Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Live Free or Twi-hard

April 17, 2024 • Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 5

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Live Free or Twi-hard.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now, let's get tipsy. ello




Hey, Murli. Oh, it's me. So the last episode was weekend at Bobby. After Bobby discovers Crowley has no intentions of returning Bobby soul back to him. The hunter takes matters into his own hands. He calls on Sam and Dean for help after he unearthed one of Crowley's deepest secrets. Meanwhile, Sam and Dean learn what Bobby does all day when they are not around.


Did that. Yeah, I


don't know. As I was reading that I was like,


we did as as viewers. We did.


What is it? I forgot? Answers


phones. Oh, yeah, he's a busy guy. He rejects women. He kind of sits down to eat cobbler, but never actually does it. All that fun stuff. Yeah. It was cute that it was a cute little it was this week. I don't


know how I feel about this week's episode so far. So say this episode wasn't? Yeah,


I'll decide by the time when I get to the end how I feel about it. But this week's episode is titled Live Free or twice as hard.


Oh, I just now got it. Because Twilight.


Why hard? It's the fifth episode of season six and originally aired on October 22 2010. The episode opens up with a girl who was way too young to be in a bar walking through a bar. She goes up to the bartender and flashes her fake ID which looks nothing like nothing. Hey, we got away with that. Back in the day, though.


Have you ever had a fake ID? You didn't. I used a friend. We just went to the bar that they just didn't ask us for? Oh, yeah,


we went to that. That bar a lot. I used to sneak in to a lot of places. I had friends that would sneak me in the back door. But I definitely got into a bar once just using somebody else's ID where the picture didn't look anything like me. And they just let me in.


I'm out of views Melissa's idea. At one point,


I was about to say I feel like you did. Yeah, I don't know. But anyway, she is not in that bar. Trying to be an underage drinker. No, no, she is there to meet Robert, who knows her so well, because he's read her poetry. You can see enter. No, sir. No, sir.


I know who you are. I know, you know. And then later, does she say something? Like, I know, you know, you don't know you don't. You


haven't read my poetry. And the girl's name is Kristen. And the guy's name is Robert. I thought that was kind of funny. Yeah, that was funny. I mean, it's just very dramatic. All of the interactions between these two. And Kristen is just eating it up. So they're sitting at the table. And he's like, oh, yeah, she was like, Well, I wrote a new poem. And he's like, oh, god of what I've read. It's so bad. Like, of course, I want to hear it. Tell it to me. What is the this is this is vampire Poetry Jam. I want to hear that shit. Snaps snaps. So she excitedly reaches into her backpack to take out her little book. But oh, she slit her finger along that edge way too quickly. And she got a paper cut. She's like, Ouch. Oh, it sucks her finger. And he dramatically looks over his shoulder. Like,


I wrote in my notes that he had a hard on for her paper cut.


That he's like, I have to go. So this strange man that she came to meet and the bar leaves the teenage girl alone to the bar by herself. But that's okay. They come back again the following night. And he lets her know. You know, you don't know me. You don't know what I am. She's like, show me show me. And he does this dramatic like over his head reach. Yeah. To pull up his lip and show her like the tiny thing and just point your finger lift your lip. Well, he doesn't want to scare her and show her all the things right like the joshing so he's like, little baby, little little by little baby Fang. She's just like, he's like, are you scared? She's like, No, he's like you should be. She's like, Will it hurt? And I'm just like, Oh my God.


What he did, I would never,


I would never bullshit. So that he's like, follow me. I want to show you my world. And she's just like, oh, well, then we cut to them walking through an alley. She's asking him like, is there going to be velvet or something? Where are we going? Are you taking me to your castle is there Gonna be velvet bedding. I'm so excited. And his tone has completely changed at this point. He just goes, Yeah, sure. The magic is gone. Robert is no longer trying to play the seducer. She is


in his clutches. He is on with her, Hey, taking her to his lair.


So they go to this door in this alley. This random guy pops out is like how's that? Kristen is very confused as to what is going on here. And Robert is just like, This is what she wanted, right? As they show their full things coming out and Kristen screams and that's a way to supernatural


gas why we don't talk to strangers,


Stranger danger, online or in person. Now we see Dean and Sam, they have been working a case but they're wrapping it up. Dean is on the phone talking to Lisa telling her that he thinks he's going to be able to swing by pretty soon. He keeps kind of talking about well, yeah, I mean, I have to wait until such and such and then I'll have to drive all night and it just leases like shut up. Just fucking get here. De la said okay, I'm tired of the lease.


I'm ready to be done.


