Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Family Matters

April 24, 2024 • Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 7

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Family Matters.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series, episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now, let's get Hello, hello Burley.


Real quick. I was working on editing our previous two episodes. I'm not positive, but I think we missed something in Live Free to my heart. Okay, I was listening to us describe the scene where Boris changes Dean, and just the overall predatory theme of the episode and all that kind of stuff, I think. I don't know. But I think it was supposed to be an allegory for sexual assault. Oh, really? Yeah. Just think how uncomfortable it was how Dean was just trying to find his own business and walk away and he rejected him and then dark alley. Yeah, the hole just being kind of frozen. Whenever it was happening, I could see it. So with that in mind, I'm like, Oh, okay. It was it was a good scene then. Because you're gonna hear like, Oh, this is uncomfortable. Yeah. Then I'm like, as two people who have both been in that situation before I'm like, okay, accurate. Yeah. Anyway, but fastest, fastest forward. Fast as fast forward to last week's episode and goddamn last episode. What happened?


Oh, it's me. Yeah,


that's you. It's your turn.


Yeah, so that that episode was called you can't handle the truth. 17 investigate a series of suicides and discover the victims were being told brutal truths that drove them crazy. They found out someone was invoking the goddess of truth Veritas, forcing people to be cruelly honest against their will and Dean was the next victim. Dean was forced to tell Sam the truth about how he feels about his return from hell, and how he doesn't trust him. And then he beat the shit out of him.


There was confirmation like we've known it, but there was confirmation that something's wrong with Sam. Yes, bear toss was like you're not human before she turned into a cat for an inexplicable reason. Well, today's episode is called Family Matters. I'm trying to think of the theme song like I know, it's like, Can I do that? Like, that's Urkel? Right? That was family matters. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. What was the song? Oh, I


don't know that.


I cannot think of it. Anyway. It's the seventh episode of season six, and it originally aired on November 5 2010. The episode starts with Sam trying to focus his vision on a handsome angelic face, which is leaned over looking at him and being like, oh, Puck, you got fucked up.


My first note said, Sam looks like shit. Yeah.


Castiel is there to help. And Sam is surprised tied up to a chair.


Not a surprise.


CASS is asking Sam all these questions. And Sam finally goes, Are you trying to diagnose me? And Dean is like you better hope he can. Because I can't. I can't take you to a doctor and say, Hey, he came out of hell wrong. Can you help us? CASS is just asking, asking away. And then he's like, wait a minute, Sam. What do you feel? Sam says, Well, I feel like my nose is broken. CASS is like, no, no, no, no. That's a physical sensation. What do you feel Sam? Oh, and he's asking this because Sam has just admitted that he hasn't slept since he came back from home. So that was a big red flag. Apparently. Sam is just like how No, oh no. How I feel I would have been like annoyed. irritated. Why am I tied up to a chair? But no, Sam doesn't know. So Cass looks at Dean and starts to undo his belt. And Dean like looked down and watched Caslen do his belt. And then Sam was like, um, and I was like, Sam was going am i into this? What's happening?


He's like, I'm worried but also a little excited.


I don't know.


He really doesn't know how to feel. Yeah, he


has no idea. He's just like, Ah,




And then he like takes his belt off and fold it in half and goes to stick it in Sam's mouth. He's like, bite down on this is going to be uncomfortable. If you have somewhere Sue thing you can go you should do that's it. Yeah. He was like in your mind. Yeah. Like, let me let me clarify. Hey, Cass can teleport okay. He just wanted to make sure that say I'm understood.


Yeah, but Sam can't dumb


and say I was just like, oh fuck, this is not the way I thought this was gonna go. Before he can think anything else. He is getting penetrated. To right under his ribcage. I liked the special


effect fist.


He got it all the way got completely fist it all the way in the forearm like up to the elbow. Sam was not ready for it.


CASS was in there.


There was no preparation. Other than belt in your mouth. Go somewhere nice


and your mind.


