Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Clap Your Hands If You Believe (6x9)

• Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 9

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Clap Your Hands If You Believe.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: Berly and LA discuss various Supernatural episodes, analyzing camera angles, stylization, editing, and direction. They also delve into supernatural theories and encounters, sharing personal experiences and frustrations. Later, they explore mischievous fairies causing trouble in their town, including their encounters with leprechauns and other supernatural entities. Finally, they dive into Irish mythology, discussing the origins and magical abilities of the Tuatha De Danann and other creatures from Irish folklore.


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get to it.


How do you pronounce these name? From? Irish mythology? Celtic? Irish, we'll be looking at how to say more Irish as well correctly. Too hot. Too hot. They've done and done.


What? Twice? What it's like, white but fancy or hot. What? What?


What pronouns?


All right. We'll see how it goes. Hello, la. Hey, Burley. Last episode was all dogs go to heaven. And Dean and Sam investigated what seemed to be a werewolf killing but turned out to be a skinwalker posing as a family dog who was taking revenge on his owners enemies. After capturing the dog, he turns himself human and tells Sam and Dean that there's an alpha Skinwalker out there that has created many sleeper cells. And they're planning on rising to his command and killing the families and turning them so it's going to be an even larger pack. But the only way to stop the mass murderers is to find and kill the alpha which they do eventually succeed at.


Well, today's episode is titled, clap your hands if you believe it's the ninth episode of season six and originally aired on November 19 2010. We start out in a cornfield, right? It's romantic. Everybody wants to be swept in a cornfield on a blanket. And they were like dressed like teenagers, but they didn't really look like teenagers. But he had on a letterman jacket. So maybe they graduated a few years ago and was just there. They were in their prime. A college. Yeah, they haven't moved on making out in the cornfield on a blanket. And the guy looks up and he's like, wait a minute, this is an interesting. There's something over there. In the in the stocks. I see something moving around. You're not interesting lady. I'm gonna go check this out. Instead, she's just like, Wait, what are you doing? He goes running into the cornfield, and then light bright, and he disappears and she goes running over just like what's happening and we realize they've been making out in a crop circle all along. Then we cut to the credits. It was an ode to X Files, and it was so damn cute. But it did hurt my feelings because I was already thinking about tall tales because alien and then they literally showed the slow dancing alien with that one guy in the credits. I was like rude. Rude. Y'all are twisting the knife. How many more seasons? What is it nine. This is the second reference to Gabriel slash trickster. This season. We aren't even to the midseason finale yet. But it was very cute. What did you want to say about the credits?


Oh, no, I didn't. Not anything particular just that. I wanted to acknowledge them because they were so cute. And they were very X file X Files ish. And then I'd like I even said the truth is in there. Yeah. And I totally wrote that down as the name of the episode, even though I had already looked and told you I was like, there's a clap. And then


what's it called the clap. I think it's called the clap.


Yeah, so I wrote that as the title. No, I was like, No, dumbass. You already knew what was in that. But anyway, it


was the credits were very cute. Yeah, that was a very cute touch. I really enjoyed it. Dean and Sam Of course, need to go investigate. So they are at Elwood Indiana. There have been different disappearances of four people at this point over just like the past couple of months. I think it was because of the crop circles rumors of bright lights in the sky and what have you of course, people in town are saying it's aliens theories.


All these theories. They


did it the aliens did it. I really liked this introduction with the interviews to the townspeople. It was very cute. honestly didn't know at first it was Sam and Dean conducting the interviews. I didn't know if we were supposed to be watching some documentary or what it was really cute the way they did it. They are talking to one lady who tells them no it's not aliens. Theories. And Sam did not like this woman's theory.


The annihilated her words.


It was just like take that crazy elsewhere. Lady get out of here.


What's your glitter getting on? Yeah.


He was like what put more glitter in that glue you've been sniffing? Like do sale. He's like empathy, empathy, Sam, come on. As they're walking back to the car. They're having a conversation, where Sam is saying what like If that's you wanted me to be honest, I thought you wouldn't be to be real. Like what now? Are you wanting me to fake it? So Dean has had a change of heart apparently, because he tells him Yes, you don't want to take it back. I do want you to fake it, fake it till you make it. You know, Pinocchio, if you want to be a real boy, you got to pretend to be that first. I'm going to be your conscience from now on. And Sam says so what you're like my Jiminy Cricket. And Dean says Shut up. But yes, yes, I am. Next, they go talk to Mr. Brennan. He is a watchmaker and is the father of the very first abduct chi, Patrick Brennan. And he was acting shady. He was not happy to have the guys there. No, he was very much like he's not coming back. It's been more than 72 hours. It's been weeks. The odds of him being found are slim to none. Get out of here. Yeah, get out of here. Shoot them away. Yeah, you loved the shoot them. He physically shoot them, kicks them out the watch shop, they leave. And then he looks over to the side and goes, was that okay? And we just see this little watch pocket watch hanging and turning? Yeah, it's like who the fuck are you talking to you bro? Yeah, what was that?


