going on.


Watch her not come back. Watch the she won't be some random character.


She won't. Oh, they're just they just like to Teasel


I love her. But she tells


Dean that it's basically gonna gonna take a brave warrior to take this sword out and to slay this dragon. Paki Diem is like blossom. I got this. He tried so hard. He goes and just gently tries to take it. He is wearing himself out trying to pull this thing out of the rock. And it's just not happening. Cuts to Sam. He's researching trying to find the lair. And I think he calls Bobby. And Bobby's like, well, you know, like, find something cold, dark and wet. Yep.


Sam was saying that everything just keeps saying caves. But there's no fucking caves here. Yeah. And Bobby said less literal. I love that.


Sam randomly asks him, he's like, Hey, what happened in the last year because he could clearly feel some animosity from coming off, Bobby. Bobby doesn't really give him anything. He ends up just being like, don't worry about it. And basically hangs up on him doesn't even say bye. And so Sam starts kind of calling to cast to show up like, asking him for help. And caches, that cast is happy to see Sam alive. So much so that he very earnestly goes to hug, Sam. And Sam sits down and it's very awkward.


I don't understand. Like, why it would be awkward for Sam to hug gas. Like they were both like, oh, okay, yeah, like, we're just not gonna hug and I was like, why not? Well,


I like, like I said, I feel like maybe it was part of his mutilation in the scene, because, like, just act like he's so torn up and then be like, you know, who was it? Who did he say told him about everything claimed Bobby told him ever? Yeah, that Bobby told me everything about this last year. And, you know, it's just, it's just a lot. And so then Cass was like, oh, yeah, you're right. You know, it's a miracle. It didn't kill you. I begged Dean not to do it. You know, not to put your soul back in Sam's like, oh, yeah, like a whole year and a half without me. My soul. Like he's so he's starting to figure it out.


Mm hmm. Like you're saying like Bobby's being really short with Sam in this episode. But Dean is being really short with Bobby in this episode, because he knows that he and Bobby are not quite on the same page, because of the conversation that happened to the kitchen is just like, a whole bunch of like, passive aggressive little animosity stuff going on in here in this episode.


So yeah, CASS I know. So of course, this cast is just completely manipulated by Sam into like, giving him the information he's looking for. So it cuts back to Dean. And he's got this brilliant idea that he wants to blow up the rock, Doctor of sex, like, I don't know about this. You know, this is the love of her life sort.


She said, she was like, that's the most expensive thing you've got. Yeah. And her house was full of shit. I mean, she obviously was well off. So for her to be so concerned about this one piece. I'm like, ooh.


Which I'm surprised she let him do it. But he does. He put some stuff on there and they'd go out of the room. He blows it. He blows it in more ways. Then one and the rock is cracked. So I was like, okay, so he goes to pull the sword out and it moves and I was like, but then it's just a little short step left. Yeah,


he broke. He broke the sword like, yeah, Lord of the Rings.


I don't know if it's her, but she's like you're gonna have to, that's what you got to deal with. That's all you got now at this point. Good luck, buddy. Thanks for ruining the love of my life sword. Yeah, we go back to Sam. He has found the sewer caves he thinks are the sewers that he thinks are these dragons caves where they are dwelling. Him and Dean go down right at the beginning. Once they're down there. There's this pile of gold. So they know these are probably things they've taken off all these virgins they've stolen. Everybody's wearing gold. There's this little altar with candles and what looks like a journal or book or something. And as they're there they hear girls voices yelling for help. They go find them. Dragon shows up. It's a man not a dragon. And Dean takes this the stubby sword and slashes the dragons arm and the dragon was real cocky at first.


Now whenever he did get slashed, they did kind of do a little bit of a scaly effect and he turned purple see I miss all the notes but I'm just saying I wish that they had done more that like whenever they like we're going on the defensive to attack or something that they did the purple scaly


right or like like have our arms scaly like some of their neck or something. Yeah, something but I didn't so yeah, I missed that.


It was it was a split second just like with their wings a second you miss it.


But he he slashes them and then hands come out has come for Dean coming for you. And then another dragon guy shows up. I don't know where it was like what Where's he been? I think the dragon had knocked the sword out of Dean's hand and it fell through some of the crate. Why do I keep saying crates the great God and he can't reach them Sam's fighting this new one. I can't remember how it happened. But somehow Sam got the sword. And he takes up them long arm. Yeah. He takes out the new guy the new Dragon as he does that the other ones like he's out. Done. Yeah. And he's gone. He disappears. They're back at the hotel or no, they're back at Bobby's. And Dean, of course is going through the gold that they stole. He was very happy with Yeah, there


was men's watches in there. So I think that that's gold that they stole from a lot of people.


