Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

All Dogs Go To Heaven

April 27, 2024 • Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 8

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, All Dogs Go To Heaven.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy.


I love LA


Hello Burley.


Our last episode was called Family Matters. Dean was suspicious of Samuels motives. But Sam isn't sold on the idea that their grandfather is doing anything wrong. The brothers go along on a hunt with Samuel and the other Campbell's. But things go awry. A lot of people die. Alpha Vamp gets captured. Crowley is the one who's been giving the orders. Oh, and one small thing. We find out Sam don't have no salt. You all I have to say


Well, today's episode is titled all dogs go to heaven. It is the eighth episode of season six, and it aired on November 12 2010. It starts in Buffalo, New York at a barbecue looked like it was a barbecue joint. Oh, I thought it was like a gentlemen's club.


Oh, you're right. Okay. I'm just hungry. And I just remember there was a barbecue restaurant at some point there.


There was there. But there's a guy leaving the gentleman's club walking to his car.


Oh, the BP did go pee pee.


Yeah, he's, I was I thought he was asking about a child. But then you were like, the dog didn't Yeah, he's like, What is he doing? What eat to go to the


park? Did did?


Did they go pee pee? It was yeah, he gets in his car. And then out of nowhere we see from this animals view. He was in the bush. Yep. And just charges at the car, bus through the windshield and kills this guy.


And we get our 39th Blood splooge of the supernatural series as this man who we find out as a slumlord. So not a good guy. I totally missed that part. But we're pretty sure that cannon was used on the on the window on the driver's side window, not the windshield because the windshield was no longer there. Correct.


Then it cuts to Dean he's on the phone to Bobby. I think he's trying to ask Bobby how to get out of this situation with Crowley Crowley shows up in his like not have to buy, not gonna happen. So he sits down with Sam and Dean. And Dean's still.


This is the barbecue restaurant. Is it?


Yeah, you're right. You're right. And Dean still. It's an important. We need everybody. But Dean's still not having it. And so Carly's like, Oh, yeah. Okay, well, what about this? And he just taps Sam's hand and burns the shit out of it. And it just kept burning? Yeah. Dean like looking at it was like


Crowley was like, this isn't optional. This is a hostage situation. I own your brother.


You don't get a choice. Bagga live alpha, bring it to me, and I'll give you salt Samsel back. So they go as they do in their suits and go check out the scene where the guy from the beginning was killed.


Crowley like gave them the newspaper article. It was like here. Here's here's a thread for you to follow. Go check this out. Sam


is just real. What's the word for zoom in this episode?


motivated? Yeah.


And I like it. Part of me wants to stay sassy. But it's not sassy. He's just like, so matter of fact. And like, no bullshit.


It's like, cats out of the bag. Yeah. All right. I've known something's wrong with me. And I've been kind of trying to hide it because I don't really know what's going on. But now everybody knows. So. Yeah. Um, so let's Sam. This is this is who I am. I have no soul. Sam I Am I


Well, the deer when


we call them hammy,


no, when did we do that?


I said it. Okay. And then you were like it thought him. When did I say I have no soul? Sam I am. Oh my goodness. But Sam, I am a lady that ham huh?


I don't even like him. They are chatting with a cop on the scene. I guess the cop on the scene of this death. And he mentioned one before. And Sam. I can't remember what inappropriate thing you said to the guy. Oh, mouth breathing Dick monkeys. Yeah, yeah,


that's the answer questions from mouth breathing. Yeah.


Lovely. And jeans face when he said optimally. Hmm. But I think he asked them if organs were missing mainly the heart and the guy says yeah, how do you know? So they deduce it was a werewolf that killed the sky and the one that was mentioned previously. It wasn't a full moon when the Sky died. But Sam mentioned like, oh, that doesn't matter. Me and granddaddy Samuel a while back bagged one on a half moon.


They've just been changing. Fuck the moon.


So then it switches to Dean's asleep. fully clothed.


We didn't get a pan up. Yeah, I was like what happened? What happened to those full bodied pans? Where's that?


Didn't get it. But Sam is up dressed ready to go. He has found out that this werewolf whoever they are as a person and they hate. That's who they're targeting and killing when they wolf out. Dean is looking over his shoulder at him. Very seductive, very




Yeah. He's like, Alright, let me get dressed. And I was like he is dressed fully dressed. Why?