If they would develop them a little bit further, it could potentially have something but they literally just they're


just like placeholders.


Anyway, Sam comes walking up and tells Dean, they have six girls who have disappeared. And there's a pattern


all the same age, same area. Dean's like


all right, looking through the folder has been like, Oh, they're all pretty cute too. Which later in the episode, Dean calls, these predators, pervy for going after teenage girls, and I'm thankful for it. Because I really needed to hear Dean say that and acknowledge that he's just talking out of his ass when he's saying these things. Yeah, like, Thank you, writers. I needed that. From my dean. Yeah. As they're talking about the case. Dan is like Alright, so where are we going to go? Which which direction we go in first pick a number. And I like how Sam went seven. Because there's another one that just happened last night. Oh,


there's seven girls didn't see that one coming.


They go to the latest victims home. And they talk with the Father and the Father. It's just very much like, you know, raising girls. It's hard.


Like no emotion, not upset that his daughters gone. Just bitches. They're hard. Yeah. It's just hard to raise like, That


man has 99 problems. And yeah, his daughter is one


not one anymore.


But Sam also does not want to talk to this man. He's just like, yeah, like, we're just trying to find her. If you could quit talking to us. And let us go look through your daughter's room. That'd be great. So the guys like upstairs first. Oh, actually, no, they didn't ask to go look at the room. He was just saying like, yeah, like girls are hard, whatever. They were trying to figure out what happened to her and they were kind of confused or like, we're just trying to find her. And then when he said, upstairs first door on the left, they were kind of like, oh, that's way. They didn't really know why he was telling them to go there. It's like you'll get it when you


see what I mean.


So they go upstairs, and her decor is all like goth romance throughout the entire room. Red wall. Red wall. Red chandelier. Yeah, black and red bedding. Vampire artwork everywhere. There's like a cardboard cutout hanging on the back of her door. It's an actor who looks very much like Robert Pattinson. But isn't Robert patents and they are just looking around like oh man vampires like, chicks are romanticizing vampires. Which Hello, where have you been? That's not you know, guys, Sam goes digging through the bedding to find her laptop.


Because that's where we all keep them.


I mean, maybe I don't know. I didn't have a laptop when I was a high school student. Maybe that's where I would have kept it.


I mean, I've had laptops, I've never put them in my bedding.


tuck tuck, tuck


tuck it away hit night, tuck it in, tuck it


Sam opens the laptop and immediately tries to get into like her I am thing and he's trying to figure out the password and I thought this was funny like every time he entered in the rest wrong password it would be so that's just consistently going in the background while Dean's walking around. Just be like What the fuck is all this? Like look this book and like reading from the book and be like this is a best seller. I don't understand. And throughout this whole thing just I thought it was pretty fun. Yeah, I enjoyed the scene in the bedroom.


I wish I could remember the line that he read from the book because it was so cheesy, so corny.


I mean, it was it was really cute. The scene was really cute. They're trying to figure out you know, Sam's trying to figure out which name to put it And then of course it ends up being Pattinson as her password. He doesn't quite say Pattinson I guess. Avoiding saying his full name for some reason this episode.


Oh, yeah, he threw a lot under the hood throughout Lautner. Yeah. Sam


was like, but He's weird. Well, yeah. Sam finally gets logged in to her laptop and is reading the I M chats and says, Okay, this guy who's been messaging her is claiming to be a vampire. Dede was like, What do you got to do to like, they're like, lowering bait like Lauren girls away. What do you got to do with safe just like, apparently, right? Bad poetry is it's just poetry. It's poetry chat, poetry chat group. They read through the messages, and they see that he told her to meet him at the Black Rose, which was a bar. I


like the name of that.


Yeah, it was cute, cute little place to Sam and Dean decided to go check out the bar. There


was an eclectic group of people at this bar. Oh, yeah,


like wide variety. But before they get to the bar, oh, first, we see Robert and a group of other vampires intercept a blood bank van, and they kill the guard. Which we were just like, unnecessarily. You could have just zip tied his hands behind his back and knocked his ass out. Why do you need to kill him? Right? Especially if you weren't doing it for the blood? Like, yeah, what the hell a waste. Yeah. I think you actually said oh, they're turning them so they're getting food for them. I was really confused at first. That's what


I figured just if they're trying to get all the which? I don't know. I'm trying to get only young girls. But weird. I guess roof. Boris not Rufus.


Not Rufus. No, not our Rufus Boris.


I guess. All Boris seem to like anything.