You got a magic watch.


It was very weird. So they decided to split up. Sam is to watch Mr. Brittain, but Dean is very, very cautious to tell him you were not to engage with him. And you were not to kill him. No contact. Don't do that. And Sam says, Excuse me like, I'm fine. I've been hunting for a year and I'm like, Excuse me. Mr. sideburns? You confessed in the last episode that you've killed innocent people while you've been working cases. So do not act like Dean is the one out of line by reminding you to not kill the suspect. It's a fair request. Come on, Sammy. Yeah. It was fair for Dane to say that Sam keep an eye on Mr. Brennan. Dean is like I'm gonna go check out this cornfield. I'm gonna go check out the whatever the crop circles


which I'm sorry, to me common sense. I would never go check out a crop circle by myself. Never.


But these guys believe in ghosts, demons skinwalkers. Werewolves. They don't believe in aliens though. That's just that's just nonsense. I mean, come on. Something else is going on here. escena. Dean is in the crop circle. And he's got baby kind of parked over to the side. Her headlights are on making sure he's able to see while he's checking everything out. Sam calls them and says okay, well, I've been telling Mr. Brennan and the only thing this guy has going on is alcoholism. Yeah, he's at a bar drinking by himself. Like your real judgmental Sam. Okay, you and Dean thrown back as well. I mean, his son was abducted. Come on, cut the guy some slack as he's on the phone with Dean. Babies engine and headlights get cut, and danishes like, oh, fuck, this whole scene was


their interaction back and forth. He pulls.


He pulls out his gun and his knife and he's like, ready for it? And then there's the bright light. And he's like, Oh, no. Oh, no close encounter, close encounter and Sam's just like what? Wait, is it first? Second. Which one is it? And Dean says they're following me. Do


any sales for tickets for Sam goes?


Third kinda already. Better hurry, Dean. I heard the fourth kinds but stuff that's what it was.


Just like super calm, not joking. Flagging


down the waitress to get another beer. Another Yeah. Let me kind of get into one over here checking her out. Still looking back at Mr. Brennan not at all concerned. Dean, on the other hand is frantically running around trying to get away from this light freaking out, yelling, yelling on the phone close encounter. They're gonna give me it was hilarious. And sure enough, Dean gets abducted. The


light The beams like what is it? That we're like beating them up?


beating them up, Scotty? Yeah. Dean disappeared. We Okay. Well, fuck. Sam goes to investigate this scene and finds Dean cell phone just laying on the ground just like oh shit. Sure enough. They took him they took him. So he goes back to where there's like this trailer park camp or something going on? It's a bunch of campers. Yeah. Or tables all set up. And it's all these people who are there because they've heard about the disappearances. And they're all sharing their UFO Alien. paraphernalia isn't the right word. What is the word I'm looking for their information, their theory call it information and theories, conspiracies. That's the word area go. There we go. There we go. So they're sharing all of that. And he immediately goes walking up to one of the guys that they had interviewed earlier who had claimed to be like, this really key specialist. He has been hunting UFOs for 30 years. He has all this information. And so Sam goes walking up to him. It's just like, hey, like I need I need more information like how do you how do you get to them? How do you catch them? Like if this is true, if this is how to get to him, and he hands him a PAP pamphlet? Sam flips through it very quickly. unimpressed and impressed. He's like, What the fuck is this? This doesn't tell me anything because like it's it's a bunch of information of firsthand accounts,


and seems like your work is shit. 3030 years of work.