Oh my gosh. Hey, that's another allegory. What is up with the season? Consent as being a really big theme going on here? You know, I'm Horace. Sami. Why is Sam always the one getting? Why? I don't know. Anyway, cast digs around in there. He can't find nothing he tells me. He's perfectly healthy. Physically.


I think when he was saying that, I thought he was just gonna say he's perfect. And I was gonna like him.


He's like, he's perfectly healthy. But there's one little thing is a small little problem. Sam, you have no soul. Sam is just like, oh shit, that sucks. Dean is like, what is the worst thing that could happen? I don't understand. Where's his soul? And Cass is like, well, if it was my fucking guess it's still down in the cage with Michael and Lucifer. So we were like, when, when Sam was getting pulled out, Michael and Lucifer were like, know, we'd love you to stay and they tried to hold on to him, but they just managed to get a hold of his soul. It was their favorite part of him. Was it? Oh, maybe Adam was like I need somebody to hang out with. And so they were like, we'll keep the soul part. You can have the rest. Who knows? Anyway, it's a big problem. Yeah, Dean's really upset about it, Sam not so much because he doesn't feel anything right now. And then dean is missing all this passive aggressiveness being tossed his way in this episode. Maybe he's not missing it. Maybe he's just choosing not to react to it. But first, we've got Sam being like, okay, like, that sucks, whatever, but like, let me go. And he's like, I don't think so. You'd have a soul. say look, I'm not a psycho Dean. I'm not gonna like go running around killing everybody and Okay, for the umpteenth time. I'm sorry, I let you get turned into a vampire. All right. I didn't want you to get hurt. I just wanted to find out where the Vamps were, you know,


what are using you let it go.


means just like, No, you're gonna stay tied up to that chair. Sounds like well, I didn't want to have to do this. And you think that would be something like huge, but he just stands up and just shows that like, he got out of his bonds. And he was like, You're not going to hold me here. Dean not tied up to a chair. Not in a panic room. And I was like, Ooh, not anywhere. Not anywhere. So you may as well just work with me. Dean was like, Okay, fine. Fine. You solace solace, Sam. But if we're going to do that, we got to figure some shit out. And he was like, Cass clean them up. We watched this scene a lot. Well,


I'm sitting there thinking like as, as Sam was talking about, you know, he's not going to be tied down. I'm just like, gotta clean his face up, man. And then when he said to cast clean well, it was like, what his cast have to do that. But just the


two fingers. Yeah. CASS was gentle this time. He didn't he just used the two fingers. Not this fist. He didn't do the fist. It's fixed. Yeah, fix them fix the space. Yeah. And then LA was happy again.


Yeah. He was perfect. Again. He


was beautiful. Okay, so next up, Dean is just like, Alright, we're gonna go get some answers and find out what the fuck is going on about this whole soul thing and we only have one lead to go off of. So they go to the Campbell compound. Camp fucking anvil. So they pull up in there. And there are a bunch of people


know there's the serpent in there all work? Yeah. On something. Yeah. The knives,


doing sharpening axes. You know, doing things with syringes. I was like, is that the Sangria recipes? What's happening? What's happening up in here? This little workshop of happy little elves putting together weapons and stuff. I'm like, Are these more Campbell's but suddenly have just come out of nowhere, and we aren't gonna have an explanation like what's happening? I think, um,


I don't like them as like, none of them have a personality. And like Where'd they come from? Right?


I thought you were all dead. Are they all possessed? Because we find out Christians been possessed this whole damn time. I


was gonna like yeah, in that scene. It seemed like like two more people popped out of nowhere. It


was three that grabbed the disappear the hell did they come? What are they doing?