Maybe young girl vampires are somehow stronger. I mean, they didn't say anything along those lines. Yeah, it's odd that they're going for teenagers, I guess just because of what he was saying that. Oh, we'll get there. We'll get there. I'm sorry. Sorry. No, I'm getting ahead of myself. It's you're good. The next day, Samuel Campbell, calls Sam, and is telling him about this BloodBank van hijacking and that he thinks it's tied together with the case that they're working on because this has been a pattern. He said they didn't kill the victim last time. So that's something new. Otherwise, this is kind of all going together. get sloppy. Yeah, they're pondering okay, why are they stealing blood? If they have all these victims that they're kidnapping at the same time? They have? What did Sam say blood on top or something? Like, why do they need the blood bank? So they they haven't come up with an answer to that. But the brothers go to do more investigating at the Black Rose. And it's here where they are definitely doing some people watching. Somehow, they're able to identify three guys who they assume are probably these vampire guys just based off of how they look. I guess because they were dressed. You know, like, they fit the vibe of like, I'm here to meet somebody maybe? Yeah,


I didn't get how they kind of like identified them.


I did right off the bat. And I was like, wow, right. Well, I mean, I guess that only one of them ended up being right. So Oh, that's right. I guess they were just like, doing their best guess. best educated guess. They originally think that they have three choices from predators who were at these bars trying to lure girls away. But then they see one of the guys turn around and start making out with another guy and they're like, oh, all of the victims have been females. So that eliminates that one. They both were like taken aback like Oh, not three we have two options. It just so happens that it basically the same time both their options get up and walk opposite directions in the bar. Dean says hey, you got F Ron I got Bieber and they split up Sam tails one guy passed the bathrooms downstairs past the bathrooms into like this utility closet and I was just like, this is a trap. Oh for sure is clearly a trap. And I was really worried about Sam but it was not needed because the vampire jumps out from behind the door and Sam decapitated him he had a machete somewhere. Students coat pockets Randy Yeah, he got it handy on the get go and just completely decapitated. The vampire took about one swipe. David was not so lucky. He follows his guy outside who's got a girl with them. And they're making out in the alleyway and the guy is telling her like that sexy vampire time I don't remember he said, doesn't matter. Because Dean interrupts Dean comes in and totally cock block some tells the girl kid how to hear and then slams the guy up against the dumpster and pulls up his lips and sees his teeth. He's just like, What the fuck? Take those out. So the guy takes it out. He sees it's the mouthpiece and he's just like, Are you kidding me? Is that glitter on your face? And then the guy was like, Shut up, man. I just do it to get laid and Dean was like, does it work? I said, yeah, he was like, I'll be alright. Get out here. So he tells the guy Get outta here wear a condom. He told them actually no, he told them in bop out of here. Yeah. What is what these random references? I was like trying to think like did Bieber and F Ron play a vampire that I don't know of was embossed featured in a vampire movie like, what are these references? I don't know. They seemed so random to me.


I guess they're all like t like teen heartthrob, guys.


Is that what it was? Okay, I guess you're right. 80. That's the only connection that makes sense. It seemed random to me when I was watching the episode. I did not draw that conclusion. But we were watching it. I was like, what is happening? So Dean starts to walk off. All of a sudden, Boris, who we met earlier with Robert and Kristen comes out from his little thing. And it's checking Dean out and tells him hey, you're pretty. And Dean stops and turns around. It's like, what was that? Like? Can I help you? And he was like, you're pretty. We're like, Yeah, we know. We know worse. Dean tells them. Thank you. So I don't think he said thank you. He should have said thank you. He should but actually no, he didn't. He doesn't you don't owe anybody a response whenever they comment on your appearance that call you elicited? Yeah, nevermind. I take that back. He didn't have to say thank you. He just said hey, like we play for different teams. I'm not interested. Boris does not take this rejection very well. Yeah,


that's an understatement.


He like throws him halfway down the alley. Yeah. Really puts dean at a disadvantage I guess because he does not hold his own at all against this vampire. We do find out this vampires like over 600 years old, so maybe that made him stronger than your average vampire. But this vampire kicks Dean's ass. The vampire Boris picks Dean up and has him leaned up against a dumpster. So we're already in an alley up against a dumpster where it's garbage trash. And Dean is conscious, but just like not doing anything. He's just like being held there. Bordesley limp. Yeah, just went Boris's holding his arms down. He's got like his forearm like up against Dean's chest like holding them up against the dumpster as sardines. Arms are just hanging, not doing nothing. But I mean, maybe he's concussed. Yeah, he did gain he did get fucked. It was pretty far it was pretty bad. And then Boris bites into his wrist and he just like scrapes it open. Because it's not even dripping the blood from him. It's not dripping. Nothing. And he just like smears his wrist all over Dean's mouth


when Dean's mouth is just like, open hang. And it's like, he looks like he's trying to not get it. But at the same time. It's like shut your mouth. Like what are you doing?


