Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

You Can't Handle The Truth

April 20, 2024 • Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 6

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, You Can't Handle The Truth.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy.


Hello, la.


Hey bud early


on our last episode, Live Free or twice a horde. After young girls go missing Sam and Dean realize that a group of vampires have taken up residence in a small town. They decided to go to this bar where the teenagers had been hanging out and ended up tracking a couple of vampires. So Sam went one way and it was a vampire. He decapitated him. Dean goes the other way. It wasn't a vampire. But there was a vampire watching Dean confront the non vampire and that vampire, attacked Dean and then like smeared his blood all over Dean's face to change him. Papa Campbell comes and helps out because he has a cure. He has his Campbell's Soup cure kit that he's gonna give to teen and Dean after going and nearly killing Lisa and Ben but not doing it. And running away into the night gets fixed. But this is after he's gone into the nest and found out there's an alpha vampire like psychically giving commands, and he picks up all his vampire ism. During that whole thing. He has flashback memories where he clearly sees that Sam just stood by creepily watching as he got turned almost smiling. Yeah, like he was happy about it. And then at the end, Dean, like very passive aggressively is like, Oh, you got my back right, bro? And Sam's like, Yeah, always. And we were like,


oh, Trouble in paradise again.


It's like the even way even seasons are. Something's wrong with Sam. That's my butchered Recap of last week.


It was good. All right, well, this episode was, is titled you can't handle the truth.


It's episode six of season six and originally aired on October 29 2010. Well, before


it starts, you know, there's the recap. And I didn't I wasn't planning on talking about this. The burly was like, write that down. We're talking about because as the clip was going, it showed a previous conversation between Lisa and Dean. And I forget she's like, just come back. But I'm gonna go as you please. Yeah, you just come and go when you when you can and then come in one piece, but I swear I like I remember the episode. But when she said it in this clip, I was like, it sounded like she said come on my face.


And we rewound it, and even reading the subtitles. It totally sounds like she's like just come on my face. Seriously, just come on. Come on.


Come on. Like it seriously. I was like, I was like, wait a minute,


come and go as you please just come on go. And also, if we sound a little more tipsy, it's because we've just come from the Billy and Moran and Richard Speight, Jr. lounges set where we got to hear them play songs from Billy's album, surprise party for the introvert and Richard album, fistfights and hug outs.


Shout out to Luna. Oh, Luna was my favorite. No, I'm just kidding. She wasn't my favorite part. But she were really


invested in what was going on with the doll. She's so cute.


So we started out in Calumet City. I don't know if I'm saying that. Right, Illinois, and there is a waitress, and she's on the phone with her. I thought it was her friend. But I think it turns out to be your sister. And she's talking about some date she had and she doesn't know if she should call him and how she feels about it. And she's just like, I just really need to know the truth. And it seemed ominous, and it was and so she goes back to go pick up some plates for her next order. Cook is like I pity you. I can't remember all what he said. But it was real shitty. And then he's like, I also want you to avoid the clam chatter. I put my own. What season hastening in it. He


said seasoning whenever he started the word I thought he was gonna say something else. Yeah, because that's probably what's in there. That's disgusting. Yeah, I think he said like he pities her and feels bad for her. And that's the only reason why he was warning her.


Oh, that's right. Yeah. Terrible. And then what does the manager say to her? I didn't write that down. I forgot what he said.


It was just a bunch of shitty comments. One of them somebody said just so you know, so and so is hotter than you like she's like a what was it a seven or an eight? You're like a three? That's harsh. Yeah. And then somebody else told her that she just gave him the creeps. And he didn't know why. And some old woman was like, I ran over a homeless man and I didn't even stop to see if he was alive was just a bunch of random


Yeah, so I'm a little girl with like a hate my mom. I can't wait to burn her. Yeah. Very creepy and uncomfortable. For some reason she finds a gun in a drawer at the restaurant, puts it in her apron. And so she goes to call her sister again. And she's like, I'm freaking out which rightfully so with all this people say terrible things to her. Her sister start saying every time you Combi, like my stomach drops, you're such a burden. Blah, blah, blah. When your next crisis. Yeah, like you should just go ahead and kill yourself. And she does.