Okay, we're getting ahead of ourselves. We


are we are. So are they all? Were they all a bunch of little demon minions? Well, I know Christian was but I don't think when was the I don't think when is. Yeah. So where does one come from? I don't know. Anyway, so we're in the Campbell compound. And Sam and Dean are just like, What the fuck is going on? They come in. They're like we need to talk to the man. You need to talk to Samuel the man. Where as a Christian get to get the fuck out of our way. Christian man go away. They go back to Samuels. Oh, wait first? Yeah, I was gonna say they just bust in the room. Not a knock or anything, not a knock or anything and cmo was looking at something whenever they walked in and he very Like shady, like put it away in a drawer very quickly whenever they came in the room, so it was like, what was that?


And then try to act all sly like Oh, hey


guys, what's up like, Oh, my like what's going on out here? And Samuel was like, Oh, I'm trusting you. So I'm not gonna tell you guys like I have a big hug coming up and blah, blah, blah. The other thing that happens in this conversation is that they're like, Okay, well look, Sam has no soul. So by the way, we need you to tell us this whole story again about your resurrection. What happened? He's like, I don't know tell you I was in heaven. And then all of a sudden, I was Elton rich.


What did he say that and then Cass appeared.


Tell our wing man about it. That's what it was. That's what it was. Yeah, we want you to tell us the resurrection story. Again, tell our wing man we are flip flop, and cast a standard background. Stay there next Samuel. Samuel is like, I thought you'd be bigger. Cast yella was like this is a vessel. My true form is the size of your Chrysler Building. I was like imagine getting festival Yeah, yikes. So then Samuel tells his resurrection story again for Castile to hear. It was a very detailed. I have to say very simple. I still don't understand how he and Sam found each other. Well, I guess Crowley put them all together. Yeah, fine. Yeah. He manipulated them like little chess pawns. I'm assuming. Because he's so smart. Yeah, little smarty pants Anywho. CASS is like okay, well, great story. Let me fish. You wrote a story, bro. So shows the workshop and you hear saying you're like, oh, so Christian goes running back there with his gun. We get to see the After Effects we're saving. It's just like hungover. Like, oh, it's so good. Okay, I survived the fisting.


Didn't Dean call it a Angel cavity search? Yeah.


And so Cass reveals like old Sam has a soul. Or not Sam, Sam, you'll either have to have them be named the same. Samuel has a soul. So I don't know what to tell you guys. It's just you say I'm sorry. And Sam is just kind of like,


ah, his little face. He was like he was jelly little puppy dog


eyes a little bit. And so I was like, I mean, he clearly feels something sometimes. But he was yeah, it was like he was jealous. I think. Yeah, he was sad. He thought that he was gonna have a soulless partner. No, no, it's just your SAM.


Oh, sweet guy.


He's feeling like a little freak again. Slick. He was psychic because then he was telekinetic and then the demon blood and now he has no soul like geez. Or Sammy. Anyway, cast is at the window looking up toward the skies. And he's just like, I have to go. And he was like, Excuse me, you're supposed to be helping me. Casas I'm in the middle of a civil war. How many times do I have to tell you this? I have to go. And he says well, you're gonna search all through the attic up there to try and find stuff that's going on with Sam salt. Like you're gonna dig around or you're gonna keep helping us. Because like of course steam your problems always come first. I loved it before we flip flops away again. I was just like that's the second passive aggressive comment Dean has had thrown his way that he didn't really react to everybody is over because it going over his head or is he just like, Damn right. You will like damn damn right my problems I liked this up. I did too. So now that Cass is gone, and they're just like, Well, Sam your shit out of luck for now. There's nothing else we can do. Seems like you're planning something grandpa Samuel Why don't like cut us in. I want to play too. And it turns out, they're going after the alpha. The Alpha vamp. Sam kind of figures it out. And so Dean is like, oh, I want in. That guy sent me psychic visions while I was a vampire. And I want in I want to haunt him. So I will do whatever you say you're 100% in charge. Like I get that you don't trust me. Your play. I'm game. I trust you. And then it like cuts to Sam and Dean walking outside the compound. And he's like, I don't trust him.


I knew I was like, Okay, sure. I like Dean was like, you would see it too. If you weren't robos.