Shit. You suck. Did you ever think you suck Get, like kashering UFOs. Like, this is terrible. Some girl comes walking up as Sam is parading this man. And Sam says My brother was abducted and she's like, Oh my god, your brother's attempted? Are you okay? He said, It's okay. I've had time to adjust. It's been 30 minutes. It's been like half an hour. So he tells this guy behind the table, like, you suck, you're not going to be able to help me. I'm gonna have to go figure something else out and the girl is like, I'll help you. I want to help. So I was just like, all right. Oh, she


does in more ways than one. Oh, she


helps herself. Yeah, good for you. Good for you, girl. Good for you. It says here in the notes that her name is Sparrow Jennings. What a name well then we cut to the cornfield and Dean is suddenly beamed down. They they tossed his gun and knife and hand got a knife in hand shooting. I think he was shooting. Oh, yeah. Like they they dropped his ass off. They were like, fuck this guy. Get out. So he goes back to their motel and Find Sam and Sparrow in the bed. He's so big. Oh, he just had her wrapped. Give me a body pillow like that. We'll just take that. I want a body filler. Good for you, Sparrow. Yeah, so Dean kicks in the doors like what the fuck? It sounds like oh, hey, it's my brother. She's like, Oh, welcome back. And they're just smiling. Like, we finally get a little bit of facial reaction from Sam that isn't just stoic, serious. It's


like a little like, like a surprise smiling.


Good for you. Good for you, buddy. You made it. So they immediately kick Sparrow as they are want to do. Oh, get out of here.


Man. If I was sir. I'd be like Dean, could you give us give us a minute.


We weren't quite done. Why don't you go get cleaned up? Give us a few more minutes.


I need to I need to finish them. Yeah.


But no, get out. Get out. She's very sweet about it. She tried to talk to Dean on her way out like what?


What happened? Tell me all about, hey,


just call them what was a glowy probie assholes. And she's like, Oh, too soon. She's gonna get it. We'll talk later. Bye. So she leaves and Dean is upset. He's like, seriously, I get abducted. And you just go hook up. I was gone for like, maybe an hour. And Sam says no, no, bro. You were gone all night. It's 4am Dean seems very confused with this information. Sam seems very excited. He's like UFO TimeSlips. This fits into the lore. It's like I know. Yeah. So he's been researching all night. And he's been online. Well, not all night. Clearly, at least in like that. Last 30 minutes, hour or whatever. He decided to take a break. Yeah. So Sam is very excited to talk about the lore that he's been looking into all night that


he criticized the guy about, like it to begin with. And


he also tries to be empathetic and be there for his brother. He's like, do you need to talk about it and like putting his hand on his knee? Like I'm here for you, Dean. Deeds, just like, I don't know, man. I like I got beamed up there. And I just started slashing and firing. And I think I surprised them. Like, I don't think anybody's ever done that before. And I loved that. He's like, I got abducted, and I won. I won that kicked my ass out the ship. Ms. Ham says, think you should go take a shower. And he's like, yeah, yeah, I've got to do that right now. We're still talking about the probate. Oh,


yeah. Didn't like it. At one point. Didn't say I'm saying something that oh, they lead you to the probing table and deeds like don't say this.


So now they're like, Okay, fuck, I guess aliens. So they decided to split up again. Sam is going to research them at the library. And Dean is checking out stuff online. And I did think it was funny. Whatever. Sam was talking about the books he was looking at. Dean was like, Yeah, at least the books have punctuation because the websites that he was looking at were very much you know, primary, very basic. Probably had a lot of misspellings run on sentences whatnot. So I thought that was a cute little line. Well, as Dean is looking at stuff with the laptop by himself at the motel, the power cuts out again. And Dean immediately is on guard like Oh, fuck their pack.


When Bowie starts playing


what Bowie was playing Yeah, Bowie. Bowie is playing in the background. What's the song Brown? Is it grown? Major, major tome?


I don't know if that's the name of the song but


let's Google it real quick.


Yeah, cuz that's what tipped me off. Was that song started playing. Yeah, after the lights went out. I


think let's see here. Maybe before Space Oddity. David Bowie's Space Oddity music was perfect. The way they increased the volume was perfect. It was perfect. So we see this light shining through the motel room window and Dean is flipping out. He's like fog and then the door flies open and there's suddenly this bright light that appears this twinkling little light that appears. And it's a standoff. Dean is standing next to the table near the laptop. He looks over and sees his gun laying on the bed. And the bright light is in the doorway and there directly it's like a triangle, right like a bright light Dean gun. So Dean makes a move for the gun, but the bright light moves and gets in front of them. He leans in really closely. It was a really cool shot. We see his face lit up really well. And he goes nipples.


Yeah, like, clearly he's seeing something and that's all he zooms in on his nipples.