Yeah, I mean, she had the gun. Yeah, right there. We got what was it? 35th blood splooge of the supernatural series,


this poor girl killing herself.


She did it from under her chin. And there was a sign above her head.


She was adorable. She was cute girl. She was very Tory.


I mean, it was sad. It was a very sad introduction. very ominous, sad introduction, like you said, had no clue as to what the hell was going


on? No. Then we see Dean calling Bobby and he's on about Sam again. And that stands on himself. I saw him watch me be turned and not do a damn thing. And I want to know if he saw that smirk on his face. Because that's what bothered me the most. Yeah, that was the most telling. And Bobby's like what do you want me to do? We like tested everything on him. Like, he's not a demon. He's not whatever. As he's on the phone, and Bobby Sam shows up and brings Dean's some food. And Dean is like, Oh, it was just calling loose about no big deal. Sam hands. Yeah, Sam hands him a newspaper. And it's about five deaths that had happened where we saw the first girl killed herself in that city. And he's like, I think this is our next, our next gig


in like only a couple of weeks. I think it was like it was a really long period of time. Right? Yeah. A week or two? Really? Sure. Yeah.


So they go to meet the sister as FBI agents, which she's like, I didn't know FBI agents are so interested in suicide cases. Like it seems like it's becoming more gentler. I forget what the what he said there's like, a more compassionate system. Like, okay,


which is funny because he had no compassion. He was talking about what


he is about to do was like, wow, okay. But yeah, so he starts questioning her and she, as she's talking, she's like, Oh, he's just telling her, you know, encouraging her and she does this little, puts her hair behind her ear. And it was very obvious. It was awkward. And Sam's eyes just change. And he's like, Do you know what tell is? And she's like, Huh? He's like the poker term, and starts laying into her lie. Yes. You tell me what happened. And so she starts like, crying. And she's like, she confesses. She's like, I've told her like, she told her to kill herself. All this stuff she's like, but I didn't mean it. Like, I couldn't help myself that it just came out. But it's not what I meant. I meant to say like these comforting things. Yeah. Which is one of a terrible position to be in. And


how sad is it to know that that was the truth, apparently. Right? Like I,


but then like, I would like to have played that role in her doing that. If


what she was saying on the phone is her truth. Like, I'm not a good person, real shitty sister. There were a lot of shitty people in this town is all I'm saying.


But yeah, Sam's real aggressive with her. Yeah, gets her to say that. And then next up, we see this guy, he's in a dentist's chair. He's getting numbed up for something. I think he said he didn't want to be there. Right. And he's looked at the dentist, like, Oh, nobody wants to be here. Most of the time. The dentist was like you and your wife. I forget the names. You need to come we need to do dinner again. One night, it's been so long, and the patient starts saying I'm not into my wife. Yeah, like she's


her saggy skin. Your skin's not looking so tight either, buddy. You're not a 10 buddy. Yeah, asshole. And so they were actor. I am so sorry. Oh, that's true.


So then he started talking about the there was some time that they all got together, their families got together and he was like, I haven't Cabo Cabo. And he was like, I was so uncomfortable to be there or worried about being there. What


I was nervous about being around Melissa. Yeah, your daughter and the Dennis was like my daughter, like, What the fuck? And then what did he say? He said, and then she came over for a sleepover. What did he say? I wasn't even afraid of getting caught. Because I knew I could get away with it. can creep? Creep? Gross, nasty P Diddy. Yeah.