I was thinking, well, at least nothing got in his mouth. I was wrong


name. I was like, Okay, well, this is I mean, it's all over his face. But nothing got in his mouth. It's just so


weird. And just to make it they were like what can we do to make it more awkward? They're like, I know. Jared Padalecki comes like walking around the corner. And like does this like shortstop like oh, what's what's going on over here? What is it? What's what's down the satellite? Here, and he just kind of stops and just stands there and watches on me


like smart like smirks at one point. Yeah. Just watching


his brother be turned into a vampire. Yeah. It was really weird. And then after he's like, Okay, I no longer find this entertaining. He pulled out his magic machete from his pocket again. And when the vampire ran away and like ran up the walls. I was trying to remember what movie that was from. Was that Dracula? Or was that last boys where they did that?


I don't know


ran up the walls like that.


Maybe Dracula? I don't know that. It's been so long since I've seen either of those last


boys. I think it was last boys where they ran it. So I liked that. I was like, Okay, thank you for doing an ode to vampire from my timeframe. I would have appreciated just a few more of those. Same Yeah. Vampire nods from our time from Oh, they did have when we first were in the bar. They were playing a song called Bela Lugosi is dead. That's true. So we did get a nod there. Maybe there were some others that I missed, but I would have liked some more 80s and 90s vampire nods in here.


I also liked like Sam when he finally pulled the machete out. It was such a half assed like, hey, good luck. Get away from my brother. It was like really the deeds done and now you're whipping it out. Like come on.


When Jared paddle Lucky is playing someone who's supposed to be acting. He chooses a bad acting every time. Really, he's playing Sam who's supposed to be acting? Yeah, it's like I'm gonna make this as obviously bad as possible so that everybody knows my character is acting. He succeeds. Sam chases off worse the vampire. And then Dino is just like pseudonym and just like has his ketchups make fake news all over. Like, Lion. There's they'll be in like concussed and just all kinds of fucked up. But yeah, that whole scene. I personally found that whole thing very awkward. From from the Boris turning him through Sam being involved.


So uncomfortable. I


didn't like it. Yeah, it was very uncomfortable. But you know what, maybe we were supposed to be uncomfortable? I think so i think so i think so to again, they succeed. Good job. Good, tough. We're back in their motel now. And Dean is not having a good time. The lights are too bright. He can hear neighbors talking in the hotel room next to them. He can hear the gears turning inside the alarm clock. Sam's heartbeat is way too loud. I mean, he is just overstimulated


a little baby vampire. Yeah, it's his first day.


Yeah. Cut him some slack. He is going on about Samuel and saying when Samuel gets here, he's gonna kill me. And Sam says no, he's not. And he says, Yes, he is. Like, I'm going to ask him to if he doesn't just do it outright. I'm gonna ask them to like fucking monster. This is. This is terrible. I am stressed. I have all the ways I thought I was gonna go. This is not it. Sam just assures him. No, like, it's fine. Just wait until Samuel gets here. It's cool. And that's when Dean notices. Sam's heartbeat is pretty damn steady. He's not stressed or worried about this at all. Dean calls Sam on it. And Sam's tries to say, I'm trying to stay calm. You control your heartbeat that way. I mean, I know that that's possible. I wish I could do that. Come on. I can't remember what Sam did. He changed the subject. Like he was like, because I'm trying to stay calm. And he changed the subject right away. And Dana's just like, oh, fuck you. And he goes in the bathroom, slams the door, and he decides to leave he pieces out. He sneaks off, he needs to go say goodbye to Lisa because again, he is under the impression that he's about to be killed. If only Oh, do you want to be killed? No, he


was saying goodbye to Lisa. Oh.


Sam discovers that Dean has disappeared. It's just like, ah, ah, luck. We cut to Lisa. And first of all, I'm surprised that Lisa didn't get a lecture right away. Because Dean was able to get into that house very easily. That's true. I don't know that she's still assaulting and doing all the things that she's supposed to be doing. But you know what relatable because that's gonna be a pain in the ass to do that every day like,


oh, well, no vampires are supposed to be invited in. I


don't think that's true. And the supernatural Lord shouldn't be that standard. They've just been kicking in doors and coming in since season one when for true for Daniel Elkins, that leather jacket chick came in and stole his gun and murdered him.


Yeah, right.