It is apparently a tiny naked hot lady. And she damn near kicks his ass. She punches him, the getting a tussle, they're flying around space, oddity is playing still in the background. And then but she's coming in for the kill shot. He ducks out of the way and captures her in a microwave. Then he proceeds to hold the microwave door shut and turn it on. Naked hot little lady gets exploded in the microwave. It was perfect. We rebound and watch that scene, I'd say I think twice. It was so good. When Sam comes back, he can't see her remains. Oh, I forgot to talk about the bar. So they were at a bar earlier and Sam's trying to get laid again. And he's just like, really, really, like I'm traumatized. And we got to figure this stuff out. But you're still trying to get laid. And there was some dude in the window just staring at them. And we had like a red beanie. It was very creepy. Dean was like, What the fuck is that guy's problem? Sam couldn't see this guy. He was like, What guy the cop near the window and he's like, No, like the other guy looks fucking weirdo standing outside staring at us and Sam could not see the sky. So now we find out Sam cannot see the exploitive lady in the microwave, either.


It was a mess. Yeah.


And so Dane is explaining to her what she looked like. Like he was very cute when he would look down and she hit me. Yeah, that's when


he was like, like, seems like what did he look like? Which looks like he's like, little glowing, hot, naked lady with nipples. And then he looks down. She hit me. Yeah, he was so crushed. She


was so. And Sam goes out on a limb is like, did she have wings? And she's like, how did you know that? Sam gets very excited again, because in his research, he has figured out there is a lot of overlap between aliens and fairies. So Sam's like you know that woman that was really fucking rude to you at the beginning of the episode. She might have been on to something. Let's go talk to her.


Oh, but I like that. I think I think it was Sam that said that. Dean pizza roll Tinkerbell.


Yeah. I told you. We're hungry. We haven't yet. So I was like, oh my god, we want to go get pizza rolls. That sounds really good right now. So Sam and Dean go to visit Marian. She invites them into her little enchanted home. She's got little fairies and garden gnomes and Santa Clauses and goblins and everything everywhere. And of course, she serves them tea, tea, tea cups. As she's talking to them about fairies, she informs them all the 411 that they need. She's like they love cream. They hate iron. No matter how powerful a fairy is. If you dump over salt or sugar in front of them, they have to stop whatever they're doing and count every single grain like she's given all this information. And she tells them that whenever the firstborns, it's always firstborn sons that are abducted that she thinks that they're taken to Avalon in order to service the theory king over on it Sam looks at Dean is like Dean like Did did you service king over on? Dean does not answer.


He looks away.


I took note there was not an answer to that question.


I felt like he was like kind of like sad. I'd say him. And then just looked away the other way. And then started talking to Mary and again, yep,


we're just going to choose choose your story, right? What is it that choose the books where you got to choose your stuff? What happened? What happened during anyway, after they leave? They happen upon Mr. Brennan, who is at a grocery store, loading a fuckload of cartons of cream Yeah, into the back of his car. And they're just like, alright, Marian said that you can summon them here and make deals with them and all this other stuff. It's all coming back to the first abduction. It's all coming back to Mr. Brennan. So Sam and Dean split up Dean breaks into the watch shop and he sees all these tiny little men working away on the watches in in the shop Sam is at the bar watching Mr. Brennan who was drinking again and Dean call Sam and just like all right, confirmed man there's there's a bunch of fair he's there to watch shop theories


galore in the workshop. Yeah, just working away drinking their cream


hard at work harder work enjoying their cream. Getting these watches made Mr. Brennan's Mr. Brennan's it but as he's talking with Salem, red beanie guy is across the street staring at him. So Dean hangs up and so was trying to get away so he's walking the face


Dean makes the whole time this guy's following me it's


just like he was not coming. I


don't even know how to describe it. It was just bless his


heart. So he's trying to get away from Red beanie guy red beanie guys following him very closely getting closer and closer. There was one part where I think the camera was like kind of GoPro but it was kind of attached. I liked that shot I loved there were a lot of shots in this episode that I enjoyed. I enjoyed the fairy shot anything with the fake aliens was fun. Just the pacing of this episode was perfect as well. This was really good episode. Dean is about to come out of the street from a dark alley and decides to tackle the person who's been following him. But at some point, Mr. Red beanie fell off and was no longer walking behind Dean like right


before he goes to attack him like he was so tall. Yeah. And I like I was like, wait a minute, he


should. You did. You said Wait, he got smaller. He's shorter. That's not what happened, though. At some point, District Attorney of Tipton County ended up being the person walking behind Dean instead of red being a guy. And as they came out onto the sidewalk, Dean decided to make his move. He tackles them. And I was like, What do you mean for me very. He just kept saying ferry over and over again. The guy is just like what the fuck is wrong with you? Well, it turns out it's just a person. Like he's the district attorney.