So the dentist took that drill and just drill right into his throat. Which I was like,


Oh, I was just like it. And did we count That was a blood switch. We


I think you mentioned it, but I didn't know if we did or not. Let's squirt it out. Yeah, it was yes. We're gonna count it. 36 and went everywhere. Yeah. 36 And then we see Dean on the phone again with Bobby. And there. Bobby still hasn't come up with anything. And he tells Dean, you know, maybe it's the worst case scenario. Scenario scenario. Potato Potato. Yeah. And Dean's like, what? Oh, yeah, Satan's my co pilot. And Bobby's like no, but like, maybe it's just Sam. That's just him now, which is kind of scarier. Yeah, it sounds are sad. And it sounds like


Dean did not like that. He was like, I'm gonna take care of it. Which What did he mean by that? Oh, no, I remember him frantically like saying that, like over and over and just thinking like, what does


that mean? We shall see. I guess. So Sammy, its Dean back at the motel and tells him about how he heard about what happened at the dentist and that they need to go, I guess. I think they go to the morgue. Or he wants to go to the morgue. And Dean's like, Well, you go ahead. I'll catch up with you. I'm gonna sit back and do some research here. Clearly just wanting distance from him to figure out how he's gonna handle it. Yeah. Yeah. Dean ends up actually going to the dentist's office and goes through the yellow tape and all that into his little office area. And looking around, he sees saxophone? Yes. There's any G's on the kinigi. He looks at his desk and sees a receipt from Harry's half a house of horns. And he also had a picture of the first girl


her name Jane Jane, because I wrote down I wrote Jane has got a gun. Yep, yep. Jane.


So there's a picture of her there plus the receipt from Harry's horns.


And it did like a forest house of Harry's house of horns and it did like a flash that it showed him looking at Jane's calendar. Yes. And seeing that she had an appointment at Harry's house of horns too. So he's like, ah, connection action. Got a connection here. Hey, I'm looking at these notes. And it says that Dr. Paul Connelly's friend, his name is Kenny. Not G though not G. He's sweetheart. I'm convinced. Who can eg Yeah, I think he has to be nice


angel with those smooth smooth


jazz smooth jazz sounds.


Enough Kenny G. So Dean goes to Harry's has horns and talks with the guy he doesn't really get much information from but as he's leaving, the guy's like, hey, what about my horse?


What about my stolen horse? Yeah. And


he's like, What? Like, when did it get stolen? He said about two weeks ago, which is when the first suicides I guess you would say started happening. Another connection? Oh, no, it was actually the same day that the for Jane diamond. Okay. It's the same day Jane died. Which is weird, because we find out later that there was one before her.


Well, it wasn't the horn anyway, true. And then I got really sad because Dean theorized it was Gabriel's warned of truth. And I was like, oh,


what it was, but it shouldn't have brought him up. I know rude. Dig that knife in her back at the motel Dean is kind of talking himself calling for cast yet again. He had done that earlier in the episode to cast just wasn't responding. But lo and behold, he was


busy. He was busy doing regrettable things. Yes. Whatever that means.


Yeah. That he said the regrettable things required of him required of him What's


that mean? Having


to do some stuff he doesn't want to do I guess but why? What's


that mean?


I don't know if we'll find out.


Is he running heaven?


Is that surely not? Yeah.


Yeah, there was that episode where Dean was like, Oh, you're gonna go be the sheriff. You're gonna go go be Sheriff a


tough job on it. He's


having to spank angels.


He looks defeated.


He's very sad. Yeah.


Well, anyway, he does show up and he tells Dean that he didn't come about Sam like he's got no information on Sam doesn't know anything. That's


why I've been ignoring you. Yeah, my love. I don't know what to tell you. When I


came to tell you I'm having a real fucking hard tie. Yeah. Still be mad at me when I don't come to you.


Drink this liquor? Yeah,


I like to as he's holding his drink cup talking to him. And cash just grabs the bottle as he's talking to him just pours him a glass like, I was like, always tried to get him liquored up. Like yeah,


that'd be mad. That pain, baby. Yeah, I can't help you. But don't be mad at me.


It was it was kind of it was an odd scene. I don't know. But yeah, so at that something's going


on with Cass deaf and totally Sam and something's going on with Cass.


So Cass is about to leave and he does say that he's going to oh, he goes and checks


first. He goes he's like it's not the horn. Right. And seems like where do you look and cascos everywhere, everywhere.


