Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Appointment In Samarra (6x11)

• Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 11

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Appointment In Samarra.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: Berly and LA delved into the Supernatural universe, exploring the significance of souls, purgatory, and Shinigami. They discussed the creative storytelling and recurring themes of souls being powerful and vulnerable, as well as the dire consequences of seeking power and immortality. Berly highlighted the destructive nature of the Winchester brothers' pursuit of immortality, while LA emphasized the risks of swapping out vessels. Both speakers shared their admiration for the show's creative storytelling and the significance of Shinigami in Japanese culture.


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy.


Hello LA.


Hey, Burley, on the last episode, titled Caged Heat, Meg, played by guest or Rachel minor kidnap Sam and Dean and tries to force them to tell her where Crowley is. Sam makes her deal they will help her find Crowley if she promises to torture him for information about how to get Sam soul back to light dill. Castile joins the fight but finds it difficult to work with neck. Did he? He did. She has a problem.


Today's episode is titled appointment in some Mara, which I Googled ng on appointment and some Mara was published in 1934. It's the first novel by American writer John O'Hara. It concerns the self destruction of the fictional character Julian English, a wealthy car dealer who was once a member of the social elite. The book created controversy due to O'Hara's inclusion of sexual content. But I thought that was interesting because the fictional character's name is Julian English. And the actor who plays death is Julian richings. And the actor who played Dr. Robert is Robert England. Hmm. Julian England, Julian English.


I get it.




What does that have to do with this episode? Besides that?


It's the title of the episode appointment in Samarra.


Yes, I understand that, but like, how are they similar?


It's the title of the book.


So they just took a title from a book.


I mean, I guess it's the self destruction kind of thing.




I don't know. I didn't name it. I just know that was the first result when I Googled it.


Okay. Okay. Just ask. I don't know. I don't know.


Anyway, it's the 11th episode. And it's the mid season finale of season six. This episode originally aired on December 10 2010. We open up the episode with Dean walking into I think it was like a butcher shop. I feel like yeah, he's asking for directions. And the butcher is just like it's all the way in the back pushes a button to buzz Dean into this door, this private door. Suddenly, it's almost like we're in an apartment. So this is a butcher shop with an apartment overhead. Jean goes walking in and puts his hand on the railing and immediately is like, like wiping his hands. So letting us know that this place is gross. There's an altar up against the wall, but I couldn't get a good look. It didn't end up being important, but I would have liked to have had a better look at the altar. I want to know what it was too small. It was small, but it was interesting and it was all read up against those very green walls. So it stood out but didn't get a really good enough look to really see what all was on there. As Dean goes walking up the stairs, and adorable doctor comes walking out with his spectacles and his white lab coat and he's got a bloody rag in his hand. His


doctor's coat or whatever, it's filthy.


But this is Dr. Robert he's apparently an old acquaintance of John Winchesters. And he is so happy to see Dean. He is so freakin adorable. And again, portrayed by Robert England, who Mr. Freddie notoriously Yes, played Mr. Freddy Krueger. And I've just always thought he is so cute. There's just something about his eyes. He was cute. And this Yeah. He also guest starred in Stranger Things. The last season of Stranger Things. He was the dad of vegna in the mental institution, yeah. They blacked out his eyes in that one but he's just he just seems like he's just such kind eyes. He's so happy to see Dean. He goes walking Dean and and they're talking about your success rates and this and that and LA and are both going what is happening? Like, did we miss something? What's going on?


What is he getting done? Well, and because he mentioned like Dr. Robert mentioned that he had stitches his dad up more times than he could count. Yeah. So he's clearly going to help them with something. Yeah, I was like, Is he having surgery? Is he just getting like an attack?


Well, he said success rate. Oh, that's right. If he was lying about that 75%


That's comforting.


And he has this glamorous assistant this golf she almost looks like a mannequin. She was just too perfect. Yeah, her cheekbones were so sharp and her hairline and her flawless. porcelain skin. Yeah, she was beautiful.