He also made a comment about like, you didn't sleep? Oh, yeah. Because you don't sleep. And I was like, what would you rather him do? Would you rather him go lay in the bed and pretend? Yeah, let


him research while you're asleep?


Yeah, he's making good use of his time. Yeah. Come on.


Sam says he found a common denominator. So they had to this guy's house named cow. The lady answers door with her son and her arm in her arms. And they asked if they can talk to cow she says come in. So it's like, cleans up. She's like, Sorry about the mess because she's got a kid. Yeah, don't be judging. But


she puts that bowl of garlic or whatever it was. That was so that was so weird. She clears the table of all these toys and everything and then puts a bowl in the middle of the table that looked like there was garlic or something. pletely


distracted me. I was so she said. She said it down. And at first I was like, that looks like a dog bowl from what I saw. But then when it changed to a different angle, I was like, oh, and then I was just confused. I didn't even hear what


they were talking about. Same. I was like, what is happening with the ball? Yeah, happening. What's


in the bowl?


I understand clearing the table but what you completely distracted me. Totally thrown.


Maybe that was the end game. She was like, Look at this. Garlic.


Don't pay attention to anything else in the house. It didn't work. Yeah. No, they are observant.


I said no, they're not absorbed. So Mandy, I think she did she go get color. Did Cal just come in? I feel like she was like about two and he came in right? Not right. But he comes in and clearly is having a rough morning.


It was about to say what's important is Cal is a mess. Yeah. Bless his heart and


the dog is sitting there in the corner and growls when Cal shows up. Not a fan. They notice. Yeah. And we find out that Cal is Ron's brother who was the guy that got killed through the windshield of his car. Mm hmm.


Ron was the guy who died at the dock or whatever with the with the dick breathing monkey man. What did he call him?


Dick? No. mouth breathing Dick monkey.


Okay. Yeah, with that. Okay. Yeah, that was Cal's brother. It was their landlord. Who was the dog dad at the beginning.


Oh, that's right. Okay. Yes. Okay, gotcha. Thank you.


These are important. Yeah.


It's all just very important. It's


really important. We


got to know. But they were both killed by an animal attack. They say and Mandy is looking real sauce. real nervous. I was like, oh, it's hurt. Yeah. And they're like, How many would you do? How many drinks do you have? He's like, ooh, three, four, maybe tops, beers. And Sam's like, Oh, yeah. Well, then why are you leaking? Or sweating vodka?


We were like, so not having a soul increases your senses? Yeah, I


guess. Well, as they're leaving, they're talking to each other. And I think Sam is set to kill them. He's like, let's do it. And Dean's like, you know, like, maybe let's take a beat.


I like it sounds like No, I know. I fucked a werewolf. Okay, that's right. So I know, I know what's going on here.


I'm the expert. All right. And then deeds like well, can we just take a beat before we like sampling them to a lifetime of demon rape?


Oh, yeah. He did say demon. Right. And you and I both went, there it is again, like, ever since the epiphany of the sexual assault kind of thing. It's like that's been pretty prevalent now in hindsight, in a lot of the episodes this season. Trigger warning, by the way, guys, yeah, my bad. Well,


they follow Kel and he goes, I don't some garage place with his buddies. Another one. He's


like, Yeah, we're house. Yeah. Facilities. Oh, no. It was like a bar or something. Right.


I thought it was like somebody's garage, like with a bunch of stuff in it. There's a pool table in there. Yeah. Anyway, they're having a good time. And they are partying all


night long. Literally. Yeah, until the sun comes up the next day.


So Cal stumbles to his car. Lo and behold, for some reason, he turns over and lucky. The dog is sitting there staring at him. And he's like, Lucky. What the hell are you doing here? And lucky said murdering your ass. Yeah, and that's what he did. And we see the reflection of lucky as a man. A naked man in the window of cows truck.


Yeah, we also got our 40th Blood splooge 4040 We're up to 40 when lucky attacked cow it bloods flew all over the side of the car. Well, that's


right. Is that the one I pointed out? Yes. You


said blood splurge and I was like you right? And then we saw naked man lucky and we both went. What the hell? That's creepy. Just when I thought, okay, it's creepy is going to change to a different scene. It's not going to be creepy. No, no. got worse. Creepy year it got way worse.


Yeah, so lucky. It changes back to his dog form and goes home. And Mandy is in bed sleeping and he decides just, he's staring at her in human form, actually, when he gets back,


so I'm like he was naked. Right? So it showed it showed him a tech cow. And then he went human, and he's naked with blood all over his face. Right. Right. Then we see him human naked at the foot of the bed. So like, did he walk home naked? Or did he change back into dog form and then walk home?