Mm hmm. So Lisa sleeping in her bed, and Dean is just creepily standing by the window watching her. And when she wakes up, she's just like, Oh, my God, what's going on? I wasn't expecting you for a couple of days. She turns on the light. And he's just like, too bright, too bright, overstimulated. He moves kind of aside her and sits on the bed, and just tells her that he just really needs to come and thank her and Ben for everything that they've been so much to him. And then he's like, I gotta go. And he stands up to move and she's just like, What the fuck is going on? And he grabs her and like, slams her up against the wall. And I thought she was gonna think, oh, it's sexy time, but she did not. She looks scared. Like she understood that this was not sexy time that there's something wrong. So I feel really bad for Lisa honestly. And then dean like, pushes away from her. And turns and like faces into the moonlight. And his teeth come out. It's very dramatic. It was just like I have to go goes into the hall. But poor been terrible timing coming out of the bathroom. And he's just like, hey, what's going on? And he's kind of groggy. You can tell that he's been sleeping. So he probably didn't hear Dean. But Dean told them like, hey, like, stay away from me and Ben's just still walking. Because it's his freakin house. He's just walking down the hall. Why don't you go the other way, Dean. But no, Dean like, shoves Ben into the wall. Lisa grabs them and pulls them into a bedroom and slams the door. I would have been like you get the fuck out my house. Don't


come back.


Yeah, don't you touch my kid. Oh, I would have been live in bliss has not taken calls from Dean by the end of this episode. And I do not blame her. No way. So Dean goes there just causes a massive scene and leaves goes back to the motel and time to overhear Samuel and Sam talking. Samuel is very stressed that Dean is out on the loose doing whatever. He's like, What the fuck Sam like he's a monster right now and he's hungry. He's going to be out there trying to feed we're going to have to do what's necessary. And that might be Killam. So we have to be prepared. Dean Oh, Have a sudden pops out of the kitchen and says, See, I told you. I told you Sam was going to want to kill me. I told you Samuel, not Sam. Samuel was going to want to kill me. And Samuels just did you feed? Did you feed? I got no, I got an ouch. Where do God wants you to do this? I just went and said goodbye to Lisa and No, I haven't fed. Let's say Mrs. Thank God because I have a cure. And this cure. It's not going to work if you drink a single drop of human blood. So you gotta keep it together. Dean.


I liked that. He said, I can turn you back. They always say like,


I'll turn you. Yeah, that was a nice tie. Yeah, I liked that. And whenever he said, I can turn you back. I have a cure. Dean and Sam both went white. And Samuel kind of looked back at Sam.


Oh, I missed that. But that knowing Yeah, okay. Okay. He and I


looked back at Sam kinda like, but he didn't say anything. He didn't throw him under the bus. He just told Dean, my daddy, I have my daddy's journal. Just like you'll have your daddy's journal. I have my daddy's journal. And he's got a bunch of cures in here. We've got recipes like Campbell's Soup. La did not like that was stupid. It was a little cheesy, but he's a grandpa. What do you expect from a grandpa? They're gonna, they're gonna say cheesy things. They're gonna say corny things on occasion. I mean, hell, we say corny. All the time. So Samuel says, Okay, we have a lot of these ingredients, you know, some of the things we're going to have to get. But the toughest ingredient we have to get is the blood of the vamp that turns you and he's like, no problem. Not an issue. And Sam was like, Oh, I'm gonna come with you. And he says, No, you reek. You smell like a hamburger? I can't have you walking in there with me. Sam has been very like, the nest. Like, what about the nest this episode? He's like, say you're gonna go to the nest. Like you don't know where the nest is. And he's like, No, I wear it. I know where it is, like two miles east of here. I know exactly where it is. I can smell it. It's gonna be very annoying to have that sense of smell. And then I'm just thinking, Okay, I saw where the vamp nest is all those dumpsters right outside your nest. Y'all are smelling that all day.


Ah, make better choices, right.


As dean is packing up and heading out. Samuel gives him a vial of dead man's blood, he says is enough to take down a linebacker, because they were told Boris was huge. And I thought it was weird because Sam is the one who said board like that guy was huge. I didn't think he was that big. No, he wasn't. He certainly wasn't big compared to Sam.


I think he was even shorter than Dean. He was shorter than Dean.