Like when they first showed her she didn't move. So I was like, she doesn't even look real. She


was not having any obtained shit. She was there to do a job. And that was that all business. Before Dean lays on the table, they take care of the preliminaries on Dean gives his cash payment and a letter addressed to Ben, Lisa son. And Dr. Robert is like, Oh, I thought you would have had something for Sam. But dangerous, like no, like, he wouldn't care at this point. You know, if something goes wrong, he's not gonna give a shit. It doesn't matter.


Is that what he said?


I thought it was like paraphrasing,


okay, I thought it was more like, well, at this point, if something happens to me like he's fucked anyways. It doesn't matter what I say to him.


I think you and I had a little debate


between the two.


Like that. Essentially, Dean is saying he doesn't have a soul. So he's not going to give a frack if something happens to me, so it doesn't matter. If I don't get a soul back. It's not gonna matter. So the assistant jams and IV and Dean's arms like Dobby, baby, whenever he winces over it, and the doctor comes over. He's like, okay, you've got three minutes and injects something into the IV. No one's wearing gloves. I was like, I thought we I thought we had grown. I thought we were wearing gloves whenever we were doing, Rob or not Dr. Robert.


And Eva, the assistant.


Dean goes out he


flatlines Oh, don't forget, they only had him just lift his shirt over.


That's when they're bringing them back. Oh, is it? I know. It's an important point. Much like it was when Sam mentioned. We're both girlfriend.


I guess I'm just very excited to get there. And then what happens later on where I'm like, oh, but we'll get there. Okay. All right. Sorry. I got ahead of myself. I'm upset.


How many times did I bring up, Sam?


Oh, yeah. Okay, carry on. Sorry.


It's an important plot point. But we're not there yet. So Dean flatlines. And they're like, Okay, he's out. And then we get supernatural. Dean is dead. And so he's walking around outside his body. He goes down to the butcher shop. And he's like, Alright, I hope this is going to work. And he says something in Latin, I think some sort of incantation, and he essentially summons Tessa, the Reaper. She's just like, What the fuck Dean? I was in the Sudan. I was busy.


She isn't a mood.


She's not happy. It's just it's like, wait a minute, why are you dead? And Dean tells her I need to talk to your boss call death. Call him up. I got a favor to ask. She's like, No, I can't do that. He's like, can't or won't. She's like both. Both Mr. He talks to us. We don't know how to talk to him. I'm not helping you. But then we hear Hello teen and death is there. Always eating? Always eating always in on the hop gossip. He's just like, I want to know what's going on. DNS. Like, let's damsels in hell. And he's like, I already know. Okay, I know everything. I've got all the hot gossip. I got it. And Dean says, I have a feeling that you're one of the only people things entities who can go in there and bust him out. Oh, and while you're down there are other brother Adam. He's in there to bust him out too. And death says no. Like, I will make an exception. once not twice. So you have to pick one. And no time slot. Dean says Sam, you didn't even have to think about it at all. Nope. Which makes a little bit of sense, but I still felt really bad for Adam. Yeah,


I mean, I felt bad for Adam this whole time. Like no one is barely mentioned him that he's down there too.


Well, this is sweet little soul down there. So Dane is just like, Okay, great. Do it. Death is like I didn't say we're just gonna do it for you. Okay, we're discussing the terms of your prize. If you win, and he's like, Oh, fuck when what? He's like my ring. But you have? Oh, I did forget to say Dean was trying to like use the ring as a bargaining chip. That death was just like, I'm, I know where it is. I know you're hitting it. I know everything right? You don't have any leverage here. So just tell me what the fuck you want. So I loved this whole scene. I loved it whenever Julian was like, quit shuffling and deal Dean whenever Dean like was just


I liked when they were talking essentially, as we all have this whole time, like his soul is gonna be so fucked up. And Dean's like, well, can't you just hack off the hell part of it when you see when you bring it back? Deaths like no, no. But how it works. But I can put it behind a wall. Yeah,


so that's their negotiating the terms. Yeah. And then death is like it'll be your prize if you make it. 24 hours being me. So go dig up my ring and put it on and you have to wear it for a day. If you can do that. I'll go get Samsel so those are the terms. Right. And then Dr. England. I'm sorry. Dr. Robert. Brings back Dean and we see this process he pulls out the paddles. And here you go LA, guys.