Lots of virgins, not just females.


Maybe not just virgins because they stole that one girl's purity ring and she wasn't a virgin. Oh,


maybe the what do you call them? The hypocrites wearing the purity rings in here.


And it's like y'all are stupid. You should be going to that doctor Vizio Coulson still in Hurst.


Right. Oh, I just be like, Hey, can I move in? Tell me all your stories. I want so much. And Sam comes up to Dean and says that he really feels the need. He needs to apologize for the last year and a half. And Dean's like how did you find out and Sam says Cass and I think he calls Cassie. Child. Yeah.


Which my friggin toddler or something. Sam,


you could have told me kind of you coaxed him into telling him turned him. Sam tells him that he he he wants to set things right. Like all the stuff he did this past year and a half he feels really feels the need to set things right. Which is like Sam,


you weren't you? I'm like how much did Cass tell him? How much could Cass have possibly told him?


Right? Like I like I said I was like, I think the only thing you need to set right is with Bobby.


Yeah, you need to set it right with Bobby for sure. Yeah, maybe grandpa Campbell but also grandpa Campbell played them so maybe not like grandpa Campbell knew about Crowley and all that stuff. Yeah, screw screw the Campbell clan. Get out here.


And then Bobby walks in is like, hey, I need to show you guys something. They go into his office and he has this book that I guess they stole from the sewers.


They stole it from the Dragon Lair. Yeah, the lair layer and the sewer. And


it is a Latin book. A book written in Latin on human skin. Lovely. He can read some of it, but not all of it. Yeah,


he said it was like old Latinate. I think he said something he said something fancy. He said it was really old like an arcade language and was gonna take him all of his golden years to translate, but he could figure out some of the words. Then


it cuts to we see original Dragon guy meeting up randomly with this other guy who has a van and he opens it and he's got a fresh supply of virgins.


Yeah, the new guy was like, You're lucky I have enough for us to do what we need to do. They apparently just needed one. I don't know why they rounded up all of I guess like they weren't guaranteed that the first girl was going to survive or something like who knows. But they apparently she just needed one. I'm just saying. So like,


what were the requirements that she met and the others did?


I don't know. Her hymen was extra thick. She had a super super thick hymen very


innocent. Very


good girl.


It cuts back to Bobby in the boys. And he says that the book basically shows how to how to open a door to purgatory. And then it cuts back. It's cutting back between these two scenes. And these two dragons take this girl to a ledge like rocky cliff ledge looking thing. Then we see like an inferno below.


Well, they said like a spell right from the skin mag,


they had their they pulled out their magic skin mag, and they read those spells, and then the upper and I was like, Yeah, hands hot stuff. And so they throw her into the inferno. So yeah, Heinrich while reciting this chant or whatever, yeah. And then it flashes back to Bobby telling the boys that it shows you how to open the door to purgatory, but it's opening the door to let something into our world, not into purgatory. And it is for the mother


of all.


We were like, what is that mean? Yeah. And then she came floating up, and she's fabulous now Oh, yeah.


A sassy. She says, you kept me waiting.


She was screaming and terrified me. It was a good actress. So I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next with her because she seems like she's a good actress


or a little innocent virgin. So before and now she's like, you kept me waiting. We've got work to do. And she's like, we have so much to do. Let's get started. She's the leader now. And that's how it ended.


But I'm just sitting here going like, okay, so why were they all making their armies? I know, what is this thing from Purgatory like they purgatory what's what's up with pear purgatory, like death is talking about, it's about the souls and so I was like, okay, but now it's a monster place. I'm just I'm confused. Yeah, I'm confused all over again. Oh, well, okay, so gore. I can't think of anything. I mean, there was that one girl that the dragon broke her arm. Yeah, but they didn't really show it. Yeah. And say there was any gore.


Like no blood.


Nothing's coming to mind. I mean, the girls the scratches on the girl's back, but like you said they were just butterfly stitched up. They were fine. She was good. Oh, I forgot to say written by Adam Glass and directed by Phil's to Grecia. Did you adore anything about this episode?