Like, you don't have any instincts right now. You got nothing. Like you can't tell nothing like from now on. You better tell me everything whether you think it's important or not, because you can't fucking tell the difference anymore, bro. Horsa him.


He's so listen has no common sense.


That's nothing, you know. So Samuel was like, Okay, fine. You're gonna come with us. It's fine. We're all going to the alpha vamps house. So they go to a house that was in Dean's visions, which I thought was interesting.


Wait, I just want to point out what a dick Christian is. Remember? Because like, Sam goes and sits down with Christian while he's sharpening his axe. Well, it was Xel and like distracts Christian and Dean. I don't know why their names are such a problem. Dean goes to break into Samuels office and Christian catches them. Where


did that happen here? That happened before the hunt. Right? Okay. Okay. Okay. I was thinking it happened afterwards for some reason, but I think you're Right. So yeah, so they're like, Okay, so Dean says, I don't trust them. I want to go do some digging around. And so Sam goes on does that and the reason we're saying We don't like Christian is because for no reason whatsoever, well, I guess I shouldn't say for no reason whatsoever. Christian confronts Dean there's a reason for confronting Dean Dean's breaking into Samuels office. And Sam Dean's like I just did it. I said Sam on Saturday, and yeah. Dean's like, I just needed to make a phone call and I was looking for some more private and Christians. That's Oh, you needed Samuels locked office to make your phone call. It was that private? Dean lies and says it wasn't locked. He picked the lock and had opened it already. This is the part that was unnecessary. But for some reason, Christian says it is insinuating the demons out of practice. And is like the only action you've seen lately lose between your slept girlfriend's legs. What did Lisa do to you? Right? She's hardly been in this season. I don't even like her. But she didn't deserve she didn't deserve that at all. She's like, Okay, we already didn't like you, Christian. You just sealed the deal. We really don't like you. We were ready for Christian to be dead at the end of this episode for that. Yeah. How dare he across the line cross the line? Again, we don't know Lisa from anybody. She's had zero character development this entire season. But I do know she's not a slight. And she didn't deserve that. Dean didn't even punch him or anything for that. He was just trying to provoke them. True. Alright, now all the gang gets together and goes to the alpha vamps house that was in the psychic visions that he pushed out to all the vampires, that Dean still doesn't really know what those visions meant because he didn't finish his onboarding. He just knows house. What is the wind thing? weathervane weather vane and the two little girl vamps who I'm like, were they there? Were they go?


So did he give him these visions? Just to get him to bring Sam to him?


Well, Dean didn't bring them there. Samuel found him. That's true. So no, I don't we still don't know what the visions were. Like I said, we didn't Dane didn't finish his onboarding training. That's true. So if he did, he would know, but he doesn't know. Samuel found out where the Alpha camp was somehow. And so they all pull up there and Samuel is like, okay, like, literally, everybody's coming with me. Except for you, Dean. You and Glen have to stay here and keep keep a lookout and Quinn's like, I have to stay behind with the reject. And then later, she was like, I'm sorry about the reject. I was glad she apologized, like rude. She was just upset, you know,


set up but I felt I was proud of Dean that he like he went he was you could tell he was like, Yeah, buddy. He went with it for a little bit. Yeah. He gave it a good effort.


So Gwen and Dean are kind of bonding just a little bit like you can tell she doesn't hate him the way and I don't think Samuel hates him. He just doesn't trust him. Christian hates him. Yeah. Yeah, Christians, a dick Dean and when take out a vampire that attacks them. And we do get our 37th Blood splooge of the supernatural series when Gwen decapitates the vampire and Dean gets blood splattered all over his face. She saved him but it did not get in his eyes. It did not which is good because that would sting all over his cheeks all over his cheek in his neck. Yeah, after this there's gunshots and yelling and then dean breaks protocol and takes off running when I was like we're supposed to stay out here and keep watch but Dean takes off. She does not rat on Dean later. Yeah, no. She has his back later. So I'm I liked it wins. Wins winning me over.


Yes. She's probably the only Campbell I'm okay with this point.