Of course he's in a T shirt with a button up over it. Yeah, and he just seems simply lifts that T shirt up to do the the paddle work per huge, not taken all all the way off, as should properly have been done. Yeah, that jacket should have been taken off before they put in the IV. Like, was it? Was it a is was


you'll get it out.


Was it purposefully done to not objectify these men's bodies?


Maybe? I don't like it. I mean, they give us little doses now and then


teasing us too much. Okay. Anyway. Yeah. So I bring this up for something that happens later that I was like, Oh, okay. Yeah, really, guys. Yeah. Anyway,


it's a good point. They do bring him back. Yeah, yeah, he comes back. And he's just like, oh, man, you couldn't give me five more seconds because of course, whatever he comes to, is right in the middle of one of death sentences. Whenever Dean was like, why are you doing this and death was like, it's because and then he comes back. But then Dr. Robert is like, bro, you were supposed to be under for three minutes. And you were out for seven? No, I couldn't have given you five more seconds. You're lucky you're back at all. We're gonna go Dr. Robert Neva, good job maintaining that 75%


You're doing dirty work, but I guess you're somewhat good at it.


Next, we're at Bobby's house, and Dean is telling Sam and Dean the whole deal. Sam and Bobby data is telling Sam a Bobby the whole deal. And Sam is not happy. And I do think it's pretty funny that the season started with Sam and Bobby making a decision on Dean's behalf. Right not telling him Sam was back so that Dean would continue to play house with Lisa because they were under the impression that he was so happy. And now here we are at the midseason finale. And Dean is now making a decision on Sam's behalf right not listening to Sam being like you don't know better you can't trust they did the same thing to Dean. No, that's right. Just like round and round we go man. So Sam is pissed. He does not want this soul back not into it. He's like I heard Crowley talking about this. I heard Castile talking about this even fucking mag told me I don't want it back. And you're gonna shove it in me? Yeah, there's a lot of that. And a lot of Sam talking.


DNA jamming and Sam put it back and Sam. Getting


it in there getting it in there getting it in there a lot of that into this episode. But Dana is just like no like this. You don't know you don't know any better because you don't have a soul. So you can't see that. This is what you have to do. Like you have to do this. This isn't this isn't an option. I'm going to do the ring. And Sam is just like, Ah, fuck, I need it. I need some air. I'm gonna go for a walk. So he goes outside and is walking around the junkyard and comes across a big empty hole in the ground. And Dean and Bobby come walking up behind them. And they're just like, what do you do


for them?


So I love that they had the four ring of horsemen and they just like buried them in the ground.


Like no marker. Really? I think. Yeah. You


wouldn't have kept that in the panic room or something. That's the hiding spot. Yeah. Dean has death's ring. He's moving forward with the plan. That's it. But he's got a plan of his own. Not yet. Well, we find out, huh? Dean puts on the ring and goes look teleports to where Tessa is. And she tells him okay, this is the gig. I have a list and he's like, can I see? And she's like, No, you can't fucking see it. I have a list of people who their time is up. We'll go to them. You'll touch them. They'll die. I'll rip them. That's it. Just FYI. People tend to have a lot of questions after they die. They're going to be asking you shit. But this is what we're going to do. Let's go. And so they had on their merry way. In the meantime, Sam sneaks out even though Bobby was supposed to be keeping an eye on him, and he summons Balthus czar who we haven't seen in quite a few episodes. Now the Tsar is like, why would you summon an angel who literally wants to kill you? You fucking threatened to make my wings extra crispy. Last time, asshole. What do you want? And Sam tells him I want you to help me make it so that you can't put my soul back in me. I don't want it in me. And others. I was like, why? Where is it? Oh, fuck, it's in hell, a hole. Sam. No, you don't want that back. You don't want it in you. And Sam says, okay, so help me about this or says okay, I'll take another deep V T shirt.