So I thought that was kind of an odd line. But whatever. That's the plan. So the plan is Dane knows where the nest is. He's gonna go sneak in. He's gonna use dead man's blood to knock out the vampire that turned him and then get the vampires blood. After Dean leaves. Samuel turns around to Sam is like, okay, weirdo. Why are you pretending like you didn't know about the cure? I told you about that months ago. And Sam doubles down. I was like, What? No, that must not have been me. That must have been Christian or somebody else because I didn't know. And Samuel says, Are you sure? Because pretty sure you knew and if you knew, it really seems like maybe you let your brother get turned so that we could get into the nest. And Sam says I'm never I'm just like, Okay, so Sam is being shady with Dean and shady was Samuel. I thought he was being shady like with Samuel. Not shady to Samuel. Right. So I'm definitely confused with the fox one Alma Sam. super weird. We cut to Dean. He is in the alley. And I thought this was really clever. He like tied a string to the locked gated door to the nest. And he hid around the corner. And so when people came out, he held the string taut. So the door stayed open after they walked out. I thought that was really smart. It was good. I couldn't figure out what he was doing. At first. I was like, What the fuck is happening? And then I realized I was like, Oh, that door has a lock on it. He kept it from shutting and locking automatically so you can just walk in. It's clever. Clever. But he didn't need it. Turns out they were expecting his as he walks in and Robert is there and it's like, oh, yeah, like you're the hot dude that Boris turned. Cool. Great to see you. He's he told me to keep an eye out for you. He walks him over to the refrigerators like Are you hungry? Here's some blood. We got all this blood in here. And Dean says, Oh, no. Like I killed so many people on the way over here. I'm good. I'm satiated. Right now, man. I'm good. And the guy was like, Okay, well, just FYI. We aren't supposed to kill them. I thought that was interesting. Yeah, he's like, tell me what that's like. But I want to know what that's like. Yeah, he's never killed somebody. Apparently they've been told they're not supposed to. But then I'm sitting here be like, okay, Robert, we just watched you kill the blood bank guy, you fucking liar, but he didn't drink from him. So maybe that's what he meant. Robert takes Dean to Boris and Boris is just as creepy and to arable as you would think. He's leaned over a poor Kirsten, or Kristen, who's typing away doing her poetry luring girls to go meet with their recruiters. That's what the Robert was telling Dean is that your recruiter? Ignore all these guard vampires that are standing around. They're just jealous because the recruiters all get laid.


Well, yeah. And that's why he wants to do because he's pretty exactly you know, he's like, Oh, he'll bring us some girls. But show Boris is


like sniffing into Kristen's hair and telling her like, Okay, go get something to eat, and then get your sweet ass back in this chair. I'm just like, You know what, thank you. Like, I love vampire movies. Don't get me wrong. But I hate that I'm into a genre that tries to make predators sexy to young girls. I hate it. I hope they do some sexy vampire stuff later on. But in regards to how many vampire stories involve adolescent girls, I'm happy that their version of the adolescent girl vampire story made it very clear. This is This is gross. Yeah, this is predatory and disgusting. So I do adore that about this episode. I know we're not to our doorless yet, but I liked that. And they did it. Well. Yeah, they did do that aspect. Well, Boris is clearly a Bougie gross villain at a predator. As he's talking to Dean. He's bragging about how old he is. He's saying that this is the best time in over six centuries to be a vampire. Because these girls are just lining up. They just come right to them. They're fantasizing about all this stuff. And they are eager to come get involved and be in their world. So Boris is having a blast. And he's got all these girls in these cages. And it's just like, what, what's with the cages? I don't understand. And Boris explains, well, we're building an army. So I have the boys go out and get the girls and the girls go out and get the boys and round and round and round. We go we're building an army. He didn't explain why they aren't drinking from people. Yeah, but I guess they just don't want to waste anybody that they get. They want to turn everybody. Why are they building an army? They didn't explain. They're just using poetry to do this. I'm like, how good of an army like how well can they fight if you're just using poetry to lure them in? Not to say that poets and people who like poetry can't fight. I'm not saying that. But I'm just saying like how high quality are your fighters? If that's if that's the bait poetry and how high quality are your fighters if they're just little teenagers? Like is it like in the Twilight movies that if they're young, and they're babies, that they're stronger? Somehow? Maybe? I mean, if it was it was never addressed and ever explained. Anyways, Boris, the creepy predator vampire is asking Dean if he wants a private tour. And Dean is like, Yeah, sure. Love it. Let's go. So Boris is very happy about this. And he turns around and starts walking off. Dean is following him. There's a massive amount of room in my opinion between Boris and Dean. But for whatever reason, Dane decides this is the perfect time to go ahead and pull out that dead man's blood syringe. Yeah. So he pulls it out. And unfortunately, I saw your face. He didn't whip that out, he pulls out the syringe. And I guess he pushed it a little bit or something because a tiny bit of blood falls out and hits the ground and Boris hears it. He spins around and gets into a big old tussle with Dean. Oh, I forgot to mention the Alfa Boris does mention, you know, it's our father. Our Father has told us that we need to build this army. And so that's why I'm doing it. As they're fighting the ceiling lights up or something. I'm not sure what's going on here. All of the Vampires just start falling hitting the deck just passing out it seems like all around them. And Dean hits the deck too. And we get a montage that was like something from the ring. Like the ring video. Yeah, it was like that meets the shining.