And he's like, I gotta I gotta get back to my regrettable things. My requirements. Yeah. Go ahead, but he does tell him he's gonna make some inquiries on Sam. He's gonna try and help. Sam is back at the morgue. And he's requesting to see all of the bodies of these suicides in the last two weeks and the quarters like they're gone. And you're like, you're sitting there like, oh, like, the ticket would be buried, like what's going on? And he's just like, they're gone. And so he's like, where do they go? So somebody stole them? Like, the bodies are just gone. No police investigation, I guess. Like they're just like, they're there. They're gone. Can we do? I think it was Sam that discovered that they're like before Jane, who they thought was the first victim there was this car crash victim, but it wasn't in a normal one. And they think they suspect that that was a suicide as well. So that's their patient zero. So Dean has found himself at a bar. And he's sitting there, there's a news report going on. On the TV.


We noticed they were keeping the TV and frame quite a bit. And they had the news reporters voice up a little bit. So we were kind of like, what's that about? Is this who's this chick.


And then there was very obvious lady like behind him at a table and a purple, very purple low cut dress. And I was like, well, she seems out of place too. But he's chatting with a bartender and I think he's just telling her he's having a hard time. And so she pours him a shot. She's like, this one's on me. And she's like, you know, what's bothering you? And he, I think he says something. He just wants the friggin truth. Yeah. So then she starts, what did she say? Like she?


She said something not great about her? Like, yeah, oh, I can't get pregnant because my marriage is a sham. And then she said she'd been snorting oxy all day. And I was like, What the hell? Oh, my


God. I know. I was like, damn, just a very awkward exchange. Oh,


I felt so bad for her, though. Because I know, she would say the thing. You'd be like, Why'd I say that? And then she'd say the next thing. Why do I say that? Like she was clearly horrified. Yeah, that these things were coming out of her mouth. And he was


like, he was like, Don't worry about it. He was like, I think I know why, like, you know, he was he was nice about it. He was and so he gets up to leave in purple dresses. Like, what did she say?


I'm just sitting like this. So you'll look at my breasts. They're brand new.


I just got them. I just got them. He kind of looks like, okay, good


luck with that. He's


right. And then buddy, we hit he walks off. But then he like, creeps back. Back. backstep stares at Oh, she was like I need a lot of attention. Yeah, that's what she said. Yeah. And so he steps back, gives her that attention and gives her good stare at those new new boobs.


We were like, we want to say it's creepy. But she literally told him that's what she


wants. So I mean, hey, I


guess you know, good job. Yeah. You know, he listened he. Yeah, he gave her what she gave her what she wanted. Good for her. She probably wanted more. Right? Anyway,


so he calls Bobby yet again. And he's like, Oh, don't worry. I'm just sitting here watching Tori and Dean Jones. Look,


that's me. He starts telling


Do you he's like, Hey, I don't know what the conversation was going. But he just starts telling him I sometimes get pedicures. Yeah. Like he said it very lovely to it's just I think it was like it's a Filipino boy, his mom. And dad's like, no, no, I don't want to hear more.


He was like, tiny hands. They really dig in there.


Bobby's like, I don't know why I'm saying all this to you. He's like, it's probably because you're my favorite. I was like, oh, so good.


Oh, Dean is like I'm cursed. He thought he was cursed somehow. And I was kind of curious how he came to that conclusion.


Right? Because clearly that I would think he would have connected that to like, what Jane's sister said to her and how that all went down. Like I think he would have probably been like, oh, yeah, but he's too busy thinking about Sam and Cass.


He hangs up with Bobby before Bobby can tell him more stuff. Because he he's like, I gotta I gotta go. I gotta I gotta take care of some things. Bobby tries to like stop them. And I was like, Oh, he's gonna go see Sam. He's gonna start asking Sam some questions. I call that Yep. He called Sam. It didn't work.