I was gonna say he's still wearing those DVS I'll take a pack.


I'll take a new pack of Dt V T shirts in exchange for helping you with this little issue. But you also have to scar your vessel so badly that it will reject the soul. You can't have the soul back. And that's going to require a spell. In order for us to do the spell. You have to commit patricide. And Sam says, my dad's already dead. So I don't know how I'm going to do that. And Balthazar says the blood needs to come from the Father, but the father doesn't need to be blood. And I immediately was like off. Now Bobby Yeah, Sam seems to mull this over, but I don't think he thought about it nearly as long as I would have liked for him to. So he goes back to by the way, Bob Lazar didn't really ask for T shirts just in case somebody


crazy. I meant to be interesting. He didn't really do it for free.


But he has to go kill Bobby furs. So Sam goes back to Bobby's is essentially just acting like a predator like stalking his prey the whole time. Like they're playing cards and all of this stuff, but just the vibe is off.


It's off. But like Sam clearly thinks he's being sly.


They had like no lights on in the house too. Even when they were sitting there playing cards. It was lit very oddly just adding to just the vibes not being right. Bobby gets up to go get a beer out of the fridge and Sam comes up behind him to knock him out. But Bobby grabs a bottle. We think he knocks out Sam first. But then whenever he goes to get some rope, he turns around and Sam's gone he got up and took off. So Bobby's just like Ah,


fuck yeah, he went to the ground. So I mean, he


he pretended to be knocked out a lot better than he pretended to be nonchalant and not trying to kill Bobby. Great. So now Bobby is in the house trying to find Sam, you know, you don't want the dude who's trying to kill you to just pop out of nowhere. You want to know where the fuck they are. So he's looking around trying to find him. He goes over and he locks a door, which I thought was weird. At first. I was like, Why the fuck did he do that? And then he hears a noise. And he goes and hides in a closet and shuts the door. And he's kind of standing back in the dark. And then we hear somebody rattling the doorknob trying to get in. And then of course, swinging through that door with an axe. I didn't even say Don't say yours, Johnny. It was so funny because it was totally straight out the shining. And Sam was like you shouldn't have cornered yourself. And Bobby's like I fucking didn't. And he pulls a lever, and the floor drops out from Sam. Like he's literally had a trapdoor the floor. Sam falls to the basement. I thought he broke his leg. But then he jumped up and was running. Yeah, when you said that I was like, huh, yeah, so I guess he didn't break his leg. He just really fucked himself up. He just got hurt pretty badly. He tries to run up the stairs and get out of the basement. But that was the door Bobby locked samspot Cheese. He's locked in the basement, the door is reinforced steel, all this other stuff. And I was just like, I mean, he snuck out through a window or something last time he snuck out of the basement so I'm sure he could figure out a way if he really wanted to. So a lot of stuff is going on at Bobby's we'll come back to that in a little bit. Meanwhile, let's go back to Jane and Tessa. They're busy killing people. The first person they go kill is a guy who's holding up convenient stories like threatening to kill a kid. really aggressive. Like he was not a good guy. He got shot. And Dean didn't really have a problem. In fact, she let the guy be in agonizing pain for a little bit longer than he had to be before he touched him to kill him. And whatever he said why Dean was like, cuz you're an asshole. Have fun and hell, you know, trust me like the sauna gets hot down there. Yeah. And we did have a debate about oh, well, Dean's been to hell and back and he's fine. Why is everybody making such a big deal out of Sam's soul being down in hell? But then we realize Sam soul has been in hell a whole hell of a lot longer than Dean was not to mention locked in a cell with Lucifer. So anyhow, after convenience store robbery guy, Tessa takes Dean to a gentleman sitting on a park bench. He's thoroughly enjoying a pizza. So I totally thought oh, he's going to choke. But no, no, he has a heart attack. And after Dean tells him it was probably the extra cheese and inquires, is that a local place? He asks Dean why and Dean tells him he pulls the old bill instead. Socrates explanation is like all we are is dust in the wind dude. Guys like a Kansas song really do just kind of shrugs. Again, not not too much of a challenge for Dean. He's kind of soaring through this test so far. Next, Tessa takes Dean to a hospital. There's a little girl who has a heart condition and she tells Dean that this 12 year old girl is next on the list. Dean is incredibly reluctant to go touch this girl the dad is going to be completely alone and she's so young and he doesn't want to do it and there's a nurse in the room helping and they pan down and really pause on the nurses name tag. So we made a note that it was Jolene are like okay, that's going to be important. For some reason later. Dane doesn't want to touch the little girl and she's rolled off for surgery. Well, because he didn't touch her. Her heart magically healed for some reason. So the surgeon tells the dad like yeah, like she's fine now. We don't need to do surgery. Now. just kind of like how did they find out her heart was okay if they were wheeling her off her surgery. They didn't cut her open and obviously because she wasn't recovering, she was just like, Yeah, you don't have it. So I'm like, did they get an MRI and that came back clear like how did something anyway, the whole the whole event was just miraculous that just suddenly the doctor is blessed with the knowledge that this little girl's perfectly fine healed, doesn't need surgery and he's just like, cool peace. I'm going home. My surgery got canceled. I'm out of here. And nurse, Jolene calls her husband and she didn't seem too excited about it to be perfectly honest, true. Just kind of like, Hey, I'm coming home. Surgery got canceled talking to her, her boyfriend or her husband and she leaves and Dean is thinking like, oh, yeah, like problem saw a little girl is gonna be fine. But this has consequences. Dean has changed the natural order of things. He's messing with Tesla's list. And so unfortunately, Jolene actually gets in a car accident on her way home. That wouldn't have happened if she had been in the hospital in the operation with a little girl. And it's so bad that she she dies like she's all kinds of messed up. They come they come rolling in and they zoom in on that nametag we don't see her face because she's so injured so bloody and all that so they zoom in on that nametag. And so that's how we know it's Jolene. And what was the observation you made LA,