Like in a nice suit. And yeah, like really good Jaco.


His whole family is like on the corner being like, what? What are you doing? Are you doing dangerous? Just kidding. Oh, my God is a great way to get out of it. Sale decides to confront Mr. Brennan, whatever. All this is happening. She says, Oh, so you traded your son and Mr. Brennan's? Like that's not how it happened. And he explains that his grandmother believed in the fairies and had this book and had this summoning spell. And the as he was getting hauled older, his hands were failing him. He wasn't able to do the work anymore. And he knew he could ask the favorite fairies for a favor. And he didn't realize Sam says at the end like a deal. When's the deal ever gone? Good when you're making a deal with a supernatural entity, but Mr. Brennan didn't think things through clearly


also like why didn't you ask your son for help? Before sending them off to


well, what if he didn't want to be a watchmaker, though, like you're gonna force your son to do it? And he said that they asked, you know, if he would agree for them to reap the fruit and fat? Oh, yeah. Land. Yeah. He was like, I


didn't know what that meant. That's what it was. And that meant his firstborn. That's right. Okay. Yeah. He


was like, I didn't know what that meant. I wasn't thinking all I was thinking about what I was going to get out of the deal. Yeah, I wasn't thinking about what were they going to expect in return? And I said, Yes. And now I'm blocked. Like I'm having to feed these fairies cream and they haven't stopped. They just keep taking firstborns, and I don't know what to do. He's


like, Why do you think I'm at the bar every night? Yeah. You judgey


motherfucker. Yeah. So Sam was just like, Okay, well, let's go get that book. Because if there was a spell to summon them, surely there's something that you can do to send them back. And the guy's like, yeah, there is. There totally is. I've just, I can't do it. They're constantly watching me. I don't have anybody to protect me. Once I start doing it. I'm gonna get attacked and seems like it's okay. I'm gonna come protect you. Let's go get my brother. My brother can help see stuff like it'd be fine. So they go to go find Dean and stumble upon the scene where Dean is being arrested. Sam shells out. Hey, hey, what's going on? And he's just like, fight those berries. You better fight those berries. And everybody is standing around just being like, what the flowers hold? Yeah, this whole town believes in UFOs. But who is this crazy man yelling about fairies? It was so funny. Whenever the COP is talking with Dean in the jail. He's like, I don't even know what kind of hate crime this was. You clearly.


He's like if he had been What did he say? If he had


been a normal size, man, would you have still attacked him? And like, would you still have called him a fairy?


He's like, I


don't hate any size person or any size gay man. It wasn't a hate crime. It was it was hilarious. So Sam decides, Okay, well, I guess we're on our own. Mr. Brennan. Let's let's go back to the watch shop. And Mr. Brennan says okay, I think we have a chance here because to these berries, cream is like tequila. They're gonna they're gonna be out. And sure enough, you walk in and there's just fairies passed out or stumbling around? Like they just a bunch of wasted fairies. Let's hope they aren't working on watches whenever they are in that I was


about to say how did they get any work done? Because they were drinking that cream earlier in the day. They were


how good the quality is those watches. I mean, Sam was saying they were really good quality. But now I don't know. Maybe they just couldn't really hold their cream for like a certain period of time because there was there were a few passed out. So Sam has his gun out and he's kind of watching Mr. Brennan. Mr. Brennan goes to the safe gets out his little magic book. And he goes and sets it out on a table as sort of staying with something you spell. Sam's trying to keep an eye out. Why Sam's trying to keep an eye out when he can't see anything? I don't know. But whatever. Working with what you got Right can't do anything about Dean. He's in jail right now doing the best he can. They're the best again. All of a sudden we see this knife or something. Sure through Mr. Brennan's chest like he gets stabbed right in the heart. Yeah, he gets fucked. sprinted just gets dumped over to the side. And it's the guy who sucked at hunting UFOs all along, which I should have known because he seemed very familiar to me. Yeah, you said that. Who is that? Wayne? An actor? I know. Robert Picardo I've seen him in Star Trek. I'm pretty sure Hang on. Oh, known for Star Trek Voyager China Beach Star Trek first encounter interspace he's a pretty well known actor, so should have known he was going to end up being more important later on down the line. And sure enough, he's a leprechaun. And he is they're taking the first points it's never explained what they do with the firstborn why? Yeah, he does say Dean is March and is one of them now. She doesn't say that what that means. This is a changeling situation like what's what's happened with them? I