we see two little girls. They look like they're twins, but they're vampire children. And we see a very handsome gentleman. And like a three piece suit. He's like sitting at a playground at one point. And then we see him like talking to the two little girls like reaching his hand out was very odd. Why that happened? I have no idea. Gene says later in the episode that he thinks that the Alpha communicates like psychically with the vampires. So I assume that's what it was supposed to be. But like what was the point of that message? Yeah. What was he trying to tell all of his little vampire children in that message? I guess Dean didn't get his full onboarding yet so he doesn't know how to how to translate the messages yet. Unfortunately, when Dean comes to and everybody else is perfectly fine. Boris is at the cages letting out all of the band baby vampires and telling them go get them sick of Girls Yeah, so Dean says Ah fuck and he like takes off running but luckily he has his machete with him, and he decapitated poor Robert whenever he runs into him on the stairwell, and to capitate some other vampires and we get our 34th Blood splooge of the supernatural series as blood is long all over the wall during one of Dean's decapitations. Sam and Samuel show up outside as Dean continues to vite all the vampires inside, Boris confronts Dean even though Dean's killed a whole bunch of people. He's like you didn't stop shit. Sorry, bro. And we're not fucking scared of you. Like I don't I don't give a fuck. I don't care that you're a hunter. All of this shit that's going on. It's bigger than you. And he does the whole Morpheus gesturing to Dean to come fight.


Oh, yeah, he


does his whole big thing. Samuel and Sam come in. I think they were kind of preparing for the worst but luckily they see Dean just kind of standing there very stoically. Sam says Dean, are you okay? And Dean's like yeah, he beat Boris and he's just standing there with his foot on Boris is decapitated head was very dramatic.


It was most vampires are those Oh, yeah. dramatic death


for Boris the predator vampire. Good riddance. Back at the hotel. Sam mixes together his Sangria vampire cure. So we had milk of magnesia for the gents Sangria for vampires. And he puts the blood in mixes it up and it's like, okay, let's hope it works. Dean. And Sam is all like, But Dean what was in the nest? What you see what do you see what you see in Danish? Like fuck you, bro, and chugs the cure. And then dean starts just like vomiting what looks like oil or something? Yeah, it was black. His lips were like blue stained blue after like is like a blue black.


Yeah, it's


pretty, pretty good. Pretty good. I'm happy. They didn't have him just magically become human. Again. I'm happy that they had something happen after he checked the cure. While he's changing back into a human, we see another montage, which is essentially recapping everything from Dean's perspective from the episode in reverse. So the last thing we see is Sam looking on as Dean gets turned and doing that little smirk that LA was talking about at the beginning. Dean once he comes to and as human again, his first thought is what the


fuck? He's been saying it from the beginning. So that's different cell phones,




Something's wrong. Well,


not the beginning of the beginning of the season.


And again, Sam is just like, Oh, thank God, you're okay. What do you see in the nest? Oh, Dean explains the whole psychic link with the alpha and that the Alpha relays messages to them, and he's been telling them to recruit an army build an army of vampires. But the worst news of all, is that the vampires are not scared of hunters anymore. But here's the thing that just makes me think they're scared of something bigger. If they're not scared of hunters, and they're building an army. What are they scared? There's something they're scared of. Then there's what that tells me something beggars come in. Maybe that's what Boris meant. Whenever he said it's bigger than you. We shall see. As they're packing up. Lisa's leaving Dean's messages on read. She's not answering the phone again. Can't blame her. I wouldn't be either. Sam is just like yes, sorry. That sucks. And then Dean says, Yeah, but you know, at least I can always count on you, bro. Least I can always count on my brother. Or I can I think he asked him. Yeah, but I can always count on you right, bro. seems just like yeah, of course. Bullshit. I was just like, look at DMV, no passive aggressive with his popped collar.


No, yeah.