that shirt was cut wide open just saw all of her chest and stomach. So the ladies can be shown fully. But the boys can't ever really fully take their shirt off of


all the skin we've seen on this show. We've definitely seen women exposed like ratio wise to how many women are on the show versus how many times we've seen their skin and how many men are on the show and how many times we've seen their skin. It's just disproportionate, disproportionate and then


when they zoom in on her little name tag, it's like her boobs right there to


her bra. Yeah. So Tessa tells them like yeah, you have to take her and then Tessa decides to be real fucking patty. Yeah, unnecessary. She like tells Joe like you weren't supposed to die, but because this guy can't do his job. Sorry. She's


like you're supposed to have Dec you were supposed to have decades more have kids grandchildren? Yeah, like we'll just twist that knife even more tests.


Like Can't you rub it in Dean space after you read this poor girl like my god. Goodness,


just, she's in the midst of their little cat fight


us the nurses getting raped. And she's like, super depressed about it because she just found out she was supposed to live decades later. Her husband comes running in and he is just distraught. And Dean sees this. So we know something bad is gonna happen there. In the meantime, that all of this is happening. Sam has found Bobby who was looking for Sam. Right like the shed outside and the junkyard and he has knocked Bobby's ass out and dragged him off to try and go do his ritual. A lot of getting knocked out in this episode. Yeah. Or pretending to be knocked down in this episode. Sam, he's got a scar his vessel man. He's he's got a plan. He's he's got to do this. He tells Bobby I'm sorry. But I have to do this,


which I like that. Like at one point. Sam was like kind of indifferent about getting his soul back. But now he's so like, adamant about not getting it back. But he's going to kill


Bobby. Yeah, like, apparently he has the capability of feeling absolute terror because he's clearly terrified about getting the soul shipped back into him because he's willing to do this. Yeah, no questions like he is willing he feels it's almost like he's acting like he doesn't have another choice. Like he has to do this. Right. You know, now back to Dean and distraught nurse husband. So Dean is realizing something's wrong. Tessa is saying, Okay, we gotta go back. You gotta go take the little girl. And I was just like, Oh, damn, like I figured since Joleen died that the little girl was gonna get a pass that she was gonna get the decades Jolene was supposed to get I thought so to just swap them out. Yeah, but no, that's apparently not the case. Dean still has to go take the little girl,


which is even worse now that she's like miraculously healed. The dad is


thinking that everything's going to be great. And it's like, no, they're


planning a trip. Yeah.