guess they didn't get a chance to probe Dean. Yeah, he because he was he was lashing and yeah, whatever


slash and and shooting. So I started slashing the foot always sunny. Is it started Oh, it was it? What is it Danny DeVito remember, something like that? Anyways, Britain is just cocky as can be and it's like, oh, like something's wrong with you. You're missing something. You're not like the others and Sam's like yeah, you know, okay, fucking now. It's like it's getting old you guys a kid it all these supernatural entities. I've been hunting you guys for a year and not any of you bothered to tell me over that past year that I don't have a soul. But now that I found out from having my angel cavity search done, you all can't seem to shut up about it. Where was this information a year ago? Assholes. He's like,


I get it. I don't need the reminder. Yeah. Oh,


he's just like, it's it's in the cage with the devil in the leprechauns. Like, I can get in there. Yeah,


he's like, that's not my devil. It's not going to stop me.


I have back ways I can get you your soul back if you'll make a deal with me. Sam is not playing along. In the meantime, poor Dean in his jail cell has suddenly found red beanie man standing in the corner. No, he's like sitting right next to him, right? Oh, yeah, he was sitting next to him first, but he's like teleporting around the cell, which we find out. Leprechaun man shows Sam like, the only reason you can see me is because I want you to so that's what red beanie guy was doing. I guess even though Dean has been to the land and back, because I was very concerned with like, how are people able to see the leprechaun guy if they haven't been in the Fairyland? Well, apparently, if he wants you to see him, you will. I don't know if Red Red Hat Guy was teleporting? Or if he was making himself invisible in the moving around who? He's beating up Dean like he was but he was like zipping around. He was just very quick. Okay, is my point. Kicking Dean's us? Yeah. Or Dean. They have come to give him some payback. They're like you surprised us? You were right. You won. And we're really pissed about it. So we're very upset. We didn't get to probe you. You killed our tiny naked lady too. Yeah. Oh, yeah. With nipples. Yeah.


Yeah. Can't forget those kills nipples.


Yeah, it's not her name. Killed nipples. But thankfully, Sammy is real smart. And he listened to Marian after all. So he's shooting leprechaun man with will because leprechaun man was beating him up to Oh, yeah, he was getting his ass handed. But he started shooting leprechaun man and was like, oh, iron, but not a deal breaker. That fucking hurt. But I'm still good. And finally, after having his ass handed to him, Sam went for Old Faithful, and pulled out some salt or sugar and poured it out on the floor. And leprechaun was like, Ah, fuck,


he looks so defeated. He was like, God damn,


Yeah, fuck me. I have to count every single one. So he drops down to his knees and starts counting the grains. Sam goes over to the book that is fortunately still open to the correct page says the spell. And each of the fairies in the room start getting zapped back to their alternate reality their realm, including Mr. Red beanie, and the cell who was kicking Dean's ass. And fortunately, the district attorney decided to drop the charges against Dean. So Dean gets released from prison. And all's well, that ends well. Next, we see Sam and Dean on the side of the road somewhere sitting on the hood of baby just really absorbing everything that's happened to them both in this fantastic little hunt of theirs. And Dean asked Sam, so why didn't you take the deal? And Sam points out, I mean, a deal is a deal. Like when is it ever been a good thing to make a deal with a supernatural entity? Look what happened to Mr. Brennan?


Very true.


You know, I still have my brain. I don't have my soul but I still have my brain cells and in some ways, it works better than it did. And Dean says, Okay, I just want to make sure you weren't having second thoughts that you're still wanting your soul back. And Sam says no, yeah, but then he like looks off To the side, it's just like, Oh, I think maybe Sammy is faking it in more ways than one. I agree. All right, so I guessed based off of some of the shots in this episode that the director was Robert singer. I was incorrect about that. Oh, really? But I was certain I was correct about the writer and I was you. Yep. Yep. It was written by Ben Edlund. And it was directed by John F show, Walter. Let's go see what episodes he's done. All right. So no wonder that name isn't seared on our brain just yet. He hasn't done much yet. He did Dead men don't wear plaid and season five. And he did Two and a Half Men in this season. The one with the baby. The baby. This episode was way more stylized than those two. I feel like yeah. Oh yeah, he had a lot more interesting shots. Showalter did a lot more interesting angles with the camera. Interesting lighting, surge the sweetness it seems like they played with the color saturation and a few different scenes. It was really interesting in the end the difference in the color saturation with Dean's fight scene with Red Hat and Sam's fight scene with leprechaun like we definitely obviously Red Hat scene had that blue tone it was night and as gel sail and the Whiting and then in St. Sam scene it seemed almost like fairy tale lighting and low calorie yeah like it's glowing