It probably changed dog form, walked home and then was like, Well, let me get naked while I stared or I mean,


at least he cleaned the blood off his face, I guess. And then whenever I thought, oh, that's the creepiest of the crib. It can't get creepier. No. Now he changes into dog form, and goes and gets in bed with Mandy


licking her that he


likes her face awake. Looks like you just murdered her boyfriend with that mouth. And now you're gonna go slobber all over her face with it. Yeah, to wake her up in the morning.


And she's loving it. She's like, you're just the best boyfriend I've ever had only decent boyfriend I've ever had. Great lucky. Oh, and she says hold up. I gotta go take a shower. And lucky very happily watches her take a shower,


goes and sits in the door and watches her take her nightgown off and get in the shower. Naked creep. Real creep that lucky. I'm never going to look at a German Shepherd. Well, when I


told you when I was like, when I go home and I look at my dogs, I'm like, wait a minute.


Wait a minute. I


really look at you.


Wait till we get to the lore. I got you covered. Okay. After that


whole baby shit. We had we go back to the boys and they're talking and they've decided that common denominator is not cow. It is Bandy. She is their suspect.


Because Cal is dead. Let's not forget that. Yeah. There were like, Oops. Okay, so not Cal. Right.


Let's rethink.


I think that's actually when Sam was like, I fucked a werewolf. Okay, like, Yeah, I'm gonna be


expert over here.


Whatever they decided to Mandy, it seems like are you gonna be able to do it? You're gonna be able to take that bitch and shove her in the trunk. Like Jesus. He didn't say bitch, I decided to add that in there. Like, I don't remember. I threw that in there for extra effects. Okay. You're gonna be able to do it, Dean. Because I'm gonna be able to do it. I fucked.


And I don't have a soul. So I don't give up. But I don't give a shit right now. Yeah. Then it switches to Mandy and Lucky's watching the Morning News. As dark for him as dogs are want to do. Yeah, they've got to catch up to so Mandy is gonna take lucky on a walk. But she sees that there's some blood on his front. A little bit. She said she killed another bird. Like no, no, he did not.


And then here's the thing that tells me this isn't the first time that she's caught blood on lucky Yeah, he's just killing the neighborhood. Who else does he Merton Merman?


I was gonna see the neighborhood urgence What am I tried to say? You tell me. Oh my god. I don't know. Like rodents. Oh, I can be wrong on that though. vermin? Yeah, there you go. So she takes him on a walk. And she's on the street talking with a neighbor somebody in the neighbor walks off. Sam and Dean approach her to chat with her again. interrogator again. Sam doesn't believe her shocking right. And Dean's like Dean's a little like I don't know. Let me


talk to your kid. Yeah, cuz she said little McKenna has flu. I was up with them all night. Yeah. Oh, that's when Sam said no, I fucked aware. Well, yeah. Oh, there it is. Yeah. 30 minute


facts in my notes right there.


Oh, no, that's when it happened. Samrat


references is werewolf girlfriend.


Yeah 30 minutes was long enough for her to wolf out and go murder somebody Trust me I know that this is when it comes up.


I feel like sounds a little bit better.


That's what I said solace Sam apparently still has feelings about some things because that seemed a little yeah grudge heavy any


time she was she was laying on pretty thick knees on the table in front of clearly left


an impression Yeah. him bringing her up left an impression on me because I've brought it up I think five times episode and he only brought it up once you were like,


really wanted to make that point. I really


wanted to make sure we didn't forget to bring that up. I totally forgot when he did it. That's what he did. It is when Dean is like I believe or she said she got 30 minutes to slave only 30 minutes that she wasn't with the kid and Sam was like, That was enough time. Trust me. I know. I know. Okay.


Thank God we got it at the right place because


it's important it is.


So since Sam is so skeptical he decides to stake out the place and watch the house. There's a lot of creeping in this show. Like I'm gonna be real nonchalant to take a step on this playground


via post my six foot five ass up at this playground next to the tic tac toe game. Yeah, the yellow and hot pink slide. But


nothing's going on. He's just watching out the front window, which is nice, big window. Big picture window. And he sees lucky lucky he's had little pop pops up, up up off the couch. doesn't think anything of it, but then he sees a naked man. And that purchase interest.