But no, but Dean is like, hang on. This guy over here. Looks like he's gonna go do something stupid. Trust me. I know the luck. I can tell. So the guy gets hammered, and is going and getting in his car. Dean is in the car next to him. He knows the guy can't see him. He knows the guy can't hear him and yet he's trying so hard to influence this guy. Like just pull over. Please stop like you're you're on this path of self destruction. That's how the book leads in the husband or you go husband. You gotta stop please, please, please. And then eventually he sees that the dude is about to crash into a bus. And so he just is like, fuck, and he takes off the ring so the guy can see them and hear him and he reaches over and he pulls the wheel and they crash into like a dumpster or something instead, the guy gets banged up. But everybody's okay, everyone lives. Then Dean gets out of the car and is yelling out for Tesla calling for Tessa being like, Okay, I fucking lost. He realized He says that he can't see her so he puts the ring back on and vanishes. And the poor dude in the car is now going to think he's crazy because this man who just appeared in his car and caused him to crash also now just disappeared. Like he saw him disappear right in front of them. Tessa is just like, Alright, cool. You lost. Sorry, bro, that sucks for you. And Dean says, Come on, and test. I was like, what? And he's like, we have one more thing to do. And they go back to the little girl's hospital room. And Tessa is telling Dean like, you don't have to do this. You know, you lost the game. You can just stop. You don't have to do this anymore. We'll take care of it. It's fine. Dean's like no, I'm gonna do it to set back the natural order and kind of make it right, clean up cleaning up his own mess, essentially. Fortunately, Dean returns to Bobby just in time to stop Sam. Now this time he gets knocked out for real day knock Sam's ass out. And it's just like, What the fuck? And him and Bobby go to Old Faithful. They tie Sam up in the panic room. Like you stay in there. And Danish. Like, I mean, what are we going to do? You know that it's not going to hold them forever. And as he goes upstairs, we see death sitting in the kitchen having a beer eating a hot dog. And he's like, okay, yeah, I failed. Whatever. You're here for your ring. Here it is. Death is just like, you know, you act like you're just going to bounce back every single time you're constantly defying the natural order. And it's not as much fun whenever you're the one who's having to clean up that mess. Is it? Dean's like No, you're right. I'm sorry. But death says that Dean and Sam are useful, however. And so he's still going to help Dean. He's still going to go get Sam soul. I was just like, yeah, it was crazy. And he was telling Dean, you detectives are on to something like you're digging for something and you're super close to it. So just remember, like, it's about the souls. And he has been explaining how souls are super powerful. Like they're vulnerable. They're permeable, I think was one of the words you use, use it, but they're super fucking strong. And they're really freaking powerful. So he's telling them, it's about the souls. It's about the souls and I'm like, what it sounds like is that purgatory? Because that's remember, like, whenever Alpha Vamp was talking about how like, first he was saying it was soulless, and then he was saying souls and then there's the whole purgatory thing that's going on this season. So is that what it's about? Crowley wants souls. If they're powerful, maybe that'll make him more powerful if he gets more souls up in there. Yeah. So anyway, death is just like cool. Peace out. And Dean is just like, oh, fuck, and it goes running downstairs. Bobby's been keeping watch. And he's just like, dude, probably open the door. And Bobby's like, what? Why? And he's like, just fucking open the door. That opened the door. Death is already in there. And Sam is screaming like, get the fuck away from me. Leave me alone. And death is just like, Okay, Sam. I'm going to put a wall up in your brain, right? And then I'm going to shove this in you and the wall. It's going to be itchy.