it was very glowing I said sepia at first but then when like it's went back to another scene I was like no it's it were a glow Yeah, like are you looked at it a deep glow?


Yeah like fairy tale like you felt like you were in an enchanted it was really cool.


And I liked like the juxtaposition between but we kept going back and forth


and the more it cut back and forth the more you and I must say you're doing this with our hands the more it cut back and forth the more you could see the different it was really cool yeah, I really enjoyed that. I adored the shots and I'm gonna go ahead and go into a door I adored I adored the shots also in the nipples versus Dean fight. There was a lot of cool angles from that whenever he was coming up and look into see the way they had the lighting on his face for that was really interesting. I wonder how they did that if they had something I mean, obviously sort of lighting Yeah, right behind the camera or something would have the cameraman just had a headlamp on. But that was really cool. Well, but


you know what, it was very well done. Because I noticed this in a lot of movies or shows when it's something that's like CGI like that. The eye contact like the level of where it's at sometimes is off, but this was like perfect.


It was really well done. Yeah, it was really well done. The abduction scene was another one where it was cut back and forth. That was more dialogue that was making it hilarious ru Dean's the camera was all over the place though. And it kind of added to the fact that Sam is just sitting chillin having a beer, so we're just sitting here with this one angle, whereas Dean is panicking and freaking out the shots and the angles that we're doing with the camera contributed to that as well. It's really cool. Very good. I haven't been this excited about shots and editing and all of that in an episode so far. It's been a while yeah, it's been a while but


I also liked the one that you mentioned where it was like the mostly GoPro in front of Dean when the Red Hat was after him. Yeah, and it made it's like more chaotic added


to the paranoia. Yeah, the paranoia of the feeling. Yeah, it was there was a lot of cool stuff. So good job show. I'm looking forward to see it looks like we don't have a whole lot. Oh, we do we do have a lot more from show Walter up so that's gonna be cool. I hope he plays around some more. Yeah, this


one was a good one.


It was really good I have to say and of course been outlined. Oh, wait, always.


My my adore is Sam and this one just like his bluntness and like cafes back. I don't have a soul but like it was like so much of his bluntness, but then other times where he was like trying to fake it like Dean had asked him to like it. It was like he was really trying, but it still wasn't coming out great.


Like when he reached over put his hand on Dean's knee. And you could tell Dean had like a moment where he like he wanted to be like, dude, but he just was like,


and then my favorite was like when Dean was like, pretty much in the process of being abducted. He's like, another beer. Yeah, he's like hey, man, you Yeah, you gotta get out of there the buttstock


by themselves common that probe stuff is coming man.


I don't know he's he's playing it really well.


Joining Jared paddock he's performance. I know on Episode One and Episode Two. It was very I even heard you say when I was editing recently that maybe we'll come to love this version of Sam. I'm kind of getting there right? I know I shouldn't but fuck man is He's entertaining as all hell and


you know lmsc me Miss sweet Sammy. Yeah. So I'm shocked that I'm like, kind of enjoying this. But it's it's funny. I


live performance is on key that like it is top notch. Jared pedelec he is killing this performance. Jensen Ackles matching him to like the chemistry and the partnership between their performances. It's still there. Even though Jared is playing a completely different version of the character.


But I like it's not so heavy like it has been in other season. Isn't it this is more a little lighthearted how dependency


shed is kind of getting pushed a little bit to the side right now.


But I want to extent it's just a little more lighthearted. And


I don't know. It's interesting. We're going out order here. So we've done our adore gore. Oh, there wasn't really any Gore in this episode, except for nipples exploding in the microwave. Yeah, yeah. I think that was about it. I can't even really say that was gory, because it was just so damn fun.


Well, when they both got beat up and when they little bit yeah, because when they were sitting on baby at the end, they both had like little cuts and bruises. Yeah,


they both got their asses handed to them. There wasn't much Dean a couple of times. I all right. My blonde beauty. Take me into the lore. Okay, can you do you need me to play it again? I do. I totally do. That's like the beginning of the episode.