He's like, oh, oh, what's this? Wait a minute. Let me get my binoculars.


He's like, let me get a closer look at this. I like Oh, I do do hand movements like people can see me,




Okay. Well as he is watching, naked, lucky, man.


I like it. I like it a lot.


Lucky decides to put some clothes on thankfully. And he leaves the house. Sam kind of follows him and sees him walk across a field that looks like it. Maybe it was like some sort of soccer field or something next to the playground and sees him meet up with some guy and the guy is clearly pissed. Shaking his finger at him very aggressive. And he's taken it pretty well. He's just standing there taking it. I was like, Okay, let me get your fucking figure out am I lucky starts to walk back. And he gets to this gate. And Sam has posted up behind this wall with a gun raised ready to shoot him.


He's like in the shadow. Yeah,


he's just waiting. But lucky sniffs and clearly smells Sam. He's a little slow about it. But he kind of glances in Sam's direction. And then books. Yeah, starts running. And Sam starts running after him. And we're like, alright, Sammy, long legs is gonna get him. And then they go it lashes to Lucky. Changing into dog lucky and just taken off and I'm like, Well, that's the end of that Chase. Sorry, four legs are better than two. But then the worst part of the episode happens for me anyway. And lucky gets hit by a van.


We just decided this is a bad dog. Like a bad bad man. Bad dog. Why did we both just get so upset over the vase and Doggy Doggy? We didn't like a little doggy but


the people take the dog and put it in the van and I guess you said they said they were gonna go to the vet. Yes.


Somebody said let's get them to a bad let's let's get him there.


Thank you guys, because some people just hit hit animals and leave


and say I'm came running out and was like, Wait, this was my dog.


Sam calls Dean and Dean is like, I got squat here. What do you got? Sam's like, well, let me tell you.


I got a lot.


We got a skinwalker on her hands.


He said he called Bobby. Oh, yeah, the Lord, which


I'm still a little solace Sam called Bobby.


I would have been pissed if he was called grandpa. Yeah, he called Bobby this time fucking Campbell's book that grandpa he wanted to shoot that grandpa in the last episode. So it doesn't make sense that he would call Bobby Yeah.


And he says by grandpa. He tells him that the Skinwalker is


werewolves cousin. It can change into whatever animal it wants, whenever it wants. Yeah, so it doesn't have those restrictions that a werewolf has. But but the same shit kills it.


Right, but skinwalkers Chauhan hearts like sausages.


Oh, yeah. And then I told you that Baba and I ate sausages once and you were like, what? And I


was like I said, why? What and why? Okay, so


I don't remember if we were sober. I'll throw that out there. But I know we were above his house. And for some reason we were both sniffing sausages. Sausages are nostalgic nostalgia. Okay, the dog tree. Right. And we both thought they smelled really good. Really? Yeah, y'all best you've ever been drunk? Something. And so we decided, well, if they smell good, surely it tastes good. So we eat through a couple of sausages in our mouth. They did not taste good. Yeah, no. And they got all kinds of stuck up in my teeth. Oh, like they were there for a while.


Did y'all make out after? No, no.


I think we were chugging water. Like trying to get it all out of our mouth after that. That's a fun memory of mine of when Bubba and I ate sausages. Well,


the boys go to the vet. Well, how they knew which vet to go to. Who knows?


Maybe it's a small town. Yeah. Or maybe Sam chased the van with those long leg with those long legs. So he knew exactly which bed it was first. Then he called Bobby Then he ran back to the hotel because he doesn't sleep. No, he just called Dean. Oh, that's right. Yeah, but he doesn't sleep is my point he had. That's true. He had time. Yeah. Well, we see that he's got that sense of smell. Remember, he smelled the sweating vodka. So maybe he caught lucky scent. And he followed the sun. Okay,


okay. I like your theories. Well, we see them fine, Lucky. And then from it switches to Lucky's point of view, which I've I didn't we didn't talk about this. But I liked how they showed it. From his point of view a couple of times. Dean is like, crouches down. And it's telling him what did you say the hard way or the easy way and pulls out a choke collar?


Well, he also was saying like, these are silver bullets. Oh, yeah. I don't know why it'd be Hey, why I did this hand gesture with that. Yeah, I don't either. But that's what he did. He was like, these are silver bullets. Don't fuck around with me. And then Sam, you were like, What is Sam tossing around back there? And I was like, hacky sack. We find out later. It's a ball. Right? I thought it was a hacky sack.