Mm hmm. Dean goes to the courtyard and sees bodies, their bodies bodies, bodies, they everywhere. Yeah, they're everywhere. Some of them are decapitated. So we're assuming those are vampires. Some of them are not. I'm assuming they're hunters. There were a bunch of random hunters that went with Samuel and Sam. And crushed in like you said hump that maybe they were humping? I don't know. And then we get our 38 splits BlueJ of the supernatural series as one of the random humpers is in the window banging on it and it gets pulled away and a blood splooge is all over the window. That's a big one. Yeah, we were like they had to use the cannon for that one, the blood cannon that jet told us about and I was thinking, oh my god did the two little girl vampires kill all these people? Because it's at this point that Dean looks up and sees the weather vane. And we realize they're at the same house from the visions. So So is it the two little girls we're gonna see the two little girl vampires killing people, but we did not get to see that. So we're the little girl vampires.


I bet you're right there in the house.


You think so? Yeah. Because they we didn't see them get killed. We didn't we didn't see them period. And I kept thinking we were going to and I was kind of getting excited about it. Because I know crypkey likes creepy kids. He's not involved in this season that much but still, I thought we were gonna get to see them and we did not. So dance trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. He goes around the corner and looks around and he sees that somebody has their hands tied behind their back back over their head. Samuel, Sam Christian. They're all like kindly escorting him into the back of a van but he's just walking. Mm. And then dean looks at his hands and it triggers another memory from his visions. Those nail those nails. Those nice manicured hands. He's like, hands. I get it. Where was I? Oh, yeah. And so he was like, oh, fuck vision flash back again. And so that's the Alpha that's getting loaded into the van and then say um, here's something it looks over but Dean's gone. So then everybody comes walking over to meet back with Dean and when they're just like yep, we took care of it alphas alphas dead we're good. Nobody says anything about too bad for all those hunters that just got nothing. Yeah, I don't I don't see a hunters funeral. I didn't see smoke. I didn't see fire. And then they asked like what happened and that's when when just kind of covers for Dean is like, it's fine. Like we took out a runner and otherwise nothing happened. Dean asks about the Alpha Vamp so like, you took care of it. I would like to see him. And that's when they said sorry. He's already getting toasty. roasty it's like other terrible liars. There's no smoke.


I know. It was like, Come on, guys. Yeah,


do a better lie. Dana's just like, lies, the lies. He's really mad at Sam. Right? Because we thought Sam didn't know what was happening with the capturing of alphas. But Sam was right there for this one. So he knows he knew that's what they've been doing. And Dean is just like, What the fuck? Like I saw you seeing what was going on? What the hell? Whose idea was it to keep me out of the loop? And same goes mine, because you would have messed it up. Oh, well,


what did he say Is he was like you shoot, shoot first ask questions later.


But it's like you're still taking him on hunts. He's still gonna shoot first ask questions later. How's him just not knowing what the end game is gonna help sway you to hang back with one? I guess? It's just weird. And so that's when Dean is just like, okay, you know what, fuck this. If we're gonna hunt together, I'm calling all the shots. That's it. You're gonna tell me everything? Because you can't tell the difference between what's important to not you have no common sense. No decency. Just this moral idiot. That's it. And then it cut to somebody packing up a bag. And I was like, Oh my God. It's Sam. He's talking about he's leaving. And they pan up. And I was like, Oh, it Samuel. Nevermind. Sam stayed with Sam. And then Sam walked in. I said, Sam, Save As Sam. Sam, save the dean. And then Sam walks in the door and was like, Oh my God. He did leave dean. And then Samuel, tell Sam the same thing. Like yeah, like you can hang out and everything. But no, I'm not letting you in on all the big stuff because you don't have a soul. And I was just like, oh, no, what's he gonna do now? Well, it turns out he was working with Dean all along. I should have known better. Yeah, he turned on the GPS to Samuels phone because Samuel wasn't gonna tell him where the Alpha Vamp was. He was like, so I went with Plan B and I turned on the GPS and he was like, you don't think you'll figure that out? And she was like, no, he's still really impressed with Velcro or something like that so much. We were like Velcro is really cool. Get it? Samuel, I would be impressed you. So they track Samuel and his group of hunters, because there's more of them to this abandoned warehouse. I got really hung up on where are they? Is this somebody's place of work? Is this something that they've rented out? Is it an electric chair manufacturing plant? Like did they like Google? Where's a place near me with a handy cage that I can go stick my alpha vamp in? I was very confused as to where they were, but la told me to let it go. So I did,