They get in the Impala and drive away. Wins the confrontation gonna happen. I'm getting mixed. I'm excited for that. Because he knows now it's coming. He's got to I can't imagine Dean's gonna sit on it for very long. You know, it's got to this was written by Breton Matthews and directed by Jan Eliasberg. Think I said that right. All right, so Gore was a lot of blood. Obviously, in this episode. There were a lot of decapitations. We actually got to see Roberts head get slit and then slide and fall off. But I think the glorious thing that happened to this episode was the vomiting. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It was the most dramatic Gore like the little the trashcan like the grossest Yeah. I feel like I've already kind of covered what I adored during my recap, was there anything you adored about this episode? What did you adore? I adored that they acknowledged Oh yeah, grown men going after teenage girls thing is creepy. Yeah, it's pervy It's creepy. It's predator. Like I think Dean even call it rapey at one point like you did i I'm happy that they did that and they did it it wasn't jamming it down your throat but they definitely drove the message home.


Yeah I agree because I there wasn't that much I could sit here and say like I adored


you did a door that shot at the very beginning where it came from the bottom. That's true driver's side of the Impala.


Yeah, I did like that was a really and then I mean, I guess it was kind of I wouldn't say adore but it was funny. This like, references to Twilight and all that. I adored


the scene and the teenage girls bathroom. Yeah, Sam and Dean going through all that. Like I said, Jean, reading from the book and being like, what is this? And just in the background, the screaming password. I thought that scene was really cute. So I wouldn't say I adored the episode overall, but it definitely had a bunch of moments that I enjoyed. Yeah. What about lore, we're


going to be talking about a vampire here. According to a 2013 article from Smithsonian Magazine called a real life Turkish vampire now cured. A man in Turkey recovered from a condition his doctor called Clinical them pyar ism vampirism, I don't know, which was characterized by insatiable cravings for human blood. This man's disease earned him a research paper right up in the Journal of psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics and 20. Yet, in 2011, but following two years of treatment, he's been cured. up I report. Poetry snaps Yeah. Oh, yeah. The vampire cure. All right. Well, in this paper, the man's doctor during the rineke tyrannic. Cicoria? Yeah,


that's right Sure. describes


the case. A 23 year old married male third of six siblings presented with a two year history of addiction to drinking blood. He used to cut his arms, chest and abdomen with razor blades to collect the blood and a cup and to drink it. I mean, I guess. I guess that's nice that he's just drinking his own blood. Yeah, not someone else's. Well, the kind man. The initial interest in drinking his own blood had subsequently turned to that others


spoke to so.


These crises were characterized by a strong urge to drink blood immediately, as urgent as breathing. He enjoyed the smell and taste of blood despite finding this foolish. He also enjoyed biting wounds of others to taste flesh. He was arrested several times I would think so after attacking people by stabbing and biting them with the intention of collecting and drinking their blood. He forced his father to obtain blood from blood banks. Well, that's how you do it. Get resourceful. Okay, stop hurting people.


Can you imagine that you're like, jogging and you fall down and scrape your knee and you roll over and like, ah, and then some man just runs over and like fights it


Yeah. Oh, yeah.


That's when you need me. He also seem to be having schizophrenic like symptoms and suffered from Emmys. Amnesia, amnesia. Amnesia. Amnesia. Okay, thank you. Yeah,


that's right. Okay, clear, but that's how I say the research


paper continues reading much like an excerpt from a horror story. Oh, it gets worse. She was. Okay. Strap it and guys. He stated there are two me's and myself. He reported seeing a tall man with a black coat younger than him and a six to seven year old imaginary companion. The letter forced him to conduct violent acts and suicide dictating jump on him, choke him, kill yourself. Seemingly related to these internal dialogues others observed him talking to himself occasionally, possibly due to switching to another personality state he was losing track during the bloody events, did not care who the victim was anymore and remain remained amnesic to this part of his act. He had recently realized that this imaginary companion resembled his own childhood. He felt himself to be a slave to him. This is


intense dark. This is some of the darkest war we've done. Yeah.


When the patient finally came to the clinic he had lost hope of recovery and made statements such as this mess can end by my death only and God want to rescue me. Eventually schizophrenia and antisocial or borderline personality disorder were rolled out. The doctors arrived at a complex diagnosis of vampire ism dissociative identity disorder the first time they believe these two conditions have occurred simultaneously in a person, major depressive disorder, alcohol abuse and post traumatic stress disorder. The doctors conclude that tragically the PTSD of this patient was reinforced by his own criminal experiences. Luckily for society and for the patient, the bloody cycle has reportedly been broken.


That's it. We don't know why. Then fine. You got that Campbell Soup? Yeah. Well quote to close it out. It's from Dean when they were in the bedroom. Learning about these vampires. These recruiters. Dean said, these aren't vampires. Man. These these are douchebags. Cheers. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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