When you said that. I was like, it does kind of look like I didn't understand make sense.


But okay, I liked that. Well, Dean was threatening and Lucky was one little whimpers a little bit bruised. A little baby.


We really go back and forth on our opinion of this dog, man, Lucky, lucky man, that well, they take Luckey back to the motel time up, of course, naturally, once you do start kind of interrogating him. And I think it was Sam was like, oh, what you'd like to play with your food. I was like bros. He tells them that he cares about Mandy and her son. They're like the only family as they asked him who the guy was that he was arguing with? And he owns up to it. And he's like, yes, he's another Skinwalker. We're skinwalkers there's about 30 of us. We were recruited. And they say hold up. What do you mean, recruited? He says that he was homeless. Some guy somebody came up to him and was like, one bite, you're gonna be a strong, like a much stronger person, you'll have more of a life, blah, blah, blah, whatever. And then their duty was to find a family to take them in LELO and then wait for word from the signal. Yeah. And they ask, What are you talking about? And he says that there's like a pack leader Alpha. That's giving all these orders that they're waiting on? I don't know why. But Sam chose to stop. interrupt the conversation. Hold the ball in his hand whistling Yeah, in front of him, and then throw it which he's tied up. What are you doing? I'd be like, fetch. Yeah. And the guys like fetch this dick? Yeah. Or no. Did Sam say that? No,


the dog. Yeah. And then I said, I can think of a dick. I want to fetch.


Oh, yeah. Yeah.


But yeah, it was so random. It was just like, Sam was just sitting there and just went, you know what? I think I feel like being an asshole. Yeah. Let me do this real quick. If I


was doing I would have been like it. Was that necessary?


Interrupted hours. Yeah. But essentially, it turns out that they're supposed to turn these families and turn their numbers overnight from 30 to 150. So I looked at LA and I again went, Okay, so it's another group of monsters that are building an army. Why? What's happening? What are they preparing for? Hopefully,


they explain it at some point, hopefully. So they plan to take out luck. Well, they're gonna use lucky to get the alpha. So once again, they're at some weird garage thing. I don't know. Thankfully, you weren't so focused on that. I decided to let go, man. Just let it go. Yeah, we I mean, there are so many places. Yeah, who cares? It's fine. So many sketchy places to well, they've got like a sniper ready. Dean has this gun ready to sniper. I know I do hand gestures. When I talk


to him. I do it too. It's fine. Okay, but they decided they have to do this. They have to do it from a distance because these fuckers can smell them.


Yeah. Sam brought up a good point. Yeah, it was a good point. Because he's got that sniffer.


He's got that sniffer. He's got no soul. He's able to look at things from a different angle. You know. And


you pointed out as they were on this rooftop that Sam sideburns looked fabulous. Yeah.


I've seen better. But they were still pretty good. I enjoyed and as


they're up there, Sam saying, you know, if it was me, I'd double cross us. You know, maybe maybe be prepared for that. And Dean's annoyed with him. He's like, so we're just trying to make conversation. I think an Escalade pulls up guys get out. And at first, I thought it was like the driver guy because he's a big dude. And it's definitely the guy that he met in the woods or whatever the same


jacket. Yeah, but it's this little bald guy. Looks can be deceiving. That's true.


Who are we to judge and as they're watching this unfold Sam's like take the shot, take the shot, and there's like no clean shot. Then out of the Escalade. A guy brings out Mandy and her son, and so they all start walking inside and there was never a clean shot for him


to get the Alpha. Sam still said whatever Dean said at one point, Mandy and her kid are in the way. Sam said take the shot anyway. I was like


you yeah me Sam's like alright, Plan B again and Dean's like we have a plan B. Inside the boss is pissed off at CAP no not kill at Lucky about doing all these murders without permission he didn't ask he was just doing his own thing. He went rogue and so they bring man they brought Mandy and her son and they're like okay, well prove it that you're still with us that you're you know you're gonna follow Alpha turn them he's not gonna do that. But it doesn't matter because Sam comes in guns a blazing. Just,


he's like through the plastic curtain thing. Yeah. so dramatic. Just shooting


the place up. It's flashes to Dean and like, behind this crate crate.


We still he'll still sniper mode.