I was like, I don't know where


to answer that for you. So we don't know where they are. But it's a handy little manufacturing district type place with the warehouse that happens to have a cage in it with an electrical chair. And the Alpha vamp is sitting in the electrical chair in the cage state. So I guess it wasn't the chair that was electrical it was the steaks they had him wired up to something in this cage and they had the dead blood good man that was that was a huge ass. That wasn't like a little IV hose. jugular




it was massive was a huge thing. And he is just sitting there calm, cool collected could could not give a shit about anything that's going on around him. Sam and Dean are East dropping, trying to watch Samuel slick jewelry. I know you know where it is. And then he hits the button to electrocute the Alpha vamp. He was fantastic. I love him. Hang on. What's his name? Rick something. Rick worthy. He has smooth voice too. I just loved the what's the word I'm looking for just superiority that he approached everything with? Like he really could not give a shit about any of this. Yeah, I'm thinking whenever all these hunters showed up at his house, he was just like, I guess I'm gonna let them take me and see what this is all about. Because it seems like he probably could affect them all up. Oh, he didn't have to go with them. It was just a boring Sunday afternoon. Here this will be fun. Let's go see what this is. Because grandpa Campbell hits the button to electrocute him. He just goes Ouch. Stop. You're hurting me. Like he was populists, he was he was fabulous. So Sam and Dean are watching this and they're just like, What the fuck? And then Samuel and his minions leave for whatever reason. So Sam and Dean go in there. Like, you better tell us why you're here. You better tell us what they want. And then dean goes and hits the button to and the Alpha Vamp just sits there looking at him, and he was probably thinking, like, seriously, like, I know you were out there. I'm the one who told you guys to come in here and talk to me that I could hear you. Like, what is these macho man like, I'm gonna hit the button. He clearly does not give a fuck about the electricity. Why are y'all trying to act like it's some big power move?


He's like, maybe this one time?


Maybe if I hit the button extra hard. Yeah, it's gonna give some more juice. As they're talking, we find out that Samuel has been interrogating him trying to find purgatory. We also find out that if they had just gone and got the Alpha Vamp from the first place that Sam wouldn't have had to have that angelic cavity search because the Alpha Vamp just like sniffed and was like, you smell cold? You don't have a soul. Tell me about that. How are you feeling? It's very cute. But then He confused me because he contradicted himself. He was saying, okay, so how do freaks like us with no soul? Like, where do we go when we die? If you have a soul, you go up or you go down, and then he's like, You boys aren't up on your Dante. Come on, put it together. And then they're like, oh, Purgatory, and then he says, yeah, so all the souls are in Purgatory, which is it? I know. Yeah, you caught that. And is it solace, solace, monsters and freaks who go to purgatory or their souls in purgatory? But anyway, they're trying to find purgatory. That's the gig. Well, then salmon didn't get caught. And the cannibals are all like, we're gonna be mean and fight each other. And then Gwen shows up with a gun and stopped Steen, because Damon was about to kick their asses. And Alex, the team was like, I thought we had something special. Yeah. Dane points out. You guys think it's fucking smart, but jaws in a fishbowl and interrogate him, like, you think that's going to work out in your favor. He's gonna be able to bust out of there. And sure enough, he's been slowly and patiently scratching away at the leather band on his wrist with one of his long fingernails the entire time. So we cut to a random Hunter just standing outside the cage with his machete. He does not look confident in the way he is holding that machete. I was like, Why did you pick this guy to go stand up there by himself. He's about to get killed. And he does the same thing goes up and hits the button. Because the VAM the Alpha vampires being mean to him. Alpha vampire escapes, and he is bucking everybody up. And then he snaps Christians neck. He tackles Sam to the wall. And it's just like, you're perfectly healthy in every way. Except you don't have a soul. And that's going to make you perfect monster. The perfect animal. Yeah, I want to change you. You're gonna be my perfect child. And right as he's about to bite into, Sam, all of a sudden Christian pops up out of nowhere with solid black eyes tackles the half of them. Like three other people with solid black eyes help him and then they disappear. Ellie and I were just screaming like, what? It was like, How did Christian get possessed? What the fuck? And then all of a sudden Crowley is there? Yeah.