No, not over the phone. So I guess he thought maybe in person had by Bobby was just over Bobby was over the phone. Yeah, well, either way. He goes to meet up with Sam at the car crash suicide victims house. Her I guess her name. I think her name was Courtney. I couldn't really hear but I think her name is Courtney. And it was either her sister or friend that he was talking to and she said that she had been having a hard time at school. Her cat mittens ran away and her boyfriend she was like suspecting worry. Oh is Cory. Okay, thank you. I heard CT. She was suspicious of her boyfriend cheating on her. So she was down in the dumps before this happen. Then it switches to Dean and Lisa gives him a call. She's like, you know, Ben won't talk about what happened. You shoving him into the wall? Oh, you


tried to be like, it wasn't like that. Um, yes, it was it was exactly that. Yeah. And you're either gonna tell her why it happened or you're not but you're not gonna fucking gaslight, her. Dean. And I was happy Lisa did not. She was not playing. Yeah.


Finally she was like, listen to you shove my kid, let's just do this now. Like, let's, let's get this done. And he's like, I can't explain it, which is stupid because she knows about what he does. So he could have explained it. Not that it would have made it necessarily any better, but right still, so she starts laying the truth on him. And she says she knew as soon as Sam came back that it was over with them that when Sam's gonna be around when they're together, like Dean is never going to be happy. Neither one of them are ever going to be happy. It's toxic. Feel like Dean. Didn't you kind of kind of agree with her a little bit. He was like, Yeah, I know. Yeah. I mean, he certainly wasn't fighting back. Right. And so Lisa ends it, which we'll know. I wasn't too bummed about.


I mean, she was saying like, I'm sorry. Like, that was harsh. Yeah. Because it was the truth thing that was digging into her to it. She was like, you know, I'm close with my sister too. But yeah, like, This is fucked. Yeah. She


was like, even if my sister died. I wouldn't bring her back from the dead. Yeah, I mean, good on her. I'm proud of her. Even though I didn't like her all that much. It wasn't that


I didn't like her. It's that we didn't get to know her.


Right. She was just like, there. She's just there. Like, so many times. Yeah. Give me some there was not depth to that characters was the most depth. We got to understand that relationship. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. See you? You didn't?


I didn't what? Don't worry.


So Sam is in Corys room looking around. He finds a box underneath her bed, right. And there's a tiny cat skull in there, which is super disturbing. He's like, sorry, Mittens. Which how fucked up is that? That she like she has her cat skull in there. What did she do to him?


Especially because she claimed that it went missing? Yeah, maybe it was a previous cat.


I totally thought when she was talking about the cheating boyfriend. I was like, Oh, he killed the cat. Maybe


money who knows who knows. The box also concluded grains of paradise seed and devils shoestring these are the ingredients needed to summon Veritas goddess the truth. Sam


and Dean do me back up. And Dean does confront Sam about his he says like, why did you just stand there? When I was being turned? You didn't move? He doesn't make mention the smirk which I keep mentioning. That bothered me more than anything. And Sam, it kind of plays a pretty good here. He's like, he's like, it's not that he was like, I just froze. And he's like, I can't lie here. You know, that's just what happened. But he's lying. And then that's after that conversation is when they discover that all those things in the box were a summoning spell for God.


My box is a summoning spell for God that it is.


I forget what all they went through. But I


will they figure out okay, it's very tos and then they're like attention whore truth seeker, something to the masses. What's the 21st century version of that? And somehow they just come up with the random news girl that we literally saw only once in that bar scene in the TV kind of in frame but never truly focused on or whatever. Right. So I feel like there had to have been some scenes that were cut, but there was a little bit more of a clear line to her. I finally seems like it was a jump to get there. Well, I


feel like there was one other scene maybe that she was like it was in the background, but not as obvious as like when you put it out. Yeah. Because as soon as you said that, I was like I bet that's going to be something I was expecting.


There would be at least one more thing that would be more obvious, right? Pointing to her. It


was like the first part of the episode was like, slow getting into it. And then like the little quarter at the end was rushed. But they did say that one of the things they learned was that dogs were her Achilles heel. And so they go to the news station and this lady. She's an A news anchor. Her name is Ashley Frank, and her show is called frank talk was


just cute. It is cute.


She was cute, too. Yeah. They go back to the motel. They're looking through all they stole footage. Yeah,


they like paid off security to let them in and they stole it yet.