And he's like, got the sniper, but it's like he's just watching because Sam is taking care of business. Yeah, he doesn't need to do anything. Sam goes after lucky. Owner. No,


he went after the hot one. No, no, yeah. So one of the guys goes running and goes and hides. And we both went, Oh, who's this guy? And Ellie said, he can watch me sleep from the foot of my bed. And then he turned into a doberman. And we were like, Oh,


that's a sexy dog.


He didn't last very long.


And Sam took him out.


Sam can watch me slip from the foot of my bed. So let's Sam oh yeah both person with


Solon solo Oh, the driver approach is lucky and he's past. He's Oak has lucky had thrown Mandy in the sun into this room to hide them. The drivers like oh, what you're protecting them? Yeah. Let's like book. Yes. That's what a good duck does a good man dog does.


Good point lucky.


And at this point, he changes into dog lucky and Mandy sees it. The driver is like oh, yeah, and shoots him. Which I did not like I'm very conflicted on one. Character man. Sam sees lucky laying down injured and he kind of creeps over to him by the time he gets to him. He's gone. Lucky guy man lucky shows up to Mandy's house which why you were like they


should they killed everybody. Well, yeah, we gotta say that everybody got killed off except for Mandy, the boy and lucky. And Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean clean house. Yes.


Some of the guys turned into their animal forum and were shot. I didn't like it. But whatever. But they turned back human.


If they were dead. Yeah, I


appreciate that. I got problems. And so after that, mask her like he thinks it's a really great idea to go to Mandy's house and just tell her Hey, you're the only family I've ever had you treated me so well. And like at first I thought she was like, as creepy as I thought it was. I was like, oh, maybe she's gonna like, okay. But no, she was like, Don't you ever come near me or my son again? eff off?


Get out of here. Yeah. And I was like, why did he do that? Like you're a skinwalker. You can literally change it to any animal. I was like, I want to change it to a cat. She saw you to change into the dog covers blown. She knows what you look like as a human that covers blown, change, change to a cat and go show up and be like, Oh, I'm here to comfort you. Right? And then I thought, What's wrong with me? That I was thinking like, No, this is how you should have manipulated her into letting you back into the house.


I mean, as much as I love animals. If I was Mandy, I'd be like, Sorry, kid. We're never having another animal in this house.


But I would have thought dog like we're never having another dog. No, that's why I said Well, yeah. Like he should have turned into a cat.


Yeah. Well, no, he just turns back into dog lucky and he's out on the streets by himself. And it broke my heart. Gonna go find another home. Yeah. And then it goes to the guys there. They just have a fast food lunch at the park was beautiful. Yeah. Oh my gosh, it's gorgeous. And Sam decides to fess up to Dean that he's not his brother. Like he's, he doesn't care about anything.


I'm not that sale. Yeah, he's been that Sam I am.


He made me references Lisa and Ben. Ben. Yeah, he was like, I don't give a shit about that. Yeah, he's like, I couldn't care less. He's like, I've killed innocent people and do in the line of duty. Duty and felt no guilt was putting those together. Mm hmm. Duty and guilt. And he says, You know, I think about I've been on the other Sam for so long, with a soul. And it seemed like it was a lot harder being him at times. But he thinks he needs to go back to that same. Dean says All right, we do what we got to do to get my brother back. Yep. So they're gonna go collect some alphas for Crowley. Or maybe they had another plan. I don't know.


I assume they're gonna work for Crowley. Yeah. It was written by Adam Glass and directed by kitchen meet cute. Phil secretion. I was like, Wait, was Phil sick Grecia All right, Gore. I mean, there were a couple of bloods bleaches but other than that, I feel like that was it. Yeah. Did you adore anything about this episode,


like teething see the doggies even did you? I was about to say like knowing I mean, just seeing the animals themselves not thinking and correlating them to creepy people. Oh no, I


feel like I feel like you're gonna go home and something weird is going to happen with one of your dogs and you're just gonna be like, Well, I


feel like my day started out with something weird.


was trying to seduce you. Yeah, I liked this episode, but I can't think of anything specific. I adored about it. Yeah, it was unique. I did not see this episode coming. I am very curious as to why all these monsters are building armies. Yeah,


I hope we get an what is coming explanations. Yeah.


What is that about? Oh, listen, like I don't want what happened to Mandy and her kid? to happen to you? Oh,


yeah, me neither.