You die like that? You don't see him but there's just a slow clap going on. Yeah. And then he shows


up. He's like, Hello, boys. And he informs them all. I'm the king of hell. Okay. And I'm trying to expand my real estate. Purgatory is hell adjacent. You know, it's nice. I want it. So yeah, I'm trying to find purgatory. And your grandpa has been working for me this whole time, which the Alpha vampire did tell them earlier. Like, he's just following orders. Like the dean said, Well, if he's Kermit, whose hand is up his ass, right?


He's like, Oh, so you're Crowley's bitch.


And Crowley, of course just being fantastic with the one liners. He's like me, Charlie. You angels. Love it. I love it. Oh, I was so happy. We were both just like clapping. We were lucky. Anyways, Crowley just kind of tells him so you're all gonna work for me now. That's it. I have Sam soul. I'm the one who pulled him out. My question is though, how did he pull Samuel Campbell? If Samuel Campbell was heaven, how to the King of Hell pull him down.


Good question.


I guess if angels can go to hell to save Dean that a demon can go to heaven to pop in. Yeah. I just need to borrow this one just for a little bit. Yeah. Anyway, Carl is just like y'all work for me. And Dean does not like this. But then Sam's like, how are we gonna get my soul back? Like, I don't really feel like we have any other choice play ball for a while. And that was the end of the episode. It was written by Andrew dabb and Daniel Laughlin. And it was directed by Guy B. That's the first time I've seen that name. Guy. Yeah, guy, baby, baby guy, baby. All right, Gore. We had a couple of blood splurges in this episode.


Well, and when she slides that vampires head off. There's quite a lot of blood. Yeah, not just on Dean.


They showed that after the blood splurge, they showed the head fall off and the body fall and there was a lot of light that came spilling out. I don't know. I feel like the most violent thing was Alpha Vamp snapping Christians neck like that was like night. Yeah. So not like crazy gore. But it certainly had its moments. Was there anything you adored in this episode? I liked


CASAS sass. Yeah. And I like whole beginnings.


Yeah, that introduction scene. I think we watched that three times. I loved it. And


then when he's like, yes, of course, your problems come first. Yeah. And the and the Alpha vamp. I like those things. Yes.


Rick worthy. I loved his performance. So good. Yeah. I really enjoyed that. And then I was thrilled to see Mark Shepards Crowley. Yeah, of course. I was not expecting that whatsoever. I didn't even know if we were gonna see him at all this season. So that was really fun. To get Crowley Oh, well, I knew we were gonna see him a little bit this season with the bobby soul thing, but I kind of thought that was it. Right? I mean, they're working for him. So I'm guessing we're gonna see him a lot more of the rest of the season, hopefully. So that's exciting. What


about lore? today? I'm gonna let you know how to spot someone with no soul. Oh, good. big concern. Yeah. But as I was reading through this, I was like, oh.


Oh, do you need an angelic cavity search? Well, maybe.


So your soul is your humanity. It makes you more than just a bundle of organs connected together by a spine and a beating heart.