I this guy though. I don't he's too dramatic for me. How do you pronounce his name


from Irish mythology? Celtic. Irish. We'll be looking at how to say more Irish as well correctly. Too hot. Too hot. Down and too hot to die on


and on to a hot the done. Okay, okay. Well, once again, would say that again.


I said give it to me. I'll give it to you.


I will go ahead and preface this as I do many times that I will probably be mispronouncing many things you've


been stressing about this so bad and I just want to remind you of my lamea Oh call me lor.


We get we get tough on you. We do. Yeah,


we do it to ourselves. Yeah.


Well, I'll do my best you got it. The Enchanted mythical fairies and leprechauns of Irish folklore come from an ancient divine race called the Twitter. Watch the Donna to a top. No, it's not twat. What did dawn to a hot to dawn. What it's like to what to what


or peoples of the Mother Goddess Danielle.


I'm getting there. An ancient divine race called the too hot to not be peoples of the Mother Goddess Danu. The two hot day were the last race of gods to inhabit Ireland before they were defeated by the ancestors of present day Irish. So there are four magic talisman some people believe they were descended from the numbat Ian's who ruled in the Third Age and were driven from Ireland after a major battle with the four morons. According to myth, there were five ages of the world before the mortal sons of militias conquered again, thank you and settled the land. The two hot day ruled in the fifth age of the world. The two hot day were believed to have garnered their skills and knowledge of magic and the occult in four different mythical cities, follies, glorious Marinus, and Phineas from which they also acquired for magic talismans. The first was the stone of fall Bow, bow, I don't know or Stone of Destiny, which cried out whenever a true king of Ireland stepped on it. Sounds like Lego. Then there was the cauldron of plenty of bronze cauldron belonging to daga, one of the great warriors of the race, this cauldron would satisfy the hunger of anyone who ate from it. Another treasure was the blood thirsty weapons sometimes a spear a sword or a slingshot of Lou, Lou Lou Lou Lou Lu Lu. Okay, another respected warrior of the tuit. Finally, there was the magical sword of Nuada, which always swung a fatal blow. Now what happened to these two what didn't it although the tuat de whisked up a magical storm to drive the Milly scenes away, and merjan calmed the weather with his verse. Then the two day were swiftly defeated but the Millicent Melissa Ian's took the name of Earu as their own to identify their new property, which they called Ireland, sometimes still referred to as Eru or iron today, I'm probably not saying those right. There are many different legends about what happened to the Divine race. Some say that emergent divided the land and a lot of the underground the remaining two a day while his own race of people lived and walked upon the earth. Another version reports that Danny who sent many of the tuat day to live in, come on, turn on augue then she found homes under the earth for the others who did not wish to leave. Still, Another version says that the two out day did not fight them Elysium at all because their skill and prophecy showed them that the Malaysians were destined to live in rural on the island and the sixth age of the world. And this story the Tour de prepared their future kingdom under various hills and fled to their subterranean abodes when the Malisa Ian's landed in their ships, in some fashion where the tuat de consigned to live below the earth's surface and SIDS or mounds, they became known as the a sit, or people of the mound. They dwell in the underground palaces and cities and sometimes appear above the land to switch mortal children with fairy children grant wishes to people or engage in other shenanigans. The city city, also called the fairy folk or little people are still set to populate Ireland today, practicing magic and mischief in their glorious, glittering kingdoms in the fairy mounds dotting the landscape of Emerald Isle. Also fun fact, Avalon is a mythical island featured in the Etherion legend. It is a place of magic where King Arthur's sword Excalibur was made and later where Arthur was taken to recover from being gravely wounded at the Battle of CalMAN. What does that have to do with that?


Because she said that fairies take people to the land of Avalon to go surface king over on the kingdom fairies. Okay, quote, close it out. This is during Dean's UFO abduction my


scene you're seeing


so on the phone was Sam Dean is saying you have oh, you Oh. And


Sam says Whoa, dude, stop yelling. You're breaking up. I didn't catch that last part. Dean's


running through the cornfield trying to escape the white light and says close encounter. Close Encounter.


Sam says closing counter what kind first second,


Dean says they're after me.


Sam says third kind already. You gotta run man, I think fourth kinds of but thing and Dean


says empathy Sam. Empathy. Cheer. Oh, it was


a good one. I don't know about our episode, but that


thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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