It's something I'm very concerned about. I don't want it to happen to any of our listeners either. So today for our lore, I could have just told you what a skinwalker is and just focus on skinwalkers. But no. Today I'm going to tell you how you can tell if your dog is a skinwalker. Oh, good, and what to do? If you think that's the case. Okay. All right. Shout out to pets So first off what is a skinwalker? A Skinwalker is a person who can shift into the form of any animal they choose. In Native American folklore, the Skinwalker is considered to be a very powerful and evil being. Traditionally, only witches and those with evil intent could transform into skinwalkers. However, some stories show good people becoming skinwalkers to protect their tribe from harm. skinwalkers are said to have many supernatural powers, including the ability to fly, run incredibly fast. And see in the dark. Almost all of those were exhibited in the episode. Yeah, I didn't see it lucky fly. True. That's okay. They are also said to be immune to bullets and other weapons. Oh, apparently not apparently not silver. Some tails even claim that skinwalkers can transform into multiple animals at once. What I don't know, and that they can take on the form of a person's deceased loved ones. Know. Now why should I know if my dog is a skinwalker? For one thing, they're not just dangerous to humans. They're also dangerous to other animals. They're known for killing livestock and even attacking other dogs. They're also said to be able to pass on diseases to humans and other animals. So if you think your dog may be a skinwalker, it's important to get them checked out by a vet, or animal control immediately. So here are eight tips to follow. How to know if your dog is a skinwalker. Number one check for physical changes. One of the first things you'll want to look for are any physical changes in your dog. For example, if they suddenly have different colored eyes, or their fur has changed color or texture, well, this could be a sign that they've become a skinwalker.


Yeah, I'd be pretty worried in general.


You may know this, notice them acting differently than usual, such as becoming more aggressive or skittish, as well. observe their behavior pay close attention to their behavior. If you suspect your dog may be a skinwalker. Do they seem to be acting more fearful than usual? Are they drawn to the moon? Or howling at night? I wish these could all be signs that your dog has taken on some of the characteristics. I love it when they house the Skinwalker you got to pay attention to the signs. Okay, I know I am. I am number three. Look for signs of magic. Like if your dog pulls a wand out of there.


These are sounding enticing, like I want my dog. Okay,


another way to tell if your dog is a skinwalker is by looking for signs of magic. If you see them levitating or suddenly have the ability to speak. These could be indications that they've been cursed or possessed by a skinwalker. I would love to have a conversation with them. Nope, beware. Okay. Okay. All right. All right. Number four, unnatural appetites. One of the most obvious signs that your dog has a skinwalker is if they develop an unnatural appetite. If they're suddenly craving raw meat, or start eating strange things, this could be a sign. They're not just a regular dog. We already talked about color, but they could potentially change shape. That could also be a sign. It's a skinwalker girl. And if you notice their eyes glowing in the dark, or if they appear to have multiple sets of eyes. That is another sign.


So so many, okay, some of these are enticing. Some of them are terrifying.


Just warning you. Alright, number six. Be wary of their claws and fangs. If they suddenly have longer are sharper nails, or their teeth appear to be sharp and pointy. Check it out from those nails look for changes in their voice is number seven. They may start to speak in tongues or their voice may become deeper and more demonic sounding. Number eight, pay attention to their sudden interest in human blood. Okay, this is the most telling sign oh that your dog may be a skinwalker if they start licking their lips when they see you cut yourself or if they try to bite you surely assign. But if you notice any of those signs in your dog, it's important that you take immediate action. Okay? skinwalkers are dangerous, they can pose a serious threat to you and your family. If you suspect your dog is a skinwalker, the best thing to do is to contact a professional for help. Who


are these specialists?


Hunters I guess how to protect yourself from your family. Oh and how to protect yourself and your family from skinwalkers. First, try to stay positive and focus on happy thoughts. skinwalkers feed off negative energy so staying positive, will make it harder for them to reach you. Second consult with a shaman or another magical practitioner. So these are the experts. They will be able to give you specific protection spells or charms that will help keep skinwalkers at bay. Finally, remember that knowledge is power. The more you know about skinwalkers the less likely you are to fall victim to their tricks. So that's it. That's that's what I've got on protecting yourself from your dog. Skinwalker Oh, Keegan isn't Mike and Walker dog.


Okay, well, a quote to close it out from Sam. He says to lucky. Why shack up with a family? Is it a kinky thing? Do you like to play with your food rollover lucky speak? Lucky says go to hell. Sam says already Ben didn't agree with me. Bitch,


the assays. Cheers. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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This was fun.


Sure, and only this bitch

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