Holding on to like I was gonna say Uriel, it's


what gives you hope, kindness, love and the passion to connect with the universe. But what happens when a person loses their soul? Whether parts of it or the entire thing? Oh, you can lose a part of part


of it. Oh, okay. So can I be like, hey, Malthus are like, what if I just give you a part of it in exchange for a heavenly weapon? Yeah. Just a little piece? Yeah, just a little piece. Belfie Where is he? Right? It's been a while.


What kind of person is left behind when their soul leaves their body? It says we've all seen or met people like these and it feels almost impossible to help them.


Oh, here we go. Here we go. All right. How do I how do


I know they don't have empathy? No, I do I have empathy. You do okay to a fault sometimes. So empathy comes in varying degrees. Some people feel more strongly for others to the point of being affected by other people's misfortune. On the other hand of the scale are people who see have seemingly no concept of them the at all. These people have difficulty navigating relationships, and very often find themselves shying away from any form of emotional expression.


Unless they hear somebody else still has their soul and they thought they weren't going to Yeah, then they get jelly. Puppy jelly.


They are also unforgiven. Hate and resentment consume the soul and forgiveness is often the antidote for this. soulless people through sheer in flexibility or stubbornness find forgiveness to be an alien concept. To them holding on to a grudge and even fostering resentment seems a more reasonable choice than forgiving someone.


That's why Sam, remember whatever grandpa Samuel was like, So you either work with me or you'll put a bullet in your grandpa and we saw a gun get yanked.


Seems like Alright, ready? I was like, damn, fucking


lied to me. And I'm mad. I'll put a bullet in grandpa.


I mean, okay, they're also cynical. And not in a Santa Claus isn't real kind of way. cynical people will try to seek out every single ounce of positivity from any given solution. Role bummers. Yeah, what makes them particularly soulless is that their negativity extends beyond themselves. They let it bleed into their interactions and color the way they interact with people feel like I've done that before. They're not ambitious, rooted in purpose. We set goals to create value and find contentment both things that solace people don't find particularly interesting. Without much regard for their inner lives. They forego activities that help them achieve more rounded selves. This means they have no interest in hobbies, passions, and certainly no lifelong ambitions that drive their growth. They're egotistical. Finding beauty in the world around you is one of the characteristics of a soulful person. Too much focus on the inner self to the expense of the outer world is often a symptom of an unwilling soul this life without the true value of their lives. People turn to the ego to fill this void. They have dead eyes. Oh, I don't think I need to explain that. No, puppy is not enough. They're over busy. They avoid deep consistent conversations. They're manipulative. I feel like these are all pretty self explanatory. This one is just like Sam, people don't really trust them. Oh, if you suspect that someone doesn't have a soul, then they then look at the people around them. The social Will network their work colleagues, even their family? Do they have people that are close with? Or do people keep an eye can't talk? Or do people keep them at an arm's distance? More often than not? It's the latter. Though there was one it says they're often alone with no relationships. It's like that's me. Said they can't stand children or animals. Oh, that's not me. They have nothing that makes them an individual. We all have things about us that make us who we are. We have certain quirks, likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, passions, all these help to identify our individuality. What? Yeah, individuality and the impression we leave on those around us. But think about the impression you have a soulless individual. What do you actually remember about them


that asks, hmm, the push ups?


What do they talk about? What do they love? What do they do that makes you feel this person is alive? I think that hooker felt like he was alive. She sure did. She liked it. He must have done some good things to her. She was like, call me. Yeah, he should have a pretty good idea of the type of person you're dealing with. But if you really want to find out if they have a soul or not, don't leave it up to chance. Instead, speak to a real certified advisor who will give you the answers you're searching for. Who are these advisors?


Angels get that angelic cavity search because they're so good. Give me that readily available. Yeah, come give me that good fisting Angel. No. dig around in there. Tell me Is there a soul? Touch it. It doesn't look pleasant. No, it does. All right. Well, quote to close it out. Whenever Crowley arrived, Dean said, Since when do you give a crap about vampires. Crowley says


since what's today Friday? Let's see. Mind you birth?


Fear here. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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