Don't scratch at it, though. Don't do that. You won't like the consequences like it would be really bad. Okay, okay. And against Sam's wishes, even though Sam is still screaming No. Death just slowly starts to jam this bright, white soul back into him and it cuts the plaque of the episodes over just like


once again without his consent. I know.


Oh, this episode was written by Sarah gamble and Robert singer. And it was directed by Mike roll. There was no gore. I mean, like you said people were getting knocked out but there was no more really Oh, I guess that Gore is thing would be the nurse. Oh, yeah. Jolene after her accident. There was quite a bit of blood. Yeah, it wasn't bad. Yeah, that was that was really it. Was there anything you adored about this episode? I like to getting to see death again. I was about Julian richings. Balthazar. Yeah. Sebastian rochet Robert England. Yeah. The three little guest stars up in there. Yeah, I think that's what I liked the best same same whenever they were doing the then recap thing at the beginning. And we were seeing death and Valve bizarre. I was getting very excited. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I wish there had been more about bizarre. Yeah, I don't know how they would have done more of him where it would have made sense, but I just want to see him more. I like Toby's. Yeah. I like him and Julian richings. Just, yeah. But Robert Englund was adorable and his little cameo at the beginning. I really enjoyed that. And then it's not a door, but just I noticed some of the transitions in this were kind of abrupt. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but it definitely was jarring more than once. Like, particularly to convenience store guy. I can't remember that one was very abrupt.




anyhow, what about lore?


All right, well, today's lore, we discuss the Grim Reaper in the lore for season one's faith, but Supernaturals Reapers actually seem to better resemble fuck Shinigami Okay, so who are Shinigami the death gods of Japanese folklore. Well, Carl Seaver of history to find out net tells us all about this, that in Japanese folklore Shinigami our death gods who play an essential role in the afterlife. People believed them to be spirits who guided the dead to the next world and they were often portrayed differently than the dark and fearsome beings of Western beliefs. In most cases, they are considered benevolent being beings, beings, little beings. For instance, Shinigami are regarded as natural occurrences and part of the cycle of life instead of a supernatural being sent to review from existence. The Shinigami have been a part of Japanese culture for less than 200 years, but they have made a significant impact. They are often associated with the Grim Reaper because this new Death God didn't appear until Japanese ideas mixed with rostering culture and these ideals mixed with a traditional Buddhist, Taoist and Shinto beliefs as well. In terms of appearance, no one is sure what a shinigami looks like. While the Grim Reaper has a different appearance and carries the size. The Shinigami can hide in plain sight or be invisible until you are close to death. Otherwise, these beings never take on the same sheet. The critical thing to remember is that they are benevolent beings who guide the death to afterlife. It's only natural to fear death, but the Shinigami offer a more peaceful transition into the next life. So they're not scary.


Yeah, and I like that it says they can appear like anything and that's what Tessa says. Yeah, earlier in the series.


A theme throughout later Japanese culture is that the Shinigami invite people to the afterlife and don't necessarily cause death. In truth Shinigami have no control over the life of anyone and can only take someone to the afterlife when it is their time. I liked this. Popular stories depict that life is tied to burning a wax candle, as the candle burns so does a person's life. Once the candle has burned down it's said that the Shinigami will come to take them away. I'm gonna think about this all the time now when I burned my candle, right?


Whose life is that? Yeah.


Oh, no, you're almost gone.


This went out really quickly. Not yet.


Oh my god. Okay. This idea is heavily rooted in the opinion of fate and that every living being has an intended path to follow, and the Shinigami keep watch on that path. It's difficult to determine the role of these death gods for instance, consider several famous books like The PU e Han Hye yaku Monogatari in 1841. Oh, or the mecor wrong, Doug. Yeah. Mega kava Toby in 1886, where the show not Shinigami I can't even say that anyone. Shinigami are known as evil spirits. So trigger warning that this next little half does talk about suicide. So just want to warn everybody. In these works, the Shinigami are up to no good and enjoy playing tricks on humans or getting them to commit suicide. Some Shinigami stories tell of the commie making deals with people and then tricking them into their deaths by giving them favors fucked up,