And so they're sitting there going through it. Dean just takes off. He's like, your, your job, Sam. And so Sam and his Sam look a big looking real nice and it's t shirt getting some layers.


Ooh, that's arms. I


mean, anyway, I digress. So he's watching it and in this one situation, she's on location and she's behind this like white picket fence which looks like in a neighborhood or somebody's house. And this Doberman, I think the Doberman Pinscher kind of jumps at the fence and it's just barking at her like crazy. Because dogs know, they know when somebody's not Right. Cats probably do too, I have to say. Anyway, Sam keeps replaying and replaying it and then dean comes over and he's like, Wait, pause it right here. Zoom in. And they noticed that like tech as she's like, side eyeing this dog. Her eyes are like bright blue. Looks like a cat. I, I didn't see that. I just saw the blue. It was blue, but it had the lit thing lit. Yeah, yeah. Okay. And


then they were just like, yep, that means God. It's


the truth. That's our bitch. That's, that's her. So they go to Ashley's place, which is fucking fabulous. By the way. Gorgeous. Like, I was jealous. I was like, Damn, she's got like a, a rain wall of fire going. She's got a piano. The staircase? Oh, yeah. Full front, like blue. Like picture windows. No, like pains in them. When she was


when she got in her convertible. She had the top down and she had her scarf on. I already knew like, okay, she's gonna be fabulous. And then she takes off and her little convertible. Kind of looked like the convertible that wardrobe. But I don't know cars. I don't know if it was the same. But it was cherry red. And she pulled up in front of this building that I didn't think was a house at first.


I was like, Who is she? Is she beating at this place?


What's this place? What is this? And then when she opened the door internal light. I was like, it wasn't her house. Amazing. It was fabulous. I would like to see this actual house. I'd like to live there.


Just from the little that I saw.


I'm down. Yeah, a minute. Dean are like holy shit. So that's amazing. Let's break it.


They're like, damn, let's go check this place. Yeah, plus her. They go they follow her and they get in. And she happens just to find them in this area where she has all the suicides all the stolen body bodies and she's taking some apart summer hanging. There's cats. Yeah. Oh, the little tabby cat. Yeah, she pops out of nowhere looking like a goddess. Like


what? I was like, okay, so you had a long hard day at the office and she goes home and that's what she changes into. I was like, Nah, me like this almost Grecian looking. Ivory gown. I thought was gold was a golden skull. Okay, golden gown and like this fantastic up deal. Yeah, like No wonder she had to put that scarf on. Where did all that hair come from? I don't know. And like


gold. Little Kucha, my Yeah, her hair. A bit fabulous necklace. She looked great. Like, where


was she gonna go? Like what plants did she had?


I guess she she was like, Oh, I saw these boys come and I'm gonna get ready for


maybe, maybe because other otherwise I


was like, I made a t shirt. That's why I come home and get ready for bed.


Not me. Not my evening after work. Although


maybe I'd like it to be oh my god. Barely could


be okay. So she she flings her wrist is like, you know, high like flings her wrist and they slam up against the wall and they get knocked out out out cold. And guess what? Why? They're tied up. Ah, classic Winchesters slammed up against the wall and we find themselves tight in addition


to the blood splooge we should have been like counting how many times they were tied up.


We can only count. So my true.


But I'd be curious. Anyway. So she's doing the whole villain speech Exactly. As she's doing that she is working on the dentist. He's he's on a stretcher, and she cuts his tongue out and start saying that the tastiest part is the tongue and that she wants to play a little game with the boys. Truth or truth. She goes into Dean first and it's like, how do you really feel about your brother? And Dean says better now? Yesterday I wanted to kill it his sleeve? No,


that's that's what he meant when he said it would take care of it, I


guess I guess so. Geez. But he said now he's acting just like me. Like, he's and then he goes on and kind of explains himself. And basically he says like I he he tried to trick himself into like, wanting to be with Lisa and Ben. And he's like, I'm not a father. I'm a killer. Yeah. Then she goes over to Sam and asks him kind of the same thing. And he's like, we look out for each other. You know, we're proud others and she gets super pissed. She's like, What are you doing? You're lying to how are you possibly lying to me? And then she says he's not human. She's like, You're not human. Yeah, this whole time Dean has had his little knife. They both did a knife like going away at the bonds. What was it ropes,