Well, I was excited that we were going to have dragons. Right. But then disappointed that they weren't really dragon ish


saying dragon like, I wish they'd done just a little bit more with Yeah, I guess it was just like the Karrakatta thing, which in hindsight, the actor did everything he could with the Karrakatta thing, but I mean, other than his mouth opening really big. They didn't really do anything. Yeah. And same with this.


I mean, I know they're limited with TV series with special effects. But there's they've also had some


really great ones. Yeah, exactly. So like I said, like what they did with the cat with Veritas. Yeah, like okay, and it did something a little something else. And when you're limited Can't you just use a different monster like,


right? It shouldn't have been a dragon. It's no reuse.


It's okay. If you'll reuse


Gremlin Yeah. Trolls. I also I will say there were some really good funny subtle lines in it. Yeah, that did Leia. My


adore is Dr. Phil SIAC. She gets I wish we could have more of her up to like you said spin off.


I'd watch Yeah,


I have a feeling we're not gonna ask me to. But I liked her a lot. Yeah. All right. Well, for lore, I have an article from Discover. titled our dragons reveal the unique history and origins of mythical dragons. Dragons hold this special place in the world of mythical beasts. They started out as snakes then evolved into fire breathing flying monsters that both terrorize and charm us with chocolate. But where did the idea for Dragons come from in the first place? How did these magnificent creatures squirm and soar their way into our imaginations and mythology? No one knows, of course, but the origin of dragons may have been more scientific than it seems. Oh, let's start with a legend though. According to medieval legend, the town of Klagenfurt in Austria was founded on a marsh that was home to a Lynde worm or wingless dragon. Those wanting to settle in the area had to first deal with the dragon before founding Klagenfurt, as is traditional with dragons, this one gobbled up anyone who tried to cross the marsh. Fortunately, a local Duke funded the building of a stone tower in the swamp. Local legend is not specific on how the builders avoided becoming dragon Chow. Once the building was complete, the locals fished for the dragon from the safety of the tower using a chain for line, a bull for bait, and presumably a hefty hook. Eventually, they captured the beast. At this point in history, the dragon seems to have been a little more than an enormous, fearsome watersnake but in the way of creatures both biological and mythical. It evolved by 1287 the city's Coat of Arms shows the monster as having The head of a wolf, the body of a bird and the tail of a snake. Within a few centuries, it had grown legs evolving into something we would recognize today as a typical flying, fire breathing dragon. All right, next up fossil records is there evidence of dragon bones? In the 16th century, some people found a fossilized skull they thought belonged to a dragon, proving the Linde worm legend. As it turned out, the skull belonged instead to a woolly mammoth. That sort of confusion may have been at the root of all dragon myths, as well as stories surrounding other mythical creatures as a scientific discipline. Paleontology was born in the 18th and early 19th centuries, because of the work from scientists such as Charles Lyle and George couvrir. My name Cuvier Kubi area, who knows, but people have been finding fossils as long as humans have walked the earth. The ancient Greek historians Herodotus wrote of fossils and concluded from them that Egypt had once been underwater and described some of the bones he examined as having belonged to winged serpents. So our dragons real Adrian Mayer, a classical folklorist, and historian of ancient science at Stanford University, has argued that ancient people conceive dragons and other mythical creatures after finding fossils of even more ancient creatures. In her book, the first fossil hunters Mayer shows how fossils influenced Greek and Roman stories about bygone creatures, and not just dragons. She also says that the idea of human giants and the larger than life heroes could have come from the discovery of the outsized bones of prehistoric mammals. If Mayer is right, dragons are not entirely fictional beings, the people who imagined to them and told stories about them were imagining and telling stories about animals that once walked the earth. They got the details wrong, just as we often do when studying ancient fossils. Remember when we thought Stegosaurus had a second brain, and it's but I do not remember that. I don't either. But I trust this mayor. I trust Adrian Mayer. But even when they were far from accurate, the stories of our ancestors told about dragons and their mythical kin have enriched culture and no doubt inspired a lot of science as well.


I want to believe they were real. Yeah, and then can we Jurassic Park them and bring them back?


Do you remember how that movie ended?


I do. All of them. Not well,


but dragons will work better right?


Totally. Okay, quote to close it out from Bobby. He says to Dean well, they're not like the Loch Ness Monster Dean dragons aren't real.


Dean said. Could you make a few calls? And Bobby says


to Hogwarts. Cheers.


Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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