In some instances, the Shinigami possesses people and drive them to ruin or lead them to their deaths in strange places. However, other contradictory stories describe the Shinigami as gods that reign over the realm of the dead and govern the fabric of life and death. So really conflicting ideas of this thing. According to the ancient in one traditional tale, a man who is fed up with his life prepares to commit suicide before he could do so however, he is visited by a shinigami, who tells him that his time has not yet come. To stop the man from committing suicide the Shinigami tells him an easy way to make money. The man is told that he could pretend to be a doctor who could cure any form of disease that is fucked up. By speaking some magic words a shinigami can be forced back into the underworld, thus lengthening a person's life. The man is also informed that this would only work if the Shinigami is sitting at the foot of the bed. If the Shinigami is sitting at the head of the bed, however, it means that the sick person must die. Using this newfound knowledge the man grew very rich. One day the man has called to a house to cure someone. When he enters he sees the Shinigami sitting on the head of the patient's bed indicating that death was certain. The family pleaded and begged and offered him a large amount of money consumed by greed, the man decides to take a risk and when the Shinigami dozes off, he quickly switches the orientation of the patient's bed, thus saving his or her life. The Shinigami is obviously unhappy with what he did. And when the man reaches home, It criticizes him him for his disobedience. The Shinigami then changes his tone and suggest that they go for a drink to celebrate his earnings. Suspicious. The man falls for the trick and the Shinigami brings him to a building that is filled with candles. The Shinigami then shows the man his candle, which is nearly burned out as a result of what he had just done. The man has then offered a chance to extend his life by transferring the wick and wax of his candle to another's. The man fails in this attempt, and he drops his candle and dies.


Now, I'm definitely going to be Yeah, this is definitely going to pop in my mind when I look at candles.


I really do feel like my step mom's like a big on candle, so I'm really gonna have to go tell her the story. Yeah, like I have it in my head. Now you're just gonna


be like, where's the Shinigami? Where is it? That really is more like what the Reapers are in supernatural, though, right? Then the Grim Reaper lore that we did back in season one. So that's really interesting. Cool. So before we close it out, just want to remind listeners that we really appreciate your reviews. And we would love for you to share this podcast with somebody else who you think would enjoy it somebody else who you know watches supernatural. A lot of our listeners when we asked them how they found us, we'll say that they found us from a social media post that one of our posts landed in their feed, which is great. But imagine how many more people will find us if you share it. We are still relatively new in podcasts and especially new in the supernatural fandom, and we rely on you guys to help us get the word out. Next episode is our mid season bonus episode. If you've been to a convention, you're going to know who our guest is. We're doing an interview. By the way the topic was voted on by our Patreon members, they voted for an interview with a special guest. And this special guest is Mr. Billy Moran of Louden Swain. Again, if you've been to a convention, you know who he is. If you haven't been to a convention and you aren't aware of Louden Swain. Billy is a guitarist and Louden Swain, but he also released a solo album last year and it's really really good. I think it was last year really good. So good. So good. Like award worthy. It is so good. We also interviewed his audio engineer, Zachary darling. And they talked to us about putting together that album. They


were adorable and very informative. It's if you like music, it's very much how they put it all together and the inner workings of it. I loved how they talked about it, because put it in layman's terms for me because I do not know. But they were so great. It was it's I mean, even if you don't know who they are, it's such a good listen, just to learn.


Yeah, check it out. That's the next episode that's coming up. And if you haven't listened to Billy solo album, or the other primary album, we talked about Dick Jr. in the volunteers, fistfights and hug outs. They're both phenomenal albums. So check those out. I would recommend if you haven't listened to them, trying to give them a listen before the interview, so you'll know what they're talking about. Just FYI. And also again, if you weren't aware, we are on Patreon. So if you want early access if you want to be able to vote on bonus episodes and more, go find us on Patreon. Check it out. Now a quote to close out the episode from Bobby. He said I may have been born at night boy, but it wasn't last night. Cheers. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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This was fun. Sure.


It always is. Bitch

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