they were balling ropes,


they were cutting the bondage. Dean gets free first. And there was I think there was like a crowbar or something over there and he grabs that and stabs her through the back all the way like through her stomach out the front. And then Sam gets free and he takes his knife and stabs or like right in the chest


with the dog blood dipped knife. Dog blood. Oh, I forgot about the dog but dog dip tonight I


purposely probably forgot to talk about


it. Whenever Whenever she got stabbed with a crowbar she spins around is like, like goes into a cat. She's cat. That was a


pretty cool effect. Like it wasn't like it was pretty cool. It wasn't perfect, but it was it was pretty cool.


I just I don't get it and we're gonna we'll do the lore. I just don't get it. It was cool. I rewound it, and we watched it a couple of times. It was pretty cool. I liked it. And then the dog blood dipped knife stabbed into her. She went she went.


Which I forgot to mention that earlier before they went in there, Sam showed up with a big bottle of dog's blood. And Dean was like, do I want to know how you got that? And say, I was like, probably not. Yeah. And I said, No, I mean, he was


upset. And I convinced her that it was just from dog donated


blood. Yes. Which I know that does happen exists. Yeah, because I follow some rescues where they have to bring another dog in to donate blood to the ailing dog.


They're very toss got double penetrated and went back in front all over. She got it from the sides. Boom. Sorry,


girl. Oh my god. Please don't put that in.


She's okay. Why


is she okay? or so?




thinks she's. She's okay. She's good. Walking off. Happy. Okay. So after bear tosses down, she was put down.


Yeah. Policy policy down.


Policy. Okay. I feel like this is our worst episode ever.


Okay, we gotta get through it. Come on.


I know. I only have like three more lines. Okay. But the thick goes on forever. So Dean pulls a knife on Sam pulls it out. Yeah, he pulls he whips. He whips it


out. Did he pull it out of Arizona? Pull out Yeti. Yeah. Oh, no, that


was Sam's knife. Ah, they left her penetrated on both sides. Okay, gotcha. And yeah, so.


God damn. Okay, so Okay, pulls it out.


Okay, so yeah, he's got the knife on him. He, he's like, You better give it up to me. Give me the goods man. Give me How could you have let me be turned. Sam finally confessed this and he says, Yeah, I let I let you be turned. We I knew we needed in that nest and I knew that you could handle which I feel like, fuck. I knew


he knew about the cure. Yeah. So he's lying to Samuel to because Salman was like you do. And so it was like, I forgot. I'm okay. Maybe not me. Not me. I twice. I hope to the right. I didn't know.


But super fucked up. Yeah. And so he kind of gets out of ribs and a little more. And Sam's finally like, I did it because like, I can't feel anything. And he says, since I've been back. I've been a better hunter than I ever was. But I just I can't feel anything like it's just


another and Dean tried to tell him like, Dude, fuck you for letting me get turned. Yeah, I could have killed Lisa and Ben. And Sam was like that should shake me to its core to my core. But nothing nada. Yeah, yeah, I got nothing for you, man. That's terrible. Yeah, so then dean put down his knife and I was like, they're gonna have a bromance. They're gonna hug you did, but as


I did in my mind, I was like, I felt like there might be a fight about. Like, I didn't. I didn't vocalize it, but in my mind, I was like, there's a little tension there. I don't know that there's gonna be a hug situation.


I was wrong. And sure enough,


you were right. Dean starts beating the shit out of him just like pummeling his face until he tells me that yeah, he knocked him out. And that's it. Wow, guys. Well, what an episode it was


written by Eric char mellow Nicole Snyder and David Reed. And it was directed by Rod Hardy hard II wouldn't name Hardy rod. Okay, Gore, so loses this blue jays were pretty fucking gory. But I thought the goriest of the gore were other bodies at the end. Yeah,


cuz Whoa. I meant to say some of them didn't have skin though. A


lot of them. Yeah, some of them are skinned. One of them was hanging. One of them the ribs was like cracked open and the cats just like sitting there taking little bites. Yeah, um, yeah, I'm


sorry, a little midnight snack.


Snack. I thought that was way gory. I agree. I agree. The splurge is I mean, we're gory. But they were not the goriest of blood switches that we have seen true. The dead bodies at the end. That was a lot. Yeah,


I was not. I was not prepared. And maybe there Yeah, I was like so


I guess like gods they just eat people. Yeah, we found that out in hammer of the gods. They ate that poor security guard. That was their dinner. are so I guess just all Gods eat people which bummer right look out people watch out all right adore anything. I


liked Bobby's confession I also like that he's like rolling around his kitchen and and like a desk chair or get his milk confessing these like awkward things to


do like get off his shoes and putting his feet up and admiring his toes. Yeah


through his saucers, pedicure. And then call it Dina's favorite, which I would not have expected out honestly. Yeah, I was surprised. But yeah, I I think I adored that.


What about you? I would say that to the pacing of this episode wasn't great.


Like I said, yeah, it was it was so slow. Yeah, I feel like they could have maybe done a little more with the story to not


tied in very tell us a little bit more. I just having her at the last 15 minutes. Yeah, I mean, some of the pacing was weird. I really I struggled to stay tuned to this episode. I was tuned out quite a bit. I could tell. Yeah, my bad. I don't blame you. Yeah, so it was It wasn't bad, but not a whole lot I adored I agree with the Bobby's confession, though. Obvious confessions were pretty fucking cute. That was fun. All right lore. Today we're talking about Veritas, the Roman goddess of truth and virtue, and this is from a legendary ladies hub article. So Veritas is a term that originates from Roman mythology represents the virtue of truthfulness. The word Veritas is Latin, literally meaning truth or truthfulness, and it comes from Veritas, which means true, the term has been used in many mottos, including that of Harvard University. As a divine entity, Veritas holds a crucial role in promoting honesty, integrity, and ethical values within Ancient Rome didn't get any of that from this character, portrayed as the personification of truth, she symbolizes the inherent importance of honesty in all aspects of life. Romans looked up to Veritas as a guiding light, representing the essence of wisdom and virtue. Her presence served as a reminder to individuals to always uphold moral principles, and to strive for authenticity in their words and actions. Through Veritas, the Romans found inspiration to lead lives based on integrity and truthfulness, making her a revered and iconic figure in Roman culture. She is sometimes considered a daughter of Saturn, or Kronos in Greek mythology, who is the titan of time. Other accounts suggest that she could be a daughter of Jupiter or Zeus in Greek mythology, or a creation of Prometheus.


That's odd that it's like crossing Yeah,


I guess there's probably a Greek version but yeah, I didn't go into that. So


stick with the Roman Okay, that was interesting. Okay. depicted with


a veiled face and holding a mirror. There toss symbolizes the unbiased nature of truth, and the reflection of one's actions. The mirror she carries represents introspection, and the idea of self reflection as the essential components of seeking truth and upholding ethical values. In essence, Veritas stands as a timeless embodiment of moral integrity, and the unwavering pursuit of truth. Vera toss is often depicted as a young woman dressed in white, symbolizing purity, and the unadulterated nature of truth and artistic representations, very tosses white attire signifies her association with truth and serves as a visual reminder that truth shines brightly and cannot be obscured or corrupted. I didn't find shit about cats


just because she's a woman,


I don't know why there was a pussy in there double penetrated call it a day. I'm just like, where did the cat thing come from? I really don't. Where did it come from? I don't know. I found nothing about cat. I'm


sorry. Burly word here. We got to stop.


We're good. It's that's it? We're done.


Oh my god.


We finished it. We did it.


All right, quote to close it out. Dean says a dentist rolled a guy to death.


And Sam says You mean the non sexy kind of drilling? Right?


I thought it was flipped.


Oh noes. Cheers.




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